Saturday, December 06, 2008

To: "Eric Jon Phelps"
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 8:58 PM
Subject: Need an opinion please

> I never want to put anyone on the spot but for some
> time I have been listening to and buying some products
> from Len Horowitz. His theories on sounds and
> frequiencies seem like something I want to ezplore.
> Would you have an opinion on him ir his work.
> Last week Horowitz was on Rense announcing he was
> sponsoring an awards ceremony for Jeff to honor his 25
> years of service.
> That award struck me as odd and reminded me of a story
> about Horowitz getting knighted to the knights of
> "something" he was quoted as saying was harmless.
> I would like to think Horowitz is not full of it. He
> may not mention details but he clearly implies the
> Vatican is problem in many things.
> I respect your opinion and would appreciate any you
> have on Horowitz.

Dear J,

Len Horowitz wrote a masterpiced in his Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola. Much mention is made of the Knights of Malta backing the Nazis.

I do believe he has been compromised by his joining of the Knights of Malta, Russian Tongue. His honoring of Rense further confirms my suspicions as Jeff Rense refuses to deal with the Jesuit Order and is anti-Jew in general and not against the pope's Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists in particular---as he should be. Rense will never again have me on his show or anyone else who exposes the Company. Len's association with Rense does not serve the purpose of truth as found in the Word of God, the English Reformatioin Bible AV1611. Len has become another "court Jew" serving the Vatican, a most dredful end of a man who was once a great champion of the truth.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric


Dear Eric,

You say his book was a masterpiece but I disagree. There is NO hiv virus and AIDS is a collection of disorders we've always had as well as modern chemical reasons for. When you understand this you then see through coadjutor, Leonard Horowitz period! Whys it so difficult for people to drop this most major myth of hiv from their indoctrinated minds?

Craig Oxley




From: Vyzygoth IV
To: Eric Jon Phelps
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 9:24 AM
Subject: Dr. John Coleman

brother eric:

i interviewed dr. john coleman yesterday. "conspirators' hierarchy" is coming out in a 4th edition. coleman felt he owed me from years gone by and i was happy to do the interview.

Dr. Coleman is a fine author with impeccable credentials. He was British Intelligence as you know. But I have suspected him from the beginning as being untrue after I finished his book mentioned above. The reason for this is his defence for the original Knights Hospitallers (especially its founder, Gerard), the present day, Rome-based Roman Catholic Knights of Malta (p. 204).

coleman, though he didn't speak to the jesuits,

Of course not, as he is also a Roman Catholic pro-Papacy and quite possibly a member of the Roman Catholic Order of the SMOM.

did say something interesting: that stalin hated the secret societies,

That was Stalin's "open but false policy." His "secret but true policy" was that he was a Mason. The same holds true for Hitler and Himmler. Both openly hated Masonry; secretly Hitler was a member of a very evil and sinister lodge---the "99 lodge" according to Jan van Helsing's Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century.

Without question both Hitler and Stalin were Freemasons and thus worked together for the entire duration of the war/papal crusade. From Stalin's refusal to mobilize against the planned German invasion of the USSR in June of 1941 to Hitler's deliberate sacrifice of his 6th Army at Stalingrad, both dictators worked together. The Katyn Massacre was carried out by the Gestapo and NKVD working in unison---both police agencies being manned by Jesuits. There are many examples of this described in VAIII.

and when germany was set loose upon russia, stalin went to the orthodox church for help.

Stalin had deliberately murdered his finest officers and generals in preparation for the invasion. He beheaded his military leaving his Red Army, built by the exiled, racially Jewish Trotsky, without seasoned leaders. Stalin also betrayed the great Russian General Andre Vlasov, cutting off arms and food thus forcing him to surrender to the Nazis---and Hitler betrayed Vlasov by refusing to put Vlasov's anti-Soviet Russian army of 700,000 men (in German uniforms led by Vlasov himself) until the war was about lost. Stalin only went to the Orthodox Church and restored the Patriarch (one of Stalin's friends who had "survived" the Purges) so that the Russian Orthodox people would fight for Stalin against Hitler. This was a brilliant move by the Jesuits as the Russian people hated Stalin and hoped for a German victory over the Red Army---which SS/NKVD Jesuit Coadjutor Martin Bormann prevented.

your research places stalin getting an orthodox education, which was run by whom? the soj, right?

Yes. Stalin was educated as a boy in Gori at a Roman Catholic school manned by Caupuchins---secret Jesuits, as the Order had been banned by Alexander I in 1820. The "Caupuchins" then gave young Stalin a scholarship to attend the Orthodox Seminary in Tiflis, Georgia, where he was tutored by Jesuits in the garb of "Orthodox priests" for five years. I cover this in VAIII in great detail for the Russian people.

did not the soj infiltrate the orthodox church earlier in the 20th C?

Yes. The Jesuits penetrated the Orthodox Church in the 1770s after the whore, Empress Catherine II "the Great," allowed them to enter Russia after the pope killed the Order via his Bull of Suppression and Extinction issued in 1773. Therefore, the Order had infested the Orthodox Church (in accordance with their bloody Oath) for over 100 years before Stalin was trained by the Company ruling Tiflis Seminary.

could Stalin--in his mind--have legitimately seen anglo-european designs on russia and wished to repel them, therefore, going to the society for aid?

No. Stalin knew the score. He knew that the Jesuit Order ruled Hitler, FDR, Churchill, Mussolini and Franco---all of whom were Masons. His "auto plants" had been built by 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Ford, the same Henry Ford who had built factories for Hitler. His entire Soviet military host was supplied by Bonesman and SMOM Averill Harriman via Lend Lease---at the direction of 33rd Degree FDR.

coleman said stalin was a staunch anti-bolshevik, wishing pure communism for russia,

That is partially true if the term "Bolshevik" means "Jew." Stalin hated the Jews as did Hitler for which reason both dictators were used by the Order to massacre the Jews living on "The Pale of Settlement," first established by Tzar Nicholas I in the 1840s for the intended future massacre of Eurasian Jews. Later, in the 1930s during the Purges, Stalin killed all the Bolshevik Jews except one token Jew, Lazar Kaganovitch. The death lists (1936-38) were written by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Alexander Poskrebyshev, Stalin's "Martin Bormann" who lived with "Koba" in the Kremlin and was the real master of the USSR. Stalin never wanted pure communism for Russia as proven by one of the leaders of the American Communist Party quoted in VAIII.

but could stalin have been played by the society, then executed when his usefulness had expired?

Stalin was most definately used by the Order with his full knowledge. But he revolted against the Order by arresting two of his Jesuit masters. Lubyanka General Alexander Poskrebyshev---who oversaw the hanging of Vlasov in the Lubyanka---and NKVD General Nicolai Vlasik. Shortly thereafter, Stalin was poisoned, also covered in VAIII.

As did British SMOM Avro Manhattan, so Colman promotes the Cold War Hoax. Both were/are aware that the West and the East were financed and built by the same men, which Antony Sutton proves in his book on the Skull and Bones. We know those men to be SMOMs and high-level, select Freemasons---ruled by the Jesuits controlling the Papacy "for the greater glory of God."



Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric


Dear Eric,
> I've only listened to Dr John Coleman's interview with Vyz yesterday and
> in parts it was very informative. What I will say is that I too agree
> he's a clever Temporal Coadjutor and yes could quite well be a SMOM
> Papal Knight.


His information is more indepth than the usual Coadjutors
> but some of it is wrong. Have you noticed how he claims China is being
> built up to destroy Russia?

Yes. That is complete disinformation. Communist China has always been an ally of the USSR since 1949. Any skirmishes between the two is on a lower level or intended to further deceive the brainwashed peoples of the West---China's and the USSR's mutual target at the behest of Rome.

You speak of the opposite and its to attack
> the U.S which I highly believe also but alas we will have to wait and
> see. I noticed his false information about "The Great Inquisitor"
> Stalin and how he was giving a serious diversion here also.


> Well anyhow what I really wanted to talk about his Committee of 300
> information. He claims this large group rules behind all the small
> societies. Pyramidal power of the Templar and modern secret societies
> works totally opposite to Coleman's information on the Committee of 300.
> Pyramidal power was copied from the Nazari Ismailis also know as
> Hashsashin's or Assassins of the Middle East. The Society of Jesus is
> very much based upon the Nazari Ismailis system.

Indeed. Loyola brought much of the Assassins' network into the Order. He must have become acquainted with them while in Jerusalem.

So from this point of
> view we can see something devious from Dr John Coleman.


The Committee
> of 300 is simply a large inner circle of the "Greastest Merchants on
> Earth," Sovereign Military Order of Malta.


The SMOM is the oldest known
> order on the planet going way back even before the Knights Templar. If
> only people would do their homework on the SMOM and its history and
> links to the Templars and all their wealth. But alas these Temporal
> Coadjutors will not educate on this subject. People should be looking
> to the Jesuit Order, Vatican, SMOM then the Red Brotherhood levels of
> the Pilgrim Society, Order of the Garter. Remember the last two are
> very inner circles of the SMOM.

Agreed. SMOM and Warner Lambert magnate Elmer Holmes Bobst was a member of the Pilgrim Society and donated part of his estate to the Arcbishop of New York at his death.
> We then hear Coleman speak of the upcoming Hollywood movie about his
> Committee of 300 information and utilising himself on the project. So
> my friend alarm bells ding a ling like never before now. We all know
> that Hollywood is controlled by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
> and its Mafiosi. Even people who believe the agent nonsense about
> Sabbatian Jews running Hollywood, should also beware of Coleman now.

Agreed and good points!

> Like Alan Watts has always said, "If these superstars of conspiracy are
> on TV, their safe & compromised."

Agreed! This includes the pseudo conservative Ron Paul.

So alas people, take note of some of
> Coleman's information but make sure you know many other decent
> researchers work. You will then see what's on the level and what's
> diversion. Theres hardly anyone you can trust these days. Its amazing
> how people follow these agents when they interview the likes of
> Rothschild such as Alex Jones and of course now Hollywood Coleman. Mind
> you if Coleman is a SMOM Papal Knight we can easily understand his film
> coming out from Hollywood haha.


Once again the Order allows you to know
> the almost top level conspiracy but alas never the pinacle. Dr John
> Coleman is hiding his true agenda and agentness under the guise of his
> ex-British Intelligence veil and all this great research at the British
> Museum and in its "Inner Santum."


This will really sucker the sheople
> to be diverted, especially if he adds a little more indepth and
> different information to most agents. This is another technique done to
> try and counter measure against people who've woken up even further than
> the Alex Jones level and so forth. I bet they absolutely detest the
> likes of yourself and myself getting right deep into the pinacle Vatican
> garbage can and its dire stench.


I'd be interested to hear what Tim
> White makes of Coleman. His great outing of William Thomas, Bill Deagle
> and others has been of use especially when you already have suspicions
> of these cretins. Mind you an adjutor has much truths and even a half
> truth is a lot of truth. Without some of these adjutors we would not
> know many clues.

> Take Care
> Craig Oxley

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric



my take on coleman's "committe of 300" assertions:

i studied & analyzed his "conspirators' hierarchy: the story of the committee of 300" about 3 years ago. it became clear while reading it that it's got some real factual problems, not least the fact that coleman may not even have read an actual copy of a book that he repeatedly quotes from throughout the book. zbigniew brzezinski's "between two ages: america's role in the technetronic era" (1970). i was fortunate enough to track down this quite rare book.

coleman refers to the title & subtitle as 2 separate books & even lists them as such in his bibliography. david icke's provider of much info, brian desborough, arizona wilder'smind-control "deprogrammer" does the same thing in "they cast no shadows", thus exposing his source as coleman who made the same inexcusable mistake. this is a glaring error that no-one who actually read the book would make. i can only surmise that he's quoting from 2 different sources, w/out naming those intermediate texts.

at there's a critique on the "theodore adorno wrote all the beatles material" claim of coleman's that is hard to get passed. this is 1 of alan watts fave stories & really undermines his other invaluable info (as does his wordology on the origin of the word "israel", lifted straight from jordan maxwell & provably fraudulent, now maybe maxwell & watt are acting in good faith but both should scrutinize their sources a little better).

my copy of coleman's book has many annotations that i made, among them:

coleman claims that the beatles were an integral part of "the aquarian conspiracy" which sprang from "the changing images of man" SRI (stanford research institute)document only 1 problem: that document was from 1974, not 1964! the beatles were past-tense several years before.

"teenager" "rock", "cool' & "pop music" according to coleman were disguised codewords signifying the acceptance of drugs in mid-60s youth culture, arriving w/ the beatles. chronologically unsound to sat the least. cool was a jazz expression since time, teenager was coined in the late 1940s in a famous article, frank sinatra had been pop music way before rock & roll came round in the mid 1950s...

these are examples that may be dismissed as having little importance on the bigger picture, but they illustrate that coleman's information is not always as he presents it. as a serious researcher of popular culture and as someone who has put in much time studying postwar jazz culture and 50's/60's pop culture including the beat, mod & psychedelic eras, these examples raised suspicions of the accuracy of the rest of his information.

it's a fascinating but very flawed book & i'm not convinced by the committee of 300, or at least coleman's spin on it. is he a deliberate disinfo agent working for the CIA, british intell (as he claims he formerly was?) or directly under the jesuits?

coleman's book has a handful of passing references to the jesuits and he mentions the knights of malta & the vatican once each (and even then only stating that the knights own a certain bank & a reference to "vatican intelligence"). this is a blatant whitewash. on Pp. 184-185 coleman states unequivocally his assertion of who's controlling things, and it's not the vatican-jesuit-SMOM power-nexus:

* "Committee of 300 corporations, banks, and insurance companies operate under the unified command covering every conceivable matter of strategy and cohesive action. Th Committee is the ONLY organized power hierarchy in the world transcending all governments and individuals, however powerful and secure they feel themselves to be. This covers finance, defense matters and political parties of all colors and types.

There is no entity the Committee cannot reach and control, and that includes organized religions of the world. This then, is the all powerful OLYMPIAN GROUP whose power base is in London and the City of London's financial centers with its grip on minerals, metals and precious gems, cocaine, opium and pharmaceutical drugs, rentier-financier bankers, cult promoters and founders of rock music. The British Crown is the control point from which all things radiate. as the saying goes, "They have a finger in every pie."

even the origin of the term "the committee of 300" appears to be fraudulent (see the reference below), although i'll not dismiss it entirely as an entity, as leo zagami has referred to this body and has proven to be a source of much rare and reliable information in my researches.

some of coleman's more questionable assertions regarding structure of the committee of 300 and more are to be found in the quotes below, excerpted from an internet review of the book, including the possible origin of the term:

* "Although a very articulate and knowledgable on the American Constitution in his speeches, I couldn't find information on him personally; Education, MI6 employment or any additional bio. The book itself is, what I consider, a work of fiction. Although my copy is the 4th edition I had expected that the numerous mis-spelling, gramatical errors and factual distortions, like 4 million homeless people in the US, would have been corrected or stricken before final publishing especially when at the supposed Ph.D. level."

* "Coleman misquotes Walter Rathenau on page 200 in that he states the "quote" to be made in 1921: "There is a Committee of 300 men whose identity is known only to each other who rule the world" who didn't say there was a "Committee of 300" whatsoever. On page 63, Coleman again quotes Ratheneau true statement: "Only 300 men, each of whom knows all others, govern the fate of Europe." Ratheneau actually said this in 1909, as stated by Carroll Quigley in his massive work "Tragedy and Hope" on page 61. Coleman states that Rathenau's murderers were murdered while other souces state they were arrested and set to trial? Coleman states that Ratheneau was the only man who disclosed the existance of "The Committee of 300" while later stating M. Gorbechov was apparently had too stated it but couldn't get the video tapes....."

* "I most definately agree with the masses of unconstitutional expansions over the State Republics Coleman very articulately states in his speech on GoogleVideo, but there are just far too many inaccuracies within this work to accept it as "fact", sort of comparable to the mass one sided agenda/propaganda with Global Warming."

* "Coleman mentions that Alister Crowley was a member of the Committee amongst others by leaves them out of the list. Coleman claims that all members of the Committee are drawn from the Anglican Church but then lists Baron DeRothschild, Chaim Weismann, Ben Gurion, Rockefeller, Bush, Cicirini etc. at the back of the book who are not Anglican at all."

* "It is a good story containing many facts but many distortions to prove his goal what I believe to be personal sales. When one reads it and catches one after another misquotes, distortions and little to no supporting documentation the work looses its credibility. It is my personal opinion that he either took the misquote by Ratheneau and built his story around that specific quote and used the Queen's Privy Council, of 300 members, to solidify his story. Good Story but I feel Antony Sutton, James Perloff, Cleon Skousen, Stanley Monteith and even Carroll Quigley are far more accurate and credible to be 100% honest in my opinion. I would have given Coleman's book a much higher rating if it didn't have so many misleading "facts" and unfounded statements...."

OK, that's just what 1 other person noticed & some solid stuff to consider. if you do a search on the internet you'll find much more info that shows many of the "facts" in the book to be fallacious.

so what's coleman's game: disinformer or misinformer? blatant B.S. or shoddy research & duff intell sources? of course many of his textual sources are very informative books, but none of the above bodes well 4 coleman's claim of the existence of the committee of 300 or those of the people who endorse his work.

coleman's endorsers include alan watt (in many of his radio interviews), fritz springmeier ("bloodlines of the illuminati"), brian desborough ("they cast no shadows"), stewart swerdlow ("blue blood true blood") & david icke ("and the truth shall set you free...." - to his credit icke does mention in "the biggest secret" that many people question coleman's authenticity as a former brit intell operative, but then says he believes coleman's claims are correct, all of which seems like a sidenote considering that this was the book which demonstrated the successfulness of the international intell psy-ops sting, controlled IMO by brian desborough, that convinced icke of the reptilian shape-shifting nature of the illuminati elite). even the most accurate and indepth writer/ researcher focussing on the true nature of the power structure of the new world order, eric jon phelps, author of "vatican assassins", gives credence to coleman's apparently dubious "committee of 300". zagami's passing reference to the committee of 300 should be brought up with him if possible, as he hasn't stated whether his knowledge of such an entity is from a more direct source. coleman definitely has more than a few questions to answer.

if coleman is less than genuine, then what is his game? several of his more disputable claims seem to be read off the same song-sheet that lyndon larouche & his executive intelligence review sing from. the enigma of the exact role played by larouche & co has perplexed me for a while, but the the john birch society "belmont brotherhood" expose articles posted on the internet may shed some light on the roles of both larouche & coleman.

all of which begs the question: did the committee of 300 exist before coleman's book came out in 1992?


The Beatles and the Aquarian Conspiracy (from John Coleman's "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committeee of 300").

An outstanding example of social conditioning to accept change, even when it is recognized as unwelcome change by the large population group in the sights of Stanford Research Institute, was the "advent" of the BEATLES. The Beatles were brought to the United States as part of a social experiment which would subject large population groups to brainwashing of which they were not even aware.

When Tavistock brought the Beatles to the United States nobody could have imagined the cultural disaster that was to follow in their wake. The Beatles were an integral part of "THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY," a living organism which sprang From "THE CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN," URH (489)-2150-Policy Research Report No. 4/4/74. Policy Report pre-pared by SRI Center for the study of Social Policy, Director, Professor Willis Harmon.

The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. Instead it was a carefully crafted plot to introduce by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large population group targeted for change against its will. New words and new phrases--prepared by Tavistock(1)-- were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of drugs and arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went, to be "discovered" by "teenagers." Incidentally, the word "teenagers" was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

As in the case of gang wars, nothing could or would have been accomplished without the cooperation of the media, especially the electronic media and, in particular, the scurrilous Ed Sullivan who had been coached by the conspirators as to the role he was to play. Nobody would have paid much attention to the motley crew from Liverpool and the 12-atonal system of "music" that was to follow had it not been for an overabundance of press exposure. The 12-atonal system consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood by Adorno and given a "modern" flavor by this special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300.

Tavistock and its Stanford Research Center created trigger words which then came into general usage around "rock music" and its fans. Trigger words created a distinct new break-away largely young population group which was persuaded by social engineering and conditioning to believe that the Beatles really were their favorite group. All trigger words devised in the context of "rock music" were designed for mass control of the new targeted group, the youth of America.

The Beatles did a perfect job, or perhaps it would be more correct to say that Tavistock and Stanford did a perfect job, the Beatles merely reacting like trained robots "with a little help from their friends"--code words for using drugs and making it "cool." The Beatles became a highly visible "new type"-- more Tavistock jargon--and as such it was not long before the group made new styles (fads in clothing, hairstyles and language usage) which upset the older generation, as was intended. This was part of the "fragmentation-maladaptation" process worked out by Willis Harmon and his team of social scientists and genetic engineering tinkerers and put into action.

The role of the print and electronic media in our society is crucial to the success of brainwashing large population groups. Gang wars ended in Los Angeles in 1966 as the media withdrew its coverage. The same thing will happen with the current wave of gang wars in Los Angeles. Street gangs will wither on the vine once media saturation coverage is toned down and then completely withdrawn. As in 1966, the issue would become "burned out." Street gangs will have served their purpose of creating turbulence and insecurity. Exactly the same pattern will be followed in the case of "rock" music. Deprived of media attention, it will eventually take its place in history.

Following the Beatles, who incidentally were put together by the Tavistock Institute, came other "Made in England" rock groups, who, like the Beatles, had Theo Adorno write their cult lyrics and compose all the "music." I hate to use these beautiful words in the context of "Beatlemania"; it reminds me of how wrongly the word "lover" is used when referring to the filthy interaction between two homosexuals writhing in pigswill. To call "rock" music, is an insult, likewise the language used in "rock lyrics."

Tavistock and Stanford Research then embarked on the second phase of the work commissioned by the Committee of 300. This new phase turned up the heat for social change in America. As quickly as the Beatles had appeared on the American scene, so too did the "beat generation," trigger words designed to separate and fragment society. The media now focused its attention on the "beat generation." Other Tavistock-coined words came seemingly out of nowhere: "beatniks," "hippies," "flower children" became part of the vocabulary of America. It became popular to "drop out" and wear dirty jeans, go about with long unwashed hair. The "beat generation" cut itself off from main-stream America. They became just as infamous as the cleaner Beatles before them.

The newly-created group and its "lifestyle" swept millions of young Americans into the cult. American youth underwent a radical revolution without ever being aware of it, while the older generation stood by helplessly, unable to identify the source of the crisis, and thus reacting in a maladaptive manner against its manifestation, which were drugs of all types, marijuana, and later Lysergic acid, "LSD," so conveniently provided for them by the Swiss pharmaceutical company, SANDOZ, following the discovery by one of its chemists, Albert Hoffman, how to make synthetic ergotamine, a powerful mind-altering drug. The Committee of 300 financed the project through one of their banks, S. C. Warburg, and the drug was carried to America by the philosopher, Aldous Huxley.

The new "wonder drug" was promptly distributed in "sample" size packages, handed out free of charge on college campuses across the United States and at "rock" concerts, which became the leading vehicle for proliferating the use of drugs. The question that cries out for an answer is, what was the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) doing at the time? There is compelling circumstantial evidence that would appear to indicate that the DEA knew what was going on but was ordered not to take any action.

With very substantial numbers of new British "rock" bands arriving in the U.S., rock concerts began to become a fixture on the social calendar of American youth. In tandem with these "concerts," the use of drugs among the youth rose in proportion. The devilish bedlam of discordant heavy beat sounds numbed the minds of listeners so that they were easily persuaded to try the new drug on the basis that "everybody is doing it." Peer pressure is a very strong weapon. The "new culture" received maximum coverage from the jackal media, which cost the conspirators not one single thin dime.

Great anger was felt by a number of civic leaders and churchmen over the new cult but their energies were misdirected against the RESULT of what was going on and not against the CAUSE. Critics of the rock cult made the same mistakes that had been made in the prohibition era, they criticized law enforcement agencies, teachers, parents anybody but the conspirators.




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1. Guy Sainty 9.7.08 / 10am

I have only just come across your web site, but should point out that in first place among the non-reigning royals present was HRH the Infante don Carlos, Duke of Calabria, who was invited and attended as Grand Master of the Constantinian Order. Also that Ambassador Bellingham’s remarks at the Memorial requiem were not his own, but written by the Grand Master’s very old friend, Prince Rupert zu Loewenstein, who was unable to attend for health reasons.
2. troyspace 9.7.08 / 7pm

Dear Mr Sainty

Thank you for taking the time to write & add some interesting details to some of these articles.

So Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro & Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria, the two contending heads for the House of Bourbon (or Borbone) of the Two Sicilies & for the Grand Mastership of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George respectively attended the London & Rome memorial masses for SMOM Grand Master Andrew Bertie. Carlo in London, Carlos in Rome the month before. Ah, that’s interesting. So their paths didn’t cross I take it?

On the comment that you posted at:

You wrote the following:

“You write about the Constantinian Order as if it is one; the legitimate Order is under the grand magistery of the senior primogeniture heir of the Bourbon-Sicily royal house, HRH Infante don Carlos de Borbon-Dos Sicilias y Borbon-Parma, duke of Calabria, 1st cousin of the king of Spain. This Order is entirely dedicated to the Catholic Church, it has no involvement with politics or politicians”

Now bearing in mind that “Since 1878, every Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta has been a senior member of the [French-Neapolitan branch of the] Constantinian Order” (see the piece at the above link), it doesn’t seem to perturb Rupert Loewenstein too much this dispute between the F-N CO & H-N CO, as he is a high-level SMOM Knight & the other (F-N) CO is the wellspring for the SMOM GM’s.

As I have written in summary of his position within the Hispano-Neapolitan Constantinian Order [Note to readers: of which Guy Sainty is a member]:

“Vice President of the Deputation & President of the British Association of the Hispano-Neapolitan branch: Prince Rupert zu Loewenstein (also SMOM Bailiff Grand Cross of Honour & Devotion, [former?] President of the British Association of the SMOM, Knight Commander with Star of the Papal Order of St Gregory, Knight of St John, Knight of St Januarius, Knight of St Stephen & the money-man to the Rolling Stones & Mick Jagger since 1971 - nicknamed “Rupie the Groupie”)”

So I do find that curious. Any comment on that would be appreciated.

I would also like to point out the declared aims of your (Hispano-Neapolitan) branch of the Constantinian Order:

“The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George is an Order of Chivalry which, from its earliest origins, has supported the glorification of the Cross, the propaganda of the Faith and the defense of the Holy Roman Church, its special legacy through service in the Orient fighting the infidel and the many proofs of the recognition and regard of the Supreme Pontiffs.”

Now I read “its special legacy through service in the Orient fighting the infidel” as “its special legacy through service in the Orient [the East, the Middle East that is] fighting the infidel [the Vatican's term for Muslims] and the many proofs of the recognition and regard of the Supreme Pontiffs.” Would you not agree?

The Constantinian Order is comprised of a good portion of European Roman Catholic royalty & aristocracy, 13 Vatican cardinals & several high-level SMOM Knights.

Is today’s war OF terror in the near-east/middle-east not a continuation of those of a millenium ago, involving the Knights of Malta (known as the Knights Hospitaller then), still on behalf of the Vatican, now via their assets such as Skull & Bonesman George W Bush (son of SMOM Skull & Bonesman GHW Bush) & SMOM Knights like George Schlitz controlling the Blackwater mercenary operation?

Pro-Nazi, pro-fascist concordat creator Pope Pius XII himself was a member of the (unified) Constantinian Order. I would say that the evidence strongly suggests that the Constantinian Order, both before & after its 1960 split - both branches today - would appear to be above the SMOM.

Regardless, the Constantinian Order - particularly your Hispano-Neapolitan branch - can be clearly deduced from its own stated aims to be a unifying body for the elite pro-Vatican orchestrators of the whole 9/11-excused “war on terror” crusade. It is my assessment that the high-level Jesuits devised & placed the order for these crusades, but that the Constantinian Order(s) & SMOM are co-executors of this agenda via their unparalleled sphere of influence.

The Constantinian Order: “its special legacy through service in the Orient fighting the infidel.”

Dear Mr Sainty, you are clearly a scholar of the highest order & thus a very intelligent man. Would you please be frank, lay the cards out on the table & answer my above assessment in a straightforward & honest manner.

Thanks -




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