Monday, November 06, 2006

I prove people wrong

The world is a tough place. You will have to keep your mind sharp and your conscience clear if you want a successful life. Also, I discuss many controversial issues. The reason is that no stone must not be untuned. We have a right to discuss about any issue in a legitimate manner of course. The Election of 2006 is tomorrow. People should vote their conscience. Regardless of how people vote, individuals ought to know what each candidate stands for and attempt to make a legitimate decision. The media is saying that the Democrats will win the House, while the Senate will be composed of mostly Republicans (or up for grabs). Personalities are all over the place from Allen, Webb, Steele, Corker, Harold Ford Jr., etc. I would say that voting fraud occured before in nations globally including ours. People should speak out against voting fraud and any evil in the world. People should be active and fight. AP on November 5, 2006 reported on something strange. The AP wrote of an American war game which was similar to the Iraq War in 1999. It predicted a war with Iraq (composing of 400,000 U.S. troops) with choas possibly ensuing. "Desert Crossing" is the title of this war game. There is a document retrieved describing it that was dilvued by the Freedom of Information Act. The document even talked about an increase of anti-Americanism, a lengthy U.S. presence with not be well recieved in Middle Eastern governments, and other interesting tidbits. Recently, Saddam Hussein (a man groomed by the CIA as far back as the 1950's and funded by Western governments in the 1980's with chemical and biological weapons) was sentenced to death by hanging. It's chiche now to basically comprehend that Iraq turned into a disaster, strife among Iraqi ethnic group are very high (with Shiites and Sunnis killing each other. Both sides view a different interpretation of the successor to Muhammad after he died), nearly 100,000 Iraqis fleeing monthly, and a majority of Americans don't agree with it. It's like genocide over there. I'm not the type that blame one man (like Knight of Eugolia President George W. Bush) for everything under the sun like some individuals do constantly. Opus Dei, the Knights of Malta, and the Jesuits ought be exposed as well. Even Roman Catholics are doing it.

London Guardian on November 3, 2006 had an article about an Israeli soldier shooting a Palestinian woman. They were shooting at a Gaza mosque. The Israelis say that they will investigate it. The Israelis said that the Gaza mosque housed Muslim radicals. People with another point of view because that it was wrong to kill the woman since the ca. 50 women were near no terrorists by the video evidence. What is true is that woman and wounded people shouldn't of occured. I respect Israel's right to exist and its sovereignty, but no nation is perfect and that includes Israel (created and controlled by the Vatican/Jesuits {i.e. Cardinal Spellman}, high level Freemasonry {via Chaim Weizzman and Harry Truman}, and the U.N. It is legitimate to expose the Labor Zionists [who betrayed their people during WWII when they worked with the Nazis proven by Ben Hecht's book entitled "Peridy", Muslim radicals, etc. Today, the same secular humanism from Jacob Frankism according to Rabbi Antleman was involved in apostate Reform Judaism, B'nai B'rith Lodge, and the ADL [a B'nai B'rith Lodge creation whose leader Abe Foxman made degatory comments about Christians. The pro-gun group Jewish group called the JFPO exposes Abe on this affair.]). More and more news depict a real Big Brother control grid. It's not science fiction anymore.
AP on November 5, 2006 focused on The Hope Elementary School (located in Monte Vista, Vieja Valley). That school announced that it was forcing its student to finger scan their index finger to earn cafeteria food. I don't agree with obviously since these young kids aren't criminals and it violates their inherit privacy. The scan the pupil's name and ID, teacher's name and how much the pupil owes, since some receive government assistance for food. Rightfully, some parents have grave concerns on this school radical, new policy. Central News Agency on November 6, 2006 had prose written by Wang Manna about another incident of the suppressing of liberty. The story outlined that the Chinese goverment arrested 25 people for sending text messages in ridiculing their government. Well, China is one of the strongest dictatorships in the world with forced abortion, forced displacement out of homes, Internet censorship, and colloboration with Western corporate interesting continuing these immoralities. Mao made China Communists killing over 50 million people.

I've been thinking about Borat. John Conner (from the Resistance Manifesto site) is right about the man. Borat tries to protray himself as anti-establishment, but he is the epitomy of an establishment man. For example, he jokes about his own race (i.e. Jewish people), jokes about pedophilia, jokes about Christians, and does other humors. He does things that are so disgusting that I won't mention here. In reality, the establishment funds stuff like this through TV and the movies (many of the actors and actresses fully embrace spiritualism. I've seen a movie about this describing how the 1960's Sexual Revolution [
one famous godfather of this movement was Satanist Aliester Crowley. This Revolution support free sex and free drug that notoriously have dangerous consequences] went to far in debasing the family and traditional values). Of course, TV and movies aren't to be blamed for every social ill. I don't agree with censorship for the sake of censorship. Yet, criticizing these things isn't censorship and showing legitimate disagreements on various subjects is not necessarily akin to hatred. Human beings have a right to outline their disgust with degenerate behaviors from pedophila to murder.

Recently, I see a resurgence of Left Christians and Neo-Evangelicals. These people to me are hypocrites. They yell about a "seperation of church and state" (which wasn't in the Constitution but made into law in the 1940's by the Supreme Court filled with Masons. There ought to be a seperation of the institutions of church and state not eliminating religious expression in the public square. Individuals should freely express their religious belief in public and private without a hardcore theocracy or a national church) and "don't mix politics and religion." Yet, they never cease to use religious phrases to justify their views on health, education, the environment. In truth, religion is readily mixed in politics all of the time. Even Dr. Martin Luther King mixed religion into politics. Laws condemning stealing, murder, treason, etc. are based in a religious worldview or a moral ideal. Frankily, I agree with helping the poor, but I don't agree with socialism or Marxism. I agree with helping the environment, but I don't agree with Big Government agencies stealing private property to the sake of helping the "Earth." I agree with working with other nations, but I don't agree with the agenda of the United Nations (whose origin was in 1945 in San Francisco. They moved their headquarters to NYC. Many of their leaders were Communists. Some of their originaters were members of the globalist CFR. Notoriously for decades, their platform is population control, abortion on demand, and anti-national sovereignity. Many lower level people like Hollywood stars [like Angelina Jolie] sincerely seek to help those in the Third World, but this is overshadowed by the real motives in the U.N.). The United Nations is an instrument by internationalists to create a one world government basically. Now, I won't agree with all of this stuff. I'm not compromising an inch.

Life is important to preserve. The Supreme Court will hold hearing on partial birth abortion on Wednesday. Over 60% of American disagree with partial birth abortion (shown by mainstream media). It's a type of abortion where the baby is delievered except for the head. The doctors uses a scissor to cut the back of the baby's head. Then, a suction device sucks the baby's brains out then the baby is retrieved. Now, even some pro-choice people oppose this, so it's a grusesome procedure by the process. Rep. Steve Chabot said that doctors proclaimed that partial birth abortion had no medicial justification and there is no instance where it was done to protect a woman's "health." Gonzales v. Carhart is one case the Court will consider on this issue. Partial birth abortion is just wicked infanticide. Now, folks like Peter Singer endorse killing newborn infants in eugenics. I just found out recently that that a British physicians organization recommend killing infants who are disable (That's disgraceful). If you think this thinking isn't going here in America within a few years (in a huge way), then you're mistaken. Right now, chemical testing, experiments on citizens, and other crimes have been done by this by governments for a very long time. Peter Singer believes that infants are worthless, etc. Singer is part of the population control movement (in league with the overpopulation myths advocated by British Freemason {according to Dr. John Coleman} & Anglican priest Thomas Malthus). I prove people wrong continously in how I resurrect from adversity and maintain by core views.

By Timothy

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