Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Honor and Imagination

Controversy is apart of life in many aspects. Tons of folks, talk about the Election during November 7th, 2006. No one knows what the future holds. Yet, the media consensus decrees that the Democrats will achieve massive gains in the House and the Senate. I just heard of the ad talking about the Tennessee Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr. The ad was offensive in it protrayed a naked woman and other people mocking the man (implying that Ford was a womanizing moral degenerate). Ford's opponent John Cocker, publiclly condemned the commercial and wants it gone from the airwaves. Ken Melman (Chairman of the RNC) supported it as he was interviewed by Tim Russert. Some have cited racial overtones, because a blonde haired white woman is inviting Ford Jr. for sex in the commerical. My feeling is that if you want to vote, vote. If you don't desire to vote, you have a right to note vote. If you do vote, decide who is the best man or woman, regardless of who it is. I still acquire an indepedent mind. So, I'm not into the politics of George Soros (who endorses even partial birth abortion, is a CFR member, and agrees with a one world government) or George W. Bush. Personally, it's bigger than these 2 people. I'm about about the problems in Iraq and international sex trafficking. I hate and firmly disagree with abortion, but alternative energy (plus organic foods) are good means in developing society for the future. Therefore, my mind is expanding into a wide spectrum of subjects. One word that I reject is compromise of core covictions. Compromise for compromise sake rings as common goal according to some. Although, compromising your core ideals is a betrayal of your being. The reason is that of course we must strive to be meek (and accomodating on some issues). On the other hand, we must never relinquish our core foundation views for if you can't stand on anything, you'll fall for anything. It's idoitic to compromise on the immorality of Jim Crow (plus lynching and the anti-gun Black Codes) and it's also idoitic to compromise on religious liberty threats. That's why everyone should be active in their own communities (regardless of waht political or religious point of view that you hold). It's good to see commercials from the Discovery Health channel disccusing about families with their children cured of diseases by cord blood cells.

Michael J. Fox recently spoke in 2 ads trying to legalize embryonic stem cell reserach in Missouri and across the nation. I would say that Rush Limbaugh was wrong to mock Fox and say that he was acting. That was innappropriate and even Rush backtracked. Now, disagree with Fox because embryonic stem cell research involve the killing of human life (i.e. the embryo) as proven by many mainstream scientists. Adult Stem cells have worked in many affairs. Studies have shown that embryonic stem cells have called tumors (as recorded in a new study by Steven Goldman and colleagues at the University of Rochester Medical Center) and other problems. Michael J. Fox wants Missouri to pass Amendment 2 to have embryonic stem cell research and human cloning. The good news is that polls have the public's support decreasing for Amendment 2. According to a new Survey USA poll released Tuesday, just 45 percent of Missouri voters say they plan to vote for Amendment 2 (that's down from 57% in October 12 Survey USA poll). I'm Pro-Life and the Pro-Life Movement is still strong. You have pro-abortion radicals vandalizing a sign saying "Vote Yes for Life on 6." Then you have this coward Michael (who allowed his own wife Terri Schavio to starve to death by dehydration. This was against Florida Statues 765.309, 458.326 , etc. (and the Geneva Convention) to intentionally starve to death an innocent woman like Terri Schiavo) trying to intimidate pro-life Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave. The reason is that Michael said she voted for the federal court to review the Schiavo case. This liar Michael yelled about personal decisions, yet murder is not a real person decision. Murder by starvation isn't a real personal decision, but a harsh criminal act. There's a difference. This is a spiritual and moral battle as well. Radical secular humanists are just as much a threat as the New Age Movement (whose ultimate goal is to homogenize or merge the world's religions into one religious outlook. Jesuit Pierre de Chardin and Shirley MacLaine advocate these tenets even Gloria Steniem).

JAKE TAPPER and REBECCA ABRAHAMS writing for ABC on October 24, 2006 describe voting possible hacking in Chicago. Bob Wilson, an official with the Illinois Ballot Integrity Project (a non-partisan civic group), claim that he hacked into the Chicago voting system. That database includes personal information for an estimated 1.35 million voters. It doesn't take a rocket scientists to comprehend that voting computer troubles are abundant in America. There are little paper trails and many of these electronic voting systems are still easily hackable. Activists have pointed the voting problems out for a number of years. New research found that men who utilized cell phones for 4 or more hours a day have a risk for infertility among men. This is yet another example of the danger of cell phone usage. Cell phones are like microwaves and they heat up the brain. Scientific studies have proven these side effects. Fear is a tactic done by governments for centuries. Even networks like CNN and FOX hype up fear like a phony NFL stadiums terror threat or a nuclear device blowing up to scare people. Connections from the past is definitely a key into unlocking the future. You have St. John Philby (who wanted Arabic people to end the Ottoman Empire. John Philby endorsed the rule of Ibn Saud. On January 10, 1926 Ibn Saud was proclaimed King of the Hejaz in the Great Mosque at Mecca. His son was Kim Philby who was a British Knight of Malta and was a double agent for the Soviets) involved in creating Saudi Arabia and then the Wahhabis rised up to another level. The only fear we should have is the fear of God. Other than that, people should hate fear. I'm not going to spew paranoid nonesense, arrogance toward people, or condension. I'm going to write about the facts, inspiring people, and real liberty.

Now, I heard stuff about Group Think. First off, I never followed group think. I'm my own man. On occassion, I've criticized some in the "Patriot" Movement. Yet, I don't make it an obsession and unfairly demonize folks like some other so-called "Patriots" like Daryl Bradford Smith and WINGTV. Now, Bush and his administration met with many radio hosts (like Hannity, Medved, Galagher, Ingraham, etc.) in trying to promote the White House agenda. That's real group think. I always expose parties involved in the new world order and globalization like high level Freemasonry (famous members are 33° Freemason Robert Byrd, 33° John Glenn, Charles Kimball {past director of the World Council of Churches and a "Baptist" preacher}, the late 33° Freemason Armaud Hammer {an international banker who built up the Soviet Union}, the late 13th degree Freemason Robert C. Flecther [one of the founders of Rotary International], Prince Philip, King Hussein of Jordan {who shoke hands in a Masonic handshake with "Brother?" Ehud Barak. Although, I disagree with Texe Marrs' premise that the Jewish people rule the world}), the Pilgrim Society, Knights of Malta (living members are Alexander Haig, Phyllis Schaffly, Juan Carlos, Thomas Monaghan [who owns Domino Pizza], Geoffrey T Boisi [a Trustee of the Carnegie Corporation of New York and a chairman and senior partner of Roundtable Investment Partners LLC], and tons of others), etc. Citing an ambigious group that's unknown to describe the real parties ruling most of the geo-policies of the world isn't my thing. I always name names in my approach in exposing evil and advocating solutions to problems. Many talk about Keith Olbermann from MSNBC. Keith is telling the truth about fearmongering, the problems with the anti-habeas corpus law of Military Commissions Act of 2006, and other vital issues of this country. He's difference from Bill O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly said that he want those in Gitmo to be executed, busy equating 911 Truthers with terrorists and Bill O'Reilly said that he would like to blow up bloggers with hand grenades. The Carlyle Group (one big faction in the military industrial complex) is trying to buy up newspaper. The U.S. also had wargames off (using large ships) the Persian Gulf near Iran. Some are concerned that this may lead to a provocation for war. I will still try to have honor and possess imagination. Real issues from the American Union (now with planning a NAFTA Superhighway), the danger of aspartame, private property rights, the Federal Reserve, opposing & exposing the new world order, respecting the 2nd Amendment, making known the problems with the Iraq War, etc. will be shown by me.

By Timothy

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