Wednesday, January 10, 2007

All Out

Special events are coming soon. President Bush will offically announce his plan for the future American policy of Iraq. A poll in USA Today showed that approval for Mr Bush's handling of the war has dropped to 26%. The pundits comment that Bush will propose at least 12,000-20,000 U.S. troops to attempt to stabilize Iraq (Lawrence of Arabia and the British Army of General Allenby were key men constructing the nations of the Middle East). Many American generals disagree with policy, because they subscribe to the notion that this course will further inflame the chaos in Iraq. Most people disagree with the Iraq War. Individuals are hoping that Bush will be as detailed as possible in his proposal. Now, I just witness the pre-emptive bombings of Somalia by U.S. planes. The White House wanted to kill those who are affiliated with "al-Qaeda" (a creation of the CIA. The CIA was invented via Knights of Malta in the late 1940's) accused of the 1998 bombing in Nairobi, Kenya. Many of those possibly killed could be members of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) or Somali Muslims. The Ethiopians supported this since they wanted the radical Muslims to be repelled from Somalia. Kurt Nimmo wrote that this is another example of killing Muslims and an oil connection. NImmo wrote that oil giants Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and Phillips hold concession rights in Somalia (during the "Cold War", the US and USSR used the nation as a proxy). If Somalia is "pacified" that nation could experience more economic control by the West. One out of many solutions to the problems in the Third World is to give them the tools for real modernization (like electricity, modern technology, running water, real medicine, etc.) as soon as possible not just handouts or exploitation from multinational corporations.

Lucien Desjardins from The Canadian on Tuesday, January 9, 2007 wrote how European countries want infants to be implanted by a biochip in a more overt way. Propaganda isn't just displayed dealing with biometrics. Television is an easy outlet to promote propaganda about "terrorism." 24 is such a show. Its new season mentions mass terror, torture, and concentration camps. What do we have here in the USA? In America, back in 1980's, Rex 84 was a real program promoting concentration camps in case of an emergency. Recently, last year, Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root had been awarded a $385 million dollar contract by Homeland Security to build real concentration camps. A detention camp in Taylor, Texas housed legal asylum seekers and innocent people via midnight raids in some cases. Truthfully, there is no justification for torture and there is no reason to build concentration camps (We definitely realized this lesson during WWII where camps existed in Asia, Europe plus America housing Japanese, Italians, and Germans). The Pentagon already monitored peace groups.

The Democrats are mostly supporting the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. The Commission is nothing more than Bush-supported commission. Many of the members were members of the CFR, an anti-American, pro-globalist organization. Is this a good thing or Big Brother overload? The truth is that the recommendations of this Commission is a pro-Big Brother sham. There are many reasons for this assumption. One is that the 9/11 Commission wants to basically execute big government, terror watch lists, etc. It allows Homeland Security to identify checkpoints and roads in America. It creates a biometric National ID card for all Americans. It expands the no-fly list. Other components are an anathema to the Bill of Rights and real civil liberties. Nancy Pelosi wants this passed. It's hypocritical for them (i.e. some of the Democrats) to criticize the President for supporting policies that are against certain liberties, then go around and want a bill passed that does the exact same thing (related with the whitewash 9/11 Commission). The truth is that the leadership of Republicans and Democrats are run by the same corporate powers.

It reminds me of Bill Moyers. Moyers came down here in Hampton Roads recently and cried about conservative Christians. The truth is that many conservative Christians have been some of the strongest critics of the status quo like David Stewart, Chuck Baldwin, and Dr. Patrick Johnson, others. To say that a man like Bush (who is part of 2 occult Secret Societies, claim that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, doesn't want Roe V. Wade eliminated, and I could go down the list) is a conservative Christian is either ignorant or living in fantasy. Moyers yells about corporations, yet he was a stooge for the corporate powers of PBS. Moyers is a left-gatekeeping hypocrite. He's just as wrong as a person like Sean Hannity (who calls people "a great American" or Bill O'Reilly). Moyers talks about global warming, yet most people acknowledge that we're in a period of a warmer climate (this is believed by folks in many political spectrums). We disagree on why this warming is occurring and whether this will lead into a destruction of the planet. Many credible scientists say that this warming is a product mostly of the sun (since the sun's rays are hitting the Earth harder now since 1,000 years ago, while man is having a limited effect primarily via the cities. The cities are great heat generators) and is evident by the warming of the planets like Mars, Pluto, and Saturn. In fact, the entire solar system is heating up. Just now, we have this El Nino natural cycle influencing the Winter. These planets don't have SUVs or humans in them at all. While Moyers constantly lectures people on the environment, he won't expose real environmental issues like genetically modified foods, D.U., eugenics, population control, chimeras (or making cross species in plants and animals. That's all real and it's happening now), etc. Many of these mainstream environmental groups are control by big corporations like Dutch Royal Shell and the Sierra Club. Some of the eco-extremists want land grabs while claiming they want to preserve the environment. Real solutions to the environment are creating alternative energy, etc. yet some of the "environmentalists" promote global taxes and land grabs, which will strain human beings. I believe in helping the environment (and we have problems), but I don't follow extremism on one side or the other. According to Moyers, having dissent with global warming is akin to Holocaust denial, which is ludicrous. Moyers yells about tolerance, yet his version of "tolerance" is to not only get along with people with whom you disagree with. His version is to accept and agree with people that you don't agree or else, you're a bigot or stupid. This hypocrite is like Rosie. Rosie claims to be the role model of tolerance, but she mocked Chinese people's accents and made false statements.

If we don't do anything, we know what the future is like. It will a one world government, a North American Union, arresting people for peacefully preaching (which has occurred in Europe, Canada, and here recently with the Philly 11, so don't this can't happen in the rest of the nation). I've been thinking about Mormonism recently. MSNBC, FOX, and CNN protray it as harmless. Mitt Romney and Harry Ried are members. Mormonism is a cult and here's some facts. Mormonism isn't Christianity since it was invented by Freemason and occultist Joseph Smith (Mormonism is Masonic from its aprons, to secret passwords, and other rituals. The goal of Masonry is to have a union of monothetic religions). Mormonism believes that man can be a god, that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers, and that man can created children in other planets. They are wealthy and own the Marriot Hotel. Brigham Young (an ally of Jesuit Peter De Smet. Famous high level Freemason Frederick the Great worked with Jesuits in the late 1700's) had just a worse character as Smith did. Young was an adulterer and polgymist. I don't accept the spin that Mormonism is harmless. Their main headquarters are in Utah. Notorious false prophecies are their forte. I heard a famous "alternative media" host threatened to destroy people like me in debate. I just want to that media host know that I'm ready. If that host dares lies about me, I will show the real truth about the host in full view. I'm known for refuting people extremely bad. There is a money issue to this. Activists and writers point out that central banks and international bankers still have great power in the world. The Federal Reserve (created in the early 1900's by CFR members and high level Freemasons. They were both Republicans and Democrats. 33° Freemason William McAdoo and 33°Edward House were key players in inventing the FED. Some of the same folks that created the CFR) is a perfect example on how they create money (that's worthless) out of thin air and create the debt in this country. They are a private institution and are illegal since the Constitution perfectly outlines that it's Congress that issues money and regulates it not the Fed. Despite the lust some have to money and power, we should be all out in promoting the truth.

By Timothy

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