There are new details about the Senior FBI official accused of working for a Russian oligarch that he was investigating. If this is true, then that person did treason. Charles McGonigal is charged with lying to the FBI on official paperwork and taking money to work for Deripaska. Deripaska is joined by Vladimir Putin according to sources. The Senate Intelligence Community says that Oleg Deripaska does interest policies to promote Putin's agenda in America. Robert Meuller did his investigation that proved ties between some members of the Trump administration and many Russian pro-Putin leaders. McGonigal's ex-girlfriend said that he brought a second iPhone to use almost exclusively for Whatsapp. McGonigal was a high-level FBI member. Many red flags are involved with this person's actions. Corruption is found in many places of society. We have to wait and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
There is a huge contrast between Biden's State of the Union speech and the GOP response shown by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. While Sarah Huckabee Sanders spewed fear-mongering and hate, President Biden spoke about making solutions to dealing with our economy, healthcare, environment, and other facets of our society. While some in the GOP refuse to support gun control legislation, Biden wants a ban on assault weapons. The economy isn't perfect, but we are in better shape economically than in 2020. For example, there are 517,000 jobs being created in January 2023. The unemployment rate is 3.4 percent being the lowest since 1969. Biden saw the creation of 12.1 million jobs in 2 years. There are new 880,000 manufacturing jobs. Real wages are rising. Inflation is down 6 months in a row, and gas prices have been decreasing since last year. These are facts. The high-tech revival from the Chips Act will help tons of Americans too.
I always research new information on my family tree. In my DNA matches, I found a paternal distant relative whose username was "gburton19." I didn't know who this human being is for months. Now, I do. He is my paternal third cousin Guiseppi T. Burton who was born in April of 1957. We share the same ancestor of Johnson Brickhouse (b. 1826) or my 3rd great-grandfather. His parents were Benjamin Brickhouse II (1791-1878) and Eliza Collins (b. 1805). Johnson Brickhouse married Julia Perkins (b. 1835). Their children are Virginia Brickhouse (b. 1855), Ann Eliza Brickhouse (1857-1921), John Lee Brickhouse (b. 1858), Esther Brickhouse Bailey (1862-1955), Martha Brickhouse (b. 1867), and Maggie Brickhouse (b. 1871). My 2nd great grandaunt Ann Eliza Brickhouse married James Kelly first (he was born in 1848). Her 2nd husband was James Burton (1848-1931). James Burton and Ann Eliza Brickhouse had many children, and one of their children was Henry Burton (b. 1884). Harry Burton married Cordie Ayers (b. 1888) as his first wife, and later he married Essie Rogers (1890-1950) as his 2nd wife. Harry Burton and Essie Rogers had the following children of: Henry Burton Jr. (b. 1916), Langstone Burton (b. 1916), Clifton Burton (b. 1919), Frezel Burton (1920-1996), Tyson Burton (1922-1999), Welton Burton (b. 1924), Louise Burton (1924-2013), and Ernest Burton (1927-1999). My 2nd cousin Frezel Burton married Ruth Little May Hargrow at first. Later, he married Dorothy H. Horsley (1927-2015) in June 1955 in West Cape May, New Jersey. Frezel and Dorothy Burton's children are Frezel H. Burton Jr. (b. 1956), Giuseppi T. Burton (b. 1957), James F. Burton Sr. (b. 1959), Lynette Elcille Burton (b. 1968), Henry T. Burton, and Tina Burton Bowser. My 3rd cousin Frezel H. Burton Jr. married Lisa A. Sullivan on July 22, 1989, in Cape May, New Jersey. Their children are Frezel H. Burton III (b. 1987) and Jazzmen Burton (their daughter who was born in 1989).
By Timothy