The DHS or the Department of Homeland Security expands from laptop searches to paper searches at borders. Electronic Frontier Foundation from September 24, 2008 wrote about this story. This fact has been exposed by recently obtained documents. These documents outlined that last year, the Department of Homeland Security quietly reversed a two-decades-old policy (of restricting customs agents from reading and copying the personal papers carried by travelers, including U.S. citizens). The documents were made public today by the Asian Law Caucus (ALC) and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). These 2 groups sued the government in order to obtain the policies governing the searches and questioning of travelers at the nation's borders. The document proved that in 2007, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) loosened restrictions on the examination of travelers’ documents and papers that had existed since 1986. Previously, the CBP would only read travelers' documents only if they had "reasonable suspicion" that the documents would reveal violation of agency rules (or copy it with a probable cause justification). Now, the CBP agents can look at papers without any individualized suspicion. In 2007 the CBP were empowered to copy travelers’ papers without suspicion of wrongdoing (and keep them for a “reasonable period of time” to conduct a border search). The new rules applied to physical documents as well as files on laptop computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices. This policy was made public in 2008, but the DHS didn't disclose how much the new policy deviated from rules that were in place from 1986. The ALC and EFF used FOIA documents to challenge the old policy and especially the new policy as a violation of the First Amendment. The reason is that the government should not copy or read personal letters, diaries, or any personal papers without a legitimate reason at all. Another reason for the suit was more than 2 dozen complaints were made from U.S. travelers (mostly of Muslim, South Asian, or Middle Eastern origin) being grilled about their religion, politics, families, etc. by CBP agents. The DHS already is allowed to search the laptops of even innocent people. The ALC and EFF plan to challenge the government’s withholding of portions of many of these documents in federal district court begins this fall. They should challenge that bad action by the DHS.
The oligarchy in control of the Federal Reserve helped to create this economic problem (including companies like Fannie Mae easing their credit requirements thereby not asking people to make a down payment on mortgage loans), while they want dictatorial control over taxpayers. They desire this course of action in order to fund a solution to have a bailout toward the big banks that were involved in the downtown in the first place. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Some believe that derivatives are one of the real problems on why the circumstance is taking place. The reason is because it's bigger than just financial asset issues. Derivatives and speculation have taken over the economy basically. The credit system haven't reduce risk at all even. Now some want to make us pay for foreign banks and allow the FED to control all of the economic system in the nation. Even people from across the political spectrum oppose the proposal of no judicial review of the policy of the bailout. It's obviously corrupt. It's a system that prevents citizens from having their pensions or file legitimately for bankruptcy. Even Dodd, Rudin, and Frank were apart of breaking down many of the rules to prevent excessive speculation. Really this bailout plan is a theft our of resources (plus a banking elite power grab), while foreign banks are buying out our lands plus infrastructure simultaneously. George W. Bush uses fear mongering tactics in that speech he gave (days ago) of a big depression if his bailout plan isn't passed by Congress (despite of the fact that most of the American people in polls oppose a bailout of corporate banking giants). John McCain and Barack Obama advocate some form of this bad plan. McCain once said that the fundamentals of the economy are strong, which was his grave error. There is an over $700 billion dollars price tag on this bill. The deal is also the Federal Reserve (and the banking elite as controlled by the Vatican/Jesuits, the Pilgrim Society, elite bloodlines, etc.) is centralizing their power even more to stifle real economic freedom, have a dollar devaluation situation, and excessive control over people's lives in the economic sphere of life. Notice that this plan according to even Paulson won't do much to solve the foreclosure or housing crisis. What would be a real solution? A real solution would be homeowner relief, taxpayer guarantees, cutting unnecessary spending, allow homeowners to renegoitate their mortgage conditions, and rebuilding of the economy from the ground up (with infrastructure building, better trade deals, rewarding companies that make their jobs stay here with no outsourcing, and other solutions). Also, there should be no bonus pay for CEOs, and judicial prosecution of anyone committing any illegal economic activities. These solutions are to be multifaceted.
The UN is a corrupt group as many already realize. Globalism is apart of their forte. AFP from Wednesday, on September 24, 2008 establish words from UN chief Ban Ki-Moon. He said on Tuesday that there is a need for global leadership. He pressed world leaders not to pursue narrow national interests in the face of hard economic times. This is fantasy, because nations have every right to promote nationalism in the protection of their own economic furture. No international organization (including the United Nations) has a right to dictate how any nation conducts their economic affairs at all. Ki Moon fears that nations are going inward with their policies. There is nothing wrong with nations working with other nations in solving problems. Yet, nations have every right to solve their own problems as a primary duty. The reason is that too much US extensions overseas can drain resources from a nation like America. America is the perfect example of too much foreign extension overseas in our military and other means causing record debt and trade deficits here in the USA. Ki-Moon is basically calling for globalism in trying to solve problems dealing with energy, the environment, etc. He is right that we should colloborate with other countries. He's wrong on the point in that we should not protect our national interests and suck up to partnership at the expense of not helping our own countries. He wants global leadership, but the globalists now have taken over our services on many levels. The World Bank and IMF handles international trade, the World Court handles terrorist trials, the UN controls much of our foreign affairs, and the BIS handles much of the banking in the world. This global control has caused more problems of trade debt, wars, deficits, and other issues than promoting nationalism. Ki Moon is naive to assume that we need more global leadership, because the global leadership now is nothing more than the same bloodline oligarchs that have enslaved our rights plus freedoms for a long time.
McCain and NATO are allies. Horatio Bunce from Nolan Chart on Tuesday, at September 23, 2008 outlined this connection. Some question whether McCain will use NATO to enforce "international law" and act as the military arm of the U.N. as Biden wants. In early 2008, McCain made known fully of his foreign policy positions. McCain wants a cap and trade system internationally to reduce "greenhouse gases," have economic assistance to Africa, and create new international institutions, etc. John McCain wants an expansion of NATO and a new League of Democracies globally implemented. These policies are globalist and advance "a new global order of peace" along with an "advancement of global democratic principles." McCain wants a NATO renaissance. Remarks by John McCain to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council on March 26, 2008 further clarified his foreign policy objectives. He said there that a global compact of a League of Democracies is necessary to handle economic, political, and environmental issues globally. Obama and McCain are nearly identical in their goals of a cap and trade system, NATO perserved, blaming Russia for Georgia's preemptive invasion of breakaway provinces, and the acceptance of the murderous actions of the global war on terror. McCain's utopian visions aren't new. Progressives like Woodrow Wilson supported the idea of international bodies handling our foreign affairs via his failed The League of Nations. Biden called for the same thing in 1993. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.
Money is being lost in Iraq. Jane Corbin from the BBC on September 24, 2008 described that a BBC investigation estimates that around around $23bn (£11.75bn) may have been lost, stolen or just not properly accounted for in Iraq. The BBC's Panorama program has used US and Iraqi government sources to research how much private contractors have profited from the conflict and rebuilding. The US is prevented from discussing the matter because of a gagging order. The order applies to 70% of court cases against some of the top US companies. The gagging orders seem not to be lifted while George W. Bush is the President of America. Right now, no major US contractor faces trial for fraud or mismanagement in Iraq. Of course, many Democrats accuse some of these companies of war profiterring in Iraq. One of them is Henry Waxman. He chairs the House committee on oversight and government reform. He said that the money has gone into waste, fraud, and abuse under these contracts. He classified these contracts as outrageous and egregious. In the run-up to the invasion, one of the most senior officials in charge of procurement in the Pentagon objected to a contract potentially worth $7bn that was given to Halliburton, which is a Texan company which used to be run by Dick Cheney before he became vice-president. Halliburton only got to bid and won. Now, some are trying to search for the missing billions of dollars. Judge Radhi al-Radhi of Iraq's Commission for Public Integrity are investigating it (Judge Radhi al Radhi said that some of the criminals include Hazem Shalaan and others for their divestment of money). Mr. Shalaan was sentenced to two jail terms (in Iraq) but he fled the country. He says that he is innocent.
Troops have an interesting history. Now, the government is trying to force troops from Iraq to be sent into America for "crowd control" at October 1, 2008. These acts are of course a complete violation of Posse Comitatus. These troops are even proposed to carry out homeland patrols in America. Now, Posse Comitatus is the 1878 law that forbids the military from acting in law enforcement activities, especially during peace time. Some neo cons believe this illegal action is necessary to "control" an unruly American populace after a complete economic collapse. These plans were admitted by the Army Times website in September 8th, 2008. They want the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team to “be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks.” National Guard troops to help law enforcement during disasters is legal. It is illegal to use the US Army in law enforcement operations inside American outside of the conditions mention in the Insurrection Act. The Army doing this is apart of NORTHCOM (which is a North American army unit created in 2002). The unit will be on homeland patrol for at least 20 months before returning to Iraq or Afghanistan in early 2010, according to the report. Training for homeland operations has already begun at Fort Stewart and at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs. The report says that some soldiers might test non lethal weapons against "unruly" crowds. Posse Comitatus was further violated by the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, signed by President Bush on October 17, 2006. This laws says that the President alone can employ armed forces to restore order in any state. However, these changes were repealed in their entirety by HR 4986: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, reverting back to the original state of the Insurrection Act of 1807 (which limits the powers of the President to deploy troops in America). Some believe that another disaster might allow the White House and Northcom to make more American troops to be in law enforcement, even if its active duty US Army (not National Guard troops) troops in America. The usage of active duty US Army troops in law enforcement in peace time is illegal period. The militarization of America have been increasing rapidly since the 1960's and especially after 9/11.
The United Kingdom obviously has an ID card system. Sky News from Thursday, on September 25, 2008 made manifest of the first UK ID Card design being launched. Home Security Jacqui Smith will unveil it. The design is controversial. Foreign nationals will be issuing the cards. Critics have described these actions as unnecessary, costly, and anti-liberty. Individuals who are working in airports and other high security jobs will recieve them from next year. The weird thing is next. Each card will carry a picture and a chip holding the person’s name and date of birth, fingerprint record and other biometric data. They will also detail the holder’s visa status and right to work. Ms. Smith said that these cards would fight against identity fraud, illegal working, reduce the use of fake identities in organized crime plus terrorism, etc. There is a fear that the security of personal data after a run of well publicised government data loss blunders. Liberty Director Shami Chakrabarti said: "If the card came with loyalty points, we still wouldn't buy it. From 2011 everyone over the age of 16 applying for a passport will have their details added to a national identity register. UK's National ID card is a violation of people's privacy and a tool to centralize government control over the lives of people in the UK. There is another piece of news. Rep. Alcee Hastings told an audience of Jewish Democrats that Palin is scary because anyone who shows their guns don't care about black Americans and Jewish people. So, Hastings lied and demonize anyone who totes a gun as a racist and anti-Semite. The crowd laughed and applauded Hastings' lies. Cohen said that Jewish was a Democrat which was false. People get away with saying trash like this and CNN didn't criticize the speech at all (when they reported it). Not to mention that it was the same anti-gun laws that oppressed Jewish and black people during slavery, Reconstruction, the Holocaust, etc. Hitler banned guns from Jewish people by force (via the Gun Control Act of the 1930's). Black Americans didn't have full gun rights via the Black Codes. People fought with guns against tyranny during the Warsaw uprising. Even during the Civil Rights Movement, blacks with guns protected civil rights protestors. So, it's a stupid lie to assume that the Second Amendment is against the interests of Jews and blacks. Hastings should be ashamed of himself with his stereotypes and ignorance of history.
Comcast is using the Patriot Act justification in their systems. Ben Popken from The Consumerist on September 24, 2008 made known about this event. Ben wrote that Ryan wanted to order a new Comcast service. The Comcast chat rep wanted him to provide his Social Security Number or a photo ID. Ryan refused to do it, because these requests were non existent from times past. Carol responded that under the Patriot Act, Comcast is justified to ask of his SSN to get the new Comcast service. Carol said to Ryan that he can go to the Legal Department of Comcast to discuss the matter further. When Ryan wanted the phone number or access to the Legal Department, the chat was immediately discounted. Carol didn't show the legal information at all. Ryan called this action as a neat trick. The Patriot Act's "Know Your Customer" clause only applies to financial companies of financial intermediaries, but Comcast doesn't fall into neither of those categories. Now, Comcast admits error in requiring a Social Security Number under the Patriot Act. There are also ways on how To Get Utilities And Phone Service Without Giving Up Your SSN. Now, the Patriot Act was an immoral bill. Most of Congress wasn't even allowed to read all of the contents of the bill. It wasn't debated appropriately and it has many anti-liberty provisions in it. Section 802 has an ambigious definition of terrorism that can include any law violation as a violation of the Patriot Act. It has rules that makes the government to have sneak and peak provisions. These rules allow the police to investigate a home of a person with delayed warrants and without telling you about it. It allows librarians to have excessive powers in monitoring books. Scholars and activists from across the political spectrum have expressed opposition to the Patriot Act. It was formulated in Georgetown University.
Vaccination being mandatory is fascism plain and simple. NaturalNews from Wednesday, on September 24, 2008 have an UK lawmaker seeking to deny education to children who aren't vaccinated. British Labour MP Mary Creagh has proposed forbidding school enrollment to children who have not recieved the full course of childhood vaccines, which turns the current recommendations complusory. Writing in the magazine of the Fabian Society, Creagh said that the United Kingdom should use the same sanctions as the United States to make vaccines compulsory, and that schools should be required to verify that all children enrolled have been vaccinated. Actually, no law in America saya that you have to be forced to take a vaccine at all. Even if a school system in America tried to force people to do it, they are violating the law. No human has a right to force another human being to take foreign patrogens into their body at all without permission. Sir Sandy Macara said that children shouldn't be able to get health benefits unless they are vaccinated. This is fascism because the government has no right to force anyone to do anything against your will. Vaccination rates have dropped in the United Kingdom recently, after research emerged suggesting that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) might be linked to autism. While below the government’s target level of 95 percent, 85 percent of children still receive the MMR vaccine. The chair of the British Medical Association, Dr. Hamish Meldrum, blasted the plan as “morally and ethically dubious.” “A Stalinist approach like this would be likely to backfire on an unprecedented scale and increase opposition to vaccinations,” he said. The UK government responded to Creagh and Macara's articles as commenting that they don't plan on making vaccinations complusory. So, the mainstream in education in the West does compose of forcing brain damaging vaccines unto people, omitting real history, and forcing people to have a herd mentality in the compromise of their principles unto the state.
Secret Societies are real. Now, there are news daily exposing these groups from Freemasonry, the Skulls and Bones, the Jesuits, the Rosicurcians, the Bohemian Grove, the OTO, etc. Even OTO member Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro was almost made a Pope. Freemasonry accepts many Gnostic/New Age principles of Universalism among theism and the love of the Mysteries in their dogma. Masons have infiltrated much of the Protestant Church. The Catholic Church has Masons, but the Vatican was invented with Mystery related tenets from their inception (like the fish, Dagon hats the Pope wears, calling Mary the Queen of Heaven, and the paganism in the Rosary beads, etc). Typically, the Vatican competed with with Freemasonry for power and is accepting of certain types of Freemasons. That is why in NY, there is an image of a Vatican official joining with Freemasons in a picture. There is even an accusation that Hugo Chavez might be a Freemason. Christians and non-Christians period should not be in Freemasonry or any occult Secret Society since they promote secrecy, they perform odd rituals, and Freemasonry in the Blue Degree promotes deception (as admitted in Albert Pike's book entitled "Morals and Dogma"). Of course, it's bigger than just Masonry that should be exposed. There are the Bohemian Grove where people worship the owl image of Minvera (which stands for the Goddess. Not to mention that the patron). The owl is an ancient symbol ironically of the Bavarian Illuminati. A famous Bohemian Grove-like organization was the Hell Fire Club. Benjamin Franklin (a Freemason, inventor, Diest, etc.) was a famous member of the Hell Fire Club. They performed orgies, got drunk, and some of them worshipped the Devil. They've existed in the 1700's and one of its leaders were Sir Francis Dashwood of England. So, these things exist. The solution is to expose these organizations, helping people, reject any form of bigotry whatsoever, and fight against evil by doing good. Now, John McCain and Barack Obama goes agree to have their foreign policy/economy debate in the University of Mississippi today. So, the puppet show on that front continues. The good news is that tons of folks are awaken and are becoming more independent politically.
By Timothy
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