Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Troy and Eric on religious topics

Dear Brother Eric

To your knowledge are there any Rabbis who are free of Talmudic indoctrination & are worthy inheritors to the tradition of Moses (even if rejectors of Christ & thus ultimately blasphemers)? Or are all of them the inheritors of the Babylonian Mystery Religion & is true Judaism left to non-rabbinic, Torah-observing, non-Talmudic Jews (including the Karaite & Sephardi Jews that you mention)?

True, Torah-only-based Judaism is only to be found among the Karaites and Sephartic Jews. Both groups totally reject both the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmud as being in complete contradiction to the Tenach which in the Hebrew Bible is from Genesis to II Chronicles, 37 books described as the "Law, the Prophets and the Psalms." These two Jewish groups are hated by the Orthodox Jews and thus they are also hated by the pope's Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists running the government of Israel. The Orthodox Jews of every Orthodox subgroup and the Reformed Jews are in complete denial of the literal truth of the Old Testament. Neither group believes in a literal garden of Eden, Adam and Eve or even a Jewish race as per Genesis 12:1-3. The Reformed Jews reject the Talumd, but also deny that the OT is the Word of God. The Orthodox believe the OT to be the Word of God (not to be understood literally) and also exhalt the Oral Law (the Talmud) to be on an equal level with the Word of God (OT). This exhaltation of the writings of mere men means that the Orthodox Jews are a cult---by definition. This is the same Pharasical cult that existed in the first century that was rebuked by the Lord Jesus Christ for nilifying the Law of Moses with their tradition, which tradition today is the codified Babylonian Talmud. It is this Talmud that calls the Jesus of the first century a "bastard" and his mother a "whore." I know this to be true as an Orthodox friend of mine asked his rabbi if such things are said to which the rabbi responded, "They exist."

Further, the Noahide Laws, as promulgated in the Talmud, call for the death of those of us New Testament, Bible believing Christians who believe in the Biblical Tri-unity of God evidenced by our calling the Lord Jesus Christ "the Son of God" thus making Him equal with God. To believe this is to be condemned by the Noahide Laws.

Can any Jews brought up in an Orthodox tradition be considered true Jews even?

Yes, they are racial Jews with a royal bloodline that they are perpetuating generation after generation. This the Orthodox also deny.

Is it possible to relate your understanding of the origin of the Talmud & Kabbalism & the relationship between the high priests of Babylon into Rome, with the development of Occult heresy among the Jews & how this became (presumably) the dominant camp within the Jewish religious world?

Sure. Examine the doctrine of the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis with the doctrines of the papacy---the seat of present day Mystery Babylonian Religion. Examine the relationship between the Orthodox Rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli, with that damnable Babylonian king of Rome, Pope Pius XII. Israel Zolli changed his name to Eugenio Zolli (taking the name of the pope) and converted to Romanism after the war. Zolli and Pius XII worked together in the deportation of the Jews of Rome to Auschwitz. Much more could be said about this which I intend to do.

Any thoughts on the Catholic Church's overt stance on Occultic Jews in the Middle Ages & on how this may or may not have changed behind closed doors into modern times is also welcome.

The papacy has always persecuted the Jews on the basis of the doctrines of the Talmud. If the high Jewish leaders would repudiate the Talmud's hatred for non-Jews, this would diffuse most of Rome's basis for inciting anti-Jewish fury among the nations. Thus, the Orthodox Rabbis pushing the Talmud are the best friends of the papacy in aiding Jewish persecution during the Diaspora. The secret life of the Rebbe who came to the US after WWII further proves the point. He secretly aided Hitler in the Eurasian Jewish Holocaust. This response is but a small morsel of what can be said.

I will post your response at various internet venues.

In Christ -

Brother Troy

Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric

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