Primaries are here, and there is an extremist named Kari Lake of Arizona. Lake claims to be religious and represents God, but she supports Trump unconditionally. Trump is a person who said that he doesn't ask God for forgiveness, who admitted on tape that she grabs women at their private areas, who cursed out peaceful protesters, and is a habitual liar about the 2020 election plus other issues. Therefore, Trump is a person who is the antithetical of someone being moral of righteous. He was involved in a coup d'état against American democracy. Kari Lake is running for the governor of the state of Arizona. Mark Finchem of Arizona also promote election denialism too. Kari Lake is a liar to say in a commercial that the left wants to burn down businesses. Burning down businesses is wrong just like it's wrong for far-right wing terrorism to invade the U.S. Capitol in January 6, 2021.
The massive Kentucky flooding is a product of climate change. The death toll has been at least 28 human beings who lost their lives. This historic flooding harmed eastern Kentucky. Heroes are saving lives too. Waters have caused mudslides and destroyed homes plus other buildings. The damaged areas are mostly isolated rural and coal mining towns. National Guard troops from Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia have made more than 660 air rescues and there have been over 600 water rescues. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is working as hard as he can to try to save lives too. It may be weeks in order for the public to know the total number of lives being lost as a product of the massive flooding. 50 bridges were washed away in Perry County alone. Power and cell phone service are lacking areas. 15 emergency shelters are active. FEMA is providing the state with 18 tractor-trailer truckloads of water, according to the governor. Many people in the region rely on paycheck to paycheck or Social Security checks to survive. This is precisely why I am not a conservative on economic issues. After decades of me living on this Earth, I am progressive on economic issues as the federal government has a role in providing the general welfare to the people.
Many GOP candidates in Arizona promote 2020 election denial. There are also people who express so much election skepticism that some want to promote the lie that dead people are voting. Many of these candidates refuse to concede any race. These extremists are angry that Arizona is a blue state. That is why Congress must pass laws to promote protecting our voting rights against the election denialism common among Trumpists. Now, we have less than 100 days before the end of the 2022 midterm elections. Republicans and Democrats are fighting for House and Senate seats in every level of government. The issues of the day are being debated. Even more extremists are running for office among Republicans like the neo-Confederate Michael Peroutka and Cox of Maryland.
Recently, Biden ordered the drone assassination of al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan. al-Zawahiri was the leader of al-Qaeda who was involved in the assassination of Anwar Sadat (of Egypt), the bombings in Kenya plus Tanzania back in 1998, the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, and the 9/11 attacks. The State Department has warned American citizens overseas to be careful about anti-American attacks. Some called al-Zawahiri as the number two man under Osama bin Laden during 9/11. The U.S. intelligence community said that he was tracked to a safe house in Afghanistan. Also, the attack was done by the CIA using two Hellfire missiles that killed al-Zawahiri on a balcony of the house. Biden approved an attack a week ago. Biden said that justice has been served. This comes in the war in Ukraine, the tensions in China, and other foreign policy crisis.
Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Angell Conwell, and she is 38 years old. Orangeburg, South Carolina was the city of her birth. She is one of the most hardworking actresses of our generation. She was in the CBS Daytime soap opera of The Young and The Restless. People know her from the film Baby Boy in 2001 and playing Vernoica on Bigger. Conwell was the first African American student body president at Seven Oaks Elementary School. She moved into Los Angeles, California. She graduated from Glendale High School. Conwell was a cheerleader and a member of the Student Body Association. By 1994, she was on the show On Our Own. She was on The Parkers, One on One, and Cuts. By 2019, she received the kyes to the City of Columbia, South Carolian by Mayor Steven Benjamin. She won the Pinnacle Film Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2019 for her role in Caretakers. I wish Sister Angell Conwell more Blessings.
By Timothy