Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Great Oppurtunities

Over the course of the past 2 years, there has been an increase of beef within the Patriot community. Name-calling, lies, deciet, and compromise have been typical in many circles. As for me, I will show my disagreement with certain characters claiming to be in the "Patriot" crowd. Yet, I won't personally hate on any man or woman. I'm going to continue to expose the truth. Now, I will expose real globalists like Ted Turner and George Soros. Each of these men want a "one world" outlook for our planet, open borders, and radical liberal policies. Their agendas are rampaging across America. That's totally against the honorable Judeo-Christian ethic, becasue that ethic embraces nationalism, individualism, and an acceptabance of moral absolutes. One of themost disgusting stuff I've seen on TV was MS. Magazine bragging about women's abortions. First, abortion is murder by destroying the unborn human being's life (proven by its DNA, growth, brain waves [scientists found "the very first neurons" in 31-day old embryos.This was reported in Science Daily], and movement).

Side effects are commonplace as a result of abortion. Abortion causes sterility in 2-5% of the women who have an abortion (according to Ramah International). Options are avaliable to not do abortion like adoption, conselling, etc. A man (not only a woman) was also involved in the creation of a child, so a man should fight for the babies' life as much as a woman should. Not ot mention that tons of women have regretted their abortions. Abortion or "privacy rights" are never mentioned in the Constitution or the Bill of Rgithts. I will keep my mouth open to expose this babykilling Holocaust. Yuan Weijing, the wife of blind activist Chen Guangcheng, was jailed by the Chinese for rightfully exposing forced abortion in China. A group called Silent No More (with people like Dr. Martin Luther King's relative Alveta King) oppose abortion and regretted their abortions. North Korea ia still agitating the world community. Kim Jong Il claimed that he tested one nuclear weapon. Kim Jong Il has threaten America with a war if they pressure him too much instead of stationary negiotation. A military invasion is rejected by the Bush administration. The solution can't be the same policies before, because North Korea continued forward with their basic aggression in the Asian region. My generation experienced a lot of changes plus events from 9/11, Foley, and to the religious experiences of people from all over the globe.

Lester Haines from The Register on October 11, 2006 wrote about a key issue. Haines wrote that Yahoo IM could be possibly blocking URLs for Youtube. This is part of the grave situation of censorship on the Internet. Yahoo isn't just possibly involved with this. Google has also been caught blocking out certain videos like "Terrorstorm." Google claims that it was an accident. Remember that Google has worked with China in censoring sites in the country of China as well. This censorship is wrong, because people have a right to expose what they want to show on the Internet (with basic exceptions of course). Now, they seem to target those who talk about the new world order or global government. Google's $1.65 billion acquisition of You Tube could raise the risk of Youtube videos being censorsed. USA TODAY on October 9, 2006 had a piece of prose written by Greg Toppo. It dealt with the point on the increase of school security services. It's very ironic that in the past 10 years, tons of schools are more high tech than ever with cameras, armed police officers, ID cards (Spring Independent School District in suburban Houston for their students to use ID tags just to go on school buses. That school has almost 1,000 cameras alone), and metal detectors. Still, shooting occur, so to me this involves more than a simple technology solution or a gun issue. Our schools are turning into prisons and Big Brother overload locations.

Crooks And Liars on October 11, 2006 mentioned Keith Olbermann's monologues. Keith is right that our civil liberties are threatened and the Republican leadership have made errors. Even real conservatives have talked about this. Keith said that the proposed Military Commissions Act of 2006 restrict habaes corpus rights among American citizens. Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the L.A. Times wrote that this bill denotes American citizens possibly as enemy combatants to be got and detained without habeas corpus protections. There is an interesting article about the deaths caused by psychiatric drugs. It's a billion dollar business, yet real alternative medicine like irradition, fruits, Vitamin C, etc. are not discussed much into the mainstream media.

The situation is that good people have always existed in America then and now. It's just that various secret societies and geo political groups want to create "world democracy" and to confederate the globe. For example, Skulls and Bonesman George W. Bush said on his Second Inaugural Address on January 20, 2005 that he was fulfilling an "Ancient Hope" that must be fulfilled. Also, he said that he wanted a "new order of the ages." Bush before 2005 have talked about a democratic revolution. As many know, our nation was created a democracy (which is nothing more than mob rule or the majority rules at every circumstance politically). I respect Cutting Edge Ministries with Christian Pinto and other making a film about the "New Atlantis" plan formulated by Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon (who was into the Kabbala and a friend of the magician Dr. John Dee) was a genius, but he promoted an impossible, utopian society since mankind can never reach true perfection while he or she is living on this Earth. A perfect society has never transpired in human history after the Fall of Man.

They are about to send a film called "Riddles In Stone: Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C." In essence, from the literature from the Jesuits (with big involvement in the building of Washington D.C. with the Caroll Family, etc. That was written about by Eric Jon Phelps, John Daniel, and Saussy. General Lafeyette warned Americans that the Jesuits were trying to infiltrate the American government and that the Jesuits instigated wars in Europe. That's one of the reasons why the Pope banished them in 1773), the Freemasons, etc. they certainly want a possible rebuilding of the city of Babylon in Iraq,
a rebuilding of Solomon's Temple [one of the apex of the agenda of Freemasonry], and an one world religious atmosphere (that's why people like Peres advocate internationalizing Jerusalem or making Jerusalem a world capital). The Youtube video above is from Stan Jones. I don't agree with everything involving libertarianism, but Stan was correct to talk about that the American Union is wrong threatening to ruin our soveriengity and trying to form
one regional currency called the amero. Things have been so bad that some students have been brainwashed in trying to support the American Union. Stan talked about Communism and yes Communism is a wicked, immoral system. Stan Jones probably doesn't realize that American and European industries (filled with Knights of Malta, high level Masons, Skulls and Bones, etc.) built up the Communism system in Russia (whose famous dictator was Jesuit trained Joseph Stalin). Communism isn't the whole NWO system, but a controlled faction of it. Great oppurtunities are ever flowing for us to take it.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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