Monday, August 11, 2008

Core Values

Georgia (whose capital is the city of Tbilisi) and Russia are still having warfare with each other. Their history goes a long way. Much of the CFR controlled mainstream media are not getting the whole scoop on how this conflict came about. Most of US foreign policy officials blame Russia even for the start of the conflict. There truth is something different. Conversely, Pravade (a Russian newspaper) have the chairman of the State Duma Committee for Security, Vladimir Vasilyev accusing the United States of starting the conflict as similar to the wars in Iraq (plus Kosovo). It's no secret that the Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbajian are American allies in the region. Now, Russia is attempting to perserve its hegemony in the conflict between America/EU/NATO vs. Russia. As for Kosovo, the Sunday Times admitted that the KLA or the Kosovo Liberation Army was trained by the CIA in their bombing of Serbian territories. The KLA are a terrorist front group that was supported by NATO during the late 1990's. According to writer Michel Chossudovsky, mujahideen mercenaries or al Qaeda members were involved with militarily training the KLA. The US wants more influence in the Caucasus region. Russia is threatened by those moves. Georgia's Rose Revolution was CIA invented occurence being aided by the CIA plus Ambassador Richard Miles as explained by researcher James Schneider. Today, autocrat Mikheil Saakashvilli suppressed political demonstrations. Now, the country of Georgia started the conflict by preemptively killing a Russian peacekeeper (including other human beings). It's been accused by some that American mercenary troops were involved in the murder of Ossetian people. Later, Russia attacked Georgia over the region of Ossetia (now the area of Abkhazia is under risk of being involved in an expanded war). Both sides have made disproportioned military strikes. It's been found that America have been holding exercises with the Georgians prior to the conflict and Israel is giving military hardware to Georgia. They are doing this because that region is home to many pipelines of oil. Also, they want to keep Russia at bay in their influence of Eastern Europe. NATO might move troops into South Ossetia (the residents there have to make a decision to be independent or apart of Russia. Most residents there resist Georgian policies). An American citizen and resident of South Ossetia named Joe Mestas said that he witnessed American backed Georgian forces commit war crimes. Joe proclaimed that the Georgian army are killing civilians. These crimes include tanks running over children and woman and throwing grenades into cellars where people are hiding. That's why Brezinski's son Ian is a backer of NATO expansion (NATO is another globalist organization there to infiringe on the sovereignity of America and other nations), becuase Brzezinski has a hatred of Russia. In his book, "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives", Brzezinski wanted to destablize and take down Russia using Georgia — and Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia as a means to get that done. I'm not found of Russia's policies, but even Russia doesn't deserve to be invaded or harrashed. The neocons want conflict in Russia which is why the neocon John McCain wants Russia out of the G-8. PNAC director Randy Scheunemann, “spent a number of years lobbying on behalf of Georgia and has publicly taken strong pro-Georgia, anti-Russia positions,” according to Think Progress. America have been infiltrated by a bunch of globalists in promoting this war on terror and agitating the conflict in Georgia. The mainstream media in America for the most part is having a one sided pro-Georgian approach without giving the Ossetian point of view in dealing with this conflict. Hopefully a cease fire might happen.

The White House was caught forging documents to advance the Iraq War. A transcript found that an ex-CIA official says that Cheney likely ordered a letter linking Hussein to the 9/11 attacks. This was a forged letter was ordered on the White House stationery. It probably came from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney according a new transcript of a conversation with the Central Intelligence Agency’s former Deputy Chief of Clandestine Operations Robert Richer. The transcript was posted Friday by author Ron Suskind of an interview conducted in June. The White House and Richer denies the claims Susking made in his "The Way of the World" book. Richer denies fabricating a document as claimed by Suskind. This appears to contradict Richer's own remarks in the transcript. In the transcript, Richer admitted to Suskind that he got the document from the White House via the NSC or the vice President. Suskind’s new book asserts that senior Bush officials ordered the CIA to forge a document “proving” that Saddam Hussein had been trying to manufacture nuclear weapons and was collaborating with al Qaeda. The alleged result was a faked memorandum from then chief of Saddam’s intelligence service Tahir Jalil Habbush dated July 1, 2001, and written to Hussein. On the other hand, The American Conservative magazine believes that the forgery was really created by then-Defense Undersecretary Douglas Feith’s Office of Special Plans. The magazine cited an unnamed intelligence source (via Dick Cheney) to validate this view. The source proclaimed that Suskind's overall claim is correct mostly. So, the evidence points to the OSP disseminating false intelligence reports to justify the false claim of Bush about Iraq having WMDs, etc. Even the CIA outlined continued skepticism about Iraq's supposed threat to American soil. This isn't new because government deception to try to justify wars have occured in the 4 corners of the Earth for the thousands of years of human history.

The UK Bill of Rights proposal is here. BBC from Sunday, on August 10, 2008 reported on this story. A cross party committee of MPs and peers urged the government to adopt a Bill of Rights for the United Kingdom. The Joints Committee on Human Rights proclaimed that the bill should go further than the present human rights legislation. Proponents of the bill want to give greater protection to groups such as children, the elderly and those with learning difficulties. A report discussed about these issues. The Labour and Conservative parties agreed on the need for it. Although, each party disagree on what areas to cover. The committee prescribe the bill to consist of rights to housing, education, and a healthy environment. A poll outlined that more than 3/4 of people polled agreed to the proposition that Britian needs a new Bill of Rights to protect the liberty of the individual. A report said that the new bill should include all of the rights spelt out in the Human Rights Act and then enshrine others in law. Some wants a right to education, protection against the extreme forms of poverty, and the right to adequate healthcare as included in the proposed Bill of Rights. It's obvious of course that the Bill of Rights is needed in Britian. We have one in America. Britian has many anti-liberty policies that are need of being revoked. These policies include jailing folks without probable cause, the extreme amount of cameras in London, random searching of citizens, the banning of private ownership of handguns, the banning even of knives, etc. The Western world in general (not only the Third World) acquire a lot of civil liberty complications are in need to be addressed in legitimate ways.

The Olympics are here now. Gold and silver medals are being acquired by Americans now. With the Olympics, there is always controversy. There are always protests. The Beijing Olympics are no exception. Danielle Wang from the Epoch Times on Sunday, on August 10, 2008 described on how "Team Tibet" got deported for just displaying a flag. There were 3 Tibetan supporters being deported. This occured an hour before the Olympic Ceremony commenced. Their names include Jonathan Stribling-Uss, (who is 27), and Kalaya’an Mendoza, (who is 29), and Cesar Pablo Maxit, (who is 32). All of them are Americans. It is considered a crime to just display Tibet's national flag in China. Stribling-Uss, Mendoza and Maxit were greeted with cheers when they've arrived at New York's John F. Kennedy airport at Saturday afternoon. They were greeted by friends, supporters and people of the Tibetan community. Mendoza said that they presented the flag as a means to point to China's aggressive stance toward Tibet via a military crackdown. He feels that the Beijing Olympics is a means for China to cover up its human rights abuses over there. Stribling-Uss said that they were tackled by 6 Chinese military people when they wore a Tibet O8 shirt. According to Stribling-Uss, during the spring of 2008 in Tibet, 1000 monks were detained and sent to detention camps. Even RFID Chips are in the Beijing Olympic Games. It is legitimate to criticize China for its oppression against Tibet plus its human rights crimse. Yet, we also need to clean up our own backyard of America also. In America, innocent people are being tasered to death, checkpoints without warrants are everywhere, some still want a North American Union, abortions are near record levels, pre-crime gun grabs are occuring in Connecticut (which is similar to the movie of Minority Report), and other atrocities exist in the USA.

Pro Life news keep on existing. Mariah Summers from the Portland Tribune on August 9, 2008 reported on Pro-Life demonstrations in Portland. There were about 50 Pro Life demonstration marching on the City Hall on Friday in Northeast Portland. The story is that the Portland Development Commission approved the sale of $900,000 in city owned property (to be utilized in constructing an abortion center) at the northwest corner of Northeast Portland Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Beech Street in October 2007. The protestors were organized by a group called Precious Children of Portland. This organization claims that the center targets African Americans. Randy Stewart said that this abortion center in in the sent of the African American community of Portland. That's true, but it isn't just minority communities that Planned Parenthood seek to exploit, but all communities. The City Council approved a building permit to build the center. The Pro-Life group demonstrated and some honk their cars occasionally. Tina Hamel, who is another protestor, said that she objects to all abortion centers plus it's really racial targeting. Planned Parenthood was founded by eugenicists. They've even brainwashed blacks like WEB DuBois to accept the lie that blacks people need to experience population reduction. That was when the black population in the early 20th century was rapidly declining. Community development is one solution (including real health services, etc.) to help urban communities not death and destruction at all. Of course, Planned Parenthood justifies these activities as a way to enact health services. Yet, abortion ends all heath services for the unborn. Abortion kills and provides no real health for any human being. It's as simple as that. When you kill a human being, health and life is gone from the Earth.

Homeschooling appears to have a victory in the legal process. The Home School Legal Defense Association reported that California's Court Appeal for the Second Appellate District created an unanimous decision days ago. That decision ruled that “California statutes permit home schooling as a species of private school education.” This stands in contradiction to the previous court decision in February where the 3 judge panel in California banned all home schooling in California unless it was approved by the state government (and with credentialed tutors). That of course was immoral and violates educational freedom along with school choice. The Chairman of HSLDA named Mike Farris rejoiced over the decision as a remarkable reversal of the earlier opinion. Farris said that he has never seen such an impressive array of people and organizations coming to the defense of homeschooling. Farris, the Alliance Defense Fund, Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation, and others) represented Jeff Shafer (or the father) in the case. The court outlined that homeschooling have a right to be private educational institutions. In California alone, there are about 166,000 children who are homeschooled. The court further validated the notion that the child is not a creature of the state. The state never will and never is a godlike institution. There ought to never be complusory education. Of course, teacher unions typically oppose homeschooling. Their arguments are silly, because laws exist nationwide protecting children from child abuse and anarchy period. The Pacific Justice Institute was another group who advanced arguments in favor of homeschooling rights. Brad Bacus who is the President of Pacific Justice Institute are researching the 44 page decision to give California's homeschooling families an outline of future implications of the new ruling.

CI Scofield is one slick deceptive character in not only in dealing with prophecy but in brainwashing many Christians about the Bible. Scofield being exposed is easy, but his history spreads into many avenues. His total name is Cyrus Ingerson Scofield and he was the author of the Scofield Reference Bible. His Bible continues to spread dispensationalism, but it omits the key fact of the Bible saying the saints will suffer through the Tribulation. Also, Scofield was married twice. He even courted his future second wife Hettie van Wark before his divorce was finished. He married her only 3 months after they did. His first wife Leontine admitted that Scofield refused to support him. She listed that fact while filling for divorce in July of 1881. Scofield sought out occult-affiliated heretics of Wescott and Hort in London to produce his Reference Bible. Wescott and Hort were not only pro-Papists but denies many of the tenets of mainstream Christianity. Scofield love Wescott and Hort's Revised Version of the Bible (which is different from the Textus Receptus stream of the Scriptures coming from Asia Minor. The Wescott/Hort link comes from the corrupt manuscripts out of Alexandria, Egypt. The Vatican supports the Wescott and Hort bible versions). James Whisler and many other Bible Believers exposed Hort for a long time now. He praised Hort and Westcott in his introduction to the 1909 Scofield Reference Bible. Scofield promoted the phrase of "at-one-ment" which is a New Thought/Theosophist/New Age phrase. It represents the oneness of humans and God together. Of course, that's unbiblical and false since man can never be like God at all. That's different than the concept of atonement means the reconciliation with God by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. So, Scofield accepted many errors and distorted prophecy theology. The reality is that the Bible and even the early church focus on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ after the Tribulation.

US Politics are still here. There is definitely an angry tension between John McCain and Barack Obama. John McCain accuses of Barack Obama of possibly implying that his campaign is using racist tactics in their commercials. Barack Obama is accusing John McCain on focusing too much on trivial matters like celebrities. Subsequently, he was angry over McCain saying that he would be satisfied with winning an election even if it wins losing a war. The major debates in the campaign are about the economy, energy, and foreign policy. It's right that we should invest in alternative energy and enourage lower fuel efficiency standards. I just feel that these goals ought to be accomplished voluntarily (via incentives) and without coercion by the federal government. One thing that tie Obama and McCain together involves the war on terrorism, which I don't agree with (I don't agree with McCain blaming totally Russia for its conflict with Georgia as well). Both Obama and McCain accept the tenets of the war on terrorism completely. Each want to make sure that the killing in Afghanistan continues despite the increasing number of American GIs being murdered over there. Even Obama says that a permanent small military contignent will remain in the nation of Iraq. McCain is straightforward in his objective of staying American troops as high as 100 years. There has been emotion in this campaign. The third parties have the better ideas than both the Democrats or the Republicans. The deal is that the 3rd parties don't have media coverage because the establishment seeks to force American citizens to accept the monopoly political system. That ought to change. Multiple parties should have huge power, so people can have real choices in elections. Some have classified this 2008 Election as the most important election in decades. It's certainly historical because the first black American candidate for a major party is running and John McCain is one of the most controversial candidates for the Republicans.

There is yet another video of a police officer punching a teen 13 times in the face then tasering him. Andrew McLemore from Raw Story on August 9, 2008 wrote that this occurence happened in Greenville, South Carolina. There, an 18 year old was being punched in the face 13 times by a deputy police officer. The dashboard video camera caght the incideent on tape. WYFF Channel 4 reported on it. The officer was stupid to do that when most cop cars have cameras inside of the vehicles since the early 1990's. The video presents the undercover Deputy Brian Tollison pulling over a truck driven by a drug suspect and beating the teenage driver. This was achieved while what appears to be a back up deputy holding the teenager down. The 18 year old is named Jeremy Rucker. When one back up deputy arrived, Rucker was pulled out of the trucked. He was subsequently tasered and kicked while lying prone on the ground. Sheriff Steve Loftis fired Tollison, who also faces criminal charges for the incident. It took place on May 15. Loftis admitted that when Deputy Tollison took a closed fist and struck the suspect in the face 14 time, that was excessive force. It was excessive force and that was wrong period. The Greenville County Sheriff’s Department said that Rucker fled officer and resisted arrest, but he calmed down when Tollison hit him. Karl Allen (Rucker's attorney) said that his client was sitting in his truck talking on his phone when the undercover deputies came to him. Allen said that Rucker was treated like a piece of meat and kicked in his torso 3 times. This is just one example of an epidemic of police brutality in 2008 alone. In this year alone, police tasered a teen 19 times after he fell from a highway overpass in late July. A 66 year old minister (named Rev. Al Poisson. He was kicked by 5 officers on the ground for 5 minutes) was tasered and beaten by hospital security guards for telling jokes. If this doesn't make you aware of real police brutality (along with Sean Bell being shot 50 times) nothing will.

The JFK assassination have some new developments. Necn from Sunday, on August 10, 2008 outlined that news. A newly released FBI file is revealing a new look into the investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. These documents show that Gerald Ford secretly advised the FBI that 2 of his fellow members on the Warren Commission doubted that JFK had been shot from the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository. Ford was a congressman back during that time in the 1960's. The FBI's large file on Ford was realeased the past week. That was in response to requests under the FOIA (or the Freedom of Information Act) made by the media on the day Ford died in 2006. The file exposed Ford's works as a FBI informat. Ford was a famous 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason. Gerald Ford would go on to become President in 1974 when Richard Nixon resigned. Ford is a known moderate Republican who believed that killing unborn babies (aka abortion) was a fine thing to do. Gerald Ford died late in 2006 near the same time James Brown died. JFK2 is a film made by John Hankley that exposed the Warren Commission's deception in a simple fashion. One example is how they distort the fact of how the exit wound in JFK's head was in the back of the head. This wound proves that a shot had to come from the front. Even in the 1970's, a Congressional Investigation found that it was a high proability that more than one shot hit JFK. John F. Kennedy made a lot enemies with his gradual withdraw policy of American troops from Vietnam (a war that Cardinal Spellman supported. Spellman was probably the most powerful clergyman in the US in the 20th century. He had links with Presidents, Wall Street, and other spheres of influence on an unprecedented level), him banning tax allowances on multinational oil companies, a change of policy to the Federal Reserve, etc. Frank Sturgis, Howard Hunt, and others claimed involvement or being puppets in the assassination of JFK. All of these witnesses can't be lying about every issue surrounding the assassination in 1963. The truth is coming out on huge levels. I reject the stereotypes about conservatives like Paul Craig Roberts seems to lie about. Recently, he took the time to nut criticize abortionists killing human beings in the womb. I lost a ton of respect for this man already. Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes died. Regardless of what you think of these men, they don't deserve to die in that fashion. They weren't perfect, but you have to have concern for their friends and families suffering because of their deaths. Life is precious. In this time, times are changes, but real core values shouldn't.

By Timothy

1 comment:

Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Tim and all,

This whole affair is a purposely orchestrated theatrical production. How convenient is it that the Bush Administration trained and prepped Georgia and then US trainers pull out just before they initiate an apparent blunder that the Russians have been ready and poised to respond to, for months. It goes without saying that all sides in this strange little war have something up their sleeves that most people have no clues about. All the pieces were placed on the board before major world leaders went off to the Olympics, pretending to be surprised, and pretending to be mad at each other afterwards.

It is amazing how easily duped the sheeple of this world are. Keep them stupid and enslaved to money and they are easily herded to the slaughter. The poor people of Georgia and the soldiers on both sides are mere pawns to the whims of those slithering in the shadows. This little production has been planned for some time to coincide with the Olympics, but that was such a poor cover that it should be obvious that something else is afoot. And how convenient is it that the Olympics are on 8/8/08?

The timing of 8/8/08 links this to the same gang that pulled off 9/11 (and many other events) with its blatantly obvious numerology. Contemplate Machiavelli and Mystery Babylon, since they both point to the same gang of liars.

Time to get a clue and help stop this gang of evil halfwits, before its too late...