Breathtaking Says: September 24th, 2008 at 5:25 am
If you are outraged at the EPA allowing these poisions to be in our water, PLEASE take a few minutes to protect your family by watching the follwing that has been BLACKEDOUT from all forms of media, even places LIKE inforwars because Monsanto threatens to take action.
-FOX Reporters FIRED for truth:
Monsanto’s PUS Milk-
-Monsanto: Extinction-
-Seed of Death-
-Monsanto: End of Life- (This video also lists the FDA, EPA, and Government officials who were/are also top Monsanto personal (starting at 2:27 in video)This is the most blatant criminal conflicts of interest I have ever seen, but main stream media refuses to inform the people.
-Monsanto Patent for LIFE (Pt.1 of 5)
-Media BLACKOUT, Wake up America!-
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