Tuesday, October 03, 2006

John Conner is back

From http://www.theresistancemanifesto.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1720

John Conner: thats right folks we are back and with more bandwith than ever. this winter i'm going to turn it up a notch, and really bring some heat to the mockingbirds. sorry i haven't been posting too many new calls lately, i've been busy, and at the beach where i do my reading and research on the illuminati. I read almost all the books i have on my list while sitting in my chair listening to the waves and letting the Holy Spirit guide my mind while facing the evils of the nwo. this winter i'll be posting some new calls. Rush Bimbo is on the call list and so is Glen Beck and others.

websuspect: When I started poking fun on him a while back Alex Came back on air said he got arrested for percocets at the airport. For those that dont know, and dont live near the drug capitol of the world, percocets are opiates. They are time based but people bypass that by chewing them and also they can be crushed or snorted.

mpey: Did you see where Bill O'Reilly revealed his idea that people were out to get Lush Limpbaugh (as Jack Blood calls him)? I thought we were supposed to be the conspiracy theorists.

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