Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Tradegy in Texas.


Some sad, breaking news is that there is another deadly shooting at a Texas elementary school. At least 19 children including 2 teachers have been killed in Uvalde, which is about 85 miles west of San Antonio, Texas. At least 21 people, including students, were injured, according to authorities. The suspect is dead according to Texas Governor Greg Abbott. The FBI and the ATF are assisting local police with the investigation. The murderer had body armor, and the Border Patrol agents had to go to the school to neutralize the murderer. Most of the people who were killed were minors who didn't have a chance to live a long life. Their lives were extinguished by a ruthless coward. The Texas school district canceled events after the shooting. This tragedy has happened over 60 times last year. We have an increase in such mass shootings since 2010. We have seen a 50 percent of such shootings since last year. This event shows the necessity for solutions. We know what the solutions are (like federal background checks and other policies that the vast majority of Americans support), but extremists have worshiped guns as idols instead of advancing real solutions to help the people of America.

According to the Oxfam report, millions of human beings on Earth face starvation as food giants' profits increase massively. This risk of more starvation comes from historic food price inflation and shortages. The giant companies are very few that dominate food production and distribution. They are gaining massive profits. This report from Oxfam comes during the gathering of the world's economic and financial leaders held in Davos, Switzerland (called the World Economic Forum). The inflationary food crisis came during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has grown by the war happening in Ukraine (after Russia illegally invaded Ukraine). There are about 276 million food-insecure people worldwide according to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Fertilizers and other agricultural inputs have been disrupted. There are 62 new food billionaires being created in the last 2 years. The global food giant Cargill controls more than 70 percent of the global market for agricultural products. Progressive economic solutions are necessary in our times.

The GOP gubernatorial candidate David Perdue made personal attacks against Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. Perdue said that Abrams should go back to where she come from when Abrams lived in Georgia by the time she was in high school. Purdue accused Abrams of hating the state of Georgia too. Abrams wants to radically improve the state of Georgia. This comes after Abrams said that Georgia is the worst state in the country to live because of maternal mortality rates, mental health care, and mass incarceration. She didn't say that she hates the state of Georgia as Purdue claimed. These primaries are historic as we shall see what the future composition of the Congress and other offices will be by November 2022. We live in unique times, and there are many issues that must be discussed. There are topics of the economy, inflation, oil prices, health care, education, etc. Trump has supported many extreme candidates who even discount the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

President Biden has visited Asia for many days. This comes during the continued Ukrainian war. Also, Biden wants to invest in Taiwan. China and America have tensions too over issues of the South China Sea, Taiwan, trade, and other subjects. China is allied with Russia, but China is more strategic in how it conducts it foreign policy actions than Russia. America has a Quadrilateral Security Dialogue among the U.S., Japan, Australia, and India. Biden met with Finnish and Swedish leaders to discuss both nations' plans to join NATO. After that, Biden went to Seoul in South Korea. Beijing at times wanted to be a mediator in the negotiations to end the Ukrainian war conflict. Biden is overt in his agenda to counteract China in Asia. Biden and South Korea's President Yoon Suk-yeol want to continue joint military exercises to grow South Korea's military power. No rational, logical person wants a war with China, but extremists desire that.

Days ago was the Birthday of Brother Avery Sunshine (Denise Nicole White), and she is 47 years old. She is one of the most talented singers of our generation being a singer, songwriter, and pianist. Chester, Pennsylvania is the city of her birth. As a leader of R&B and soul music, people great love her inspirational talent. By the time when she was 8 years old, she played the piano. As a child, Denise White loved to study classical music, read hymns, and use jazz. Sunshine loved to perform in churches of many denominations, including the AME Church. She sang in her high school choir. She graduated with a degree in philosophy in 1998 from Spelman College in Atlanta. DaiseyRew was the gospel and R&B singing duo with Maia Knenge Wilson. They were friends at college. DaisyRew performed in churches and clubs around the country. Avery Sunshine made many soulful songs, loves her 2 children, and loves her husband, guitarist Dana Johnson. I wish Sister Avery Sunshine more Blessings.

By Timothy