Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Political paradigm

From http://theresistancemanifesto.com/forum/index.php?topic=174.0


RIGHT WING... leans towards traditions american values derived from the constitution... like private ownership.. private land.. private everything.
(mislead... because the constitution is not in effect and most dont know it)

FASCISM... IS WHERE.. the state desides.. what is right... and you better believe it to.... or else...
not nessasrily.. left or right...
just that they.. the fascists are right... and everyone must get on board.

COMMUNISM... one massive commune... where no one owns anything, and everything is owned by the state, and everyone buys into a belief system where wealth and greed and capitalism is bad... and causes poverty... which it does..
and where everyone makes little money... but they dont need money either, because they get free rent, and food, and social services.
where the economy is controlled.. and the value of the currency has nothing to do with market values.. or any such nonsense.

no one gets rich.. and so... its hard to buy toys.
but no one is starving or homeless either.
and instead of wealth... people can have power... which is like being rich.
and... the police force is typically 10 times larger... to allow the government to maintain those controls.

SOCIALISM... IS WHERE THE governent owns most large buisnesses, and the taxes are high on everyone... but rents are low and price controlled.. all prices.. are price controlled... and the people have various levels of job security and housing security but not as much as communism.

and.. it is possible to own and run buisnesses.. but not really big ones, and the taxes are high.. so its harder to get rich.

-MMAT (Mosheh Thezion)



Read it like a graph with an x-y axis.


It's very simple; democrats want a nanny state, republicans want a police state. We want a free state.Another way to put it is; democrats want the government to be your mommy, republicans want the government to be your daddy, we want the government to treat you like an adult.



The x-axis has to do with economic liberties and the y-axis is about civil liberties... someone who is a socialist wants the government to have lots of control over the economy and the power to re-distribute wealth as it sees fit (ie heavy taxes, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor), and wants the government to control key industries like energy and healthcare, etc. Someone on the conservative side of the axis wants government to have little control over those things, low taxes, no social handout programs, etc. The y-axis is more self-explainatory, someone on the libertarian side believes in personal freedom and privacy from government intrusion into parts of life that don't have to do with money, they would tend to oppose such things as the patriot act and warrantless wiretapping, tend to oppose wars, want total freedom of speech and of the press, etc.Republicans are generally in the top-right quadrant; they want economic freedoms (they don't really but they pretend to) but aren't as concerned with civil liberties. Democrats are the opposite, they are the bottom-left quadrant, believing in civil liberties (which they also only pretend to do) but don't like economic individualism.

The problem is, when the republicans take power, they hammer away at our civil rights but don't do much to protect our economic freedoms, and then when the democrats take power, they hammer away at our economic freedoms but don't really do a whole lot to protect our civil rights (notice how they are protecting Bush from being impeached, and they aren't taking any steps to repeal all the Big Brother crap Bush signed into law over the past 7 years). The result is that the long-term trend is one that is moving towards the upper-left quadrant on the graph, the worst one of all, where the government has power over everything and the people have no freedom at all. This is the goal of the New World Order.



Take the test !!!!!!!!!!http://www.politicalcompass.org/


A conservative means a traditionalist.

Conservatism by definition is neither good nor bad.

In history there have been both royal conservatives - pro-monarch and constitutional conservatives- pro-constitutional republic. Granted you could argue pro and con for either or.

An authoritarian-conservative would be a "strict constructionist" towards the constitution.

A libertarian-conservative would be a "loose constructionist" towards the constitution.

A fascist-conservative makes excuses to "suspend" the constitution and makes plans for continuity of government.

The authoritarian-liberal always pushes for a nanny-state/safety-net functions of government offices. Citing the more corrupt aspects of capitalism, in many aspects of an individual's life. You could argue which is good and which is bad. OSHA, CPS, EPA etc.

A libertarian-liberal accepts the constitution but wants only necessary rules and few regulation in one's personal life.

Anarchists - Have no use for any central government authority, in a pragmatic sense, totally unsustainable.



The x-axis is about how much economic freedom people have, in that context "conservative" means people have maximum economic freedom, ie, low taxes, no IRS, no federal reserve, no government bailouts or socialist programs, etc. Conservative in general doesn't mean wanting things to stay the same, it means wanting to go back to the traditional values our founding fathers embraced, such as following the constitution.

The republican party claims to be "conservative" because that's a marketable word, but they are not conservative at all, because they want big centralized government, empirialism, want a police state and don't respect the constitution. Hence we call them "neo-conservatives" or neo-cons for short which is a way of saying they are fake conservatives, they act like they are conservatives when they are really fascists.



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