Sunday, January 18, 2009

A sick orgy cannelled in D.C.


Anonymous said...

Andrea Murrhteyn said...

[KKDClues:Africa] The last thing the pro-White Movement would want is for Obama to die –either by assassination or accident. We want him to put in a full four years so he can fail. If Obama is assassinated, he will be turned into some “saintly martyr” by the Left and millions of White shool children will be taught to worship him and the White Guilt indoctrination will be doubled.

While 57 percent of Whites voted against Obama, there are still millions of White zombies who need to be brought out of their stupor. They seriously think this over-confident quota-hire with no experience and a head full of Marxist economic theories will fix our financial crisis. These White people need to be brought back to reality and four years of failure under Obama would be a fantastic gift to the pro-White movement.

The massive police presence suggests our Lords and Masters are definitely paranoid. So much for “freedom.” The legitimately elected leader of a free country doesn’t need that kind of bodyguard, but then Obama was neither legitimately elected nor is this a free country.

January 19, 2009 3:19 AM

Timothy said...

Africa is a beautiful place. I don't care what color Obama is. Barack Obama should be opposed on the issues not by his racial makeup at all. It's ironic put the White movement card many Patriots exist in many colors. I don't play some race card. I won't let my blog to be played as some racial card at all.

Timothy said...

Also, the new world order is violating the rights of blacks, Asians, Hispanics, etc. not just white people.