Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Your ToughIssues website, indeed to a very, very significant degree does courageously -- in my opinion, using extremely both 'politically correct' 'psychological externalities of alienated individuals' language -- tackle the tough issues, and it appears to extensively document the history and consequences of Power Addicted Megalomaniacs to Slave and Cannon Fodder Breeding.
By 'psychological externalities of alienated individuals', I refer to language or ideas which do not directly confront the reader thereof to examine whether their own personal psychological, emotional, spiritual or physical thinking or conduct, contributes to the 'problem issues' being exposed or disclosed, by 'evil' entities, whether the 'evil' entity is the US Goverment, Vatican, Jesuits, Nazi's, etc. etc.
Put differently, alienated individuals, like alienated corporations, externalize as much of their problems or costs as possible; in corporate language these are referred to as 'externalities': the 'evil' people with the 'evil thoughts' and 'actions' are never themselves, as a 'do I, whether on a very small butterfly scale, also behave in this manner?' contributing factor.
Your Military Intelligence background states that:
I enlisted in the United States Air Force (USAF) immediately after graduating from High School in 1965. I was assigned to the United States Air Force Security Service (USAFSS) for my entire period of service in the Air Force. My initial training included a Basic Russian Language course at Syracuse University, and voice intercept and airborne voice intercept training at Goodfellow AFB, Texas. I also attended two survival courses. I later studied the Arabic language at Fort Meade, Maryland. While a member of the USAFSS I participated in numerous aerial reconnaissance missions on both RC-130 and RC-135 aircraft. (NOTE: The “R” in “RC” indicates “Reconnaissance”.) While serving in the USAFSS I worked as a linguist, as a traffic analyst, and as a reporter. After I had served almost 11 ½ years in the USAF, I received a U.S. Army warrant officer appointment as a voice intercept technician, and then spent 3 years in Berlin, Germany, serving at a U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA) field station. I later served in a U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA) company at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. During my tour at Fort Campbell I received a direct commission to the rank of captain in the U.S. Army, and then was assigned to the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School at Fort Huachuca, Arizona to attend a tactical intelligence officer course. I served my last four years in the Army at Fort Huachuca, and was for several years an instructor for various intelligence courses. Thus, during my 20-year military career, I spent almost 11 ½ years in Air Force intelligence, and slightly more than 8 ½ years in Army intelligence. After retiring from the Army, I worked for almost 6 years at a top Department of Defense (DOD) intelligence agency as a civilian employee. That equals almost 26 years in the “intelligence business”, during which time I held Top Secret and Special Intelligence clearances.
Your religious background:
I was born and a raised a Methodist; however, my dad and the vast majority of my relatives are Roman Catholic. My hometown and the towns immediately surrounding it are predominantly Roman Catholic. After I returned to my hometown – after a 26-year absence – I attended the local Methodist Church for several years, and then attended an independent fundamental church for a number of years. For the past decade plus I have read through the entire Holy Bible each and every year – and I try to faithfully read several chapters from the Holy Bible each day. I strongly believe that the Holy Bible must be the “standard” – the only standard – by which we “measure” all doctrine! I highly recommend to all Christians that we study through the entire Holy Bible each year, because doing so will help to “inoculate” us against false doctrine!
In the context of: “The "sir, yes sir" business, which would probably sound like horseshit to any civilian in his right mind, makes sense to Shaftoe and to the officers in a deep and important way. Like a lot of others, Shaftoe had trouble with military etiqette at first. He soaked up quite a bit of it growing up in a military family, but living the life was a different matter. Having now experienced all the phases of military existence except for the terminal ones (violent death, court-martial, retirement), he has come to understand the culture for what it is: a system of etiquette within which it becomes possible for groups of men to live together for years, travel to the ends of the earth, and do all kinds of incredibly weird shit without killing each other or completely losing their minds in the process.” and “Admiral Fallon told General Petraeus that he considered him to be "an ass-kissing little chickenshit" and added, "I hate people like that"”
It appears entirely plausible considering the quality and quantity of your military and religious brainwashing and indoctrination, that your mind considers itself 'infallible', i.e. 'always right' and even if 'wrong', would not admit thereto.
I say so, because -- and correct me if I am incorrect, in my allegation -- it appears nowhere in your military intelligence courses, did you learn that any single word has mulitiple basic interpretations, not to mention multiple psychological and emotional, and particularly level of consciousness of the interpreter interpretations.
Now, before I continue: Do you agree or disagree that any single word has mulitiple basic 'normal' whether 'legal' or 'corporate' or 'religious' interpretations, not to mention multiple psychological and emotional, and particularly level of consciousness of the interpreter interpretations?
If you disagree; then may I suggest you simply ignore the rest of this letter, and dispose of it in your dustbin, consider it an externality for your alienated personality and ego-driven mind, and I'd be happy to add into the mix, to your infallible mind; by informing it herewith: 'YOU ARE CORRECT, CONGRATULATIONS! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE CORRECT ABOUT, BUT WHATEVER... IF IT MAKES YOU SO GODDAMN FUCKING HAPPY TO 'BE RIGHT', THEN 'BE RIGHT, AND BE UPTIGHT, AND BE A LITTLE EICHMANN' AND I'LL BE WRONG, STUPID AND A HAPPY MINDLESS MORON IMBECILE DWARF.
For example: When you and I use any word to describe an abstract concept like for example: "KAFFIR", or "KAFIR"? Are we both referring to the same emotional, psychological, spiritual person or conduct, in the same circumstance, at the same time, at the same place? Do we both mean exactly, 100% the same thing?
Now, when King David, Jesus, Saul, Nebuchadnezzer, John the Babtist, Joan of Arc, Mohammed, Tom Thumb, Adam and Eve, etc use any of the following words to describe an abstract concept like for example 'sin', 'evil' 'devil' 'god' 'conquer' 'divide'; they may all be using the exact same word, with the exact same three or four, or five or seven syllables: Are they all referring to the same emotional, psychological, spiritual person or conduct, in the same circumstance, at the same time, at the same place, when they use the same words? Do they all mean exactly, 100% the same thing, when they use the same words to describe an abstract concept?
So your website goes on and on about the evils of the Catholic Church, most of which is true, and yet when taught from an alienated worldview mindset, it's often just more 'blah blah, blah,' (but irrespective) then you go on to say: "I strongly believe that the Holy Bible must be the “standard” – the only standard – by which we “measure” all doctrine! I highly recommend to all Christians that we study through the entire Holy Bible each year, because doing so will help to “inoculate” us against false doctrine!"
HELLO?????? Anyone home in "I am right, and uptight and infallible la la land'???? What do you think was the 'evil' work of the 'Vaticans' role in determining what scriptures were included and which were not included in the 'Holy Bible'?
It quite simply never ceases to amaze me how so many people insist on a God who is 'right there to listen to their prayers', and whom they can talk to night and day, 24/7; and yet, when they want to dialogue with him, they don't just talk straight to God, no, they have got to go and read the 'Holy Bible', a book of messages, virtually none of which were verbatim, and most which went through story retelling that would make the children's game of 'Shhhhh, pass the story along' make the CIA seem Saintly in it's accuracy; and not considering the aforementioned, these aforementioned 'Holy Bible messages' have gone through a sieve of political correctness censorship by censorship ego-addict Jesuits sexually starved sadistic masochists minds, that would make Joseph McCarthy appear more openminded than Timothy Leary on LSD, mescaline and ayauhuasca combined.
And yet you "strongly believe that the Holy Bible must be the “standard” – the only standard – by which we “measure” all doctrine!" Pardon my three letter MI response of 'WTF'
Clearly you and I psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and physically interpret the words -- strongly, believe, holy, bible, standard, only, measure, doctrine -- very differently; not to mention at perhaps very different levels of consciousness intepretations?
Irrespective, at An Urgent Appeal to Roman Catholics, you accurately -- I imagine -- document among other things the 'political intrigue' and 'wars and revolutions fomented by Rome'.
I simply had the following questions: Now, let's imagine none of these millions of people who follow whatever corporate, national, ethnic or religious 'religion' that 'love' is to breed, and breed and breed, children irrespective of whether bred into squatter huts, or shanty towns, or whatever; and lets imagine these individuals had leaders, who were supported to encourage their followers to not participate in such hateful slave and cannon fodder breeding procreation; and instead they maintained a steady planetary population on earth of say 500 million, in the year 5555BC.... up until present day....
So, these corporate, national, ethnic or religious 'slave and cannon fodder breeding' religions, upon the commandment and 'doctrine' of 'God', as per the interpretation of the 'doctrine' of the 'Holy Bible', sewed their seeds of 'conquer and multiply' and 'divide and conquer' policies, and took control of the means of reproduction, by choosing slave and cannon fodder breeding hateful sew our seed and spread our legs procreation..... and you document the consequences of that $&CFB 'doctrine' (based on the 'belief' that it was 'God's' 'commandment', I imagine?), according to that interpretation of 'Gods' 'prophets' and their interpretation of his 'doctrine'....
Now, IMAGINE, man chose to interpret 'Gods commandments' as 'practice loving sustainable maximum population of 500 million for planet earth, via loving, explore your sensual, human, gifts of reason, compassion, love, emotional and psychological growth, etc... procreation.. and for the past thousands of years, we'd had only a maximum of 500 million people on the planet ......
What different stories might we be telling each other today????
Mr. Eberhardt, can you really address a problem, if you avoid going to the root of the problem? If your answer is No. Are you going to the root of what you are allegedging is 'the problem'?
When was the last time you or your wife, measured the quality or quantity of your emotional, psychological, spiritual 'Christian' love ('doctrine') for one another, by the number of sincere -- not faked (do you know when your wife is faking her orgasms? Most men haven't the faintest fucking clue; and most women use fake 'orgasms' as a form of manipulation; often with 'get it over and fucking done with' intent..) -- multiple orgasms you gave each other, taking each other to heaven and back, right here on earth, as one soul to another, and one spirit to another, in a body given to you by 'god' (?), with emotions, sensations, and the sensual capability and time to explore these sensations, before you die, and go wherever your 'doctrine' says 'heaven' is.....
And finally, within the context of: In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God. Yes, Father? The Almighty says 'Don't change the subject, just answer the goddamn fucking question.'
It is my belief (as in one of the very few things I 'believe', which I am willing to take a bullet for), that:
(B) A MAN, or WOMAN, and subsequent MEN AND WOMEN said 'CONQUER AND MULTIPLY' and assigned their 'commandment' to 'GOD' (either negligently or intentionally), to give it 'some extra oomph or chutzpah [sort of an Old Testament 'Public Relations' trick, 'add 'God' to the equation']
(C) Accordingly, I would like to know from all those who say 'GOD' SAID 'CONQUER AND MULTIPLY' to please provide their evidence, for exactly when and where 'God', and to whom 'God' said 'Conquer and Multiply'.
25 December 2008
CC: Timothy Truthseeker; SQSwans-PRH
Mr. Darryl Eberhardt, (No email address available)
Tackling the Tough Topics
Your ToughIssues website, indeed to a very, very significant degree does courageously -- in my opinion, using extremely both 'politically correct' 'psychological externalities of alienated individuals' language -- tackle the tough issues, and it appears to extensively document the history and consequences of Power Addicted Megalomaniacs to Slave and Cannon Fodder Breeding.
By 'psychological externalities of alienated individuals', I refer to language or ideas which do not directly confront the reader thereof to examine whether their own personal psychological, emotional, spiritual or physical thinking or conduct, contributes to the 'problem issues' being exposed or disclosed, by 'evil' entities, whether the 'evil' entity is the US Goverment, Vatican, Jesuits, Nazi's, etc. etc.
Put differently, alienated individuals, like alienated corporations, externalize as much of their problems or costs as possible; in corporate language these are referred to as 'externalities': the 'evil' people with the 'evil thoughts' and 'actions' are never themselves, as a 'do I, whether on a very small butterfly scale, also behave in this manner?' contributing factor.
Your Military Intelligence background states that:
I enlisted in the United States Air Force (USAF) immediately after graduating from High School in 1965. I was assigned to the United States Air Force Security Service (USAFSS) for my entire period of service in the Air Force. My initial training included a Basic Russian Language course at Syracuse University, and voice intercept and airborne voice intercept training at Goodfellow AFB, Texas. I also attended two survival courses. I later studied the Arabic language at Fort Meade, Maryland. While a member of the USAFSS I participated in numerous aerial reconnaissance missions on both RC-130 and RC-135 aircraft. (NOTE: The “R” in “RC” indicates “Reconnaissance”.) While serving in the USAFSS I worked as a linguist, as a traffic analyst, and as a reporter. After I had served almost 11 ½ years in the USAF, I received a U.S. Army warrant officer appointment as a voice intercept technician, and then spent 3 years in Berlin, Germany, serving at a U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA) field station. I later served in a U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA) company at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. During my tour at Fort Campbell I received a direct commission to the rank of captain in the U.S. Army, and then was assigned to the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School at Fort Huachuca, Arizona to attend a tactical intelligence officer course. I served my last four years in the Army at Fort Huachuca, and was for several years an instructor for various intelligence courses. Thus, during my 20-year military career, I spent almost 11 ½ years in Air Force intelligence, and slightly more than 8 ½ years in Army intelligence. After retiring from the Army, I worked for almost 6 years at a top Department of Defense (DOD) intelligence agency as a civilian employee. That equals almost 26 years in the “intelligence business”, during which time I held Top Secret and Special Intelligence clearances.
Your religious background:
I was born and a raised a Methodist; however, my dad and the vast majority of my relatives are Roman Catholic. My hometown and the towns immediately surrounding it are predominantly Roman Catholic. After I returned to my hometown – after a 26-year absence – I attended the local Methodist Church for several years, and then attended an independent fundamental church for a number of years. For the past decade plus I have read through the entire Holy Bible each and every year – and I try to faithfully read several chapters from the Holy Bible each day. I strongly believe that the Holy Bible must be the “standard” – the only standard – by which we “measure” all doctrine! I highly recommend to all Christians that we study through the entire Holy Bible each year, because doing so will help to “inoculate” us against false doctrine!
In the context of: “The "sir, yes sir" business, which would probably sound like horseshit to any civilian in his right mind, makes sense to Shaftoe and to the officers in a deep and important way. Like a lot of others, Shaftoe had trouble with military etiqette at first. He soaked up quite a bit of it growing up in a military family, but living the life was a different matter. Having now experienced all the phases of military existence except for the terminal ones (violent death, court-martial, retirement), he has come to understand the culture for what it is: a system of etiquette within which it becomes possible for groups of men to live together for years, travel to the ends of the earth, and do all kinds of incredibly weird shit without killing each other or completely losing their minds in the process.” and “Admiral Fallon told General Petraeus that he considered him to be "an ass-kissing little chickenshit" and added, "I hate people like that"”
It appears entirely plausible considering the quality and quantity of your military and religious brainwashing and indoctrination, that your mind considers itself 'infallible', i.e. 'always right' and even if 'wrong', would not admit thereto.
I say so, because -- and correct me if I am incorrect, in my allegation -- it appears nowhere in your military intelligence courses, did you learn that any single word has mulitiple basic interpretations, not to mention multiple psychological and emotional, and particularly level of consciousness of the interpreter interpretations.
Now, before I continue: Do you agree or disagree that any single word has mulitiple basic 'normal' whether 'legal' or 'corporate' or 'religious' interpretations, not to mention multiple psychological and emotional, and particularly level of consciousness of the interpreter interpretations?
If you disagree; then may I suggest you simply ignore the rest of this letter, and dispose of it in your dustbin, consider it an externality for your alienated personality and ego-driven mind, and I'd be happy to add into the mix, to your infallible mind; by informing it herewith: 'YOU ARE CORRECT, CONGRATULATIONS! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE CORRECT ABOUT, BUT WHATEVER... IF IT MAKES YOU SO GODDAMN FUCKING HAPPY TO 'BE RIGHT', THEN 'BE RIGHT, AND BE UPTIGHT, AND BE A LITTLE EICHMANN' AND I'LL BE WRONG, STUPID AND A HAPPY MINDLESS MORON IMBECILE DWARF.
For example: When you and I use any word to describe an abstract concept like for example: "KAFFIR", or "KAFIR"? Are we both referring to the same emotional, psychological, spiritual person or conduct, in the same circumstance, at the same time, at the same place? Do we both mean exactly, 100% the same thing?
Now, when King David, Jesus, Saul, Nebuchadnezzer, John the Babtist, Joan of Arc, Mohammed, Tom Thumb, Adam and Eve, etc use any of the following words to describe an abstract concept like for example 'sin', 'evil' 'devil' 'god' 'conquer' 'divide'; they may all be using the exact same word, with the exact same three or four, or five or seven syllables: Are they all referring to the same emotional, psychological, spiritual person or conduct, in the same circumstance, at the same time, at the same place, when they use the same words? Do they all mean exactly, 100% the same thing, when they use the same words to describe an abstract concept?
So your website goes on and on about the evils of the Catholic Church, most of which is true, and yet when taught from an alienated worldview mindset, it's often just more 'blah blah, blah,' (but irrespective) then you go on to say: "I strongly believe that the Holy Bible must be the “standard” – the only standard – by which we “measure” all doctrine! I highly recommend to all Christians that we study through the entire Holy Bible each year, because doing so will help to “inoculate” us against false doctrine!"
HELLO?????? Anyone home in "I am right, and uptight and infallible la la land'???? What do you think was the 'evil' work of the 'Vaticans' role in determining what scriptures were included and which were not included in the 'Holy Bible'?
It quite simply never ceases to amaze me how so many people insist on a God who is 'right there to listen to their prayers', and whom they can talk to night and day, 24/7; and yet, when they want to dialogue with him, they don't just talk straight to God, no, they have got to go and read the 'Holy Bible', a book of messages, virtually none of which were verbatim, and most which went through story retelling that would make the children's game of 'Shhhhh, pass the story along' make the CIA seem Saintly in it's accuracy; and not considering the aforementioned, these aforementioned 'Holy Bible messages' have gone through a sieve of political correctness censorship by censorship ego-addict Jesuits sexually starved sadistic masochists minds, that would make Joseph McCarthy appear more openminded than Timothy Leary on LSD, mescaline and ayauhuasca combined.
And yet you "strongly believe that the Holy Bible must be the “standard” – the only standard – by which we “measure” all doctrine!" Pardon my three letter MI response of 'WTF'
Clearly you and I psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and physically interpret the words -- strongly, believe, holy, bible, standard, only, measure, doctrine -- very differently; not to mention at perhaps very different levels of consciousness intepretations?
Irrespective, at An Urgent Appeal to Roman Catholics, you accurately -- I imagine -- document among other things the 'political intrigue' and 'wars and revolutions fomented by Rome'.
I simply had the following questions: Now, let's imagine none of these millions of people who follow whatever corporate, national, ethnic or religious 'religion' that 'love' is to breed, and breed and breed, children irrespective of whether bred into squatter huts, or shanty towns, or whatever; and lets imagine these individuals had leaders, who were supported to encourage their followers to not participate in such hateful slave and cannon fodder breeding procreation; and instead they maintained a steady planetary population on earth of say 500 million, in the year 5555BC.... up until present day....
So, these corporate, national, ethnic or religious 'slave and cannon fodder breeding' religions, upon the commandment and 'doctrine' of 'God', as per the interpretation of the 'doctrine' of the 'Holy Bible', sewed their seeds of 'conquer and multiply' and 'divide and conquer' policies, and took control of the means of reproduction, by choosing slave and cannon fodder breeding hateful sew our seed and spread our legs procreation..... and you document the consequences of that $&CFB 'doctrine' (based on the 'belief' that it was 'God's' 'commandment', I imagine?), according to that interpretation of 'Gods' 'prophets' and their interpretation of his 'doctrine'....
Now, IMAGINE, man chose to interpret 'Gods commandments' as 'practice loving sustainable maximum population of 500 million for planet earth, via loving, explore your sensual, human, gifts of reason, compassion, love, emotional and psychological growth, etc... procreation.. and for the past thousands of years, we'd had only a maximum of 500 million people on the planet ......
What different stories might we be telling each other today????
Mr. Eberhardt, can you really address a problem, if you avoid going to the root of the problem? If your answer is No. Are you going to the root of what you are allegedging is 'the problem'?
When was the last time you or your wife, measured the quality or quantity of your emotional, psychological, spiritual 'Christian' love ('doctrine') for one another, by the number of sincere -- not faked (do you know when your wife is faking her orgasms? Most men haven't the faintest fucking clue; and most women use fake 'orgasms' as a form of manipulation; often with 'get it over and fucking done with' intent..) -- multiple orgasms you gave each other, taking each other to heaven and back, right here on earth, as one soul to another, and one spirit to another, in a body given to you by 'god' (?), with emotions, sensations, and the sensual capability and time to explore these sensations, before you die, and go wherever your 'doctrine' says 'heaven' is.....
And finally, within the context of: In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God. Yes, Father? The Almighty says 'Don't change the subject, just answer the goddamn fucking question.'
It is my belief (as in one of the very few things I 'believe', which I am willing to take a bullet for), that:
(B) A MAN, or WOMAN, and subsequent MEN AND WOMEN said 'CONQUER AND MULTIPLY' and assigned their 'commandment' to 'GOD' (either negligently or intentionally), to give it 'some extra oomph or chutzpah [sort of an Old Testament 'Public Relations' trick, 'add 'God' to the equation']
(C) Accordingly, I would like to know from all those who say 'GOD' SAID 'CONQUER AND MULTIPLY' to please provide their evidence, for exactly when and where 'God', and to whom 'God' said 'Conquer and Multiply'.
Lara Johnstone
I don't believe Ebehart believes what you consider him to be. Also, the Word of God is a strong standard to live by.
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