Friday, December 05, 2008

Does Abortion Harm Women? Anyone? Anyone?


Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Lara Braveheart | December 5, 2008 5:52 AM

Interesting, are you saying that you agree with African Patriarchy; that women should spread their legs and allow every single man who wants to fornicate and spread his seed, like most black women do; and we should aim for a world population of say 40 billion (or would you prefer more??) [In Afrika such 'fucking anything that moves, to breed unwanted, hated, unloved, destitute children is called 'love']

Such 'Christianity' appears to say: "Thanks God for making us slave and cannon fodder moron imbeciles, who think that your plan for is to be slave and cannon fodder breeding cattle"

It appears that individuals who refuse to participate in slave and cannon fodder breeding of unwanted, hated, unloved, destitute children; are a very, very, very, very small minority.

Timothy said...

We don't agree about this issue at all. Africa isn't monolithic at all. Many African don't have a patriactical society at. There is nothing wrong with a patriachy at all as long as it's fair. Without a patriachy, you probably wouldn't be here existing in the world. Also, real pro-lifers never want people to be forced to spread their legs in having children. Pro-Lifers always support voluntary pregnancies.

Also, Africa is a beautiful. It isn't perfect, but all of it isn't monolithic. Also, America in some cases are worse morally than Africa is. Most people in Africa don't have sex too casually at all. The problem is the internationalists via the World Bank, IMF, etc. are preventing many Africans to have industralization and modernization. Modernization historically have stabilized population growth. Also, the overpopulation lie has been refuted in my blog via links, studies, and other evidence.

Real Christianity has nothing to do with oppression at all neither with forced pregnancies. Most black woman don't let men to causually have sex with then constantly at all. That's a racist, stupid, and snide remark.

Also, every child is warranted. It may not be warranted by some careless parents. Yet, they are warranted by God and other individuals since all children have a purpose in life whether you believe that or not.