Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Group Think (part three) by Victor Thorn


Group Think (part three) by Victor Thorn

ELEVEN ? High stress from external threats

With a continual drumbeat of fear-mongering reaching a fevered pitch, the group ? similar to others trapped in a cult ? live in constant anxiety about threats from Big Brother, a police state, computer surveillance, or even black helicopters. This technique has been used by every cult leader since time immemorial, yet those who have become fear junkies can?t seem to realize it.

TWELVE ? Unquestioned belief in the inherent morality of the group

Although anyone who still tunes-into or believes the government and mainstream media are derided as fools because they follow those who are corrupt and feed them illusions, these very same people fail to see how their own cult leaders have become, in many instances, a mirror-image of the enemy in regard to censorship, deceit, greed, sensationalism, and corralling their followers into little pre-determined pens.


Low hope of a better solution than the one offered by their leader

Certain mouthpieces have been echoing the same rhetoric for more than a decade now ? how they?re ready to topple the New World Order ? how the government is running scared ? or how they?ve reached critical mass ? but in the end nothing is ever accomplished, and nothing ever changes for the better. They keep using these same buzzwords to create a false hope, thus keeping their brainwashed followers in a state of limbo. And, if one ever does ask for a ?solution,? the leader simply replies, ?buy my video.?

FOURTEEN ? The bleating sheeple syndrom

eOnce an article or concept is laid before the unquestioning masses ? regardless of its merit, authenticity, or truthfulness ? the mind-locked masses instantly buzz it around the Internet at lightning fast speed without ever actually researching the subject at hand. Likewise, no other alternatives are examined because in Group Think there is only one side to the story ? the one that is bestowed from above. As this madness ensues, you can hear all of them baaaing like docile little lambs, or buzzing like drones in a hive.


The Ten Commandments of Group Think

1) An open mind is a terrible thing to have

2) Questions are not allowed ? stay silent

3) Achtung ? bow down to thy Fuhrer, independence is not permitted

4) Obey conform ? obey conform

5) Lockstep lemmings are the ideal

6) Never stray from the brainwashing mantras pounded into your head

7) Be a Company Man, get rewarded by your network

8) Always stay within the parameters of discussion that have been established by someone other than yourself

9) Never come to realize how closely your leader?s actions are to those of Big Brother in 1984, the pigs in Animal Farm, or the government itself1

0) Be so utterly and completely myopic that you can?t see how you?re being manipulated by forces much craftier ? and evil ? then you areAnd, to insure that a Group Thinker never realizes their own status as such, they erect a complex network of defense mechanisms and cognitive dissonance so as to never recognize their own entrapment in the mind hive. In fact, most of those who suffer from acute, institutionalized Group Think refuse to even remotely believe that the words I've written above are about THEM --- but they are!!!!!