Monday, December 08, 2008

Value and Life

Religious freedom is important to protect. reported on something new. Attorneys for the ADF or the Alliance Defense Fund settled a case (this year) against Ithaca, NY. This dealt with an ordinance that violated the free speech rights of a street preacher. A federal court banned enforcement of the disputed rule. This rule restricted sounds that could be heard from 25 feet away. Another street evangelist came back to visit the area. Soon, attorneys are back in court with another action against Ithaca. Police officers there claimed that the court order didn't apply to them, because they weren't involved in the first case. The original 1999 controversy dealt with Kevin Deegan. That case was settled this year according to the ADF. The resolution included a court order prohibiting officials "from enforcing a municipal code that ... restricts sounds on public streets, sidewalks, or paths that can be heard from 25 feet," which, the legal group noted, would ban sneezing or cell phone rings. Jim Deferio was a friend of Kevin's. He stood at the same spot Kevin stood to preach. The police said that Jim couldn't do it since it violated the same ordiance that was invoked against Kevin. The next week both Kevin and Jim came to the location. The police said that the federal order didn't apply to them since it only effected certain officers. The ADF is now representing Jim. Some police officers suppressing Christian free speech in defiance of a court order is blatantly wrong. This old bad ordinance could make sneezing or cell phone usage illegal. Officers cited Deegan under the noise ordinance – the only apparent use of that ordinance in its history at that time – despite any number of "recreation activities, celebrations, demonstrations, rallies, musical performances, poetry readings, speeches, and other expressive undertakings" that have gone on there. The appeals court ruling said the city's officials could not "justify their even stricter regulation of Deegan's speech in the Commons, which is a public forum bustling with the sounds of recreation, celebration, commerce, demonstration, rallies, music, poetry, speeches, and other expressive undertakings." So, religious liberty threats are real in America constantly.

Terrorism once again in Mumbai has been exploited to promote the war on terror even more. Pakistan, India, Israel, and America collectively are not responsible for these incidents. The people responsible are a group of extremists (who may have some ties to the globalists) that promote nihilism. These people exhibit choas and murder. The attacks in Mumbai were done to create more radicalized Muslim people. The unwarranted interference of the Muslim world by the West has been going on for decades. The US illegally overthrown the elected government of Iran in 1954 (with help from British intelligence because Mohammaed Mossadegh refused to allow foreign companies to control Iranian oil supplies). Subsequently, the Shah reigned as a dictator in the place of Mossadegh. There are US stationing troops in Saudi Arabia. The US had invaded and are attempting to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq. The West is even conducting military strikes in Pakistan, which are violations of Pakistani sovereignity. If America destabilizes Pakistan, that may backfire to make Pakistan to be more united with extremists. Then, you have NATO fighting in Afghanistan and harrashing Russia. Even domestically, extremists in our own government want to repudiate the Geneva Convention, set aside habeas corpus, and do other anti-civil liberty polices. These activities are not only apart of oppression against the Muslim world with murder, exploitation, oppression, etc. It's oppression against all free people world wide. The deal is that the bad policies from the military industrial complex isn't benefiting America and the world at all. What's really needed is to embrace non-interventionalism in terms of rejecting military preemptive strikes, have negiotations, construct more peaceful solutions, and develop other ways to improve our world. The future will just be like the past. Former ISI General Hamid Gul of Pakistan said that 9/11 was an inside job. He said this on the CFR luminary Fareed Zakaria's show called GPS. He said that neo cons were involved in it. It doesn't talk a genius to figure that CFR member Dick Cheney, George Tenet, Giuliani, and others either have involvement or were involved in the cover up of 9/11. There will be great people fighting for the truth. Also, there will be complex problems that ought to be addressed fully.

Tasers have caused a lot of havoc in America. In this new incident, California cops tasered a distraught son. The son's father was drowning after he and his brother complained that the police weren't doing enough to rescue their dad. The authorities even prevented the two sons from making any kind of rescue effort themselves to help their own father. This incident of police brutality occured in Mendocino Country, California. A San Franscisco family was visting Portuguese Beach. This was when the father accidentally fell into the water. He was washed away from the shore. The police arrieved with rescue crews. These people on the other hand made no effort to save the drowning man. The man is named Maurizio Biasini who is 54 years old. His 2 sons (by the names of Dario and Andriano Biasini who are both 18 year olds) were prevented by the police to help their dad. The authorities insisted that they were waiting for the Coast Guard and a Sheriff's boat. The sons' protests about the authorities' inaction led to a struggle. Cops tackled one son and the other son was restrained. The son who the cops tackled was later tasered as he lay on the floor. He was tasered again when he attempted to get up. CHP officers claim the sons were “getting in the way of rescue efforts” but charges of “interfering” are likely to be dropped, according to a KHSL TV report. The father is still missing after he fell into the water. The inaction by authorities to find the children's father is truly appalling. Indiscriminate usage of tasers in the form of police brutality has been an epidemic in America. Even a 54 year old woman by the name of Margaret Hiebing was tasered by Wisconsin police for just setting in the wrong set at a football game (in Madison). She was hurt so bad that he had to leave the stadium with a wheel chair. Tasers can cause heart damage and other problems. That's why numerous organizations want tasers to be banned among the police.

Deanna Spingola wrote about the globalist imperalists in their history. That evil history has spanned many centuries. Her recent December article was great. It was great in that it exposed the Western imperalist damage done to the Phillipines during the late 19th century to the early 20th century. She specifically exposed the damaging and immoral role certain American generals had in the Philippine war. At first, Deanna described about Japan. International bankers funded Emperor Meiji's campaign against Korea, China, and Manchuria. Meiji was Hirohito's grandfather. The Spanish American war lead the American forces to defeat the Spanish imperial claims to Cuba and the Phillippine islands. The Platt Amendment of March 2, 1901 allowed the US to control the land temporary of Cuba and America expanded into the Philippines. Howard Taft (who represented Presdient Theodore Roosevelt) made and agreement with Japan (who was represented by Prime Minister Katsura) in 1905 that allowed Japan to control other Asiatic countries as long as it weren't the Philippines or Hawaii. Once by 1575, the Phillippines was a Spanish theocracy. Chinese merchants traded there since the 900's A.D. The Spanish would go into the big island of Luzon to give gold and silver to the Chinese in exchange for Chinese goods. The Chinese people were later oppressed by the Spaniards for trade competition. There were mesitzos of Spanish/Filipino descent and of Chinese/Malay/Filipino descent. Emilio Aguinaldo was a Chinese mestizo minority who fought a rebellion against the Spaniards in 1896 called the Kaitpunan Rebellion. Emilio soon took refuge in Hong Kong to fight the battle more. Now, American politicans at first assisted the Phillippines to defeat the Spaniards. Emilio Aguinaldo soon declared Philippine independence on June 12, 1898 to form the first Philippine Republic. Emilio said that General Anderson and Admiral Dewey made a promise to him that the American forces wouldn't interfere with the independent nation of the Philippines. This promise was broken of course. General Arthur MacArthur Jr. (who is the father of Douglas MacArthur) led the Battle of Manila which murdered 2,000 Filipinos in the streets of Manila. Both sides committed atrocities, yet the Americans committed more ergergious atrocities against the Philippine people. Ironically, some of the American soldiers used racial epitets against the Philippines and publiclly endorsed their evil murder of civilians. There was waterboarding and other forms of torture implemented against the Philippine people. General Arthur MacArthur was racist by saying that the Filipinos were an inferior race in December 20, 1900 and that he wanted Aryan rule to spread of people globally. Arthur was a Civil War veteran and fought against the Native Americans in the Dakota Territory. Some of them, the 7th Cavalry Regiment, had taken part in the massacre at Wounded Knee, South Dakota on December 29, 1890. This incident was when 370 women and children were slaughtered, in revenge for Custer. The Treaty of Paris in December 10, 1898 gave the green light for the US to act in this form of imperalism. There was so much widespread violence against the Philippine people that 1 million Filipinos died from this affair. Even after the war ended, there was conflict in the Philippines after 1902. This is an example that imperialism in any of its forms is never justified at all.

There is a new study from the pro-abortion researchers at John Hokpins University. The researchers claim that there is no major link between abortion and mental health issues. Experts are confronting and debunking this biased study. Dr. Priscilla Coleman of Bowling Green State University (who is a mental health expert on the aftereffects of abortion on women) says that the JHU study used the same tactics as the APA (or the American Psychological Associated that promoted the similar views of the JHU). "However, a careful reading indicates that these Johns Hopkins researchers are guilty of only slightly more crafty deception," she adds. Coleman criticized the study on 4 main points. She said that the JHU researchers don't include any major studies that exist today that link abortion to subsequent substance abuse problems. Studies really show that health risks accompany abortion. There was no explanation for this omission. Secondly, Coleman said that the ranking system the JHU researchers employed ignores two of the most central methodological considerations when conducting reviews of prospective research designs: the percent consenting to participate at baseline and retention of subjects over time. Colemen said that women are more harmed by an abortion are less inclined to participate in the study. Women who had an abortion will increase their risks of living an unstable life. Coleman says these rankings are arbitrary and subjective. She points out that the JHU team never explained how a study was given a certain ranking. Finally, as
previously noted with regard to three new studies that were released this week and show abortion's link to adverse mental health outcomes, Coleman says the JHU team didn't include all of the studies it should have to give a proper overall analysis. It's been discovered that Planned Parenthood bankrolled the study, so there is a conflict of interest here. The study co-author Robert Blum was a leading member of Planned Parenthood years ago. Dr. Robert Blum once chaired the Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood’s research arm, the Alan Guttmacher Institute. He has been used as an expert witness by the Center for Reproductive Rights. Hence, the JMU study has a pro-abortion bias. The Leaders of Silent No More (who are women who were the victims of abortion) have criticized the JHU study as well. Georgette Forney had an abortion early on. She lives with guilt and regret ever since. Forney points to other studies from across the Earth where scientists found that abortion hurts women (along with causing a host of medical and mental health problems afterwards). Forney knows first hand of the horrors of abortion completely.

Alan Travis from the Guardian on November 6, 2008 made news that an UK court said that the British government must delete the data of innocent people from the UK's DNA Database. There are 875,000 innocent citizens who have been arrested or charged but never convicted of a criminal offence. Their fingerprints and DNA samples now face deletion from the national DNA database after a landmark ruling by the European court of human rights in Strasbourg. This decision was a strongly worded judgments in recent years. This was an unanimous ruling from the 17 judges. One British judge named Nicholas Bratza condemned the blanket and indiscriminate nature of the powers given to the police of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland (to retain the DNA samples and fingerprints of suspects who have been released or cleared). The judges were highly critical of the fact that the DNA samples could be retained without time limit and regardless of the seriousness of the offence, or the age of the suspect. Of course, this policy is immoral and infringes on human privacy. The court says that innocent people could be in risk of treated by criminals via this DNA policy. Jacqui Smith and some senior police officials liked the invasive policy. Now, they claim that they will comply if the judges' ruling stick. Peter Mahy praised the ruling as promoting human rights in Europe. The Home Office acknowledged yesterday that it plans to extend the retention of DNA to low level, so-called non-recordable offence. These offences include littering and minor traffic offences, which were now dead in the water. The British DNA database now has 4.3 million individuals in Britian, which even includes children. Even the EU wants to share fingerprint and DNA data across their 27 member states. The Equality and Human Rights Commission said it welcomed the judgment. They want to work with the Home Office and the police to make sure that the ruling will be implemented. These are some good news for the UK, yet the United Kingdom remains a huge pro-Big Brother nation.

The Internet is threatened all of the time. Now, Italian President and media baron Silvio Berlusconi said that he wants to use the G8 presidency to regulate the Internet via international means. This is wrong of course. The G8 has no right to regulate the Internet at all. The G8 is a consortium of nations that make up the top 8 most economically potent nations in the world. Berlusconi told these words to Italian postal works. He also desires the G8 to regulate financial markets worldwide as well. So, globalization and the new world order have been promoted by international leaders more overtly nowadays. Italy's G8 Presidency begins on January 1. When a nation is on the G8 Presidency, they can organize and host G8 meetings. They can also set the agenda. Nations rotate continually on which nation will recieve the G8 Presidency. Berlusconi didn't talk about what he described as how he would regulate the Internet. Dictatorial nations or nations with liberty problems from China, Iran, Cuba, and Saudi Arabia regulate the Internet heavily. Many Italian bloggers are planning to protest any move possibly made by the President to regulate the Internet soon. The bloggers plain on displaying anti-Berlusconi banners on their websties. Berlusconi has been accused of trying to silence dissent. L'Unita (which is an left wing Italian newspaper) has criticized Berlusconi's policy as well as being a disturbing proclamation. He is also a member of P2 Lodge of Freemasonry. Britian and Australia are trying to promote anti-free speech laws that target the Internet as well. Even in Youtube, there has been massive censorship done against certain videos. So, we have to be wise to make the right Internet decisions in our lives. Yet, at the same time, we should resist any form of government mandated censorship of the Internet. There are plenty of programs and systems individuals can utilize if they don't want to look at wicked content on the Internet simply.

Economics are very important to delve into, especially during these wild times. The FED wants to use the TARP or the Troubled Asset Relief Program as a conduit to finish their bailout program. AIG and the Treasury Department reached a money deal. AIG recieved 152 billion dollars so far and reported a third quarter loss of $25 billion. Now they are to be cleared of their obligation on $53 billion worth of toxic credit default swaps. Taxpayers have to pay $205 billion for AIG alone. The deal is that the government constantly bailling out these companies usually don't address the fundamental issues at all. One major reason why we have this crisis is because of higher unemployment and debt levels have made families to not earn enough money to cover their debts. The FED has created bubbles as well. There has been bad regulation, bad monetary policy, the mixing of government plus the financial industry. The Glass-Steagal act of 1933 had been conceived to prevent the Banking sector from indulging in high risk investments to protect the depositors of these institutions. The Clinton administration repealed this act (through the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999). Others want the government to address the derivatives market without hoarding cashing through the TARP. Lending and investing money into failing companies don't work either. Currency devaluation globally have caused many folks from Iceland to protest their government's economic policies. Those from across the political spectrum reject high taxes and more debt as solutions since we have some of the highest taxes in the Western world. The big picture is that cartel banking elite (headquarted in the BIS, the City of London, and other places) from Europe and America want to globalize our economic system. They want to centralize weath into their hands via the international banking systems. This is nothing more than mercentilism, globalization, and outsourcing of our jobs. Some in Wall Street even want to cut benefits that can help Americans. You can cut unnecessary spending, invest in things that have value like gold plus silver, create sound money (by ending the Federal Reserve system along with having competiting currencies. Even the Lakota are starting to develop their own currency system) and build the economy from the ground up. Fairer trade deals are needed, so our manufacturing base isn't more depleted as it already is.

Novosti reported on a Russian analyst's opinion on the future of America. This person is a leading Russian political analyst. His name is Professor Igor Panarin. He believed that the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed a long held view that America is heading for a collapse. He also said that America will divide into seperate parts. Igor mentioned these comments in the respected daily Izvestia, which was published many weeks ago. He said that: "...The dollar is not secured by anything. The country's foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse..." Panarin according to the daily Izvestia, made similar predictions 10 years at an international conference in Australia. Today, much of his words are coming true today. That was a time when the U.S. economy appeared to look very strong. The professor said the the U.S. economy is collapsing with 2 of the oldest banks on Wall Street still remaining. He said that China and Russia could be replacers of America in the regulation of the world martkets. He said that the economic troubles will get worse and people's savings will be gone. He pictured the American 6 nations will involved regional areas from the South, the Altantic coast, and to the Pacific coast (along with other regions). Panarin is 60 years old now. He is the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and has authored several books on information warfare. It's uncertain what totally America's future will be. The good news is that tons of Americans know what is going on in the world. There are movements for organic foods, survival supplies, gold/silver reserves, and other things that can prepare people for even worse times. Historically, things will get worse before times will get better. I believe we do have change to improve our nation of America. Many folks have underestimated the resilience of America before.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the public school system have problems. One big reason is that some radical secular humanists have infiltrated that system from teaching basic learning skills to a more value-based, self-esteem based educational format. Many leaders of public schools today even want to squash pure educational freedom. In other words, some radicals want homeschooling to be banned in order to try to force all students to experience public schools. The NEA has a notorious disdain for homeschooling. Some believe that our educational system was better back then than today. In many respects, that is an accurate view. For example, Professor Lawrence Cremin found that adult male literacy in the colonies were from 70 to 100%. There were private schools and even charity schools for the poor back then. Some of the infiltrators of public education desire to destroy the Judeo-Christian principles as found in schools. Abram Combe (who is the disciple of the socialist Robert Owen) didn't concieve of Biblical principles to be found in the educational system. He wrote of such opinions in 1845. Horace Mann wanted a common curriculum in education. That's impossible since students aren't monolithic. Some students require different methods of learning to achieve an effective education. Mann also believed that the State is the true parent of the child. That's false since parents should have primacy above and beyond the state in their control of any of their children. Too much state control over the educational system leads to less freedom, less competition, and more stagnation. That isn't needed. We need educational choice, more independent solutions in solving our education problems, and we ought to have more embrace of moral values.

By Timothy


Anonymous said...

FROM: J-MC Patriot Alert Task Force (
TO: Joel Leyden - Israel (

Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 3:29 AM
Re: Facing Tomorrow Israel 60 Presidential Conference Celebrations Speech Statements by Shimon Perez to Pres. Bush

Mr. Joel Leyden


Re: Facing Tomorrow Israel 60 Presidential Conference Celebrations Speech Statements by Shimon Perez to Pres. Bush

I was trying to find the transcript of the speech given by Shimon Perez, particularly to President Bush, and his very Diplomatic statement, something to the effect of 'tackling complex terrorism problems'; which was given during the Facing Tomorrow Israel 60 Presidential Conference Celebrations.

I did a search on your site (, but was unable to find any reference to the speech or remarks.

I also happened to browse a little through your site, and was curious that the article Kissinger at Israel Facing Tomorrow Conference: Timetable Needed to Combat Global Nuclear Threat. I am aware of journalists and editors hyper paranoia -- I sometimes wonder if we may not call it the journalist's population conspiracy syndrome, or something to the effect -- about including information about the relevance between population policy issues, to resource wars, and terrorism. [See Media's Population Agenda & 'War on Terror' Outcome: "HOW and WHY Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection", by Univ. of SW Louisiania]; and I imagine you are aware of Vice President George H. W. Bush's 1986 Task Force Study on Terrorism, which concluded that overpopulation is a root cause of terrorism. I thought you may also be interested in knowing that Mr. Kissinger, has also finally courageously confirmed the reality of the Mammoth Exponential Population Growth viz a viz Terrorism and Resource Wars issues, at the Republican National Convention. [See: Rep. Nat. Conv., MN: Kissinger "terrorism & Third World population explosion directly connected."]; which was also publicly clarified by Ted Koppel's 2000 Nightline Report from the CIA and Pentagon, on thier concerns about Overpopulations terrorism and resource war consequences, as a result of exponential population growth colliding with scarce and depleted resources; and the lack of will of politicians to address these root cause issues.

Anyway, sorry to bother, but would you know where I may get a copy of the transcript.

Kind Regards

Lara Braveheart

SQSwans: Practicing Radical Hon(our)sty

Timothy said...

Hello to you Thankful Paul