Saturday, August 23, 2008

Let the Truth Shine Like a Rainbow Part 2

The Middle East

One of the most persistent and controversial issues in human history is the Middle East. It can galvanize people and stir emotions among individuals. It's a point of contention that developed wars and conflicts spreading across thousands of years. This work will not present all of the complexities of subjects in the Middle East. It will present an overview of major Middle Eastern issues in the past and the present. Now, after the Iron Age, the Middle East grew rapidly in agricultural and basic urbanization. Of course, the advanced civilization of Sumeria existed in the Fertile Crescent region. The Sumerians had the plywood wheel invention, ziggurats, cuneiform alphabet scripts, and a competent road system (full of trade, economics, and transportation). To this day, the ancient Babylon and Egyptian Mystery religions plus architecture influence the design of structures to this day. One example is how the Luxor Pyramid in Las Vegas was based upon the Great Pyramid structure as found in Egypt. The Statue of Liberty was created by Freemason Auguste Bartholdi. He took influence from the Goddess Libertas in the ancient world. The Goddess imagery existed in Babylon as well in many forms from Isis to Semiramis. The Statue of Liberty's head took influence from the solar diety of Apollo. The Statue is an occult outline of Bartholdi's view that illumination from the torch are to greet new visitors of America. Now, even in the Saudi Arabian Peninsula, the ancient Sabean civilization had great resources and a complex civilization. Sabea is another name for the name of Sheba in the S. Arabian/E. African region of the world. So, the history of the Middle East extends beyond just the Fertile Crescent.

Middle Eastern history is very long. After the Sumerian Empire ended. The Babylonian Empire took over much of the region including ancient Israel. Civilization developed more in language, culture, architecture, and other aspects. Later, the Assyrian Empire ruled the region. The Assyrians ruled many Semitic kingdoms as time went on. Shamshi-Adad I, was one King who was involved in the Old Assyrian Kingdom. The Middle Assryrian Kingdom had leaders like Ashur-nadin-apli who lived in ca. 1193-1194 B.C. While this was occuring, Ishmaelite and other Arabian tribes in the Arabian Peninsula were existing and trading with tons of people in the Fertile Crescent region. The Neo-Assyrian Empire began later from 934 B.C.-609 B.C. Assyria was competing with Babylonia as to ascertain supremacy in the region. Tiglath-Pileser III is an Assyrian King who is considered the major King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. He was a great military commanders who ruled vast lands. The Bible records him as Tilgath-pilneser (as described in 2 Chronicles 28:20). Assyrian inscriptions record, in the fifth year of his reign 740 BC, a victory over Azariah (Uzziah), king of Judah, whose achievements are described in 2 Chronicles 26. He seized the northern half of Israel. He had an alliance with Ahaz, who was the King of Judah. After this Empire was the independent Neo-Babylonian Empire. It lasted from 626 B.C. to the invasion of Cyrus the Great in 539 B.C. This was the time when many Hebrews (mostly from the Kingdom of Israel) were exiled in Babylonia. This set the stage for apostate Jewish people to create the Kabbala (a mystical merging of the Mystery Religions with apostate Judaism). Later, The Persians rule most of the region afterward (with Cyrus, Cambyses II, and others as its leaders) and then the Greeks came along. Alexander the Great was Macendonian and spread his Empire as far east as Western Inida plus Central Asia. He died in Babylon and 3 Generals carved his empire up. The book of Daniel gave accurate prophecies about the Persian and Greek Empires. These leaders died and their allies took up power. In the Empire, various tribes and people break up the Greek Empire alot by the 200's-100's B.C. One easy example was the Parthian Empire in Iran that lasted from 238-226 B.C. These Parthian horsemen defeated the Greek Selecuid Empire. They soon became a rival to the ancient Roman Empire. Some believe that the Parthians came from the Dahae (and the Parni being Scythian tribes). At some point it was subjugated by the Medes. They once fought along side the Medes. King Mithridates I was a famous Parthian King. The Chinese explorer Zhang Qian, who visited the neighbouring countries of Bactria (a Central Asian region composed in that day of Indo-European and other tribes. Today, it has many ethnic Tajkis. Another mostly Indo European tribe was the Yueh-chi who formed the Kushan Empire in Central Asia) and Sogdiana (they were an Iranian people that also traded with China. The people mixed with the Turks, Bactrians, Chorasmians, the Persians, etc. They are among the ancestors of the modern Tajik and Uzbek people) in 126 BC, made the first known Chinese report on Parthia. In his accounts Parthia is named "Ānxī" (Chinese: 安息), a transliteration of "Arsacid", the name of the Parthian dynasty. Zhang Qian clearly identifies Parthia as an advanced urban civilization that farmed grain and grapes, made silver coins and leather goods. Parthians ended their reign in the 220's A.D. In this time, the Roman Empire conquered much of the Middle East especially Israel. The Roman military leader Pompey conquered Jerusalem in 63 B.C. Israel was later called Palestine. Before, Israel was called Judaea by the ancient Romans. The reason for the change was that the Roman Emperor Hadrian was an anti-Semite. Hadrian hated the Jewish nation and seek to erase the name of Israel and Judah from the face of the Earth. That's impossible of course since God blessed Israel. Regardless of its faults, God will always love the Jewish people. No mention of Palestine exists before the time of the Romans at all.

Sassanids and other dynasties ruled Iran. The Roman Empire fell in the Western side by 476 A.D. The Misnah and the Talmud was created from the time of Christ to about the 6th Century A.D. The Temple's destruction in 70 A.D. was predicted by Jesus Christ. It eliminated many official records of Jewish geneaology. Also, it caused many explusions of Jewish people from Israel. The Bar Kokhba revolt against the Roman Empire in 132 A.D. caused more explusion of Jewish people from Jerusalem. Jewish people still existed in places from Europe, Israel, to Babylonia. Christianity spreads in the region as Christianity is a Middle Eastern religion. Jesus Christ invented Christianity and Christians suffered harsh persecution by the ancient Romans on a constant basis. The Arabs of Najran (southern Arabia) convert to Christianity in ca. 500 A.D. From 313-636 A.D., the Byzantine Empire ruled Israel and afterwards the Persians came. The Jewish population recommend the Persians because they felt they could help them have delivarance from the Byzantine Empire. The Muslim Empire came in the 600's A.D. Islam was created by Muhammad. Muhammad was a leader in Arabia who claimed that the angel Gabriel gave him the inspiration to teach about religion and God. He calls God Allah which comes from 2 syllables (one is -al meaning the in Arabic and -ilah meaning the God in Arabic. Scholars believe that Allah refers to the sun of the Mysteries as Allah was recorded in pagan Arabia before Islam was created). Muhammad died in 632 A.D. Islam is a work-based religion where you have to follow 5 pillars, praise, do alms, and other actions. Some Jewish people in the 600's A.D. were given the status of dhimmi. This was a state of being tolerated, but inferior position in society. That is just another world for a second class citizenship designation. The Islamic Empire for a time was very advanced in literature, mathematics, technology, and trade in the region. The Umayyads was the first dyansty of the Muslim Caliphate reigning from 660-750 A.D. It was huge spanning from Spain to parts of modern day Western India. The leaders of this dynasty were competed against the relatives and followers of Muhammad. Today, the Shia follow the relatives of Muhammad and Sunnis follow his followers. The subsequent Caliphate of the Abbasid was from 750-1258 A.D. In that time, the Crusades commenced where the Catholic Crusades temporary ruled much of Israel. Later, they were defeated again and again in the 1100's-1200's A.D. The Crusades had atrocities that were carried out among the Catholics and the Muslims. It was about the accusation that Muslims wanted to rule the world. The Crusaders' response was excessive, because you don't go rape, murder, burn synangoues, and to try to steal land under the guise of "self-defense." The Mongols under Hulagu Khan conquered Baghdad for a while in 1258 A.D. Islamic powerful elites left Baghdad into Cairo because of destruction the Mongols made even in Israel. After 1260 A.D., the the Mamluk Sultanate dynasty ruled much of the Middle East. The Ottoman Empire took over the Fertile Crescent soon after. The Ottoman Empire ruled Israel and other Middle Eastern areas from 1516 to 1923, but their origin goes back as far as 1299. So, they've existed for almost 700 years in its history. Now, Jewish and Arabic presence in the Middle East spans for thousands of years. So, one is either deluded or a liar to say that Jewish people or Arabic people have no right to live in Israel. People have a right to live whereever they want as human beings period. Now, here's examples of Jewish presence continously in the Middle Eastern region. In 438 A.D., the Empress Eudocia of Byzantine allowed Jewish people to pray in their Holy Temple site. Many Jewish people weclomed Muslims when they came into Israel. The 7th century Jewish exiles from Khaibar, Arabia (they were oppressed by Muslims in Arabia) traveled to Jericho. During the Crusades, village communities of Jews in Galilee existed. In 1187 c.e., Jews actively participated with Salah-ud-Din Al'Ayyub (Saladin) against the Crusaders in the conquest of Jerusalem. Saladin, who was the greatest Muslim conqueror, was not an Arab but a Kurd.

In the 1500's, Jewish people reconstructed the Jewish Quarter. Turkish Sultan Suleiman allowed many Jewish people to return into the Holy Land in 1561. John Peters' "From Time Immemorial" book from 1984 have evidence to document this as well. Ibn Khaldun, one of the most creditable Arab historians, in 1377 c.e. wrote:
"Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel extended over 1400 years... It was the Jews who implanted the culture and customs of the permanent settlement". It's not true that all Jewish people were exile form Israel. They just didn't create a homeland in that time period. There was a continous flow of Mizrachim and Sephardim Jewish people in the Holy Land.

From the 1800's to 2008 is the most controversial history of the Middle East. Now, the Aliyahs are major Jewish migrations into Israel began in the 1800's. In 1860's. Mishkenot Sha'ananim was built outside Jerusalem's walls. True Zionism is the definition of wanting the Jewish people to come back into the Holy Land. Others may lie and conflate the definition into oppressing Arabic people, but that's false. Only a degenerate of minority of people who claim to be Zionist seek oppression against Arabic people, rule the world, or nefarious actions in that manner. Of course, we should speak out and oppose such people. Yet, most who want to be Zionist sincerely want peace. Plans for a massive return into the Holy Land came in the early 1800's. A dispatch from the British Consulate in Jerusalem in 1839 reported that "the Jews of Algiers and its dependencies, are numerous in Palestine. . . ." Significant movements also took place from the Yemen (Yemenite Jews) and Central Asia (Bukharan Jews). Emir Faisel (in 1919) wrote a letter to Freemason Felix Frankfurter supporting Zionism, saying, "We Arabs...wish the Jews a most hearty welcome." Other Jewish people endorsing a Jewish homeland was 33° Freemason Louis Brandeis (a Supreme Court Justice) and 33° Freemason Edmund Rothschild. Theodore Herzl modernized the Zionist plan of Jewish immigration into Israel. This was increased by progroms against Jewish people in Europe, Russia, etc. Like with any plan, infiltrators are lurking in it. Freemasons, the Vatican/Jesuit network, religious apostates, and the Rothschilds (which were and involved with wickedness to this very day) infiltrated the Zionist Movement in the development of Israel. The reason is that these interests had the power and resources to make it happen. Even Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 1800's wanted the Jewish people to migrate into Israel. He had a pro-Jesuit advisor named Abbe Sieyes. This doesn't invalidate the right of Jewish people to live in Israel though. Now, the First Aliyah (or mass migration) came into Israel from 1881-82. There were five major ones ending in 1939. Others came later. The Ottoman Empire was defeated in WWI, so the British Empire ruled the Middle East for decades. They restricted immigration of Jewish people, oppressed Arabic peoples, and cause more tension between Jews and Arabs. Before that time, violence didn't occur among Jewish people and Arabic people in the region on a level as seen in the 20th-21st centuries. The British played both sides against each other (with the Balfour Declaration and other agreements) to try to control the area more. This Husain McMahon Agreement was about the British promising the Arabic people (through Sherif Hussein of Mecca in 1915) if the the Ottoman Empire was destroyed after WWI, they will recieve their lands. Many non-Jewish people supported a Jewish state like the Shah of Persia Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar and Emir Faisal. Their Faisal-Weizmann Agreement was signed in January 3, 1919 to cooperate on an Arab-Jewish agreement to create a Jewish homeland in Israel. Of course this was short lived.

After WWI, Christian-Zionist David Lloyd George was apart of the British government. Different strands of Zionism existed from Revisionist Zionism (one leader in it was Jabotinsky. He was accused of being influenced by fascism), etc. The British White Paper announced their withdraw of the Balfour Declaration and a restriction of Jewish immigration. The British wanted Arabic support, because in 1939, fascism were influencing Arabic nations. British High Commissioner of Palestine Herbert Samuel (a British Jewish person) supported these immigration restrictions. Herbert Samuel was the first British High Commissioner to Palestine. He wanted a British protectorate over Palestine after the Ottoman Empire was defeated. Lawrence of Arabia (a British man) worked with Arabic people to defeat the Ottoman Empire, so British would create a bigger stranglehold in the Middle East (despite the token promises of the British to the Arabic people). It's a historical fact that even after WWI, the British carved out the Middle East (through the May 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement). They and the rest of the West still had heavy influence toward the nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc. For example, British agent St. John Philby worked with Ibn Saud to overthrow the Hashemite Kingdom and form a new Saudi Arabian kingdom in the 1920's. The Sykes Picot Agreement allowed Britian to rule Palestine and the French to control Lebanon and Syria. Although I would say that many Arabs in the early 20th century legitimately wanted nationalism to free themselves from British and French colonalism. In 1923, Great Britian formed Palestine and "TransJordan." In 1936, the Franco-Syrian treaty existed. That treaty allowed France to justly give Syria and Lebanon independence. The Balfour Declaration [of November 1917] supported the Jewish homeland. The Declaration also called for no discrimination of non-Jewish people in the land of Eretz Yisrael as well. In 1921, Winston Churchill help created Trans-Jordan. Also, The British carved many modern Middle Eastern nations from Saudi Arabia to Iraq. The British obviously allowed Arabic immigration to flow freely into Israel. Because of British invented tension without letting both sides solve these problems, riots ensued. Both Jewish people and Arabic people committed immoral violence in the 1920's-1940's. 2 famous ones were the 1929 Arabic riots against Jewish people and the Hagnanh and Irgun terrorist attacks against the British plus Arabic targets. The King David Hotel bombing was done by the Jewish Irgun in July of 1946. Begin claims that calls were made to prevent causalities, but bombing a building is still wrong either way. Even, the Jewish National Council denounced the bombing of the King David. Even In 1921, Haj Amin el-Husseini (an ally of Adolph Hitler) first began to organize fedayeen ("one who sacrifices himself") to terrorize Jews. The Holocaust increased the cause of Zionism grealty. The Holocaust was directly orchestrated by the Vatican/Jesuits and the City of London. It was evil. The Jesuit-inspired Nazis were funded by many Knights of Malta like Franz von Papen to get their power in Germany. The Knight of Malta Joseph Larkin was apart of Chase Bank. Higher level Freemasons like Hjalmar Schact (the head of the Reichsbank before he fled the country. Hjalmar was an ally of Montague Norman, who was the head of the Bank of England. That's interesting, because various British Saxe-Coburg Gotha family members were known supporters of the SS and the Nazis) and Thomas Watson worked with the Nazis before also. Another secret goal of WWI and WWII was to crush the German nation, because by the early 20th century Germany had huge power. They once had the strongest military in the continent and had dreams of using a trade route from Germany into Baghdad (being allies of the Ottoman Empire). Germany was crushed after both wars ended. The Vatican sent the Ustashis to murder, kill, and oppress the Serbian people, Gypsies, and Jewish people. That's not contested anymore. It really occured. The Vatican Ratline (the Knights of Malta were involved with it) allowed numerous Nazis to escape justice by helping them to fled into America, South America, etc (Some Jewish people betrayed their own people in the Holocaust like Rudolf Kastner in allowing Jewish people to die in exchange for allowing some Jewish people to escape Europe. This is proven in many books like "The Transfer Agreement" which was written by Edwin Black. The Labor Zionists colloborated with the Nazis as documented by Barry Chamish, Lenni Brenner, and others). Subsequently, Freemasons FDR and Churchill forbade or limited Jewish immigration into Israel and even America. According to Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen (who was the former head of British military intelligence in Cairo),some of the British officials wanted to exclude Zionism from Palestine. He said that Col. Waters Taylor met with Haj Amin days before Easter in 1920 to encourage violence in order to have freedom. Herbert Samuel (a traitor to his people) pardoned Haj Amin and made him Mufti of Jerusalem. In a speech at a rally in Berlin Nov. 2, 1943, al-Husayni voiced his hope for a "final solution" to the Jewish presence in the Middle East. Not long after, anti-Jewish riots erupted throughout the Arab world. Even after the Holocaust, the British refused Jewish people to not immigrate in Israel. Britain's Foreign Minister, Ernest Bevin, replied sarcastically that the United States wanted displaced Jews to immigrate to Palestine "because they did not want too many of them in New York." (George Lenczowski, American Presidents and the Middle East, (NC: Duke University Press, 1990), p. 23). Some believes that Jewish people stole land. Is this the case. Much of the land was owned by landlords from Cairo, Damascus, and Beirut. Jewish people were living there in Israel continously for centuries. The vast majority of Jewish immigrants bought land not by theft (much of the land bought were cheap and without tenants at all) in the late 1800's plus the early 1900's. When John Hope Simpson arrived in Palestine in May 1930, he observed: "They [Jews] paid high prices for the land, and in addition they paid to certain of the occupants of those lands a considerable amount of money which they were not legally bound to pay." As'ad elShuqeiri, a Muslim religious scholar and father of PLO chairman Ahmed Shuqeiri, took Jewish money for his land. Even King Abdullah leased land to the Jews. In fact, many leaders of the Arab nationalist movement, including members of the Muslim Supreme Council, sold land to Jews. The real stealers of the land of Israel in the 20th century for the most part are the Ottoman Empire and the British Empire, not the vast majority of Jewish or Arabic people at all. Stalin wanted to exterminate all Jewish people in the Soviet Union. He had trains and eqiupment ready, but he died in the early 1950's before he would attempt to do it.

1948 is the most controversial year of Middle Eastern history. Now in 1947, The British government wanted to leave Israel. The U.N. proposed a partition to divide Palestine into a Jewish and Arabic state. On 29 November, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted to partition Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state (with Jerusalem becoming an international enclave). Earlier in 1937, the British Peel Commission seeked a 2 Jewish/Arabic state solution. The Jewish Agency accepted the plan. The Palestinian Arabic leadership and the Arab League rejected the plan as oppressive. In 1947, about 1.2 Arabs lived in Palestine as compared to 600,000 Jews. David Horowitz and Abba Eban failed a compromise in September 16, 1947. Later, wars and riots came full scale by January of 1948. In the first phase of the war, which lasted from November 29, 1947 until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries (like Egypt, Syria, Jordan, etc). These offensives were defeated. In May 14, 1948, Israel was declared a nation. It was a prophetic day, because according to prophecy Armaggedon will occur when all nations will fight against Israel. That wouldn't of occured if Israel wasn't reborn in a day. Although, Israel presently is imperfect, nations exist all of the time. The nation of Israel's logo was a simple of Magen David, which looks similar to a Hexagram (formed by 2 Equilateral Triangles where one is pointing up and another is pointing downward. When you eliminate the 2 horizontal bases of the Hexagram, you see an outline of the Masonic Square and Compass symbol). The Hexagram is known in witchcraft as representing the yani or female or lingam or masculine principles in generation. It has multiple meanings as well. Hexagram are used in occultism where folks try to communicate with demons or curse someone. OJ Graham (who is a Jewish Christian) have written a book detailing that the Seal of Solomon has nothing to do with Jewish people, but the Mystery Religions (as documented in his book entitled "The Six Pointed Star"). Graham writes that this star comes from the Egyptians before Solomon's time. Solomon worshipped Ashtoreth and Chiun plus Remphan. Richardson's Monitor of Freemasonry book on pg. 64 describe the 6 Pointed Star as to illustrate the Royal Arch Degree. Occultist like Madama HP Blavatsky of Theosophy wrote that he double traingel represents the spirit descent into matter. Immediately, Israel won their war of Independence after many Middle Eastern nation enacted another preemptive strike against Israel. There is a Picture showing 33rd Degree Freemasons Harry Truman and Chaim Weizman. Truman is holding a Torah. Truman expressed distain for Jewish people, but united with the man for the sake of the Brotherhood. Weizman was a traitor for his own people for not only allowing Polish Jewish people to die in the Holocaust, but he said point blank: "Millions of Jews are dust on the wheels of history that will have to be blown away. They must accept their fate. We do not want them crowding into our Tel Aviv, turning it into a low-grade ghetto," Weizman told these words to the New Judea magazine in its Fall 1937 issue. Also, according to Barry Chamish's research Reform Jewish man named Stephen Wise (an ally of a Roman Catholic Bishop) didn't do all he could to allow Jewish immigration into America during WWII. Hence, the leadership of Israel even back then (not the righteous Israeli or Arabic people), were infiltrated by the global elite since 1948. Rabbi Marvin Antelman's 2 volumes of "To Eliminate the Opiate" describe evil people also. Marvin is a patriot and investigated this issue, is a Zionist (since Zionism isn't monolithic as racist anti-Semites would claim), and opposes the agenda for world government. Antelman was apart of Bet Din (the same court group that excommunicated Henry Kissinger from the religion of Judaism). David Ben Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and he murdered Jewish people. How you might ask? Well, he prevented many Jewish people to enter into Israel as working with the British. Ben Gurion's troops killed and blew up the Altatena ship (This ship housed Jewish people and equipment for the 1948 war of Independence) according to Alan Stang's article. Religious Jewish people even back then were shocked to see their people oppressed in Israel (as funded by the socialist Israeli party called the Histadrut). According to Antelman's book on pg. 166, the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, and Schiffs opposed at first a Jewish state. Yet, they then supported and tried to control it when they couldn't get their way.

Why would this occur? It appears that these apostate leaders were obviously either pro-Marxism or pro-new world order (with not a real pro-God agenda since they oppressed Jewish people in their own land). This pro-Socialist faction of Zionists (as represented by the Labor Party and others. This Labor Party are interrelated to the British Fabian Socialists) fought against the more pro-Patriotic, anti-Communist faction of Zionists. Rabbi Antelman traces much of the apostacy to Shabbetai Tzvi (He was the Jewish false Messiah of the 17th century in Turkey. The Ottoman Empire convinced Tzvi to recant his blasphemous lie of him being the Messiah). His followers left Turkey and became known as the Frankism (named after Jacob Frank. The Frankism denied Orthodox Judaism, followed the occult, and follow a hatred of Jewish identity. Jacob Frank wanted to destroy Judaism completely). The Rabbi wrote that the Frankists worked with the Bavarian Illuminati in order to accomplish the elimination of organized religion plus Western society. Antelman accused Sabbatianism of being involved in Reform and Conservative Movements. Now, Antelman and Barry Chamish right of the CFR influence in the Middle East and the establishment Jewish community (not the patriotic Jewish people. There's a huge difference). It isn't a Jewish conspiracy because the ancient Mystery Religions, Secret Societies, and the origin of the utopian world order plan originated from the Gentiles. Also, the head of the Vatican, high level Freemasonry (some of their heads are British Royalty. Back in the 1700's, King Frederick II of Prussia, who is a Gentile, was the head of the Scottish Rite acording to John Daniel), high level political groups, occult Secret Societies, most international bankers, and the Pilgrim Society (the real rulers of the world) are mostly Gentiles. These same bloodlines that are in the power elite have ancestry from ancient Rome, ancient Rome, and even ancient Egypt.

One point of controversy was the Palestinian refugees. Some believe that the Israelis forced the Palestinians to leave Israel in 1948. According to a research report by the Arab-sponsored Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut, however, "the majority" of the Arab refugees in 1948 were not expelled, and "68%" left without seeing an Israeli soldier. Khaled al-..Azm, who served as Prime Minister of Syria in 1948 and 1949, wrote in his memoirs (published in Beirut, 1973), that among the reasons for the Arab failure in 1948 was "the call by the Arab Governments to the inhabitants of Palestine to evacuate it and to leave for the bordering Arab countries, after having sown terror among them...Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave...We have brought destruction upon a million Arab refugees, by calling upon them and pleading with them to leave their land, their homes, their work and business..." (Part 1, pp. 386-387). The Palestinians number in about 630,000 human beings in the late 1940's who were forced out of their properties. Although, there is evidence that many Palestinians were forced out of their land, so that was wrong. This immoral force out caused the refugee problem. Even the United Nations have taken weak and token steps to help solve the refugee crisis. Many Palestinians who were refugees were even helped more by Israel, Jordan, and other nations than the United Nations ever did. The Palestinian victims deserve compensation for that. Jewish refugees were also forced out of Yemen, Iraq, and Egypt (these tribes include the Teymanim and Yemenite Jews) because of progroms, presecutions, etc. in the 1940's. Also, these Jewish refugees number in over 800,000 people. Massacres like the massacre of Deir Yassin (where over 100 Arabic people were murdered) and the murder of the Jewish man named Kfar Etzion were definitely wrong.

From 1948 onward, both Israelis and Palestinians made errors and did positive things in the region. Israel's errors include the pre-emptive war in the Suez Canal in the 1950's (President Eisenhower forced the war to end soon by the year of 1956. Israel, Britian, and France was fighting against Egypt, because Egypt used a blockade of their Suez Canal thereby restricting resources into the region), their involvement in the bombing of the USS Liberty, there are laws in Israel restricting the religious liberties of Christians (and Messanic Jewish believers. Some Messanic Jewish people in Israel are assaulted by rabid Orthodox Jewish people. Some of these Orthodox people follow the man-made tradition of the Talmud. The Talmud has been accused of bashing Jesus Christ. Man made tradition has been promoted by the Sabbateans as well), and sometimes Israel enact excessive bombing of targets in the Middle East like in Lebanon. On many occasions, numerous Askhenazi Labor Zionists killed Sephardic and Yemeni Jews via x-Rays in the 20th century (This was written by the Israeli patriot Barry Chamish), sometimes some Israelis enact excessive treatment toward the Palestinians, and their leadership (not all Israelis) promoting a preemptive war in Iran (when Iran is no threat to Israel or America especially). I don't agree with the anti-Christian B'nai B'rith because it is a very powerful Jewish Masonic Lodge that is involved in infiltrating the Jewish community plus help inventing the ADL (a far left political organization). So, B'nai B'rith is more powerful than the ADL (whose policies are pro-abortion, anti-gun, and anti-conservative Christianity overtly). B'nai B'rith has a presence in the United Nations. They've praised Billy Graham in the Torch of Liberty Plague from 1969 (The torch in the occult represents Eros, Apollo, Hecata, and of course Lucifer. Occultist Edouard Schure admitted to this. Billy Graham said that Jewish people don't need Jesus Christ to be saved). Hardcore Luciferian, 33rd Degree Freemason, suspected Core Illuminati figure Manly Palmer Hall states that "the torches represent the Occult arts and sciences, the doctrines and dogmas by the light of which Truth is made visible." Congressman Gary Ackerman is a famous member of B'nai B'rith. B'nai B'rith condemns even the voluntary conversion of Jewish people into accepting Jesus Christ as the Messiah (as evident in the 1996 urging of the South Baptist Convention to ban conversion of Jewish people). Frankily, the B'nai B'rith is a branch of the Order of Freemasonry. Freemasonry have infiltrated companies, churches like the South Baptists, and other entities for a long time. The B'nai B'rith is superior in power to the ADL, but its subordinate under its ally, the Scottish Rite of Freemasony as documented by Anton Chaitkan. The ADL has been caught spying on innocent people and William Cooper (including Rabbi Lapin) wrote unbiased exposes on the ADL as well. I don't agree with AIPAC because of its undue foreign policy influence on America (as stated in the Mersheimer/Walt paper) and constant accusastion of AIPAC spying in Americans as well. Now, the Palestinian errors are terror attacks in Israel, their leadership's oppression against Christians, and other errors. After the Gulf War, the Palestinians were moved out Kuwait into Israel with the support of the Emir of Kuwait. In 1970, the Masonic King Hussein of Jordan murdered 7,000 to 8,000 Palestinians (plus others) in 2 days. So, Palestinians have been oppressed by other Middle Eastern nations as well. In 1973, the Yom Kippur war occured where Israel was attacked preemptively by the nation of Egypt. The infiltration of the Middle East by the global elite unfortunately continues to this day. Now, the Knight of Malta Juan Carlos (as explained by Chamish) is a leading figure in Middle Eastern negiotations. Freemasons then and now promote the reconstruction of Solomon's Temple in Israel. Remember that Freemasonry is of the Mystery Religion:

"...All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it; everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jaco Boeheme, Swedenborg, Saint Martin, and others is borrowed from the Kabalah: all Masonic associations owe it their secrets and their symbols." (Morals and Dogma page 744).

"Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us back, as you see, to the Kabalah. In that ancient and little understood (source-book) the Initiate will find the source of many doctrines; and (he) may in time come to understand the Hermetic philosophers, the ALchemists, all the Antipapal Thinkers of the Middle Ages, and Emanuel Swedenborg." (Morals and Dogma, page 741, by Albert Pike)

Pike reveals, on page 624, Teaching of the 28th Degree, that "Masonry is identical with the Ancient Mysteries ..." Masonry is also are in love of Solomon's Temple. Some want it to be rebuilt as evident by these quotes from high level Freemasons:

"Of all the objects which constitute the Masonic science of symbolism, the most important, the most cherished, by the Mason, and by far the most significant, is the Temple of Jerusalem. The spiritualizing of the Temple is the first, the most prominent and the most pervading, of all symbols of Freemasonry ... Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die ... " ["Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry", by Albert Mackey, MD, 33º and Charles T. McClenachan, 33º, Revised Edition, by Edward L. Hawkins, 30º and William J. Hughan, 32º, Volume II, M-Z, published by The Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, London, 1873, A.G. Mackey, 1927, by the Masonic History Company.]

"... in the High Grades [of Masonry] we hear of a secret intention to build yet another temple at Jerusalem." [Author, Edward Waite, p. 486-7, "A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: The Rites, Literature and History", Volume II, reprinted in 1970 by Weathervane Books].

"The Freemasons have, at all events, seized with avidity the idea of representing in their symbolic language the interior and spiritual man by a material temple ... The great body of the Masonic Craft, looking only to this first Temple erected by the wisdom of King Solomon, make it the symbol of life; and as the great object of Masonry is the search after truth, they are directed to build up this temple as a fitting receptacle for truth ..." ["Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry", by Albert Mackey, MD, 33º and Charles T. McClenachan, 33º, Revised Edition, by Edward L. Hawkins, 30º and William J. Hughan, 32º, Volume II, M-Z, published by The Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, London, 1873, A.G. Mackey, 1927, by the Masonic History Company, p. 774]

In the book of Revelation, there is the establishment of the New Jerusalem after the Second Coming of the Messiah. This vast city whose dimensions are of the order of 1500 miles on a side. Biblical scholars believe that a Fourth Temple will exist during the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ, who is the Messiah.

By Timothy

By Timothy

August 23, 2008


E Wilson said...

Brother Timothy,
Thank you very much for your article on the 3rd temple. This is an event which Father Yahweh's people need to be in much prayer about. The Scripture's teach that before Yahshua The Messiah returns, the "false" or "counterfeit" christ will establish his throne in Jerusalem. in Isaiah 14:12-15 we are told that Satan (lucifer) will set his throne in the place of Yahweh. This event is growing close to realization. The whole world is waiting in expectation of the arrival of a "god" being. The Buddhist, Hindu, the Musslim, the Myan, the Jews and the Catholics. We know not the day or the hour, but we are close.
I am sending an article which reveals much on the same subject as you covered. People must be warned !
your fellow servant,
Eric Wilson

Timothy said...


By Timothy

Anonymous said...

Brother timothy
Thanks for the infor i never knew this existed..for ur infor freemasons are also here in the pacific..your are true the western nation use countire against each other like the romans did..its all for total dominance may Jesus Christ shine upon you always, protect you no matter you have part one of i can print it and distribute wiht my friends..
Taira M (Soldier in Christ)

Timothy said...

Part 1 is located at: