Friday, January 16, 2009

Confessions of an ex-abortionist #3

Joan Appleton was a head nurse at the Commonwealth Clinic, she states, "I was very active in the National Organization for Women (NOW). As a registered nurse, I thought that I had a wonderful opportunity as a nurse and as a firm believer in choice to be able to actually practice my political beliefs. I looked at it as a gift, so I went about working hard at the (abortion) clinic for four years and remained active within NOW.

The doctors that we used were primarily physicians who were starting out in practice and would do abortions until they had enough money to open their own private practice. Or they were physicians who didn't have such a hot practice and did abortions to pay for their medical malpractice insurance.

I never, ever had a doctor in the five years I was there who did abortions because he believed it was the right of the woman. It was not what was foremost in his mind. I'm not saying that they don't exist, but you certainly can't prove it by me or by my clinic.

If I had known in 1989 what I know today, I would have gone to the nearest bridge and jumped. The horror of what you've been involved in doesn't come to you right away. The doctors get out because they can't get rid of the nightmares. I handled the ultrasound while the doctor performed the procedure and I directed him while I was watching the screen. I saw the baby pull away. I saw the baby open his mouth. I had seen Silent Scream a number of times, but it didn't effect me. To me it was just more pro-life propaganda. But I couldn't deny what I saw on the screen. After that procedure I was shaking, literally, but managed to pull it together and continue on with the day.

My way of getting out of NOW was that I was a guest speaker at a Virginia NOW dinner. I got up to the podium and I said, "Folks, I can't do this anymore. There is something wrong here and I can no longer be a part of the abortion industry or a part of the pro-choice movement and so I can no longer be a part of NOW.

Washington Times 2-22-01
Pro-Life Action League: Meet the Abortion Providers

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