Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Next Generation




The Next Generation





Always, nature is subordinate under God. Hence, I don't subscribe to the worship of nature. As creations of God, we human beings possess inherit value. Our value doesn't diminish our equality. It validates the premise that all humans are created equal. I will continue conveying my messages without fear and without intimidation. Today, it is a new era. The future of Iraq is uncertain. We're facing a serious economic crisis. With new people in the world and radical shifts in our culture, this is the start of the next generation. The same struggles and joys of previous generations still extude the same dynamics as this new generation has. 2008 will definitely become an interesting year. We are living in the beginning of the 21st century. Only God knows all of the future events, but we're experiencing the future now. It's a marvel to witness that within a century, there exists excellent advances of technology. In a century, we saw life filled from some places possessing carriages to a degree to those individuals traveling in the confines of space. The standing similarities between the past and the present are human emotions, the contentions about morality, and fierce battles (in tems of a variety of ways from debate to even warfare). Secrecy in human existence is nothing uncommon. Back in the late 1500's, Dr. John Dee signed his name  as 007 as an intelligence agent to protect Queen Elizabeth. Sir Francis Bacon was known have created secret codes and cyphers in his works. One of the most common phrases of Francis Bacon was the words of nam et ipsa scientia potestas est. In Latin, it means "Knowledge itself is power" or "Knowledge is power."  That phrase relates to Gnosticism. Gnosticism has many definitions and complex meanings. In simple terms, Gnosticism is a view that human beings on their own via rituals can achieve salvation (including the creation of an earthly "Paradise") by his or her own means without faith. Gnostics like the Kabbala believe that God didn't directy create the Universe, but only his  derivatives like the angels did. Both teachings of the Kabbala and Gnosticism allege that via ultra secret knowledge or the gnosis is a requirement to comprehend God and the Universe in general. The Kabbala and Gnostic teachings obviously have roots from the Mystery Schools of ancient Babylon including ancient Egypt. Gnosticism is basically a belief in a man-made Utopian soceity as Bacon subscribed to. In today's world, some elites view technocratic means as a vehicle to attempt to enact this "Utopia." The neo conservatives embrace a similar Gnostic premise of an Utopia. For example, the neo conservative desire a global democratic revolution via war, force, or diplomacy in order to perfect democracies worldwide.


Some outline the Enlightenment as the precursor many of the modern crusades in the war on terror and the basis tehnocratic system in the 21st century world. What was the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a period in the eighteenth century where scholars wanted to create the perfect society without God's help. Diderot, Montesquieu, and others cherished Enlightenment tenets. Goeringer wrote about this history. Many atheists and Deists were followers of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment wanted reason, nature, and human "progress" as the defining factors in improving man's condition into prepetual perfection. These axioms reminiscence the lie the serpent told Eve that  "…ye shall be as gods…" (Genesis 3:4). Even Feemason W.L. Wilmshurst wrote in is "The Meaning of Masony" book declare that: "... Man who has sprung from earth and developed through the lower kingdoms of nature to his present rational state, has yet to complete his evolution by becoming a god-like being and unifying his consciousness with the Omniscient - to promote which is and always has been the sole aim and purpose of all Initiation. (Wilmshurst, page 94). In other words, the Gnostics, numerous Freemasons, and some in the Enlightenment want to be exactly like God (or the apotheosis), but that's impossible of course. These Enlightement principles effected the rise of the Jacobins. Some view the Jacobins as related to the Bavarian Illuminati out of Club Breton. They were violent, anti-conservative Christians, and wanted reason to rule the world. They were defeated after the French Revolution, but that utopian dream lives on to this day. A technocracy is about the creation of a government totally ruled by "experts" (made up of scientists and technicians) utilizing technology that have dominance over the population. Even HG Wells wanted government to be ruled by people he deemed "educated." Bacon's 1627 book called "The New Atlantis" offered the dream of a technocracy (Bacon wrote of advanced scientists, skyscrapers, subamarines, and flying vehicles which paint a picture of the 21 century exactly) and the New Atlantis for the United States of America. Zbigniew Brzezinski, (a former national security advisor to President Carter and a co-founder of the Trilateral Commission) wrote blatantly about wanting a "technotronic" society. The Bible on the other hand is very clear that we live by faith and not by sight. A technocratic society readily inhibits independent liberty, restrict input from the average citizen, bashes basic human dignity, steps on independent progress, and leads to a more controlled society. That's why I disagree with such a concept. Gnostics over obsess with experience on a godlike plane. Researchers believe that Bacon was outlining a Gnostic framework like Carl Raschke. Today, Secret Societies like the Skulls and Bones follow initiation rituals with their members refusing to expose their secrets in the public arena. Specialized oaths are common in secret orders.









Phony Conservatives and other Issues


There has been Phony Conservatives for a long time. The 21st century is no different. Now, the phony conservative are slick in their cosmologies and agendas. They want to say some of the right things to get folks in their corner, then later advocate the establishment line. The following are first the easy phonies. Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett , Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Michelle Malkin (she married a Rhodes Scholar), Michael Reagan, Jack Kemp (a 33rd Degree Freemason), and their ilk are some of the most famous phony conservatives in the media. All of them have many things in common. All of them agree with the war on terror. The war on terror is far from being truly conservative. The reasons are this war isn't declared, and the anti-civil liberty laws plus the Big Brother actions coming about as a product of this war violate many of the rules of the Constitution. The war on terror expanded the federal government more than any other administration in American history (with the institution of Homeland Security running many functions of our government). These neo cons exist on television and on the radio. The good news is that real conservatives are waking up to the propaganda and are exposing the corruption in both parties. This isn't just a one party deal since many Left Gatekeepers exist. A Left Gatekeeper is a pseudo-liberal that talk about some real issues, but will refuse to go the extra mile in exposing groups like the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, etc. Research by patriots found that the CIA, the UN, and the Rockefellers fund such gatekeepers like Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, the Nation, etc. Some of these phony conservatives even claim to be in the patriot movement. Hence, we have to be extremely careful who we align with.



Some even who claim to be in the alternative media are in that category of psuedo-conservatves and here's why. Some of them are in league with CNP or the Council on National Policy. The CNP is a group with link to the Knights of Malta, Freemasonry, the CFR and other high level political groups in order to try to control and stir real conservatives. Some CNP members disagree with the Council on Foreign Relations, but numerous members are part of the CFR. In fact, the first Governing Board of the CNP had 3 Council of Foreign Relation members named Dr. Edward Teller, George F. Gilder, and Guy Vander Jagt. CFR members J. Peter Grace and Arnuad De Borchgrave were later CNP members. One famous member of the CNP is Jesse Helms, who is a 33rd Degree Freemason. Numerous patriots knows of Helms's history. Helms voted for the authorizaiton of the establishment of an international criminal court. This Criminal Court is a violation of American National Sovereignity. Helms doesn't even want us to leave the U.N. or get rid of it, but we should "reform it." The United Nations was created by and for globalist, so it should be gone from American soil. Another famous member is Phyllis Schlafly who is Dame of Malta. Now, according to Charlotte Iserbyt, Schlafly was in Geneva during the US  the US-USSR agreements between Reagan & Gorbachev (in the mid '80) which talked about merging our educational curricula with Communist USSR. Although Schlafly denied knowing anything about it. She just happened to be in Geneva – at the same time – on another matter. Phyllis Schlafy. Phylli Schlafy is right on some issues like trade policy and abortion, but she's part of the Dame of Malta plus she's has links to the CNP. The CNP has connections to the Heritage Foundation, Paul Weyrich, and others with the Washington, D.C. corporate elite. Months payments came from all quarters in funding the Heritage Foundation for caues, yet things have gotten worse now than 8 years ago. Betty Mills warned of the elite using such groups to co opt legitimate conservative people. Reverend Austin Miles was one person who left the CNP because he felt that they were ineffective in disageeing with the world government agenda. The problems with groups like the CNP , the Heritage Foundation, etc. is that they claim to for moral issues, but they lead to nearly nowhere and little changes. With the millions of dollars these organizations spend, they could easily eliminated our role in the United Nations. Miles said that Weyrich yelled at the top of his lungs to the people working for him. These phony conservatives don't talk about evil regional goverance or using instruments of control by globalists in attempting to rule over private property. Some don't even talk about state rights, folks working in the local and state level in order to get results. They usually focus on federal amendments and the like. They think if D.C. doesn't approve of something in Congress, we're doomed. That's false since real independent, grassroots efforts have cause great results throughout human history. One such phony conservative group is the John Birch Society. Many of their members are sincere, but originally they've obsessed with Communists (when Communism is just one instrument of the Internationalists). Some of their earliest members were high level Freemasons and CFR members. Even Richard Mellon Scaife has funded the Heritage Foundation. Scaife is a well known abortion supporter and she once supported Hillary Clinton's failed campaign for the Presidency. Paul and Philip Collins wrote that he gave millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood. Why would Scaife do this? It could be that Scaife is just one conduit of the elite in order to still persist with the left/right paradigm. At the top of the pyramid of power, the leadership of the liberal-ruled and conservative-ruled establishment are controlled by the same people.



Alan Keyes is obviously one of the biggest neo-cons around. Let's look at the facts. He was the roommate of Bill Kristol at Harvard University. Kristol is one of the biggest neo-cons n the nation and he was a member of the Bilderberg Group.  Kristol's father, Irving Kristol, joined the Young People's Socialist League in the '30's. In 1953, Irving Kristol founded the magazine "Encounter" in England which was secretly being supported by the CIA. It, for example, ran puff pieces for Fabian Socialist and Bilderberger Huge Gaitskill, who was the head of the Labor Party. Irving's mentor was CFR member Daniel Bell. Alan Keyes studied at Harvard under Straussian neocon Harvey Mansfield. Keyes was promoted by CFR member, Triateralist, and pro-abortion woman Jeanne Kirkpatrick. Keyes was the President of Citizens Against Government Waste founded by Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace who was also CFR. So, Keyes is funded by the establishment. Alan Keyes was the Ambassador to the Communist controlled United Nations. The UN is pro-abortion yet Keyes claims to be Pro-Life and is aligned with it. Keyes doesn't even believe in us Americans leaving the U.N. because it's a globalist organization. Alan Keyes ran and failed to get a Presidential nomination from the Constitution Party. The reason is that he's pro-globalist, pro-illegal war, pro-United Nations (which is pro-abotion and pro-population control), and harbors a love for laws like the Patriot Act (which goes against our civil liberties). Chuck Baldwin won the nomination. Bob Barr is the Libertarian candidate for the President of the United States. Is he a real conservative or even a real libertarian? Well, he was the one who supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Clinton did many things worthy of impeachment like being involved in the Waco incident, the selling of technology to China in China gate, he authorized the spy system of Carnivore monitoring innocent citizens. etc. Bob Barr approved of the Patriot Act by voting for it then opposed it. He worked for the CIA in he 1970's and he supports the war on drugs. The war on drugs was exploitated by the goverment in suppressing individual liberty, increasing drug traffickers shipping the drugs into America, and justifying the government locking more folks up in the prison industrial complex. Three strike laws and mandatory minimum sentencing have contributed to the overcrowding crisis in our prison systems nationwide. Many wars were apart of the federal Drug War and Barr even wants an invasion of Colombia in order to fight the so-called war on drugs (when pharmaceuticals have murdered more people in some places in the USA than cocaine and marijauna has). The CIA has been caught shipping drugs into America, so I reject the War on Drugs as a war on individual liberty. I don't agree with using cocaine, marijuana, or heroin for recreational purposes, but the federal government has no role in those affairs. Those who are non-violent and have drug addiction deserve treatment not prison time. Bob Barr says he's against abortion (that's fine since I'm Pro-Life). I wouldn't support Barr, because he wants war in Colombia and favors the war on terror.




Flooding and Weather damage is occuring in the Midwest, especially in Iowa. Many families are suffering from the flooding. In this tradegy some members of the government have done some sick actions. There is footage inside of Cedar Rapids of cops breaking down doors illegally, threatening residents who question them as part of martial law conditioning, and authorities preventing people from reentering their homes. These duties are in violation of the Fourth Amendment. The police broke into people's homes without a warrant or warning to the sake of "checking structural damage." Citizens who want to get to their home before being cleared by authorities are being apprehended, and those who attempt to drive around police checkpoints that have been set up in the affected areas are arrested at gunpoint. Strike teams did this. Checkpoints exist in the Iowa areas. Citizens are up in arms about it because it's burdensome on people trying to come to their own property. "You break down the door of my private residence and when I object you threaten to escort me off my own property. Fine example of police work. Did anyone think to knock first? Thomas Jefferson said that the main reason for citizens to be armed was to protect themselves from tyrannical government. If this isn't tyranny then I don't know what is. A man's home is his castle," states Steve Delaloye. This occured during the Hurricane Katrina aftermath when law enforcement illegaly stole citizens' guns and force their way into homes. In tradegies like the flooding of the Midwest, the government will find a way to violate citizens' rights. People will have to take action against this.





The Bilderberg Group is being exposed. Hundreds of people were at Chantilly, Virginia protesting that nefarious organization. The reason is that the Bilderberg Group is made up of 120+ individuals dictating alot of the policies in the global realm without our input or permission. It has strong secrecy with intelligence agencies plus security preventing people from even going into Bilderberg's meetings. Many of the Bilderberg's members have said degatory comments and endorsed wicked policies for the globe. The Bilderberg Group was created in 1954 by Prince Bernard and pro-Jesuit Joseph Rettinger. The Bilderbergers were crucial in the creation of the European Union since some of its founders wanted the EU like Rettinger. Some believe they gave the green light for the Iraq War back in 2002. Famous members of this enclave include Bill Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and others. It's about 125 of some of the world's most influential elites. Like typicaly, the mainstream media refuses to report on this meeting. It's sad, but true because many elites in the mainstream media like Paul Gigot are members of the Bilderberg Group. Many activists have been harrashed by authorities in the federal government when legitimately covering this event. For example, Bilderberger Henry Kissinger called the military dumb animals, which is disrespectful. Bilderberger David Rockefeller wrote in his Memoirs on page 405 that he agreed with the creation of an integrated economic, political system synonymous with an one world. Some of the leaders of Bilderberg Group are descendants of the leaders of British East India Company and the Skulls and Bones during the 19th century. These men were instrumental in funding the slave trade, funding the opium trade (causing havoc unto innocent Chinese people. The Jesuits were involved in the drug trade back in Japan as well centuries ago), and contributing to the evil imperialsim of the West. There were some security in the Bilderberg meeting with machine guns. The Bilderberg should be exposed, but it's one part of the puzzle. The City of London, the Pilgrims, certain elite families (i.e. Black Nobility, Saxe Coburg Gotha, the Rothschilds, etc.) and the Vatican/Jesuits (who head up the real international bankers) are more powerful than the Bilderbergers. These groups were involved in wars like WWII. That's why Papal Knights of Malta funded the Nazis like Joseph Kennedy and even some high level Freemasons like Henry Ford (he recieved a Nazi award), Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, and Thomas Watson. WWII was done in order to create a more integrated world, form Israel more easier (although many good Jewish people live in Israel), and get Germany to not be an international power (since before WWI, they had the strongest army in the world and competed on the level of the British Empire). Knight of Malta and Pilgrim member and a N.M. Rothschild & Sons representative to the Trilateral Commission General the Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank. Knight of Malta Emilio T. González is the Undersecetary of Homeland Security.


Glenn Greenwald from Salon at Friday, on June 13, 2008 made know that the Supreme Court making their decision on detainees. It appears to be some good news from the Court. The reason is that there was a 5-4 decision which declared Section 7 of the Military Comissions Act to be unconstitutional. It was struck down because Section 7 purpoted to abolish the writ of habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is apart of US law that protects detainees or citizens from having their due process from being violated. This writ can never be ended from the Constitution unless in cases of rebellion or invasion. The Court said that the Guantanamo detainees accused of being "enemy combatants" have the right to challenge their detention in a full fledged U.S. federal court proceeding. That is a good thing since you don't want innocent human beings locked up into prison. The Court found that the "Combatant Status Review Tribunals" process ("CSRT") offered to Guantanamo detainees --which was mandated by the John-McCain-sponsored Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 -- does not constitute a constitutionally adequate substitute for habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is one tenet that the Founding Fathers believed in. Even the Magna Carta mentioned it. The Magna Carta was formulated in order to establish some checks and balances against the excessive powers the kings had in Great Britian. That is why the Magna Carta endorsed juries and other protections that we take for granted. In other words, you can't jail a human being for any reason whatsoever. Doing that is the essence of a fascist government or regime. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 ought to be banned since it's contrary to the tenets of habaes corpus.














Free Speech and Religious Liberty Threats in Society



Religious Liberty is a vital point to write and talk about. Repent America from June 15, 2008 described about man being convicted for expressing their free speech rights. The incident once again occured in Philadephia, PA. On June 13, 2008, the judge found Michale A. Marcavage guilty of just preaching on the spot of the Liberty Bell. Marcavage has also been arrested for preaching on public property. I might add that Michael was also arrested for refusing to move to a "free speech zone" in the National Park Service in October. Now, a free speech zone is a slick phrase to outline the blatant restrictions of free speech carried out by the government in all of its levels. In October 6, 2007, park rangers harrashed Repent America's pro-life annual evangelism tour. They were at the Liberty Bell Center at Independence National Historical Park. Marcavage was arrested on the public sidewalk just outside the building that houses the bell. Under the direction of Ian Crane, chief ranger of Independence National Historical Park, supervising ranger Alan Saperstein was apart of the ordeal. Even Saperstein said that Repent America will have to apply for a written permit to even speak at a "free speech zone." Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Goldberg said that no one can't express their views without permission from the government. That's a lie since the government is never God. We have God given rights that the government can never take away or relinquish. These specific rights are inborn. The good news is that Michael Marcarvage will appeal the decision and ask for an injunction in federal court. It just shows that intolerance for religious expression is just as widespread as intolerance for our civil liberties are rampant in our nation. Even the Bible says that: 'Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof' (Leviticus 25:10). This in my opinion is the first generation of another level of legal persecution of Christians in the USA. If things don't change, things will get worse in my view. Free speech means religious liberty ought to be preserved in America.



Religious freedom is threatened not only in Canada, Sudan, China, Pakistan, or India. It's a threat here. The First Amendment clearly states that we have the right of the freedom of religion. It doesn't say all religious expression is banned from the public square. Neither does it mention that this nation ought to possess a freedom from religion. In America, preachers in America were arrested for their religious beliefs. Clinton allowed the Mediggo Project document to exist. This document demonizes people who legitimately expose the new world order or talk about the prophecies from the Book of Revelations. In Colorado, Governor Bill Ritter signed an anti-free speech. He claims to prevent discrimination and I'm opposed to any form of unjust discrimiation. On the other hand, this law appears to discriminate against some Christians. Bruce Hausknecht said this law only allow strong dissent toward certian lifestyles confined to religious locations. Colorado's SB200 has 'forbidden' much publishing of Christian teaching on homosexuality, cohabitation, etc. So, both sides of these issues ought to be presented without one side eliminated from the debate. It's worse. WND.com reported that quoting from a Bible has been banned in a public library in Clermont County, Ohio. A couple is now using a court case to stop this policy. The Alliance Defense Fund is supporting Cathy Vandergriff for her rights being violated. Christians and any other groups of people shouldn't be discriminated against for their beliefs. 


Recently, Michael Reagan called for Mark Dice to be killed. The reason is that Mark Dice is sending 9/11 DVDs and literature to the troops in Iraq. Dice isn't perfect, but even he doesn't need to be murdered for having a right to express his opinion. Michael Reagan is the adopted son of Ronald Reagan and Michael is acting as a fake conservative. The purpose of that view is wanting to kill an innocent person is basically an extreme, wicked view. Michael is part of the Neo Con crowd that view preemptive wars, violations of our civil liberties, torturing people, and expanding the size of government even more than the previous administration as concise courses of action. That isn't concise, but radically anti-Constitution. Even Ronald Reagan had anti-freedom tendencies. He aligned with John Paul II, he passed the Mulford Act, he allowed pro-abortion justices in the Supreme Court, he was a honorary 33rd Degree Freemason, and witnessed critical high deficits in his term of office. Hence, corruption transcends parties. In other words, Republicans and Democrats have skeletons in the closet. Michael Savage (although he is right on some issues like exposing Bill O'Reilly as a FOX puppet) is another Neo Con. He used to be a Beatnik and advocates jailing people in concentration camps if they dissent with certain policies from the government. Glen Beck is a famous neo conservative on CNN. CNN has mostly liberal hosts just like FOX has mostly neo-conservatives hosts. Beck have hosted many famous political figures. He's popular and recieves either hatred or praise for his commentaries. On his radio show, the CNN host Glen Beck made controversial statements about the Supreme Court decision. That decision allowed terror suspects the right to challege their detention in civilian courts. Now Glen Beck said that if he were President, he would eliminate detaining and prosecuting terrorism suspects altogether. Beck said that he would shoot them all in the head if we think they are against us. That of course is wrong and despicable for many reasons. One is that murdering innocent people, especially if they don't witness due process is wrong. Arbitratily killing people who are just suspected of being terrorists is the essence of terrorism itself. The neo cons are hypocrites for abhoring terrorism, but adhering to torture, killing people who are innocent, etc. which represent acts of terrorism. Many held in Guantanamo Bay's were innocent. The "Tipton Three" were force into false confessions and they wer later released from that location. Huzaifa Parhat was an ethnic Uighur Chinese national. He was swept up by U.S. forces in Afghanistan who was falsely improperly classified as an "enemy combatant." Parhat has been recommended for release by U.S. officials, while no evidence was discovered by a member of any radical group. Over 30 former Guantanamo detainees have already been released.



By Timothy


Friday, June 27, 2008



J.C. said...

Most of your information is wrong. We are not ruled by some conspiracy... we are ruled by the negative effects of money.
Google Technocracy movement or Technocracy Incorporated.
YouTube - TBonePickensetc's Channel Technate videos.

Timothy said...

We are ruled more than more. There is a conspiracy and conspiracies exist throughout human history. Before paper money was invented elitists have tried to rule the world. It's a conspiracy of religious/political/economic control not just money (since paper money is worth almost nothing especially the U.S. dollar). Also, material wealth is worth more than money.

Timothy said...

I won't back down at all.

Anonymous said...

Probably because you are ignorant and do not care about the actual dynamic of what is going on... It is the Price System and the reward for bad behavior in that that is happening...
Why give so much credit to a default dysfunction system that rewards bad behavior as a normal course?
Google Technocracy technate information and stop hanging out with the Lizard head disinformation people.

Timothy said...

You are truly desperate since that ad hominem attack doesn't excuse the reality that many people have supported global government beyond just money (like David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, etc.). MOney is apart of agenda, but it isn't the whole agenda as history attests. I do care what is going on, so don't lie about me. I don't hand out with Lizard disinformation people, so don't bring that lie to me. See, you follow the disinformation that it's money alone. I don't.

Timothy said...

This time I don't care if we respond a million times. I won't back down. I know about the Technocracy movement for years. I don't need a lecture.

Timothy said...

The price system has nothing to do with the planned Third Temple, the planned esoteric New Age Movement, and other pro-new world order movements at all you. YOu realize this and choose to ignore to promote your own apparent agenda.

Timothy said...

I'm certainly not the one you can manipulate.

Anonymous said...

No one is trying to manipulate you. Just the opposite. You have been exposed to a lot of bad information... like many others. There is no conspiracy, just reward for anti-human behavior, and the oligarchy is just the default template.
Tail chasing will not help.
Explore a viable alternative.
More fun than beating the dead conspiracy horse.

Timothy said...

This ironic from your statement since you offer no evidence that a conspiracy for globalization doesn't exist. So, I take more weight in people desiring the conspiracy for one world like David Rockefeller admitted to than you.

Timothy said...

I've haven't been exposed to information that has made me incredibly ignorant on the real workings of the world.

Anonymous said...

Your giving the retards way too much credit. Mostly the so called power possessor's are ignorant of the dynamic of what is going on.
Google... Money History & Energy accounting.
Mostly you have been led down the wrong garden path by people following information leading from their noses to things they think they already know.
You can start finding out the real dynamic by exploring Technocracy technate info.
You are wasting your time with the N.W.O. disinformation people.
It is anti-intellectual... and ignorant of history.