Monday, December 15, 2008

Pro-Life Manna


Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

JMCSwan says...


I haven't come across many parents who practice what they preach; and I've worked as a nanny in Europe, on yachts and in America; and known allot of other nannies.

As far as my personal nanny code was to the kids I nannied; they lived in a republic, not an oligarch demockery where I could say what I wanted, and impose my adult 'justice' and they just had to take it, or leave it, cause they were little people. So, the kids I nannied had rights; they had the right to get angry, and to tell me the truth about why they were angry, and I listened, seriously and attentively, and if they were very upset they could tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, about the emotional content of their anger, I did not expect them to dilute their truth, because my ego was so crystal delicate that I couldn't handle some often accurate criticism from kids with open eyes, to help me point out when I was walking around naked like an emperor without any clothes. They gave me good feedback, and i listened, and only after all anger was spent did we get down to discussing how we could resolve the problems, and they could contribute ideas, and make commitments to what they wanted to do, next time such a problem occurred; and so we would experiment, until we found something that worked.

And the kids could ask me anything, about anything. I did not have any secrets. If they wanted to talk about questions they had about sexual issues, or boys or girls, or what happens when 'sex' happens or such things, then I would tell them as best I knew and we would discuss it, openly, and acknowledge that it may be embarrassing for some to discuss, and that there are those who treat 'sex' like many animals do, it's just something they do, when the female is on heat, for many men and women it is a beautiful intimate experience; and I encouraged them to think about what experience they would want from it; as opposed to asserting my judgement into what experience they 'should' experience.

Brad Blanton, the author of among others: RADICAL PARENTING: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World, the founder of the Center for Radical Honesty, and in my opinion, probably one of, if not the, most eminent psychologist, of the century (and some may say I am biased, and that may be true, and perhaps they may first go to his Course in Honesty workshop, and if after completing it, they disagree, I will respect their opinion, but till then, they ain't seen him at work, nor experienced his courage, his compassion, his brilliance, and his refusal to be a snotty assed high faluten speak with forked tongue Ph.D. freak, but just to be himself); and his parenting is radical.

His children are homeschooled, and are in total charge of their own education, their own exploration of what they want to educate themselves on. They go to a Montesorri school, a day or two a week when they want to, for social interaction with other kids. They can ask him anything about anything. When his daughter had questions about sex, or boys, or drugs, he would answer as honest, as he could. For example, his advice about marijuana was: If you decide you want to smoke marijuana, let me know, I will get some, and for your first time, or first couple of times, I'll smoke it with you, so that you know what its like, and can decide later, if you do smoke with some of your friends, whom you can trust to smoke with, since you know the effects thereof.

To conclude, frankly my opinion about much of the worlds parents, are that they are emotionally and psychologically stunted; and are not fully mature in their emotional and psychological thinking; they have many emotional and psychological issues, which they are too petrified to explore and resolve in thier own lives, and sexuality and these emotional and psychological failures result in highly dysfunctional familial relationships between husbands and wives, and between family members.

When I worked at RAdical Honesty, sometimes we would have our business meetings in the hottub, and Brad, and the rest of us would get naked and sit and chat in the hottub; our entire company had seen each other naked, and talked about issues that we had with our bodies, on video, so that we could emotionally and psychological resolve our physical body issues; and being naked infront of our boss, or him before us, was no big deal.

Living in such an open, honest, non sexualized environment, of honest intimacy, makes you realize how hte world outside of that community is manipulated with 'sex' and with 'body iimages' and with so much passive aggressive and covert manipulation -- by corporate public relations 'psychologists from hell' who will do anytihng to use their knowledge to 'sell, sell, sell' products that don't help people, but just make those psychologists richer and richer.

And that Christians and families support this psychological brainwashing system of enslavement, indicates eitehr their intentional complicity, or their ignorance.

Anyway, no doubt many may disagree, and that's okay; I support others to hold different opinions; and I'd be happy to test their opinions, by going to any psychologist they may recommend, who taught Radical Parenting, and emotional and psychological liberation, and who practiced what he preached, before I told them that what they said was nonsense. Maybe some critics will first enquire, and investigate, and experience the work of Brad Blanton, and Radical Honesty, before they think it 'alarming' or whatever.

Lara Johnstone (JMCSwan)
CC: Timothy Truthseeker

Timothy said...

Obviously, I don't agree with your views at all on this issue.

By Timothy

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Thats okay, appears clear I ain't on the right planet. No problem.