Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Mumbai Attacks

1 comment:

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

9 Armigideon Intellishit! Says:
December 7th, 2008 at 4:01 pm

5 Andrej (December 7th, 2008 at 3:15 pm)

Indian people are very intelligent, nothing like the average american so i have full faith that the whole operation will be uncovered and the truth will come out. Much respect and much hope for India.

I guess it depends on how you define 'intelligent'; but frankly my definition of 'intelligence' does not include people who: participate in hateful procreation of $lave and Cannon Fodder unwanted, unloved, hated, destitute children...

I'd imagine that definition of 'intelligence' excludes -- and I imagine the Shrinagar Sufi's would agree -- about 92% of the population on the planet; who happily march along to the 'political correctness' slides* of the $lave and Cannon Fodder Breeding Policies of the organized religion of Jesuits, Catholic Church, Protestant Church, Islam, Buddhism, ad honinem; and definitely the Fortune 500 Consumer Corporate Fascists.

My view on this Mumbai 'terrorist' attack from day one was that I suspected -- irrespective of where the 'terrorists' originated, or were trained -- that they were simply Yuppie Suicide Bombers. It is my opinion that I suspect whomever were their handlers, recruited some willing suicide bombers, with possibly prepaid handouts of family insurance policies of Cash, which 'suicide terrorists' handed to relevant family members; and for the rest planned their suicide mission. Just my gut feeling. Let's face it, how many news articles has anyone written about why anyone 'becomes a terrorist'.

But no, that may be akin to attempting to go to the root of the problem -- and heaven forbid anyone should do something that audacious; right? Let's stick to pruning the branches of terrorism; let's exponentially breed more hated, unwanted, unloved children, spread some hate seed far and wide; while consuming with ever greater veracity the exponentially depleting resources; and let's act confused when the competition for these resources, resorts to divide and conquer by political parties, who have no agenda of addressing problems whatsoever; whose only agenda is as so explicitly stated in 1984 POWER AND CONTROL; using 'suicide bomber 'terrorists', to coerce the cattle public into whichever slaughterhouse direction they decide is presently useful.

According to "A Man With a Gun is a Citizen, A Man Without a Gun is a Subject?"; I'd imagine the 'suicide bomber terrorists' were the Indian Citizens; and the 'victims' were the 'subjects'?

One could even say, about time some 'citizens' started informing some 'subjects' that they are BEYOND PISSED OFF; and that unlike the gutless coward 'subjects' these CITIZENS are willing to put not only their money, but their LIVES, on the line, to emphasise how serious they are about their opinions.

When last did you see any corporate accountant, or latte drinking Blueberry freak Hedge Fund Broker, etc; offer themselves as WITH CONSCIOUS INTENTION AS SUICIDE BOMBERS, TO EMPHASISE THEIR OPINIONS?

And, as usual I suspect I am farting against thunder, as quite a few are more than happy to agree that about 4 BILLION USELESS EATERS require EXTERMINATION; very few are willing to agree to REDUCE HATEFUL PROCREATION BREEDING OF UNLOVED, UNWANTED, HATED CHILDREN.

A bit like pruning weeds, and sprinking the weeds with fertilizer and complaining that there are so many weeds? And this is considered 'intelligence'?