Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Extra Words


Dear Brother Eric,

John Dear S.J. is to the present Papal Crusade in Iraq what Jesuit Richard McSorley was to Cardinal Spelly's Papal War in Vietnam against the anti-Jesuit Buddhists. My comments are in brackets. Enjoy brother [and all on The Unhived Mind]Brother Nicholas N. Rivera“Peace on Earth” Means “No More War”By John Dear12/25/05 -- The story goes that when the nonviolent Jesus [Dear's Jesus is not the Jesus Christ of the AV1611 Reformation Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ rebuked His enemies and He entered the temple of God and cast out those who bought and sold in the temple and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers. (Mark 11:15-17, Matt.21-12-13)] was born into abject poverty to homeless refugees on the outskirts of a brutal empire, angels appeared in the sky to impoverished shepherds singing, “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth!” That child grew up to become, in Gandhi’s words, “the greatest nonviolent resister in the history of the world,” and was subsequently executed by the empire for his insistence on justice.This weekend, as tens of millions of Christians across the country celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, the U.S. wages war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia and elsewhere; crushes the hungry, homeless, elderly, imprisoned and refugee; and maintains the world’s ultimate terrorist threat--its nuclear arsenal. [The Order created the Cold War/Airborne Nuclear War hoax and it continues to milk the false threat in order to disarm the nations]Like Herod, Pilate and their soldiers, we have rejected the angels’ call for “peace on earth.” When Bush, Cheney, [Jesuit-trained Georgetown Law Center dropout in the post I sent to Brother Eric I incorrectly said Rumsfeld was a Fordham dropout] Rumsfeld and their warmaking supporters celebrate Christmas, they mock Christ and his steadfast nonviolence, and carry on the massacre of the innocents.If the angels are correct, then Christmas requires us to welcome God’s gift of peace on earth [For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Peace with God is only possible through His sovereign grace.

Peace on earth will not come and is not possible any time before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to rule and reign for a thousand years. There will be a counterfeit temporary covenant which will be confirmed for one week (7 years) by the Pope-the final one who will become the beast following his satanic resurrection according to Rev. 13 and Rev. 17:8. The Lord Jesus said in His prayer to the Father "I pray not for the world"] In such a time, that means we have to work for an end to war [mankind cannot end war only the true Lord Jesus Christ can and will] [I forgot to include these comments in this paragraph my email to Brother Eric]. Christmas calls us to become like Christ--people of active, creative, steadfast nonviolence who give our lives in resistance to empire and war.In pursuit of this Christmas gift, a group of us [Jesuits] met this week with [Roman Catholic and member of the Order's Bilderberg Group] Bill Richardson, the Governor of New Mexico, and asked him to dismantle our [the Jesuit Order owns them] nuclear weapons and disarm Los Alamos, the birthplace of the bomb. In this day and age, it is surprising that any elected official would meet and listen to anti-war activists. Yet Richardson asked to begin a public dialogue with us about nuclear disarmament. We take this as a sign of hope, even as we continue our protests [agitations] at Los Alamos.When [Hindu] Gandhi was asked one Christmas day for his thoughts about Christmas, he spoke about the connection between the wood of the crib--Christ’s poverty--and the wood of the cross--Christ’s nonviolent resistance to evil. He said Christmas summons us to the same lifelong nonviolence. It has social, economic, and political implications. I think, like Gandhi, that we have to make those connections and pursue those implications.

Here are a few of them.First, Christmas celebrates the birth of a life of perfect nonviolence and calls us to become people of active nonviolence. Christmas invites us to practice the vulnerable, disarming [great emphasis on disarmament because the Order has planned a massive invasion of the West Coast and South]simplicity of children, to live the disarmed life in solidarity with the children of the world, and to spend our lives in resistance to empire. It summons us to study, teach, practice and experiment with creative nonviolence that we too might live the life of nonviolence which Jesus exemplified so that one day peace might reign one earth.Second, Christmas demonstrates that God sides with the poor, becomes one with the poor, and walks among the poor. God does not side with the rulers, the rich or the powerful, but with the homeless, the hungry and the refugees. Christmas puts poverty front and center and demands that we work to abolish poverty [by destroying the middle class and reducing every ma, woman, and child to the status of an abject slave and serf to the Papal Caesar] itself so that every human being has food, clothing, housing, healthcare, education, employment and a lifetime of peace.[In other words, a global absolutist government where there is no private property and all depend on the Jesuits' Vatican for all of their needs like the monks of medieval Europe under the Benedictine Rule were only allowed to have what their abbot issued and nothing else.]Third, since Christmas illustrates how God sides with the poor in order to liberate the oppressed from poverty and injustice, it calls us to reject greed, give away our money and possessions to those in need, and also live in solidarity with the disenfranchised. [The disenfranchised are so because of the Order's corporate fascist Fourteenth Amendment American Empire and the military-industrial complex controlled by the Order through the SMOM and high-level Freemasonry both subordinate to Black Pope Kolvenbach.]Fourth, Christmas pushes us to stand on the margins of society, where we will find God [The Jesuits are animists and pantheists especially the Professed of the Fourth Vow believing that God is in all things-all things- including assassination, corporate fascism, absolutism, genocide, bloody, deadly crusades worldwide against all who resist them. The Order engineered the created tsunami with an underwater hydrogen bomb blast last year in Southwest Asia (months later a real earthquake of the same magnitude epicentered in Aceh Banda where the reported "earthquake" occurred last December did not result in a tsunami. This is proof by the providence of God that shows the Dec. 26 2004 tsunami was planned and created. Hurricane Katrina was created through the Order's HAARP weather control and manipulation to weaken the coast of the Gulf of Mexico to facilitate the South American/Cuban/Muslim invasion from Cuba and Mexico.]Christmas announces that every human being is a beloved son and daughter of the God of love. [The earthly gods of the Jesuits are the Papal Caesar and the Black Pope. The high-level Jesuits worship Lucifer. The god Jesuit Dear is talking about is not the God of the Bible but a counterfeit universal god-Lucifer because the majority of mankind does not believe the gospel of the grace of God because they were not given the gift of faith from God to believe on His Son. God loves His elect those whom he chose before the foundation of the world and predestinated to be adopted into His family and to be conformed into the image of His Son.]

Every human life is beautiful in the eyes of God, since God has become one of us. From now on, we reject exclusivity, racism, sexism, and discrimination of any kind, and embrace everyone as equal [universal equality-the principle of the Jesuit-ruled socialist-communist Paraguayan reductions] We stand on the margins with the excluded, the marginalized, the outsiders and outcasts. From there, we envision a new reconciled humanity. [Reconciled to whom? The Antichrist (the Pope) and the dynasty of the Antichrist-the papacy]Fifth, as Gandhi pointed out, there is a straight line from the crib to the cross. Christ practiced steadfast nonviolent resistance to imperial injustice and was brutally executed. That bloody outcome is crucial to the story, and calls us to work for the abolition of the death penalty [The Order advocates allowing all incarcerated criminals suffrage so the Jesuit "chaplains" could convert them to Romanism and so the Fourteenth Amendment American Empire will be overrun with released criminals resulting in rapes, miscegenation, riots and even more centralization of power in Washington] so that Christ will never be crucified again [The Christ of Romanism is sacrificed repeatedly everytime the bloody perversion of the Mass and devotion of the Romanist flesh-pots (as reformer Ulrich Zwingli rightly called them) to the Egyptian sun god Horus called the Eucharist] and the killing stops once and for all.Sixth, since the birth of Christ means that every human life is beloved by God, that all human beings are God’s children [this is a lie and Jesuit Dear is calling God a liar and his AV1611 Reformation Bible a lie], we have to treat every human being on the planet as our very own sister and brother which means we must oppose war and work for the abolition of war itself [Jesuits and all Romanists in accordance with Catholic Canon Law are amillennialists. They subtract from the word of God which says "And he (Jesus Christ) shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people" this is the prerequisite before " and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3]. In particular, we denounce Bush’s war on Iraq, demand that the troops return home, and call for reparations and nonviolent solutions to the horrors we [The Company] have brought upon the people of the Middle East.Seventh, if the angels celebrate the coming of “peace on earth,” that means they are environmentalists [Dear is a New Ager, an earth/Gaia worshipping New Age Jesuit just as Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin was being the father of the New Age Movement.] We too have to protect the earth, oppose its destruction, defend God’s creatures and the universe, and help make the earth a place of peace for every life form.Eighth, Christmas means working for the abolition of nuclear weapons. These weapons are idolatrous and blasphemous. Their very existence insults the God of peace and mocks the nonviolent Jesus [another Jesus].

We can’t celebrate Christmas and at the same time work at Los Alamos, Livermore Labs, the Nevada Test Site, or the Pentagon, or be silent while this work goes on We must reject this love or death and destruction, and pursue life, the God of life, and a new world [order or new age-a Dark Age worldwide not just throughout Europe as it was centuries ago.] without nuclear weapons.Ninth, Christmas calls us individually to prepare for the gift of peace on earth. It invites us to welcome peace in our hearts and our personal lives, and learn to be at peace [not God's peace from the Biblical Jesus Christ but the counterfeit and temporary peace of the world from the god of this world-Satan] with ourselves, with God, with our families, friends, neighbors, and local communities, and with the whole world. [The Jesuits are the masters of the Masonic New Age Movement.]Finally, Christmas invites us to be human in an inhuman time. The scandal [There is no scandal connected with the First Coming of Christ to this earth] of the story is that God wants to become human and show us how to be human. We [Jesuit Dear is referring to the Order secretly but the non-discerning reader will think he is speaking of the human race], on the other hand, want to play God, to be powerful, in charge, in control, to dominate the world. [Is this not what the Luciferian Company of "Jesus" (Satan) wants and to a great extent has already has?] Perhaps the best way to celebrate Christmas and welcome the beautiful gift of peace on earth is simply to be human, despite the callous inhumanity around us, and to trust that our modest, vulnerable humanity--our nonviolence, compassion and love--like the humanity of the child in the crib, will one day bear good fruit and sow the seeds of peace on earth. [Jesuit Dear's view of mankind is positive but the Bible, the word of God says that mankind is fallen and incapable of making peace because he is totally depraved , fallen and dead in trespasses and sins.

Only the Prince of Peace the Lord Jesus Christ can bring what this deluded Jesuit and the hellish, deceived Company believe they can usher in for the Papal Antichrist. The Jesuit approach to world peace is unbiblical and embraces sinful humanity. It is a sin-accepting and sin-loving global fascist socialist-communist absolutist dictatorship headed by the Papal Caesar openly and controlled behind-the-scenes by his master the Black Pope.]John Dear is a Jesuit priest, peace activist, and the author/editor of 20 books on peace and nonviolence, including most recently “The Questions of Jesus” and “Living Peace,” both published by Doubleday. He is the coordinator of Pax Christi New Mexico. For information, see: and

Alexandra: Ever read Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle"? It's a muckraking book, tells about the horrors of the Chicago meatpacking industry 100 years ago--and it promotes Socialism.In the book one of the speakers claims that Jesus was a Socialist.

AVBibleBeliever: I've never read it entirely but I think I remember someone telling Jurgis that Jesus Christ was a socialist when I read portions of it in high school. Upton Sinclair obviously did not know the connection between the Jesuit Order and socialism or maybe he did.I googled Upton Sinclair+Jesuits just to see if there is a connection. Sinclair in his "Profits of Religion" mentions the Jesuits a few times. Here is the link to the cached webpage with the words Upton, Sinclair, and Jesuits highlighted (it may or not work)-if not just google the aforementioned words using your browser.

-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera

Mark Brewer: The real reason, behind all other reasons, that the Jesuits are always pushing "nonviolence" and ending the death penalty is because they do not want the death penalty used against them by the people they have committed crimes against!

Alexandra: That makes sense. I'd always wondered why the Catholic church was against the death penalty--what you say makes perfect sense.

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