Saturday, December 20, 2008

From Global Crisis to “Global Government”


StopIncitingHatred Says: December 20th, 2008 at 2:00 pm
Everyone who is in the k kk and all the na zis out there you are all braindead.Texe Marrs is a total anit-semite. He is a “Christian Identity” Jewish hater! Any so-called Cabala hespeaks about is garbage that has been usurped by Luciferians. The Jewish people and ALLthe legitimate Rabbis and Kabbalists are AGAINST this “Cabala” Marrs speaks about! This Cabalawas made by the Luciferians! It comes from the British! Read “Race Over Grace” by Pastor CharlesRoberts - it will enlighten you to what is going on.

He was on Dr Stanley Monteith’s radio show onDecember 9th. You can download the show. Also the junk Jones and Tzarion talk about Moses isabsolutely incredible lies! Alex talks about the “Old Testament” which is the Torah and ChristianNew Testament and Jesus being fine, BUT the Torah CAME through Moses! The idiot ideas about the Jewish people being Babylonian are totally meant to get people to hate the Jewish people! ThePharaoh which Jones and Tzarion lie about who believed in one G-d has been thought to havebeen influenced by the Jewish belief’s in one G-d - NOT the other way around! Then the Egyptian/Babylonian NWO types Alex and Tzarion speak about are the ones who actually had thethat Pharaoh killed. They TWIST everything around to try and harm the Jewish people.The Jewish religion, from the Torah is AGAINST Babylonian beliefs, ideas, idols, and practices! If you actually read the “Old Testament” you will see that! The Babylonians KILLED people regularly for HUMAN sacrifices!ALSO the Jewish people were told not to marry outside their religion because they are NOTsupposed to be like the the idol worshipping, luciferian, human sacrificing peoples.Do you anti-semites condemn the Quakers for not marrying outside their religionbecause they do not want to become part of this awful materialistic society? Doyou condemn the Amish for not marrying outside their religion because they wantto survive the coming NWO luciferian made apocalypse?! G-d told the Jewishpeople to stay pure to keep ETHICAL, MORAL, laws to be a light to the Nations!NOT to mingle with the NWO. Do YOU want to marry them?! The Torah is a GUIDE BOOK against the NWO.Wake up before it is too late!The people who call up the show and say to believe everything Alex says are the ones who wantyou Patriots to fail! Alex mixes truth with lies! I sincerely hope he is only deluded and is notdoing it on purpose, because IF he is doing it on purpose instead of only being deluded orfilled with lies from anti-semitic hate garbage which he has mistakenly taken in, then he wouldbe part of the NWO as well. I pray that he is not and that he wakes up and that you all wake upbefore it is too late.


Prof. Wigglesworth Says: December 20th, 2008 at 1:32 pm
Can you handle the truth?Watch Riddles in Stone on CH# 365 (Directv) Today Sat Dec 20 2008. This show has woken up many church going Christians in my family who would never believe anything that I had to say. Please tell everyone you know to tell everyone they know to watch this show today.

TRUTH IS RISING!Can you handle the truth?Watch Riddles in Stone on CH# 365 (Directv) Today Sat Dec 20 2008. This show has woken up many church going Christians in my family who would never believe anything that I had to say. Please tell everyone you know to tell everyone they know to watch this show today.


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