Thursday, August 09, 2007


Barry Bonds' swing propelled him into breaking Hank Aaron's home run record. 757 is the number of home runs Barry Bones acquires presently. Criticism consumes Barry Bonds perduabely (or infinitely) for his alleged steroid usage. Barry is innocent until proven guilty in terms of the allegations. It was highly emotional in San Francisco with Hank Aaron expressing congratulations of the event and Bonds almost crying in the mention of his father. Bonds is certainly a great baseball player irrespective if he utilized steroids of nor. ON August 7, 2007, the AFL-CIO hosted a fervent deate among the Democratic Presidental candidates. I agreed with some of what said like exposing anti-soverignity NAFTA as depleting jobs in America and China's trade problems (on the other hand, not all Chinese people are our enemies). Barrack Obama was attacked by multiple candidates. Hillary Clinton (she's the woman that voted for the Iraq War, is pro-Patriot Act, and wore a Phoenix pin on her shirt at least on 1 occasion. In the occult, the Phoenix represetns power, rebrirth, and the hermaphrodite. Hillary performed a sceance, was involved in shaman withcraft, and was in the Bilderberg Group. So , she can fool people that she's a Christian, but not me or others) exposed her leftist colors by exclaiming that she will fight against the "right wing." The truth is that establishment Republicans and Democrats are funded and controlled by the same individuals (i.e. foundations, the CFR, etc.) Keith Olbermann was the moderator of the debate in Chicago's Soldiers Field.

As for the Dailykos, I believe they are a far left group hating the ideology of those they disagree with. Yet, I won't compare them to the KKK or Neo-Nazis. I don't advocate the Dailykos' philosophy, but they have a First Amendment right to exist. Beyond that, I'm the type that likes to comment on a wide variety of issues from being against abortion, endorsing our national sovereignity (I'm anti-North American Union), disagree with toxic waste and chimears, opposing psychotropic drugs, hating global government, not wanting the government to control every aspect of our lives, and embracing our Consitutional rights. It's great to witness new information dealing with what's really happening on Planet Earth. When you look at history, it the similar power structure (like the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Masons, Pilgrims, etc. I just learned that the Jesuits helped invent the Green Dragon Society. The Green Dragon Society was an occult, fascist group which Carl Haushofer was a member. Carl was one of the head men ruling over the puppet Adolf Hitler. The Reich was controlled by many Jesuits and the SMOMs. This is evident on how Jesuit Edmund Walsh was a leader in the Nuremberg Trials working with MacArthur, a 33rd Degree Freemason) organization globalization and creating international conflict (from the Middle East situation involving radical Muslims vs. Zionists, the Iraq war with CFR members/Jesuit trained folked involved in that, and other situations). The real record in our lives is how we conduct ourselves on this Earth.

By Timothy

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