Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pro-Life Apologetics

"A fetus isn't a person until quickening or viability."

Viability is an arbitrary concept.Why not associate personhood with heartbeat, brain waves, or something else?

Viability is the point at which the fetus becomes capable of surviving without having to depend on his mother. In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court defined viability as the point when the unborn is "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid." The critical issue in when this point is reached is the development of the child's lungs.

But why make worthiness to live dependent upon the development of the child's lungs? Why not say he becomes human in the fourth week because that's when his heart beats? Or the sixth week because that's when he has brain waves? (Both are also arbitrary, yet both would eliminate all abortions currently performed.) Someone could argue that personhood begins when the unborn first sucks his thumb or responds to light and noise. Or why not say personhood begins when the child takes his first step or is potty trained?

There is only one objective point of origin for any human being---only one point at which there was not a human being a moment ago, and there is now. That point is conception!

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