Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm anti-Globalism

Mixing Big Brother and schools isn't a good prescription or an equation for any person to embrace at all. Chelsea Schilling from WorldNet Daily made known about the U.S. government proposing to give Washingto unprecedented control over kids. The U.S. House of Representatives is planning on debating 2 bills that could allow the federal government to control the way parents raise their children. The bills have funds that even provide funds for state workers to come into homes and screen babies for emotional and developmental problems. The Pre-K Act (HR 3289) and the Education Begins at Home Act (HR 2343) are two bills involved in the proposals. They are geared to the military and families who fall below state poverty lines. Like usual, these elitists justify the bill as a means to close the achievement gap (between poor and minority infants versus middle-class children) and prevent child abuse. Aren't there other ways to do this without violating the rights and privacy of parents? The answer is of course yes. HR 2342 was sponsored by Rep. Rep. Danny Davis, D-Ill., and cosponsored by 55 Democrats and 11 Republicans. The bill will cost the taxpayer about $190 million for state home visiting and in hospital parent education. Pediatrician Karen Effrem told WND that the government provisions in HR 2343 to evaluate children for developmental problems do indeed go too far. The reason is that it has a subjective meaning for mental health screening. Nothing in the bill goes to ask where parental rights end and the government takes over. The bill makes the government to get private medical information and financial records to offer the home visiting program. The home visits puts personal information from money and parental practices into a database. Effrem said that the state diagnosed conditions are in the child's permanent medical history forever. Effrem said that the bill doesn't specify whether parents are allowed to decline drugs or medicine. Government home visits are in that bill. HR 3289 is another bill. The bill allows government workers to go to mothers and fathers in the hospital after the baby is born to promote Pre-K programs. The program is voluntarily, but according to Effram once you're in it, they have no say over its curriculum. It's just an expansion of the federal government's role in live of parents. It also infringes on their private information.

Jon Swaine from the Telegraph on July 23, 2008 focused on how water bills are set to soar under compulsory meters. The government on many times permit forcing controls on the population. The Consumer Council for Water said that millions of families are suffering from rising food and fuel costs nnd high soaring bill. That has left up to £200 a year worse off by the Government plans. The government wants long term plans to introduce them into other areas by 2030. The government is now trying to justify mandatory metering. A consumer group warns that England and Wales will fall into water poverty under plans to introduce meters for every home in Britian. Ofwat who is a power industry watchdog group estimated that the average bills will be substantially higher under the plans. The bills may rise up to 300 percent depending on the region. Willie Nelson and Jesse Ventura have questions about the official story about 9/11. Many of us are concerned that another inside job might occur to justify more bad policies in America. 9/11 also includes the help to first responders who suffered health damage. There are those who hav exposed the lies of the EPA talking about how the air quality was secure. Later, tons of 9/11 Truthers and First responders are going on to call for help to the victims of the bad air from 9/11. There is a growth of the Patriot Movement. There discussions of a wide variety of issues. Some in the so-called alternative media claim that people like me talk about one issue, but that's a lie. The truth is that I (and others like me) discuss about tons of issues from the Jesuits/Vatican, the Pilgrim Society, GM foods, impeachment, and a whole list of subject matter. Now, I'm not of afraid of silly criticisms because I can easily refuted their weak charges. Nick Juliano from Raw Story on Friday, at July 25, 2008 described on how the ACLU found memos on how the CIA authorized torture. The lie that the CIA doesn't torture is promoted by people like Bill O'Reilly and the neo cons. It's an easy lie to refute like always. Now, yesterday, the ACLU released a controversial August 2002 memo from the Justice Department to the CIA. The memo outlines that if any were needed, that the Justice Department authorized the CIA to torture prisoners in its custody. Jameel Jaffer, who is the Director of the ACLU National Security Project, said in a news release that the Justice Department twisted the law plus in some cases ignored it althogether in order to permit interrogators to use barbaric methods that the U.S. once prosecuted as war crimes. The memo had 18 pages redacted before it was released under the FOIA. Juliano writes that Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee ambigiously defines torture on the specific intent provision. The CIA last year destroyed at least two videotapes of enhanced interrogations that may have included waterboarding. General Baccus admitted that torture went on in Guantanamo Bay. Also, Abu Ghraib had obscene torture, and the FBI released documents of torture in Gitmo years ago.

The Olympics acquires more controversy. Tania Branigan from the London Guardian on Thursday, at July 24, 2008 reported that some protestors in China will be kept in pens during the Olympic Games. Tania wrote that China will institute 2 protest pens in the capital's parks to allow people to demonstrate during the Olympics as spoken off by an official. This move calls into more speculation about how the government of China would handle dissent when the global spotlight is projected in China during the Olympic Games. Chna already limits protests. Many activists are protesting the Games because of China's economic funding of the Sudanese regime (while Darfur is suffering terrible disasters). Also, protestors abhor China's treatment toward Tibet. Ni Jianping, the director of the Shanghai Institute of American Studies, supports the move. Ni said that this oolicy will allow people to protest the Games without disrupting the Olympics. Ni is the person who lobbied for the creation of the zones. Regardless of the cosmology of the zones, free speech zones inhibit free speech whether they exist in China or in America. China isn't the only nation with civil liberty issues. In the United Kingdom, ID cards are rampant, the police can jail you without a warrant for days on end, and cameras are everywhere violating citizens' privacy. In my nation of America there are illegal militarized police in NYC randomnly searching innocent citizens, biometrics in the Real ID Act, and cameras in many places as well developing an even more Big Brother state. Human Rights Watch are expressing dissent with China's decision as underminig the right to demonstrate under international law. A spokesman for Human Rights Watch whose name is Nicholas Bequelin said that these zones are an obstacle against free speech. Protest zones existed in the Athens, Greece Olympics in 2004 as well. Protests must even be approved by the police in advance. Reporters Without Borders said police arrested a prominent internet dissident this week for violating his probation terms. Ye Guozhu is another dissident being arresed organizing protests against the forced eviction of private property in China. The Chinese Human Rights Defenders network believe that he was jailed in order to silence him before the Olympic Games coming up in August 8, 2008. Pat Robertson spoke about Iran on Wednesday. He has his show called the 700 Club. Some of the show has great background information about current events. While other parts of the show is a platform to advance his Reconstructionist theology. He came and criticized the Bush adminstration suprisingly. Pat said that Bush isn't going far enough in his policy toward Iran. I think that's wild, because if Bush isn't going far enough in his mind then the neo conservatives are very extreme in terms of foreign policy affairs. Robertson wants Israel to make a strike against Iran before the 2008 Election. That's an interesting proposal, because if that occurs, the next President will have no other alternative than to make a crucial decision (one way or another way). Robertson said that Bush is quietly giving Israel the caution light in utilizing a preemptive strike against Iran. Although, Pat Robertson has been wrong in his numerous predictions. For example, Pat Robertson was wrong for saying that Republicans will win the Congressional battle in 2006. He was wrong that Bush will have a blowout election in 2004. The bigger picture is that Pat Buchannan is bounded under the establishment. Approximately 150 graduates from Regent Unversity served in the Bush administration. Pat Robertson once even exposed the new world order in a book, but went south with advocating a form of globalism called Reconstruction theology. That theology maintains that a man made theocracy is necessary to herald the coming of Jesus Christ. The truth is that Jesus will only come after the Tribulation to destroy man made globalism. Robertson isn't representative of real conservative Christians, because tons of conservative Christians are exposing the new world order, the war on terror, etc. Pat Robertson supports the one child policy in China and forced abortion, so Pat isn't the real conservative the media portrays him as. Obviously, I don't agree with an invasion of Iran since Iran possesses no direct threat to Israel or America. This doesn't mean we submit to the Papacy as Paul Craig Roberts wants to. The reason is that the Vatican was involved in the Inquisition, fascism, the Ratlines, the Ecumencial Movement, and the illegal immigration problems in America. The Catholic Church accept many false doctrines like Mary being an Ever Virgin, The Mass being God, the Pope being the Holy Father which is blasphemy, etc.) that Jesuit trained Paul Craig Roberts omits intentionally while demonizing conservative Christians.

The View had another show about one of its guests talking about abortion. Sherri Shepherd is one of the regular guests in the View show. The View is a show that discusses politics, health, and forms of women's issues. Sherri admitted that she had numerous abortions before becoming a Christian. She admitted that she possessed a promiscuous lifestyle. She talked more about this in an interview with Precious Times, a magazine for black Christian women. She admitted that she slept with a lot of men and had more abortions than she would like to count. She was brave enough to admit that abortion cause a lot of problems toward women. Abortion is murder because it murders the unborn life in the womb. Sherri said that God showed her that it would make a difference. Sherri said that she felt guilt and shame from her abortions. This uspet some at the View, because 2 co-hosts at the show at least on the View are adamantly pro-abortion. Sherri Shepherd said that babies will say Hi Mama when you get to heaven if you have abortions. She said that Jesus can forgive people who experience abortions, which is true. Although, this doesn't mean we should omit the destructive nature of abortion. Truthfully, abortion is one of the most violent, murderous actions in the world. She is also having a divorce. The lesson here is that we should oppose abortion. Steven Mosher from July 23, 2008 made known about the Population control evils promoted by Malthus and the United Nations today. The right to have children is outlined in the Constitution as the right to have life. Extremists like Carter Dillard want a one child policy in America even. This liar Carter forgotten that population growth is beauty and contributes to the stabilization of population done in conjunction with the modernization of a country. Janet Rivera (called California's Terri Schiavo) have been allowed to recieve food and water. Rivera was denied it for 12 days. A California court allowed it. She as a 46 year old woman who suffered a heart attack in February of 2006. She never regained full consciousness since. She was on life support for over 2 years. Rivera's brother, Michael Dancoff, told the Fresno Bee newspaper he was excited to hear about the ruling. Many in her condition have survived comas and revitalized their mind plus body to be fully functional.

Dennis Kucinich is serious that on Friday, he will take the Impeachment resolution against the puppet President George W. Bush to the House Judiciary Committee. Dennis is correct to point out that Bush has violated his oath of office, violated the U.S. Constitution plus international law (like the Geneva Convention with some in his administration harboring torture memos. Bush passed a Resolution not a Constitutional declaration of war as the green light to fight in Iraq), and has trashed the Constitution. There are plenty of examples of Constitution violation by the Bush administration. For example, Bush passed the Patriot Act whose Section 802 ambigiously define terrorism as nearly any crime. The Patriot Act has sneak and peak procedures that distort the authentic means of carrying out warrants against criminals. There is the FISA Law that compromises the Fourth Amendment and he supported the NSA wiretapping programs. Although, the NSA violating our privacy transpired long before the Bush administration. Bill Clinton, when he was President, advanced the FBI's Carnivore program and other anti-liberty laws. Bush is a puppet of the globalists, but even he is accountable for advancing courses that run contrary to the Constitution (and real liberty). On July 10, Kucinich pared down his 35 articles of impeachment to Congress. The House voted 238 to 180 to send this single article to the Judiciary Committee, which buried Kucinich’s previous 35-article effort in June. Even Democratic leaders like John Conyers isn't open to impeachment. Bill Clinton was impeached for far less than Bush has been proposed to be impeached for. Nancy Pelosi is ambigious on the matter. Today, the House is discussing on possible impeachment with Dennis Kucinich, Bob Bar, and others are speaking.

The Presidential Race is being more interesting. John McCain is angry over the positive media coverage for the most part sent toward Barack Obama. He didn't come into the Gulf of Mexico, because of an oil spill in the New Orleans area. John McCain is struggling to send out his message, because his message is being drowned out by Barack Obama's speeches and coverage of the Obama campaign. Many critics of John McCain view him as whining. John McCain is different than Bush on some issues but he's more neo-conservative than George W. Bush on foreign policy affairs. McCain has taken a decidedly more aggressive approach toward Iran than Obama plus even Bush. John McCain accused Barack Obma as adhering to a philosophy of defeat in dealing with Iraq. Barack Obama gave another speech in Berlin, Germany. The speech had a crowd of over 200,000 people. The crowd was very receptive to Barack's views because he was in Europe. Polls consistently present how Europeans gives a low regard for the Bush administration. Barack Obama is a gifted, great orator. Some portions of the speech I agreed with and other parts of the speech I disagree with. Now, in the beginning of his speech, Obama gave a story about his father bascially giving him the inspiration to carry forward the rise of his political career. The tone of his speech was to connect the links and relationships among America, Germany, and the world. For example, Barack Obama said that walls among religions, immigration, etc. ought to be broken down in order to develop the stability of a society. Obama said that America made crucial errors in its history. Although, he pointed out that he still loves America still. Barack Obama said that America is made up of a whole list of backgrounds and cultures in order to represent the true essence of the compositon of the USA. The tone of the speech was humble, yet firm. The audience cheered him. Even with all of this, Barack Obama isn't perfect just like John McCain isn't perfect. Both of them like a carbon credit system when that's impossible to enforce. The reason is that carbon is natural chemical vital for humans and other organisms to survive. Recent scientific studies refute the claims of man-made global warming (when the solar system is warming via the sun, there are record cold winters globally, etc). Obama in the Berlin speech said that he was a world citizen, and that he sees the world as one. Obama wanted to extrude an appeal to build up his view that he is capable of handling complex foreign policy matters. Now, this is a globalist, international view which is very similar to Brzezinski's view. See, Zbigniew Brzezinski called for a transnational approach for decades and he's the foreign policy advisor to Barack Obama. Brzezinski (the man who inflamed Afghanistan by supporting Osama bin Laden in the late 1970's) is a heavyweight in geopolitics since he's a member of the Bilderbergers, the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission. Barack Obama met with French President Sarkozy in France. Subsequently, Obama went into London, England to met with Gordon Brown. So, McCain and Obama are stirred by the global elite. I respect other nations, but I'm no citizen of the world. I'm a citizen of America. I part company with Barack on that issue. I believe in working with other nations, but not at the expense of forming a global citizenship or wanting an "one world". I don't agree with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Each nation even have nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11. The cost of many innocent deaths among civilians and military individuals isn't worth the neo con strategy of nation building plus preemptive warfare at all.

Other news are going on. ANDREA L. FOSTER from The Chronicle of Higher Education on July 24, 2008 wrote about how the government is attempting to require distance education to have spy cameras. There is a 1,200 page bill now in Congress. A small paragraph could mean that distance education institutions to require spy cameras in their students' homes. It's blatantly Orwellian, because the government has no right to force cameras into students' homes at all. Supposedly the bill is about stopping cheating in school. Cheating occurs in many formats therefore cheating will continue even with the instillation of monitoring students. They want online schools to make sure than an enrolled student is the same person who does the work. Even now, some colleges are trying technology that force your fingerpints, watch them via Web cameras, and record keystrokes. It's especially a problem for violating people's privacy. The Securexam Remote Proctor is a biometric device that can scan fingerpints, have a tiny microphone, and a camera. This sphere device reflects a 360 device view around the test taker, which the camera picks up. Students pay up to $150 for the devices. Other systems are in the works. I feel this is wild. Back even 10 years ago, this techology was non-existent. Now, these devices are really active in the year of 2008. Hurricane Dolly reached landfall in Texas. That area was near the Texas/Mexico border. The winds exceeded over 100 mph in some places. The Hurricane achieved mighty damage in some quarters of Texas. The Hurricane season is here. The good news is that last year, few Hurricanes reached landfall in the American coast than in 2006. Hopefully, that course can continue this year. The real barometer of how the 2008 Hurricane season will transpire will be made evident in late August and early September of 2008. The TSA has been caught in many bad actions. Pam Zekman from CBS 2 Chicago reported on disgusting, odd incidents committed by the TSA. Once, airports made travelers to have luggage searches, metal detectors, and shoe inspections. Now, the TSA desire to enact activities which are more invasive to human privacy than that. Pam described how thousands of travelers have complained that some of these screenings are so abusive that they reach into the level of being X-Rated. Robin Kassner was slammed into the floor while arguing with a TSA worker. She has subsequently filed a lawsuit against the TSA for that violent act. Kassner claimed that she repeatedly told the TSA to get off of her. The TSA according to her didn't reliquished to stop. Mandi Hamlin was another woman who suffered at the hands of the TSA. Mandi had her nipple rings ripped apart by TSA agents just because they set off a metal detectors. That's obviously immoral and apart of violence. Mandi Hamlin said that the TSA utilized pliers to pull the rings out of her body. In Chicago, people like Robert Perry was another victim of exhaustive security checks. Perry was patted down, his wheel chair was examined, and his hands were swabbed. Robert Perry was just 71 years when he experienced this injustice. This evil deed was done in plain view of the public. Perry was forced into a metal detector with almost all of his clothes off. A 16-year old named Michael Angone had to follow similar actions by the TSA. There has been about 100,000 abuse complaints now since 9/11. The lessons by these authentic experiences is that the Transportation Security Administration still expresses low common sense and little regard or the rights of citizens in the country of the United States of America. There are already airports in America where body scanners outline the naked bodies of airline passengers. It's apart of an elite, Big Brother control grid. Lee Rogers is correct to point out that the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security ought to be abolished. Their functionings has been to utilized to control society and force citizens to confirm to their agenda (FEMA even planned on trying to manipulate churches to harbor pro-government sermons especially during a time of martial law). These events conclusively outline the TSA's evil deeds of harrashing and oppressing American citizens here.

Secret Societies have a long history in the realm of world existence. They are one of the various instruments (along with the international bankers, political elites, and religious elites) contributing greatly to the invention of wars, crisis, and other debilitating events in the world. These Secret orders act in secrecy on many levels to not reveal the true composition of their organization. Conversely, even Jesus Christ from the Bible said "I have said nothing in secret" and encouraged a real, transparent display of information. One such order is the Order of the Garter. One of the most famous and youngest members of this group is Prince William of Britian. The Order of the Garter was invented in the 1348 by Edward III. Ironically, Edward III is a blood relative of Prince Charles (who is Prince William's father) and Prince William by extension. Prince William gave a tribute to Princess Diana in a Garter ceremony. William added his mother's family Spencer coast of arms to his Order of the Garter crest. The Order of the Garter are made up of men of the British Elite. Prince William is exactly the 1,000th member of the Order of the Garter. People trace much of the conspiracy for global government to the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bavarian Illuminati was formulated by Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt learned of a book entitled "Pythagoras." He was Jesuit trained in Ingolstadt University in Bavaria. The Jesuits to this day are involved in infiltrating government and working with Secret Societies (like the Jesuit Edmund Walsh working with 33rd Degree Freemason Douglas MacArthur. The Jesuits were banned from many European nations for their evil intrigue in the 1700's). He encouraged Jesuit and enlightenment principles to form his group in order to plot an utopian world state of democracy and the destruction of organized religion plus the monarchy. The Bavarian Illuminati were unsuccsessful by 1787 when the authorities in Bavaria found out what they were doing. Yet, the principles of the Illuminati like man-made utopias, global government, etc. still exist to this day. Members of the Bilderberg Group, the Jesuits, the CFR, etc. have members who said or promote the creation of a new world order (or global government). One symbol of Adam Weishaupt was the owl representing wisdom. Minevera is another meaning of the owl in the occult and the Bethren of Minvera was a degree in the Bavarian Illuminati as well. The owl emblem is embraced by the Bohemian Grove now as Minerva. Brainwashing and deceptive is done by such groups as well. For example, Demolay Walt Disney was funded by 33rd Degree Freemason to promote the Disney Cartoon with certain ideas in cartoons (Many musicians are from Disney and their music are approved by the establishment). Well, I'm anti-globalism. I reject the aims of evil people in government promoting the poison of flouride, the evil testing of dangerous chemical against innocent citizens, the child sex rings, the shipping of drugs into America (while performing a War on Drugs that violates the civil liberties of Americans on many levels), and the nefarious suppression of our liberties. I respect liberty and global government should be exposed. We should be active in helping people and helping out our fellow human beings.

By Timothy

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