Saturday, August 23, 2008

Let the Truth Shine Like a Rainbow

Let the Truth Shine Like a Rainbow

Using your mind isn't enough to concieve of a real success in the travel of our lives. It takes the full reliance upon God alone to assist us in our joys and tribulatons. 2008 is coming on so fast in the span of this year. I've written a lot of prose and visited numerous places. Still speaking my mind is never relinquished among my responsibilities to do. In the following months and years, big changes will envelop America. In my country of America, a new President and a possiby new composition of Congress will commence on the scene. With that, being active is a vital part of our existence. Serving other human beings ought to be made manifest. We ought not to be ashamed of our views at all. There ought to be a decentralization of power in the world. The centralization of power never yielded effective solutions to allievate the ills of mankind at all. Just look at the stories of today or the past 20th century (with the atrocities of Communism, Hitler in WWII, etc. as full conclusive evidence that centralizing power into the hands of few is futile in helping society in general). The Rhodes Scholar's history is a clear cut example of the evil in the cosmology of the decentralization of power into a few hands. Cecil Rhodes and his Secret Society was one big Skeleton cliques crucial in the plans of the new world order from the 20th to the 21st centuries. Rhodes admittedly based his Secret Order on the Order of the Jesuits. Cecil Rhodes was a big figure in the British Empire. He lived from 1853-1902. Cecil Rhodes was a big diamond cheiftan who exploited the resources of Africa. He founded the de Beers diamond empire. The colony of "Rhodesia" bore Cecil Rhodes' name. That nation is know called Zimbabwe today in 2008. Cecil believed that Britian had the right to control America plus the world to formulate a new world order. Carroll Quigley wrote a lot of information about the Rhodes/Milner Round Table organization that was launched in South Africa. This group oppressed the Boer people during the Boer Wars (some accused him of provocating the second Boer War, which occured from 1899-1902. Cecil Rhodes was accused of this via the Jamestown raid). Carrol Quigley wrote in his book entitled "The Anglo-American Establishment" that: "...One of the chief methods by which this Groups works has been through propaganda. It plotted the Jameson Raid of 1895; it caused the Boer War of 1899-1902, it set and controls Rhodes Trust; it created the Union of South Africa in 1906-1910; it established the South African periodical The State in 1908." The Boer Wars had concentration camps utilized by the British. The war combined the 4 territories (of Cape Colony, Rhodesia, Zululand, and Bechuanaland Protectorate) into South Africa. Rhodes and other British elites wanted a world government federation. So, Rhodes set up his Secret Society. He allowed Lord Milner, William Stead, Lord Rothschild, and others to join in the plan. Rhodes left his fortune into the hands of Lord Rothschild in his third will whose goal was to expand the British Empire. The inncer circle of initiates in Cecil Rhodes were William T. Stead, Lord Rothschild, Reginald Baliol, Brett (Lord Esher), Lord Alfred Milner, Cardinal Manning, Lord Arthur, Lord Balfour, Albert Grey, Sir Harry Johnston, Lionel Curtis, Philip Kerr, Geoffrey Dawson, T.E. Lawrence, Alfred J. Toynbee, and others. In Oxford now, their descendant of the Rhodes Scholarship (this was done by Rhodes leaving an endowment) to this day have links to world leaders like Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar in 1968. Rhodes pulled those from Oxford and Cambridge into his Round Table group. Cecil's mentor professor at Oxford Ruskin wanted this plan. The Round Table help invent the RIIA or the Royal Institute of International Affairs, then the RIIA help create the CFR (or the Council on Foreign Relations). Lionel Curtis founded the RIIA. He wrote books like "World War: Its Cause and Cure," and "The Capital Question of China." Lionel Curtis had a significant role in the development of the new world order.

Here's Quigley take on Lionel:

"...Lionel Curtis is one of the most important members of the Milner Groups, or, as a member of the Group expressed it to me, he is the fons et origo. It may sound extravangant as a statement, but a powerful defense could be made of the claim that what Curtis thinks should be done to the British Empire is what happens a generation late. I shall give here only two recent examples of this. In 1911 Curtis decided that the name of His Majesty's Dominions must be changed from 'British Empire' to 'Commonwealth of Nations.' This as done officially in 1948. Again, about 1911 Curtis decided that India must be given complete self government as rapidly as conditions permitted. This was carried out in 1947. As we shall see, these are merely coincidental events, for Curtis, working behind the scenes, has been one of the chief architects of the present Commonwealth." (Carroll Quigley, "The Anglo-American Establishment, from pg. 63).

Quigley further writes that after the 1914 WWI event, Lionel Curtis and others established groups of the Round Table group worldwide. The local front group was the RIIA, and the CFR was one such group in New York. The CFR was a front for the JP Morgan and Company along with a small American Round Table group. The American organizers were ruled by Morgan experts. The Round Table had its headquarters until 1961 (according to Carroll's Tradegy and Hope book from pages 951-952) in Chathan House, UK in Ormond yard. TE Lawrence was another famous Round Table member. Lawrence is also known as "Lawrence of Arabia." Lawrence of course unconvinced Arabic leaders during WWI to start rebellions in the Ottoman Empire to create their own nations (along with aiding British interests). Even Colin Powell is a member of the Order of the Bath. Rhodes along with the Vatican are nexus points of the agenda for world government.

Far too often, some refuse to expose the Vatican/Jesuit connection to world events. Some even in the alternative media just randomnly say words without talking about names or connections to situations. Although, I won't go into that realm. In fact, new information about the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and other groups keep on transpiring all of the time. To Unhived Mind Forum's credit, they've made this information more accessible to people. Now, this information is some that numerous folks even in the alternative media refuse to talk about. Before outlining the members of the SMOMs (or the Knights of Malta) in the 21st century, it's time to recap their history for a bit. The Knights of Malta were created in the 11th century A.D. Once the Knights Templar were rooted out of continential Europe for accusations of immorality, the Knights of Malta got much of the Knights Templar's lands and wealth like areas in the Aventine Hill. Remember that the Knights Templar were known as the biggest international bankers during the era of the Crusades including a century afterwards. Historically, the Knights of Malta were involved in the Vatican Ratlines of sending Nazis into America, funding the Cuban Revolution of the Jesuit-trained dictator Fidel Castro, they head up the agents of military industrial complex, and the SMOMs mask their power in the veil of "charities." Now, the Knights of Malta own plus control huge wealth of much of the military, pharmaceuticals, other prominent corporations, some of our educational systems (like a Knight of Malta is the President of Georgetown University), and the politics of the globe. They are cotrolled by their Grandmaster Matthew Festing today. He is subsequently controlled by the Vatican and the Jesuits whose leaders are Pope Benedict XVI and Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas. Now, it's been discovered that people like Antonio Brown (who was pictured with the Knight of the Virgin Bonesman George W. Bush, Laura Bush, Mike Tyson, and Donald Trump), Alexandr Cach, Mike Faraone, and Joey Demaio are all Knight of Malta in the 21st century. Brother Nicholas Rivera found some more information on Cach. He found out that Cach owns his Graddo company. Cach was apart of the INEOA and allied with the DEA (which promotes the never ending, anti-liberty federal Drug War. These Knights are also in league with the Knights and Jesuit trained agents found in the Justice Department, the DHS, and the CIA). Cach has been in the establishment and he was awarded by Citigroup/Citibank as found by Nicholas Rivera. With each days, numerous folks are exposing the truth of the Jesuit connection to world events. Patrick Leahy was educated in the Order's Georgetown Law School. The Jesuits readily accept absolutism or the concept of an authoritarian society aka fascism. Criticism against the Vatican/Jesuit power elite has been abundant:

"If ever there was a body of men who merited ETERNAL DAMNATION on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola's [i.e., the Jesuit Order]." – John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States)

"The Jesuit Order is an association of highly organized warrior priests. They are POLITICIANS first and foremost and have been EXPELLED from virtually every country they have had the opportunity to CORRUPT and DESTROY. Their modus operandi is POLITICAL and EDUCATIONAL INFILTRATION and SUBVERSION and the FOMENTING of wars and revolutions in order to weaken and mold the target country into submissive pliability, to then be used to carry out their purpose of global ecclesiastically backed dictatorship. The United States is no exception to this." – C.T. Wilcox (Canadian actor and writer; "The Transformation of the Republic"; 2005; Page 8)

"The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, [and] with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The Vatican has billions in shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines [IBM], T.W.A., etc. At a conservative estimate, these amount to more than 500 million dollars in the USA alone.

In a statement published in connection with a bond prospectus, the Boston archdiocese listed its assets at Six Hundred and Thirty-five Million ($635,891,004), which is 9.9 times its liabilities. This leaves a net worth of Five Hundred and Seventy-one Million dollars ($571,704,953). It is not difficult to discover the truly astonishing wealth of the [Roman Catholic] Church, once we add the riches of the twenty-eight archdioceses and 122 dioceses of the USA, some of which are even wealthier than that of Boston.

Some idea of the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the [Roman] Catholic Church may be gathered by the remark of a member of the New York Catholic Conference, namely 'that his church probably ranks second only to the United States government in total annual purchase'. Another statement, made by a nationally syndicated Catholic priest, perhaps is even more telling. 'The Catholic Church', he said, 'must be the biggest corporation in the United States. We have a branch office in every neighborhood. Our assets and real estate holdings must exceed those of Standard Oil, A.T. &T., and U.S. Steel combined. And our roster of dues-paying members must be second only to the tax rolls of the United States government.'

The [Roman] Catholic Church, once all her assets have been put together, is the most formidable stockbroker in the world. The Wall Street Journal said that the Vatican's financial deals in the U.S. alone were so big that very often it sold or bought gold in lots of a million or more dollars at one time.

The Vatican's treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. But this is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican, which in the U.S. alone is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant corporations of the country. When to that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad, then the staggering accumulation of the wealth of the [Roman] Catholic Church becomes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment.

The Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The popeis consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century." – Avro Manhattan (The Vatican Billions; 1983)

CFR member Dick Cheney's top lawyer and chief of staff David Addington was trained by Jesuits at the Walsh School of Foreign Service. Addington is an avid supporter of warrantless wiretapping and further expansion of power in the executive branch. The Jesuits have trained war Generals like Peter Pace and even Robert M. Gates who are involved in the war on terror. Another Knight of Malta is named Lachlan Reed. Reed is a Yale grad and a kingpin being involved with companies like General Electric (DuPont, and Catepillar). He's a crucial man working in this time of war with the Islamic world The European Union has Vatican footprints as well. Some of the EU's leaders of Tony Blair and Jose Manuel Barroso are Roman Catholics. Jose was educated by Jesuits in Georgetown University and Georgetown's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service in Washington D.C. An united Europe was a Vatican brainchild for centuries. Jesuit Leo J. O'Donovan is on the Board of Directors of the Disney Corporation. Knight of Malta Steven Saxton is the Founder and CEO of Hollywood Studios International. Papal Canon law and the Jesuit supported Council of Trent condemn the beliefs of non-Catholics as anathema or accused. Even most of the Supreme Court is headed by Roman Catholics with Samuel Alito being a Knight of Columbus. Few realize that tons of international bankers are headed by the SMOMs. Geoffrey T. Boisi was a Knight of Malta and had a promient position in the Carneigie Corporation. He is a partner of Goldman Sachs, and Company as well. Troy was the first to tie the Constantinian Order will the present power structure today that I know of. Troy found its made up of nobles who admit that their goal is to create a Crusade in order to control the Middle East. Its made up of aristocracy and other elites. Troy says that the Constantinian Order is more powerful than the Knights of Malta. The Knights of Malta, the 4th vow Jesuit Order members, the Constantinian Order, and the Golden Fleece are part of the upper echeloen of the Vatican power players. These elites marry the English elite. For example, the Duke of Kent (the head of English's UGLE or the United Grand Lodge of England) married a Roman Catholic like his son Lord Nicholas Windsor. This is the link between the leaders of Freemasonry and the Vatican. Therefore, The network of Vatican power is there.

There is a group called Common Purpose. What is it? It's a group with 80,000 trainees in 36 cities, 30,000 graduate members with big power. It's based in the United Kingdom. Some accuse this groups of making to not serve their own departments, while working for them. Some accuse it of wasting money. For example, Cremation of care says that Common Purpose wastes 60 billion pounds controlling the NHS (or the National Health Services). The CP appears to have undue influence in the BBC, Local Councils, the police, schools, and other government agencies running towns in the UK. Brian Gerrish and MEP Rogert Helmer outline the view that the CP are influencing Plymouth, England including their infiltraton of the British Government. In Plymouth, CP helped people find jobs. Later, the council support left the plans. When the council wanted to continue the plans alone, CP threatened them. Common Purpose was operating across the city in the police, the judiciay, the government, and even the city council. Gerrish accuses Common Purpose of really trying to inspire UK citizens to embrace the anti-national soveriegnity group of the European Union. CP is international in other nations like France, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, India, etc. It was founded in 1989. The CEO now is named Julia Middleton. It seems the Common Purpose is nothing more than a slick globalist organization seeking to control the lives of the people.

The Political Conventions and the Race

The Political conventions of the DNC and the RNC aren't without controversy. Reuters from Thursday, on August 7, 2008 proclaimed that a judge said that Denver can restrict protests at the DNC. Federal judges ruled on Wednesday that protestors at the Democratic National Convention in Denver can be restricted to fenced in areas. A dozen of groups want to protest the August convention. Many of them sued the U.S. Secret Service and the city of Denver for their plans to confine their activities in a parade route plus a fenced in zone. This is truly a violation of the protestors' First Amendment rights. Many mainstream media outlets aren't treated like this, so why are protestors oppressed like this. The ACLU, American Friends Service Committee, and others argued that the rules would restrict them (and the rules will make the protestors to be too far way from delegates to get their message across during the convention). The convention is scheduled for August 25-28, 2008 at the city's downtown Pepsi Center. U.S. District Judge Marcia Krieger even agreed that the protestors would suffer some infringement on their freedom of expression. Yet, she said that those interests had to be balanced with security concerns. She wrote a 71 page ruling. She said that alternative means of expression would compensate the restriction. I find that egregious and lacking in common sense. The reason is that these restrictions definitely violate the First Amendment. They outline a basic problem in effectively getting their messages across, since the free speech zones are too far away from near the DNC at all. Free speech zones is just one violation of our rights. It extends into warantless checkpoints in D.C, gun thefts without a Fourth Amendment in Oakland, CA, pre crime illegal gun grabbing in Conneciticut, police bruality, taser deaths, and the lists goes on and on. This isn't freedom period. So, you have to be cognizant and viligant about the protection of our civil liberties in these dangerous times. We shouldn't be violent, but there is nothing wrong with self defense to protect your family or friends. The DNC and cages mix into a cold, calculating display of tyranny. Tillie Fong from the Rocky Mountain News on August 13, 2008 wrote about a story which is related to this issue. Fong wrote that if some protestors are arrested at the DNC or the Democratic National Convention, they could be jailed in a city owned warehouse. This warehouse is complete with metal cages and barbed wire as CBS4 has learned. Rick Sallinger (who is an investigative reporter) discovered the location and managed to get inside the camp on Tuesday for a look. This newly formed lockup in a warehouse is located in the northeast of Denver. It has dozens of metal cages made up of chain link fence material and it's topped by rolls of barbed wire. Each of these fenced in areas is about 15 feet by 15 feet with a lock on the door. A sign on the wall reads "Warning, electric stun devices used in this facility." Sallinger outlined video of the warehouse to Adam Jung of Tent State University and Zoe Williams of Code Pink. These people are some leaders of various groups that plan to demonstrate during the convention. Williams compared it to a prisoner camp and a concentration cmap. It's similar to a concentration camp indeed, because these cages will treat human beings like cattle with the nuts and bolts of the cages. The Denver Sheriff's Department would not discuss the facility. The sheriff's department said that they will release a statement. The ACLU will ask the city of Denver on how prisoners will get food, water, bathrooms, telephones, how will they reach attorneys, and about medical care. If this plan goes through, these actions would be no different than the actions in 2004 with camps during the RNC. This is immoral, because you place criminals under arrest without placing them in concentration cmps. Back in 2004, many innocent protestors were even placed in such camps in New York City.

The John McCain and Barack Obama Presidential campaign have been aggressive and emotional. McCain denies that he doesn't care about the plight of the poor. Conversely, Obama abhor his critics questioning his patriotism or his commitment to wanting to improve the lives of Americans. One of the critical issues on this election is the economy. Barack Obama says that he will only tax primarily those above 250,000, but he supported an International Poverty Bill that will cost almost 1 trillion dollars. The bill is the "Global Poverty Act" (S.2433). Cliff Kincaid wrote that this bill is supported by the United Nations to be a global tax in order to make America more dependent toward the U.N. (without independent solutions enacted to help our poverty in the world). Obama is correct that we have economic problems and there is nothing wrong with middle class tax cuts. Barack Obama's most controvesial views (in my opinion) revolves around the born alive abortion law in Illinois. Tons of emotion are in this debate, so let's show the truth here. Now, the born alive law prevents infanticide against a baby that survived an abortion. Barack Obama claimed that he supported the federal, but not the state bill, because it didn't have a Roe v. Wade stamp of approval behind it. He opposed the early state bill of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act in 2001 for that reason. He opposed it for 2002. Obama told Senator O'Malley in a speech that he opposed it because he said "...As I understand it, this puts the burden on the attending physician who has determined, since they were performing this procedure, that, in fact, this is a nonviable fetus; that if that fetus, or child - however way you want to describe it - is now outside the mother's womb and the doctor continues to think that it's nonviable but there's, let's say, movement or some indication that, in fact, they're not just coming out limp and dead, that, in fact, they would then have to call a second physician to monitor and check off and make sure that this is not a live child that could be saved..." This is an erreneous argument, because you are to immediate save a live irrespective if a physician is there or now. You delay saving a life with the with a delay by a doctor. Now, first, Roe v. Wade was a badly worded law that equated privacy with murder. Barack Obama accused many pro-lifers as liars when they question his voting record ..ion. He said that he supported the federal bill not the state one (from 2003. Even NARAL was neutral on the BAIPA bill) since he feels that the state one threatened Roe v. Wade. Also, the federal and the state bill were identical in their wording as discovered by the NRLC. This controversial obfuscate the truth that Obama is the most pro-abortion Presidential candidate in America. He has voted in support of all forms of abortion at any stage of development. He has never voted on any legislation to even radically reduce abortions at all. The new argument for the pro-abortion crowd (like Alan Colmes) in support of Obama is that a law was already on the book to protect babies who survived abortions. There is such a 1975 law. However, there was a condent decree entered into in 1993 called that "Herbst-O'Malley" consent decree which retrained and prevented the enforcement of that very law. Laws do exist preventing murder of babies, but a law involving the protection of aborted surviving infants were compromised. In Conclusion, Barack Obama doesn't support infanticide since I take him at his word. Yet, he does support abortion and nearly worships Roe v. Wade so much in paranoia that he voted against a tame (non-threatening) BAIPA bill on the state level. Not to mention that even if the BAIPA bill was passed, it still wasn't going to end Roe v. Wade. Even if the bill had anti-Roe v. Wade language, Roe v. Wade ought to be banned anyway (abortion was much less before 1973 than after the passage of the federal Roe v. Wade law).

Now, John McCain isn't off the hook. That's right, John McCain isn't pro-life. It's worse for McCain because at least Obama makes no bones that he isn't Pro-Life. McCain uses deception himself in speaking against abortion to earn votes and cover up his real views on the issue. To his credit, McCain is right to say that human life begins in conception, because at conception a zygote forms. That's where it stops. Chuck Baldwin wrote a very easy to read article to prove that McCain isn't Pro-Life. For years from 2000 to 2006 outline that he doesn't want to overthrow Roe v. Wade, which has caused almost 50 million people to die. The Republicans do have a huge responsible for this since they present themselves as a pro-Life party, yet abortion on demand hasn't radically decreased at all (except in some exceptions of various states). John McCain openly agrees with embryonic stem cell research, he agrees with abotion with rape and incest, and he voted to provide funds to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is the world's largest abortion provider. John McCain claims to wants small business increase their productivity. Yet, he supports NAFTA and GATT, which are some of the same unfair trade agreement that are contributing to the spiraling economic crises that we witness today. It's apparent that we have civil liberty issues. We have a barbed wire camp in Denver, pre crime gun grabs in Connecticut, free speech zones, and innocent citizens being tasered to death. Even Keith Olbermann from MSNBC admitted that we are living under an embryonic police state. I will say that it's bigger than George W. Bush. Bush is a puppet. The violation of our rights existed for centuries in America. You can look at the Native Americans and the black slaves to see that. Even in the 1960's, COINTELPRO and Operation Choas were clear cut programs by the FBI and other to spy on innocent people (without a warrant at all). These nefarious deeds were so unjustifable that the Church Committee in the 1970's had to criticize just injustice. Now, the Bush administration promotes the contiunity of government (or the COG). That government is the shadow government that many members of Congress was refused to gain access to more of what the provisions of COG was. Barack Obama has chosen his Vice Presidential candiate as the CFR member Joe Biden. Joe Biden (a Roman Catholic) is a new world order puppet. Joseph Biden is quoted as wanting a new world order. According to Devvy, he made a speech on June 29, 1992 of saying on the senate floor that: "...Although President Bush (Sr.) called the New World Order a "big idea" one may surmise that the President did not follow through with the concept of a New World Order because he had not thought it through (in Iraq, 1991)...Instead, I shall urge that we revive the concept of a New World Order, rescue the phrase from cynicism and invest in it a vision that should become the organizing principle of American foreign policy in the 1990s and into the next century" ( On the Threshold of a New World Order, An American Agenda for the New World Order, Fulfilling the Wilsonian Vision). Devvy accused Biden of illegally elected as a Senator since the Constitution says you have to be 30 to be in the Senate (when Biden was only 29 when he was elected in the Senate). He is a member of the CFR or the Council on Foreign Relations. He along with CFR member Leslie Gelb wanted to decentralize Iraq by dividing it into 3 main regions (based on Sunnis, Shias, and the Kurds). He voted for the Patriot Act and its renewal in 2006. He's agreed with the Real ID Act (which is a National ID card system which violates our civil liberties). Joe voted for the Iraq War Resolution and demonized Serbs who suffered genocide via the 1999's NATO's attack against Serbia. He support the Waco murder of men, women, and children via militarized weapons. The DNC is being held in Denver, Colorado, while the RNC will be held in St. Paul, Minnesota. If you want to see real Third Party candidates that are much better than Obama and McCain put together, you can check out Chuck Baldwin (of the Constitution Party), Cythnia McKinney (of the Green Party), and Bob Barr (of the Libertarian Party). Each of them outline better solutions and ideas for America. Unfortunately, the media promotes the falsehood that you have be either a Republican or Democrat. You don't. You have the right to be an Independent if you want to period.

Big Brother in the 21st Century

Neuroscience is one of the futuristic technologies that Homeland Security wish to develop. Tom Burghardt from Global Research at July 30, 2008 reported on how DARPA (which is controlled by the Pentagon) is pushing for such neuroscience technology for sake of perserving "national security" and continuing the "war on terror." DARPA is well known for inventing the Internet in the late 1960's. DARPA is short for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Now, DARPA desires neuroscience devices into order to create a "perfect warfighter," "control people's minds," and just to exact more rule over our society. It's apart of an imperalist mentality for DARPA seeking to militarize the mind. DARPA lusts after controlling urban centers including blurring the lines between humans and machines. The Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics disagrees with this neuroscience plan. The reason is that this goal infringes on the right of people to have liberty, autonomy, and privacy over their own minds and intellect. The folks from the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics are correct on that point, because human beings have the right of his own cognitive liberty as a right. Unfortunately, the Pentagon's DARPA wants to infringe on that right. For example, In the prose of "Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense" (Dana Press, 2006), bioethicist Jonathan Moreno believes that DARPA lusts after creating mind machine interfaces (aka neural prosthetics), having MRI technology that can screen people's mind, and developing neuroweapons using toxins to disrupt the brain. Additionally, DARPA envisions of formenting pulse weapons that can control crowds. DARPA's Defense Sciences Office (DSO) are devising other technologies to manipulate our minds. They include Peak Solder Performance where the soldier is sent drugs to increase their performance, NeoVision, etc. Amy Kruse Ph.D is a leader in operational neuroscience where DARPA believes that they can improve brain machine interface plus improve the military's functions in war. One problem with these technologies is that it could allow for unreasonable monitoring of human beings' thoughts. This is nothing new because MKULTRA was a CIA program where humans' minds were shifted around for control. The CIA seminal interrogation manuals, KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation and the Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual-1983 outlined research in neuroscience. Hence, DARPA is huge in the forefront of mind controlling technologies that can violate human privacy.

DAPRA plans on tagging system for soldiers. Lewis Page from The Register on Monday at , July 21, 2008 described more information about this story. DARPA was created by the Pentagon to invent cutting edge Big Brother technology. DARPA wants to electromagnetically tag U.S. combat soldiers in the same way some criminals are under judicial restraint. Like always, the government justifies this action as a means to find troops if they get lost or if they are in need to be rescued. DARPA calls this plan the "Individual Force Protection System." It is inteded to be taken forward by the U.S. defence contractor named Science Application International Corporation (SAIC). DARPA believes that SAIC is the only source that in the case of a follow on requiement with the indepth knowledge and experience with the Individual Protection System. The IFPS is undergoning much extensive development. Although, it isn't to be put in the market yet, but it's under a previous contract. DARPA invented the Internet in the late 1960's, promote nanotechnology, and are in league with the elite's goal of transhumanism (i.e. trying to make man into a godlike being via machines). DARPA officials said that the IFPS system will include a smal three inch lightweight tag attached to a soldier' uniform. There are a variety of vehicle borne or portable recievers to locate the tag (even in the vast array of the electromagnetic spectrum inside of the battlefield). DAPRA doesn't want it to include GPS because the tracking range of 150km is possible. Machines like Land Warrior with GPS exist. The small IFPS can be placed around someone's neck. The UK has Miltrak system.This system utilizes standard mobile phone and satnav electronics in certain cases. Technology have been utilized for good and evil purposes. Tom Burghardt from the Dissident Voice on July 9, 2008 wrote about sinister so-called "non-lethal" weapons that the federal government have in their arsenal. This weapons are very high tech. They rang from acoustic microwave armaments, laser induced plasma channels, etc. The Pentagon's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (or the JNLWD) deal with such instruments. The JNLWD is testing Raytheon's Active Denial System (or the ADS). The ADS is an energy weapon used for crowd control. It can show a pain ray that can heat the skin at ca. 130 degrees F. It has a range of 550 yards. Some want such devices to be used against citizens. MEDUSA or Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio is eventually trying to be used in crowd control not only in military affairs. It can shockwave the human skull and heat human tissues. MEDUSA can harm the ears to even cause discomfort or incapacitation. There are health risks involved with such technology. When the U.S. Army's Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) was forced to release a study under the Freedom on Information Act, something occured. The study documented a multitude of hazardous side-effects of such instruments. The activist Frank Morales criticized such weapons as being part of a police state mindset (with RFID chips, etc.) to futher control society plus violating the principle of Posse Comitatus. In other words, the military should not conduct itself in law enforcement capabilities. These weapons are not non-lethal and they harbor a destructive nature with risks against the human body. The Pentagon are just having new ways to go out and control society. It's another example of the militarization of the police including our whole country. Once, a lot of concepts and technology we see now were unheard of even 10 years ago. Now, they are more commonplace. One science fiction talked about such instruments and now in 2008, it's here. Big Brother is here and its power is increasing radically. The good news is that millions of people are exposing the Big Brother control grid panticopton.

By Timothy

August 23, 2003 Saturday

1 comment:

Stop Common Purpose said...

There is more about Common Purpose here: