Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Selective Constitutionalism by Chuck Baldwin


1 comment:

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...


the most respected and widely read newspaper on the planet,

I'm happy for them; the day I am respected by idiots whom value the word 'respect' as a political correct term to act like a sycophant liar, and 'respect' you for no reason other than you are some 'hierarchical authority' who has done sweet nothing to indicate to me that you respect yourself; why the heck should I respect you' further more when you don't value STRAIGHT BLUNT 100 HONESTY AS 'RESPECT' BUT YOUR EGO IS SO PATHETICALLY DAMAGED, YOU REQUIRE EXTERNAL 'RESPECT' because you don't respect yourself...

As per documentation faxcimiled to NSC, from George Prison, dated 14 February 2003; RE: Bombing of Iraq; and Radical Honesty Forgiveness: I am not interested in any body's goddamn 'respect' if that respect is not honourable and sincere; from an individual who respects themselves.... and particularly not on an issue like Radical Honesty; If the world is not interested in sincere forgiveness; then they are quite welcome to practice their fake bullshit forgiveness; and lie to themselves...

For many many years, millions of people EXTREMELY HIGHLY RESPECTED THE BELIEF THAT THE EARTH WAS FLAT; CONTRARY TO ALL EVIDENCE. Because many sheep choose to respect a certain entity does not -- in my view -- give me any reason to consider it deserves my respect.

What is there to respect when they employ editors and journalists who are either such gutless coward jellyfish morons without a bone of courage in their body; to accurately report the relationship between population policy issues and economic, human and other resource issues? What is there to respect about a newspaper whose economic policy view point is that the EARTH IS FLAT; AND WHO HAS YET TO INCORPORATE THE REALITY THAT THE EARTH IS NOT FLAT?

What is there to respect about a newspaper who employs "economists who think that if you show up at the cashier's cage with enough currency, God will put more oil in the ground."

But then we can see why Mr. Watson's has such deep demockery respect for the Financial Times; since Mr. Watson's values are not those of a patriot, valuing a constitutional three vote republic; no Mr. Watson prefers the oligarch demockery, where he sits and pretends to provide a critique of the current demockery; without calling it by its name, nor clarifying his role in sustaining it.

Frankly, in my opinion, Die Standing Chuck Baldwin's opinion, got my respect; way more than a bunch of dictaphone jerks with fancy title's that only impress dumb blondes, who have spent their entire lives living on their knees to economic, psychological, emotional and intellectual theories; they have yet to be begin questioning.....

But if it makes them happy -- hey, I'm happy for them. Good friend of mine lived in that fancy high society life; and finally got out of it years later; said she hadn't realized she was living in a prison; and that she had wasted over 50 years of her life being nothing but a two-faced, pretentious, fancy madam. And all the time she had thought she was important, while she was gossipping behind the backs of her 'friends' and she knew they were gossipping behind her back; while he relationship with her very rich industrial husband was fake; and the sex wasn't much better; and their entire lives were spent impressing other rich snobby people whom they didn't even like.... and who didn't like them.. and they pretended to like each other..

She still thinks back and thinks; what a waste... Forty years of her life wasted, hiding in a bubble...

Anyway, so I guess if it works for them; I'm happy for them...

Maybe one day they will wake up that living in a demockery, whether that demockery is an external orwellian oligarch goverment; or an internal alienated mind goverment dictatorship attachment to cultural beliefs and external 'respect', is worth breaking free from.. to real independent freedom....

And of course, it's their choice
