Thursday, October 12, 2006

South Park Episode Equates 9/11 Truth with Anti-Semitism, Numerology and Cartman


South Park Episode Equates 9/11 Truth with Anti-Semitism, Numerology and Cartman

Cartoon jabs at 'retarded' public, Charlie Sheen, citing Bush incompetence

Aaron Dykes/ October 11, 2006

The popular cartoon South Park launched a 9/11 hit piece, claiming that the "one-fourth" of Americans who believe the attacks were an inside job are "retards." The episode equates the 9/11 truth movement with anti-semitism, a pointless and insignificant investigation into the misuse of a bathroom, numerology, and the selfish, racist, spoiled and more-or-less evil show character Cartman, who frequently attacks the character Kyle for transgressions he blames on Jews.

By the end, though, the 9/11 conspiracy that the government perpetrated 9/11 is itself a government conspiracy. In the episode, Bush and his administration want people to believe that the government is all-powerful and could achieve absolutely anything. South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone let the scene go over-the-top on purpose to play up the irony of Bush's known incompetence.
Here's a brief summation of the distorted and simplified view that South Park portrayed about the 9/11 truth movement:
- Cartman (and subsequently the episode) refer to a poll where "one-fourth" of Americans suspect the government did 9/11. However, the Scripps-Howard poll taken in late July 2006 shows that a full 36% of Americans polled suspect the government perpetrated the September 11th attack or took no action.

Additionally, the Zogby Poll conducted in May 2006 showed that 70 million American adults support a new investigation of 9/11. South Park not only under represented the polling numbers, but labeled that population representation as "retarded."

-The show did not challenge any of the claims made by various members of the 9/11 truth movement (though they did present various elements in an mixed, but un clarified blanket theory which poorly represented serious points and research explored). It mentioned that steel couldn't be melted by the jet fuel fires, but connected it with blame for the Jews, allowing for a continuation of Cartman attacking Kyle and the Jewish faith.
The attempt to link 9/11 Truth with anti-semitism is fallacious, as most people who believe 9/11 was an inside job blame the Bush administration. Alex Jones estimates that approximately 10-15% of that group "blames the Jews." The media continually tries to link 9/11 Truth with anti-semitism without basis.
-During the segment featuring a researcher, the show portrays the political dissident as a crazed, paranoid person who would even possess anthrax-- 9/11 Truthers are "nut jobs" nearly equivalent with terrorists.

-But the overriding message here is a continuation of the Bush incompetence theory. South Park makes clear that 9/11 was perpetrated by "pissed off Arabs" and that only a "retard" would think the government is capable of carrying this out.
Excuse me? Nineteen people in a cave could make NORAD stand-down, fly Cessna planes and otherwise catch an elaborate and leading intelligence network off-guard, but the government could not because Bush is a moron?
Clearly, this case, however valid, does not address the Norman Mineta testimony from the 9/11 Commission hearings that has an aide asking Dick Cheney if the "order still stands" as the planes approach their targets. According to testimony, Cheney tells the aide, "Of course the order still stands. Have you heard any different?"
-The episode refers to documents that civilians can't know about, but declassified documents like Operation Northwoods are available publicly and clearly shows that governments at least consider creating provocations and carrying out false-flag operations.

The South Park episode shows that 9/11 Truth has grown so large that it must be acknowledged and dealt with. The episode belittles 9/11 Truth, but does give it high-profile television time. But this exposure comes at the expense of a highly-influenced audience-- some of which may be neutral to 9/11 issues-- now thinking of 9/11 Truth dismissively.
I suspect the South Park crowd has number of people who are otherwise unaware, undecided and even uncaring of 9/11 issues who are highly influenced by the rationale episodically reiterated by the each show to its willingly-ignorant audience. South Park are regular distributors of condensed, semi-informed opinions on topics that are more comfortable when remote and unexplored.

The show's creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, can't explain points they were willing to bring up in the episode, but not willing to study, including factoids about steel's tendency not to melt or scientifically-based theorems regarding controlled demolition in the Twin Towers. They won't bring up the Project for a New American Century or NORAD standing down automatic air defenses.
They prefer to keep things at the superficial seams-- the fourth of Americans who believe this stuff are "retards"; the government is too incompetent to have executed this plan; only a "retard" would believe that anyone other than "pissed off" Arabs carried out 9/11; 9/11 conspiracy nuts blame Jews/ blaming Jews is racist and wrong/Shut up, already, etc.
This compares with the treatment of global politics, rogue nations and partisan views on policy Stone and Parker presented in Team America: World Police, a live-action puppetry film that has American Special Forces Troops pitted against North Korea's insane and lonely dictator, Kim Jong Il.
The tongue-in-cheek film is certainly intelligent enough to consider real factors-- the pax America terms in globalism via the United States. But it dismisses the bulk of emperical sins as something like 'necessary roughness' in a vulgar but figuratively pointant summation speech about the three roles playing out in the scenario: (VIDEO BACKUP)

Arguing for a sort of practical defaulting to the United States as the relative good holds some validity, but again supports attitudes of willful ignorance, laissez faire citizen roles and a simplistic and faulty faith in the United States' being a force for progress of any kind. However, that relativism isn't even accurate in light of the Bush administration condoning torture, declaring Bush above the law and superceding the Constitution with bullied legislation. Does that sad version of the United States still hold as the relative moral superior?

Bush's incompetence has very little bearing on supposed failure in Iraq when the plan is to build permanent bases, stay for a decade or longer and use the divided country as a base of operations for other regional conflicts in the PNAC planned multi-theater war ("Rebuilding America's Defenses," page iv).
South Park is a cartoon, which rightfully portrays scenarios and players in cartoonish dimensions. It's analysis of current events and culture is simplistic. It categorically reduces all elements. In this episode, we see that 9/11 Truthers are "retards," Bush & Co. try to look tough but are incompetent (Cheney's shot misses again).
In truth, South Park must know that it is really asking its core audience not to consider evidence about 9/11. Instead of researching information and participating in civil discourse as an informed dissident, this viewpoint encourages a continuation of the status quo for its audience-- a broad sector of Americans who know nothing real about our nations interactions with remote nations of interest.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone express an interest in keeping their crowd blindly supporting United States action around the world in the name of relative right. Most of this crowd would have trouble locating North Korea or Iran on a map, but are content to maintain the viewpoint that Bush is just an eccentric idiot confronting evil, cartoonish demon leaders around the world.

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