Thursday, October 05, 2006

2tuff on the Jesuits in October


You've not been reading carefully my friend! It is not the Jesuits which have been infiltrated by Satanists as you call them, its the Vatican which Malachi and others have talked about. Now in reality the Vatican has always been a follower of Satan or SATURN as you might be aware of or not but Italy was actually known as Saturnia. Saturn was the God of the Romans by the way! Satan is the Planet Saturn and this is why its always associated with the 666 mark of the beast and not Lucifer which is Venus. So my friend what Malachi was hinting to you is that the Jesuit Order is the Satanic ruling force of the Vatican. Others openly come out with whilst others get close but don't go the whole mile for obvious reasons. The Jesuit Order are actually the Black Brotherhood who follow the purest form of the Ancient Babylonian Mysteries Religion. The Jesuit Order detest the church, christianity and CATHOLISM. Its a pure front them being associated with Catholism and the perfect veil. They detest the State, Church and us all. Their agenda is to destroy all the religions especially Christianity which they see as a pervert version of their Mysteries. They're doing this right now with the World Council of Churchs.

The idea is to join the religions over a period of time then destroy the lot for a new one world religion already created by high vow Jesuits rumoured to be coming out of Colorado but I have no proof of the location. This new religion is based upon the purest Mysteries religion and will be known to most as Zionism or Sionism and has nothing to do specifically to do with Masonic Labor Zionist Jews who are fully controlled by the Gentile powerhouses of the Jesuit Order, SMOM & Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Remember Scottish Rite control all the Jewish groups and even their hierachy in the highest levels of B'nai B'rith which come within the group known as the Order of Illuminati. The Vatican became well aware of the evils of the Jesuit Order many moons ago and tried to do something about it. I suggest you study the history properly of the Vatican and Jesuit relationship. You will notice that since the 1970s the Vatican has really took a pounding from the Jesuit Order where by the Jesuit influence really shines all of a sudden which is something Malachi talked about. By the way Malachi was a temporal coadjutor till the day he died. The real EX-Jesuit who was for real and not a temporal coadjutor was EX-4th Vow Jesuit Alberto Rivera whos been so deeply attacked and smeared. Now compare the attacks against Rivera with the almost non attacks against Malachi. Rivera gave us great insight into the Order.




The East India Company was one of the more notable of these elite controlled trading companies. These trading companies tie in with the occult world’s leadership and the formation of drug cartels during the age of discovery. The 13 Illuminati families were participants in the narcotics cartel that was set up clear back before the United States became a nation. The roots of the cartels, go back to Knights Templars, the Knights of Malta and some of the Italian oligarchies who had been involved in narcotics trade for centuries. That drug cartel has continued down through the centuries. I.G. Farben has been a 20th century part of the German element of the cartel. - Bloodlines of the Illuminati- Chapter: Krupp- By Fritz Sprinmeier


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