Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Hardin, Montana under siege!
Hardin, Montana under siege!
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Michael Hollingsworth
September 30, 2009
Today started not unlike any other. Except that one of my friends emailed me a story about how a company called American Police Force has moved into a town south of me called Hardin, and how they were “taking over that jail that was built and never opened”. Now most Montanans are aware of this financial OOPS that was this modern jail. It was built, and never opened because it was not built to specs in accordance with prisoner housing requirements pursuant to Montana State Law.
The new prison facility in Hardin, Montana.
When I started reading the KULR 8 news stations reports on this “American Police Force”, it immediately made me suspicious as that is totally against the idea of police. Our police are hired and mandated by the local governments they are local to. They are required to go to what’s called POST, or Peace Officer’s Standards of Training. This school is mandatory by Montana Law prior to be appointed as a “sworn peace officer”.
With these concerns in mind, I started making phone calls. I started with Becky Shay, who was the Billings Gazette reporter who initially broke the story. I spent an hour and a half with her and talked about all of the details. She and I had a positive talk where she assured me that she was “thankful for the chance to be able to talk to people like me.” I was appalled to hear that this company had “no intention of revealing who their parent company is”. Ms. Shay confided in me that she went from a reporter’s salary and conditions “driving a ‘99 Dodge Intrepid with a broken tie rod and bad front brakes”, to “a brand new black SUV that she doesn’t have to pay the gas bill for”. My jaw was on the floor. Story breaker straight to the being the mouth of the beast…
Ms. Shay also told me that there are people in Hardin that are so grateful for APF’s presence, that they literally opened their homes to her if she needed a place to say. Now this SOUNDS great and all, but it also sounded very manufactured. This conversation went down as if Ms. Shay was trying to sell me something. I read some things about how APF arrived in Hardin, Montana with the words: Hardin Police on the door. This is IMPERSONATING A POLICE OFFICER. They had NO RIGHT to bear that title. They are NOT sworn as peace officers. They have NO AUTHORITY!
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
It was shortly before I ended this call on a positive note, that Ms. Shay expressed a GREAT interest in talking to Alex. I told her that I would be contacting the AJ show. I was told by her that I was TOTALLY 100% OK’d to use ALL of the content in any further correspondence. I then called Mr. Al Pedersen who is the Executive Director of Two Rivers Authority, the financial entity that is in charge of attempting to rebuild Hardin’s infrastructure. I asked Mr. Pedersen to elaborate how a private military company could move into a town, take over a prison that did not meet Montana Code, and dare to emblazon “Hardin Police” on their doors…Mr. Pedersen cursed me out, and hung up on me. I called him back, got his voicemail, and left the message that since he could not see fit to talk to me civilly, that I would be calling all of my elected officials as well as CNN and CSPAN. No reply.
I then proceeded to call KULR8 news in Billings, Montana. They expressed concern about how a near 20 year career reporter could simply sell out and go to work for the very company SHE ousted! The person I spoke to said, “she got herself a bigger paycheck, can’t fault her for that!”. This person also conceded that it was a sell out situation, and was sick. I than called the Office of the Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer. The person who answered the phone assured me that Gov. Schweitzer was watching this situation and would see to it that there was NOTHING illegal or unconstitutional going on, and that his office would NOT allow these people to overstep any legal boundaries. They didn’t want to talk about how the APF showed up labelled as “police”. This conversation was abruptly ended by the intern.
I then called the Office of Max Baucus’ Billings location who denied any knowledge. Although Schweitzer, Baucus, and Mt Senator Jon Tester were sued by Two Rivers Authority to allow this prison to be used by a private entity…wherein a judge overturned Montana Law in order to allow this prison to be used privately without disclosing where the prisoners are coming from, or their nature. This company is known to be affiliated with Blackwater Security now known as XE, as well as other PMC’s.
For more information or to post Montanna news tips please go to.
Senate Panel Defeats Amendment to Protect Pro-Life Medical Workers on Abortion
Senate Panel Defeats Amendment to Protect Pro-Life Medical Workers on Abortion
by Steven Ertelt Editor
September 30, 2009
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Washington, DC ( -- Shortly after the Senate Finance Committee voted against an amendment to remove the massive abortion subsidies from the Baucus health care bill, they rejected a second pro-life amendment. It would have offered protection for medical workers who don't want to participate in or refer for abortions.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, offered the abortion funding limitation and Hatch also offered his conscience protection amendment, number 354, which mirrors the Hyde-Weldon appropriations language.
Hyde-Weldon is a federal law that President George W. Bush signed into law in December 2004 that protects hospitals, health insurance companies and medical professionals who don't want to pay for or perform abortions.
The Hatch nondiscrimination amendment failed by a vote of 13-10 with pro-abortion Sen. Olympia Snow, a Maine Republican, siding with Democrats on the panel to oppose the measure.
Sen. Kent Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat, joined Republicans in supporting the amendment.
Without the Hatch amendment, the Baucus bill contains no conscience protections on abortions for employees who don't want to be involved in them or refer for them.
A Senate committee has already approved the Kennedy health care bill, to which the Baucus measure is considered a possible alternative.
Americans United for Life, a prominent pro-life legal group, says the late senator added an amendment to that bill that "would ensure that no health care provider or entity is excluded from contracting with an insurance plan participating in the health care exchange on the basis that the provider or entity refuses to perform abortions if performing abortions would be contrary to the religious or moral beliefs of the individual or entity."
The Senate HELP committee adopted the amendment, but AUL says the scope of it is limited.
"It does not cover providers who refuse to pay for or refer patients for abortion services," Americans United for Life indicates.
"In addition, the amendment provides an exception for 'cases of emergency,' which is undefined and can be stretched to fit almost any situation, effectively stripping providers of any protection the amendment may have offered them," the group adds.
To correct the problems, pro-life Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican, offered an amendment which would have made permanent the current regulations that protect pro-life medical workers.
It would have ensured health care providers are not forced to participate in abortions or discriminated against because they choose not to do abortions. The Coburn amendment was defeated with only one Democrat joining Republicans to support it.
On the House side, three pro-life members of Congress, Reps. Joe Pitts of Pennsylvania, Bart Stupak of Michigan, and Lee Terry of Nebraska, two Republicans and a Democrat, drafted a conscience clause which the Energy and Commerce Committee passed by voice vote.
AUL says the amendment "prohibit[s] discrimination against physicians, other health care professionals, hospitals, provider-sponsored organizations, health maintenance organization, and health insurance plans for refusing to provide, refer for, pay for or provide coverage for abortion."
During his health care speech last month, President Barack Obama told the nation he wants to ensure conscience protections for pro-life medical workers are in place in the health care bills in Congress.
Obama's comments are contradictory in one way -- his administration has already started the process of overturning new regulations President Bush put in place to better enforce conscience rights.
If Obama is true to his pledge, he and his administration will lobby the Senate to adopt conscience amendments when the bill hits the Senate floor or ask House and Senate leaders to keep the protections when the two chambers' bills are merged.
Buzz up!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
New York Health Workers: Get Vaccinated or Get Fired
New York Health Workers: Get Vaccinated or Get Fired
Published on 09-29-2009
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Source: NewsDay
Despite a planned rally in Albany Tuesday to protest a state regulation requiring health care workers be vaccinated against influenza — both seasonal and swine flu — New York’s top public health official predicts dissenters will ultimately extinguish their anger and roll up their sleeves.
The regulation, which was approved in August, comes with a stinging addendum: Get vaccinated or get fired.
But some nurses and many other health care providers say the regulation violates their personal freedom and leaves them vulnerable to vaccine injury. And they cite deaths associated with the last federal government swine-flu vaccination program in 1976.,"event8",",",2);
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Refusing to be immunized against H1N1 because of the vaccine debacle in 1976 “is like saying a plane crashed 33 years ago so I’ll never fly again,” said Dr. Richard Daines, New York State health commissioner.
New York is the only state in the nation to require that health care workers be vaccinated, though other states are considering such measures. Health workers, including doctors, must be immunized by Nov. 30. Opponents say it’s simply unnecessary.
Several registered nurses said they will neither contract nor transmit the flu because they’re constantly washing their hands.
While dozens of demonstrators are expected at the rally from throughout the state, many are from Stony Brook University Medical Center. A meeting was held last week for hospital staff on the importance of vaccination for health care workers; a special session was held for employees in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, because many nurses there had expressed concern about the vaccination plan.
“We cannot force employees to be vaccinated; however we do not have an infinite number of non-patient care positions available to reassign those who simply refuse the vaccine,” said hospital spokeswoman Lauren Sheprow.
Darcy Wells, spokeswoman for the Public Employees Federation, which represents 9,000 health care workers statewide, including 3,000 at Stony Brook, said the union disapproves of mandatory vaccination, but is urging members to comply with the regulation.
The opponents also say it’s wrong that all five swine flu vaccine makers contracting with the federal government have been indemnified against lawsuits if someone gets sick or dies.
Daines said the vaccination directive stemmed from particular concern about institutional outbreaks — in hospitals, nursing homes and hospice centers. In a typical year, only 40 percent to 50 percent of health care workers take advantage of voluntary flu vaccination programs, and the state has about 150 institutional outbreaks of influenza. But with seasonal and H1N1 in circulation in the fall, institutional outbreaks could worsen.
“Anyone who is concerned about the safety of the vaccine should read about the death of a previously healthy nurse in California who died of H1N1,” Daines said.
He referred to a 51-year-old nurse in Carmichael, Calif., who died in July after she was exposed to swine flu on the job.
Reed and Kristi Tramposch, both registered nurses in the neonatal intensive care unit at Stony Brook University Medical Center, say as parents of a child with an autism spectrum disorder, they oppose vaccination because of possible links to the neurodevelopmental condition.
“There are a lot of toxic substances that go into vaccines,” Kristi Tramposch said. “I would like to see a lot of people get it [the swine flu vaccine] before I consider it.”
Daines expressed dismay that neonatal intensive care nurses would consider shunning flu shots for personal or philosophical reasons. More than simply protecting themselves from infection, he added, health care providers are also protecting patients from the flu.
Like other protesters, the Tramposches said the newly approved H1N1 vaccine is no different from the swine flu immunization of 1976, which was linked to the nerve-damaging disorder Guillain Barre syndrome, and even death.
But Dr. Bruce Farber, chief of infectious diseases at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, said while he questions the state’s move to make flu shots mandatory now, he said no relationship exists between the vaccine of 33 years ago and the current vaccine.
“I took the swine flu vaccine in 1976,” said Farber, “and I plan to take the H1N1 flu vaccine now.”
Minnesota County Conducts “Operation Big Shot” Mass Vaccination Drill
Minnesota County Conducts “Operation Big Shot” Mass Vaccination Drill
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Kurt Nimmo
September 29, 2009
In preparation for the distinct possibility of a mandatory vaccination of the American public, a county in Minnesota will hold a mass vaccination drill today dubbed “Operation Big Shot.” County officials expect “300 volunteers to conduct the drill alongside about 200 health department staff members. They emphasized that staffers will not dispense actual vaccinations,” according to The Star Tribune.
A drive-thru vaccination in Massachusetts, 2008. Is Minnesota preparing for this sort of mass vaccination?
“Operation Big Shot is one of several training exercises health officials in Ramsey County conduct each year and was scheduled prior to the emergence of the H1N1 flu pandemic,” the newspaper adds.
A number of sources have indicated the government may require mandatory vaccinations this autumn. “Nearly $8 billion will be spent to address a ‘potential pandemic flu’ which could result in mandatory vaccinations for no discernible reason other than to enrich the pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccine,” Ron Paul wrote on June 24, 2009.
According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 42 states have mandatory vaccine policies. “Rampant conflicts of interest in the approval process has been the subject of several Congressional hearings, and a recent Congressional report concluded that the pharmaceutical industry has indeed exerted undue influence on mandatory vaccine legislation toward its own financial interests,” the AAPS notes.
The UN’s WHO supports mandatory vaccinations. On July 13, a World Health Organization (WHO) Global Alert suggested universally mandated vaccines are coming.
“During a pandemic, it may be necessary to overrule existing legislation or (individual) human rights,” states a 2005 WHO document. “Examples are the enforcement of quarantine (overruling individual freedom of movement), use of privately owned buildings for hospitals, off-license use of drugs, compulsory vaccination or implementation of emergency shifts in essential services. These decisions need a legal framework to ensure transparent assessment and justification of the measures that are being considered, and to ensure coherence with international legislation (International Health Regulations).” (Emphasis added.)
WHO “recommendations” are binding on all 194 member countries in case a pandemic emergency is declared under the 2005 International Health Regulations Act and April 2009 WHO pandemic plan.
In August, the WHO recommended a mandatory global vaccination. “The global pandemic vaccination program will begin somewhere around the end of September and last about two months. Many countries are in the process of acquiring from Baxter, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and other pharmaceutical companies enough doses of vaccine to vaccinate their entire population twice. They remain quiet about mandatory vaccination, simply saying they will make vaccination ‘available’ to all on a priority basis,” the Columbia Valley News reported.
“We hope that the whole world will have some access to the vaccine,” Marie-Paule Kieny, director of WHO’s Initiative for Vaccine Research, told the Washington Post today. “In some countries it will be possible to vaccinate the whole population and in some countries only 10 percent.”
In the United States, any mandatory vaccination program will likely be the responsibility of the states. “Historically, the preservation of the public health has been the responsibility of state and local governments, and the authority to enact laws relevant to the protection of the public health derives from the state’s general police powers,” explains a CRS Report for Congress. “With respect to the preservation of the public health in cases of communicable disease outbreaks, these powers may include the institution of quarantine or the enactment of mandatory vaccination laws.”
Massachusetts recently passed the “Pandemic Response Bill.” It suspends virtually all Constitutional rights of Massachusetts citizens and forces anyone “suspected” of being infected to submit to interrogations, “decontaminations” and vaccines, according to Mike Adams. “It’s also sets fines up to $1,000 per day for anyone who refuses to submit to quarantines, vaccinations, decontamination efforts or to follow any other verbal order by virtually any state-licensed law enforcement or medical personnel.”
Infowars and Prison Planet have documented numerous instances of the states preparing for mass vaccinations.
Judge Andrew on the Massachusetts martial law bill and the Constitution.
In the last few weeks, states and municipalities around the country have mandated seasonal flu vaccinations for health care workers. In response, health care workers in New York are taking to the street in opposition. “Under what circumstances can government officials order mandatory vaccination? And could the general public be ordered to roll up their sleeves for injections, even if there might be side effects beyond a sore arm or mild fever? The concern in New York also comes as skepticism of vaccination in general seems to be on the rise,” Declan McCullagh writes for CBS News today.
The drill in Minnesota is yet another indication the government is ramping up to vaccinate the entire population, either through a massive propaganda campaign and scare tactics now well underway through the corporate media, or through legal mandate backed up by the cops and the military.
“Get ready because that’s precisely what’s coming — universal orders to risk toxic vaccine hazards. In the coming weeks, the dominant media globally will get into high gear fear-mongering mode to convince people voluntarily to submit to jeopardizing their health and well-being. It’s essential to refuse and be safe and international law absolutely allows it,” warns Stephen Lendman.
Bill Clinton Attacks Pro-Life Americans, Pushes "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy"
Bill Clinton Attacks Pro-Life Americans, Pushes "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy"
by Steven Ertelt Editor
September 28, 2009
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Washington, DC ( -- Former President Bill Clinton has returned to peddle the myth that pro-life Americans and others opposed to the aggressive pro-abortion agenda of a president are part of some "vast right-wing conspiracy" that supposedly lies about and unfairly attacks presidents with whom they disagree.
The language first cropped up during the Clinton presidency during the 1990s as a way to dismiss attacks on his record without addressing the substance of the opposition.
Now, in a new interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," Clinton is again promoting what many observers consider psychobabble.
Asked by host David Gregory if the "vast right-wing conspiracy" is still present, Clinton responded: "Oh, you bet. Sure it is. It's not as strong as it was, because America's changed demographically, but it's as virulent as it was."
"I mean, they're saying things about him [Obama] -- you know, it's like when they accused me of murder and all that stuff they did," Clinton said.
"It's not really good for the Republicans and the country, what's going on now," Clinton added. "I mean, they may be hurting President Obama. They can take his numbers down, they can run his opposition up. But fundamentally, he and his team have a positive agenda for America."
He said the country needs "a credible debate about what's the best way to get to universal [health care] coverage."
Clinton also scoffed at the notion that Obama has turned off so many Americans with his record that the 2010 midterm elections will be a boon for pro-life advocates, as several political experts have predicted.
"There's no way" that could happen, Clinton said, adding that "the country is more diverse and more interested in positive action."
"Whatever happens, it'll be manageable for our president," Clinton said.
Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political science professor frequently cited in the mainstream media for his election expertise, has predicted massive gains for the pro-life movement in the 2010 election cycle.
"It now appears that Republicans will make above-average gains in the U.S. House of at least 23 seats," he explains.
While there are pro-abortion Republicans and pro-life Democrats, most Republicans in Congress are pro-life and most Democrats back abortion. The Democrats who control both the House and Senate now strongly support abortion and have prevented votes on some pro-life amendments to limit abortion funding.
While pro-life advocates have little chance of re-capturing the Senate (though they will likely pick up a couple of seats), there is a small chance Republicans could retake the House if pro-abortion President Barack Obama's numbers sink further, Sabato explains.
Buzz up!
Montana Town Occupied By Private Paramilitary Security Force
Montana Town Occupied By Private Paramilitary Security Force
Organization whose goal is to help the U.S. government “combat terrorism” patrols the streets of Hardin
Paul Joseph WatsonPrison
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A private security force whose biggest role is helping the U.S. government to “combat terrorism” is now patrolling the streets of a town in Montana, acting as law enforcement but accountable to nobody and operating completely outside the limitations of the U.S. constitution in a chilling throwback to the brownshirts of Nazi Germany.
The American Police Force organization is a paramilitary unit that “provides surveillance, investigative, and military services across the world,” according to its website, which shows men dressed in military fatigues carrying machine guns.
“As part of our mission, APF plays a critical role in helping the U.S. government meet vital homeland security and national defense needs. Within the last 5 years the United States has been far and away our #1 client. Technologies, programs, and services performed by APF have played a very important role in U.S. military and civilian efforts to protect our homeland and combat terrorism,” the website states.
APF were originally contracted to provide security at a previously empty jail in Hardin, a small town in Montana, but are now patrolling the streets driving SUV’s with “Police Department” printed on them despite the fact that Hardin doesn’t have a police department. American Police Force has no jurisdiction in the area because it is a private organization, not a police force.
According to Two Rivers Authority officials, having the private security force patrol the streets was not part of the contract. “I have no idea. I really don’t because that’s not been a part of any of the discussions we’ve had with any of them,” Two Rivers Authority’s Al Peterson told KULR 8 News. Peterson said that patrolling the streets was on the “wishlist” of APF’s what Captain Michael.
The American Police Force is a shady outfit shrouded in suspicion. According to an Associated Press report, questions over the legitimacy of the organization abound.
“Government contract databases show no record of the company. Security industry representatives and federal officials said they had never heard of it. On its Web site, the company lists as its headquarters a building in Washington near the White House that holds “virtual offices.” A spokeswoman for the building said American Police Force never completed its application to use the address,” reports AP.
Furthermore, APF was tasked with filling the empty Hardin jail with inmates, without any clear indication of where those prisoners would come from.
“It’s unclear where the company will get the inmates for the jail. Montana says it’s not sending inmates to the jail, and neither are federal officials in the state,” according to the report.
Maybe the inmates will be the local population of Hardin if American Police Force is allowed to continue to pose as a law enforcement outfit in the town, which is exactly what they intend to do for at least another month.
Having a private security force whose stated mission is to help the U.S. government “combat terrorism” patrol the streets of small towns in America without even having the authority to do so from local authorities is obviously a frightening pretext and harks back to the private paramilitary forces that helped Adolf Hitler rise to power in Nazi Germany.
Many fear that if martial law is declared in response to a flu pandemic or other emergency, private security forces such as APF will be used by the government to oppress citizens by operating outside of the law.
This is completely unconstitutional and a flagrant threat to the liberty and security of the population of Hardin The County Sheriff is effectively breaking the law if he doesn’t immediately kick APF out of the area and end the occupation of the town by a private paramilitary army.
Monday, September 28, 2009
More News (I don't agree with Paul Craig Roberts' Jewish baiting and stereotyping of all Israelis and some Christians though. He's ignorant of the Bible)
G20 and other News
G20 meetings have existing in 2009 in Pittsburgh, PA. Protesters came to oppose policies in the G20 from the war on terror to globalization. It's been easily discovered that G20 police and the military savagely attacked peaceful protesters in Pittsburgh Park. This has been confirmed by many sources like the reporter Rob Dew. According to Jason Bermas, the police and the military attacked peaceful protesters in a Pittsburg park. The police and the military cracked heads with billy clubs, deployed LRAD sound cannons, and shoot rubber bullets in close range. Rob Dew was arrested in the choas. The deal was that about 200 to 300 peaceful protesters came at Schenley Park for a demonstration. Yet, they were assaulted by a busloads of riot cops and military units that came upon the scene. Bermas stated that the police were aggressively charging the protesters and cracking them in the head with billy clubs. THey shot rubber bullets at them in close range, which can kill people like it did in the past. The police used LRAD sound cannaon to dispere the protesters, but these weapons were used against insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is the first time in Pittsburgh that such weapons have been used against American citizens in public. Bermas said that the scene was like a movie when police tried to block the whole park and catch every protester. They wanted violence to do so. “Everyone was just sort of standing around spectating. No one was really having an adamant protest. It was just a bunch of college kids,” witness Ben Balik told The Pittsburgh Channel. At the end of the police brutality, half of the protesters were arrested like Rob Dew and probably We are Change leader Luke Rudkowski. “Varun Viswanathan, a Pitt sophomore, said he saw a police officer hitting one individual, reports Pitt News. “I think they completely use unnecessary force on us,” he said. “They have no right to do that.” Egler exposed the police as trying to scare people. The barbaric act of the police in Pittsburgh proves that police brutality is an epidemic in America. Pitt Senior said that the police action was crazy. This evil police behavior at the G20 meeting have been widely condemned as unwarranted. Some of the police wanted to provoke the demonstrators. “The deployment of police seems to be more geared toward suppressing lawful demonstrations than actually preventing crime,” Witold Walczak, legal director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania, told the Associated Press. Paige Cram who is a spokeswoman for the liberal legal aid group of the National Lawyers Guild said that the legal observers saw police chasing, arresting, etc. students who weren't involved in the protest. A Youtube video pvoed that Pitt students briefly trapped on outdoor stairwell of a campus building. They were exposed to gaseous pepper spray and they were allowed to move, because riot police were blocking the bottom and the top of the stairs.
The Real ID Act has been exposed by many quarters indeed. Now, there is the DHS extending the deadline for states to ask for an extrension in order to comply with the Real ID Act of 2005. Before today, the states had until October 11, 2009 to ask for an extension. Now, states have until December 1, 2009 to ask for it. The DHS is using this strategy to try to pass the PASS Act or SB261. DHS wants Congress to force states to comply with the Real ID Act by December 31, 2009. Secretary of DHS Napolitano drew an image of long lines at airports and entrances to federal facilities before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee on July 15, 2009. The Secretary said that everyone will be subject to secondary screening procedures because not one state would be Real ID compliant by December 31, 2009. Some want the PASS ID Act to pass as a replacement to the REAL ID Act. Senator Lieberman did not allow any opposing testimony to the PASS Act when the legislation was in the committee he chairs. Some citizens oppose the Real ID Act for the same reason that they oppose the PASS Act. Some don't want any discussion over the PASS Act since the Act will allow the federal government to violate the civil liberties of people. The truth is that we should have open discussion before Congress passes any bill. We should protect our rights and civil liberties in the process of our lives.
In Great Britain, the assisted suicide proponents are still there. Some want the UK government to kill the elderly, handicapped, and the terminally ill. Dr. Philip Nitschke is 61 and the founder and director of the pro-euthanasia group called Exit International. He said that the demand of killing people is growing. He is nicknamed Dr. Death for his work on assisted sucide. He even promotes a drug kit of how to kill oneself. Nazism promoted euthanasia and euthanasia is a threat today. Hitler's holocaust utilized euthanasia against the young and the elderly. This pro-assisted sucide culture is a revived Nazism hiding under the guise of compassion, love, and mercy. So, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that the new world order has components of Nazism (like abortion, euthanasia, eco-extremism, gun bans from innocent people, globalism, etc.). Nazism love some New Age tenets as well. These spiritual doctrines are shared by many leaders in the new world order movement. Nazis lied and claimed that they killed people by claimed that they were "unworthy of life." No, all humans are equal and are worthy of living in this Earth. Those who promote adult euthanasia are similar to embracing Nazi doctrines. Even Dr. Wolfensberger's book entitled, "The New Genocide of Handicapped And Afflicted People" exposed how handicapped people were murdered for satanic reasons in Syracuse University. So, I oppose euthanasia 100%.
Life news are here. There is a report that details 40 years of pregnancy center helping women to aviod abortion. Millions of women have avioided the medical and mental health heartache the accompanies an abortion and chosen life for their unborn children. This is done via the yeoman's work of staff and volunteers at pregnancy centers all over America and arounnd the Earth. There is a new report called "A Passion to Serve, A Vision for Life." It prove the efforts of abortion option counseling for years that prevent women from having abortion. In a luncheon (on Wednesday), the leaders of Heartbeat International, Care Net, NIFLA, the Family Research Council, and others will talk about the ways women have recieved tangible pregnancy help and abortion options counseling. The panel of speakers deal with physicians, client served by the centers, and Presidents of 3 national pregnancy center network.s (which represent more than 2,300 cross-affiliates in all 50 tates). Heartbeat International President Peggy Hartshorn will be among those talking about those in the meeting will talk about pregnancy centers have impacted women positively including maternity homes, adoption agencies, and pregnancy medical clinics. Peggy said that: These faith-based community organizations, 40,000 volunteers strong, brighten a woman’s future with the support and help she needs to bring new life into the world." FRC President Tony Perkins respect the report because compassionate service are given to at least 1.9 million people each year at littl to not cost to the clients. This was achieved via private charity and a high proportion of volunteers who work at the centers. There is a national debate on health. More than 2,300 nonprofits pregnancy resource centers are in support of maternal and child health and well being deserves to be affirmed and supported according to Perkins. Joel Garcia, M.D. is the former Assistant Secretary of Health at the Department of Health and Human Services. He will join the pregnancy center leaders. Melinda Delahoyde of Care Net, Tom Glessner from NIFLA, McKissic Bush, M.D., a former member of the Presidential Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS and Dr. Sandy Christiansen of the Christian Medical Association will attend as well along with former pregnancy center clients. Pregnancy centers have done a lot prove the pro-life truth indeed.
I've visited Richmond, Virginia for another time. I traveled there from Norfolk, Virginia in a Greyhound bus with some of my family. It lasted just under 2 hours. When I came there, a relative picked up us to visit to eat at a MacDonalds in Richmond. Richmond looked better than 2 years ago when I came there before. There are a lot of modernization going in Richmond. Richmond have many hills and it's much more elevated in their land than I'm from. I'm from a sea level city. Now, I've saw a baseball stadium, Museums, old building, and other places in the capital of Virginia. I came to Richmond to go into a wedding. It was the first wedding that I was involved in. The wedding wa held in a church near Richmond. The church wa medium sized in their composition. The weding was great with teh children walking around plus other occurences. Prayers were said and the bride and groom were married then they kissed each other. I probably won't become married until my early 30's when I'm more situated in my life. The reception was held in the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Downtown. I ate a sufficient amount of food. There were a moderate amount of people at that reception in the number of about 60 people. Some people danced. I had a good thing. Sometimes in life, you need to re connect bonds among your family to value your life and respect the people that influence your life daily. I've enjoy myself and laughed. As a man, you learn about life and these experiences give you inspiration to try to improve your life better than what occured in the past. I'm certainly dedicated to reject stereotypes about people, to reject bigotry, and to move forward in living my life. I've returned back to Hampton Roads in the late night. The thing with me is that I'm used to living in early morning and the late night.
By Timothy
Oakland, PA, Police Response Characterized as “Military-style Occupation”
Oakland, PA, Police Response Characterized as “Military-style Occupation”
Text size
Jerome L. Sherman
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
September 28, 2009
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Activists with the Thomas Merton Center and other groups today blasted the police response to a Friday night protest in Oakland following the G-20 summit, calling it a “military-style occupation” that resulted in the gassing and arrest of dozens of bystanders, including students and journalists.
During a press conference at the center’s Garfield headquarters, some activists threatened lawsuits against the city and placed responsibility for the confrontation with Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and top public safety officials.
“I’ll say it very bluntly: The mayor should be fired. The city council should hold his feet to the fire,” said David Meieran, an organizer with Three Rivers Climate Convergence.
Read entire article
G-20: Luke Interrupts NBC’s Brian Williams and faces criticism
G-20: Luke Interrupts NBC’s Brian Williams and faces criticism
9/11 Blogger
Monday, Sept 28th, 2009
Here’s what it looked like from the news broadcast:
While reporting from the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this 24-25th of September, We Are Change were specifically targeted during their efforts to report accurately while observing the wrong doings of both police and provocateurs whose actions were not only highly illegal but immoral and cancerous to a free society.
Luke Rudkowski and Lee of We Are Change Chicago were specifically targeted and sent to state prison meanwhile the hundreds of protesters were released and not charged. They are facing charges of disordely conduct and failure to disperse, you will see soon the entire video of the arrest.
The Esoteric influence of the 9/11 Murder Ritual
By Timothy
Sunday, September 27, 2009
More News
Police Brutality in Pittsburgh After the G20
Police Brutality in Pittsburgh After the G20
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Jason Bermas
September 27, 2009
In what was possibly the most surreal, horrific, and unimaginable thing I have ever witnessed in my life, 1200 Riot Police and Military Personal rabidly attacked a group of well under 300 American citizens, many of them just students that were unaware there was even a protest going on. They then expanded their perimeter and shut large areas of Oakland down. This is how my last experience at the G20 in Pittsburgh went down, out of control authorities mercilessly attacking an unarmed crowd with batons, tear gas, pepper spray, sound weapons, and rubber bullets. Around 10pm on Friday night, long after the vast majority of dignitaries and protesters had left, it became evident that the outrageous show of force by the Military and Police was not enough to stave off their thirst for blood.
When I first arrived on the scene Luke Rudowski of We Are Change and a small group of protesters were peaceably assembling among a much larger number of college students just out for another weekend of fun in Schenley Plaza. Around ten minutes later Rob Dew arrived and we began filming the entire scene, it was evident that the number of police already in the area and the amount who were massing and surrounding the perimeter was extremely alarming.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
As Luke bull horned that the people in this park meant the police no physical harm, and that they were simply exercising their right to free speech, a couple of masked individuals began to scream “He doesn’t speak for us”. These few provocateurs and well meaning idiots could have been easily dealt with by a handful of regular police officers dressed in their standard uniform, however that solution does not offer the pretext for over a thousand heavily armed psychotics to encircle and engage the American people.
I began to become extremely frightened as to what the outcome of the situation was going to be as I began to witness LRAD weapons showing up, dogs beginning to circle the perimeter, and then everyone putting on their gas masks. During all of this I was threatened with arrest three times and physically charged and chased by one of the officers. At that point I realized they were about to attack, and they did. Hundreds of armed to the teeth trained professionals began their march towards innocent young men and women, and then took it much further by launching tear gas canisters, battening people trying to leave, and firing rubber bullets randomly into the crowd. Luckily I was able to slip through the cracks of a blockade of only 6 or so riot thugs as they tried to amass more in that area and form another brutal line.
I personally witnessed a young man on a bike being beaten for no reason whatsoever and as he fled the officers then beat his bike. When the young man tried to retrieve his bike his knuckle was broken. Another man was gassed so badly he had to be taken to the hospital. This is how “Peace Officers” treat us?
During the very quick first burst of the madness I lost touch with Infowars Producer and Cameraman Rob Dew, I immediately thought he had been arrested, and I was correct. He was illegally detained and digitally fingerprinted in a separate process for “protesters”. Rob was cuffed all evening in a room full of other detainees, and was not released until 10:20 am the next morning with no charges being brought against him. Military and Police mocked them as Americans were being detained and processed often laughing at college students that had been beaten for no other reason for being in the wrong place around their campus that evening.
Luke Rudowski received multiple battens to his back and legs as the jackals descended on him with force, even though he had made it clear to all of them he wished them no violence. For his peaceful efforts Luke and Lee from We Are Change were separated from the rest of the more than one hundred detainees and sent to State Prison. Luke was strip searched, mocked, and charged with Disorderly Conduct and Unlawful Assembly, and will have to go back to Pittsburgh Wednesday to face charges. The Military and Police laughed as they took note of the “Superstar” that had been all over the news on channel 11 and even National NBC, taking a sick pleasure in the torture of another human being.
Welcome to the New Amerika.
Obama Demands Children Spend More Time in State Indoctrination Centers
Obama Demands Children Spend More Time in State Indoctrination Centers
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Kurt Nimmo
September 27, 2009
It’s not enough the government has its hooks in America’s children most of the year. Now Obama wants to do away with summer vacation and have children spend more time in the government’s indoctrination centers.
Barack and Michelle Obama have their children in a private school that caters to the elite.
“Obama says American kids spend too little time in school, putting them at a disadvantage with other students around the globe,” reports the Associated Press. “Now, I know longer school days and school years are not wildly popular ideas,” the president said earlier this year. “Not with Malia and Sasha, not in my family, and probably not in yours. But the challenges of a new century demand more time in the classroom.”
It’s interesting Obama would use his kids to make a point about children around the country in public schools. Obama’s kids attend Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., a private school that charges $29,000 a year in tuition. Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton sent their children to Sidwell. Vice President Al Gore’s son, Albert Gore III, also graduated from Sidwell Friends. It’s an exclusive school that prepares the children of the elite to lord over the rest of us.
In addition to eliminating summer vacation, the government wants to increase the hours kids spend in government indoctrination camps every day.
Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan told the AP kids need to be in school and away from their parents more because of dismal academic performance.
In fact, as H. L. Mencken noted in 1924, compulsory education is not about test scores and academics — it’s about state control of children. Mencken said the aim of public education is not “to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence…. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim … is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States… and that is its aim everywhere else.”
Former teacher John Taylor Gatto explains that the purpose of so-called public education is to teach children to follow orders and not question authority. Public education is about undermining the autonomy of the family.
“Institutional leaders have come to regard themselves as great synthetic Fathers to millions of synthetic Children, by which, I mean, to all of us. This theory sees us bound together in some abstract family relationship in which the State is the true Mother and Father, hence it insists on our first and best loyalty,” writes Gatto in his essay, We Need Less School, Not More.
John Taylor Gatto, a retired school teacher, talks about the real purpose of public eduction — state controlled consciousness.
In a review of Gatto’s book, Dumbing Us Down, Ron Miller writes that the crux of Gatto’s critique is that
in the past 125 years, social engineers have sought to keep American life under tight central control. Compulsory schooling is a deliberate effort to establish intellectual, economic, and political conformity so that society can be managed efficiently by a technocratic elite. “School,” claims Gatto, “Is an artifice that makes …. a pyramidal social order seem inevitable, although such a premise is a fundamental betrayal of the American Revolution.” Along with the media — especially television, which Gatto criticizes harshly in another essay — schooling removes young people from any genuine experience of community, any genuine engagement with the world or immersion in lasting relationships. It robs them of solitude and privacy. Yet these experiences are what enable us to develop self-knowledge and to grow up “fully human,” argues Gatto, and he asserts that our most troubling social pathologies, such as drug abuse and violence, are the natural reaction of human lives subjected to mechanical, abstract discipline.
As a social engineer for the global elite, Education Secretary Arne Duncan wants to place state indoctrination at the very center of society. “Aside from improving academic performance, Education Secretary Duncan has a vision of schools as the heart of the community,” the AP reports.
Obama’s message is clear — the state owns your children and now demands they spend more time in dangerous and often violent indoctrination centers that teach them not only how to become obedient robots and docile workers on the global slave plantation, but also teaches them about sex, suicide, and situational ethics instead of rational and independent thought.
Charlotte Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement in the U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration. Iserbyt talked with Alex Jones on January 24, 2008.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
G20 Police & Military Savagely Attack Peaceful Protesters In Pittsburgh Park
G20 Police & Military Savagely Attack Peaceful Protesters In Pittsburgh Park
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Paul Joseph Watson
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Editor’s note: Here is an example of the sort of violent behavior the Pittsburgh police are notorious for using against non-violent demonstrators.
Update: Infowars Reporter Rob Dew Now Released After Being Arrested
Police and military units savagely attacked peaceful protesters in a Pittsburgh park last night, cracking heads with billy clubs, deploying LRAD sound cannons and shooting rubber bullets at close range, according to Infowars’ Jason Bermas. Fellow Infowars reporter Rob Dew was arrested during the melee.
Bermas called Alex Jones last night as the attack unfolded. Around 200 to 300 peaceful protesters had converged at Schenley Park for a demonstration but they were soon under assault from busloads of riot cops and military units who quickly descended on the scene.
According to Bermas, police were aggressively charging protesters and cracking them on the head with billy clubs and also shooting rubber bullets at close range, which in numerous past cases has proven deadly.
Police also deployed LRAD sound cannons once again in an attempt to disperse the protesters. Pittsburgh marks the first time that such weapons have been used against American citizens in public as before they were only used against insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Bermas described the scene as like something out of a movie as police attempted to block off the whole park and catch every single protester and were prepared to use violence to do so, saying that they would run up to people and crack them on the head as hard as possible.
“Everyone was just sort of standing around spectating. No one was really having an adamant protest. It was just a bunch of college kids,” witness Ben Balik told The Pittsburgh Channel.
By the end of the confrontation, around half of the entire crowd of protesters had been arrested, including Infowars producer Rob Dew and most likely We Are Change leader Luke Rudkowski.
“Varun Viswanathan, a Pitt sophomore, said he saw a police officer hitting one individual, reports Pitt News.
“I think they completely use unnecessary force on us,” he said. “They have no right to do that.”
“Pitt senior Ken Egler called the police action “one of the crazier things” he’d seen during last night’s protests, especially since he didn’t see many demonstrators in Oakland.”
“I really think it’s ridiculous,” Egler said. “We should be allowed to protest. This is needed, and they’re just basically trying to scare us.”
It is important to emphasize that the obscene behavior of cops in Pittsburgh suggests that police in America will now follow any orders, no matter how barbaric. No one can plausibly deny that the majority of cops would willingly line up American citizens and blow their heads off if they were ordered to.
Police behavior at the G20 has been widely condemned as unwarranted and the violence metered out not to provide security but to provoke demonstrators.
“The deployment of police seems to be more geared toward suppressing lawful demonstrations than actually preventing crime,” Witold Walczak, legal director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania, told the Associated Press.
“Legal observers at the gathering saw police surrounding, chasing and arresting students who weren’t involved in the protest, said Paige Cram, spokeswoman for the National Lawyers Guild, a liberal legal-aid group. She called the show of force “an ominous spectacle,” adds the AP report, referring to a similar protest on Friday night.
“A video posted Friday on YouTube shows a group of Pitt students briefly trapped on the outdoor stairwell of a campus building, evidently exposed to gaseous pepper spray and unable to move because riot police were blocking the bottom and top of the stairs. The students had been standing on a second-floor balcony, observing the clash between police and protesters on the street below.”
As of Saturday morning, we were unable to trace the exact whereabouts of Infowars reporter Rob Dew after he was arrested last night.
“After a long night of calls to Allegheny County Jail and the Pennsylvania Corrections Department, they keep referring us to one another saying they have no information, but that “protesters” are treated differently,” writes Jason Bermas.
We can now report that Rob Dew has been released and the Infowars crew are attempting to catch their flights back to Austin.
LRAD Mounted On Truck Terrorizes Pittsburgh Residents
LRAD Mounted On Truck Terrorizes Pittsburgh Residents
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September 26, 2009
In the photo here, we see an LRAD mounted in the rear of a militarized police vehicle driving through the back streets of Pittsburgh terrorizing the residents. Note the child on the curb holding up his hands to block the sound of the terrorist device. He’s obviously with al-Qaeda.
In videos posted on Infowars, we can see that demonstrators and on-lookers — and the majority of them seem to be on-lookers — are not engaged in violence or are they a threat to the police (who are outfitted in black Darth Vader military gear).
The use of the LRAD in Pittsburgh during the G20 Mafia confab is the first use of the device in the United States. It was first used against Iraqis disgruntled over the occupation of their country by U.S. military forces and trigger-happy contractors. It was tested on the killing ground of Fallujah and is used in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq. The LRAD device was on hand at protests of the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City but not used. It was used extensively in the client state Georgia against opposition protesters in Tbilisi in November 2007.
U.S.-outfitted Georgian cops use LRAD against demonstrators.
In the coming months, we will likely see the LRAD terror weapon used against an increasing number of demonstrators as the economy tanks. Pittsburgh was a beta test.
Civil Liberties Groups: Police Overreacted At G-20
Civil Liberties Groups: Police Overreacted At G-20
Published on 09-25-2009 Email To Friend Print Version
Source: AP
Police used all the nonlethal tools at their disposal to thwart protesters at the Group of 20 summit this week, firing bean bags, hurling canisters of smoke and pepper spray, using flash-bang grenades and batons and deploying a high-tech sound-blasting device meant to push back crowds.
It was all a bit much for civil liberties groups and protesters.
They decried what they called a heavy-handed and unwarranted police response, saying riot officers focused on largely peaceful, if unsanctioned, demonstrations when they should have been paying more attention to small groups of vandals that smashed windows of city businesses.
"It's not just intimidation, it's disruption and in some cases outright prevention of peaceful protesters being able to get their message out," said Witold "Vic" Walczak, legal director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania. "In a week when we need freedom of speech more than ever, free speech died in Pittsburgh this week."
He added that "the deployment of police seems to be more geared toward suppressing lawful demonstrations than actually preventing crime."
Hundreds of riot police broke up an impromptu gathering Thursday night in Schenley Plaza near the University of Pittsburgh campus, where large numbers of university students mingled with smaller groups of protesters, including anarchists.
The plaza is a quarter-mile from the building where world leaders were assembled, but the dignitaries were gone by the time police declared the gathering illegal and fired canisters of pepper spray and smoke.
Legal observers at the gathering saw police surrounding, chasing and arresting students who weren't involved in the protest, said Paige Cram, spokeswoman for the National Lawyers Guild, a liberal legal-aid group. She called the show of force "an ominous spectacle."
Franklyn Smith, 58, a mental health case manager who was protesting at Schenley Plaza, said police tackled him.
"He threw me to the ground. He kept smashing my face into the ground. Then about two or three other cops came over. They jumped on me," said Smith, who was released from the city jail around 7 a.m. Friday and went straight to the ER for treatment of a badly bruised face.
A video posted Friday on YouTube shows a group of Pitt students briefly trapped on the outdoor stairwell of a campus building, evidently exposed to gaseous pepper spray and unable to move because riot police were blocking the bottom and top of the stairs. The students had been standing on a second-floor balcony, observing the clash between police and protesters on the street below.
Around the same time, a few blocks away, windows were smashed at some 10 businesses. Police made 42 arrests near the university, but it wasn't clear if they caught any of the vandals.
Experts say that anarchists successfully deployed a tactic in Pittsburgh that they have often used at other protests, leading a large group of people toward police, then slipping out of the crowd to commit mayhem elsewhere.
University of Pittsburgh spokesman John Fedele said police had a difficult task Thursday night because a small group of people bent on causing destruction sought cover in the larger crowd of Pitt students.
"It is regrettable if any innocent bystanders - including any Pitt students, in particular - were harmed in any way. It is fortunate, however, that no one appears to have been seriously injured," he said in a statement.
Pittsburgh Sgt. Lavonnie Bickerstaff would not answer questions about police deployment or use of force, but Mayor Luke Ravenstahl has praised officers for their work to minimize property damage.
And with so many world leaders in the city, authorities had to gird for a possible act of terrorism, not just perform crowd control.
"The mayor made it clear.... that our officers responded quickly and effectively. He's proud of the job our officers are doing," his spokeswoman, Joanna Doven, said Friday.
But Sam Rosenfeld, chairman of the Densus Group, an international security consulting firm, faulted police for what he said was a too-aggressive posture that might have incited the crowds on Thursday. Rosenfeld, who was in Pittsburgh this week observing the protests, said police were unable to distinguish between peaceful protesters and the relatively few bent on causing trouble.
"We see the switch gets flicked and the situation escalates," said Rosenfeld, who did praise police for avoiding mass arrests.
Friday's "People's March," meanwhile, attracted some 3,000 people, but the organizers had received a city permit and the protest did not result in the kind of chaos seen Thursday.
Friday, September 25, 2009
21st century issues
Nurses are planning to rally to protest the mandatory swine flu shot. Albany nurses and other health professionals are planning to stage a rally next week to protest a state regulation that mandates they will lose their jbos if they refuse to take the swine flu shot. This comes as people fear the dangerous ingredients in the vaccines as the government plans on forcibly inoculating some people with the H1N1 jab. Claire in Albany depite having minimal contact with hospital staff was told to get the seasonal flu shot on the spot or be fired. She was given the same procedure would be in place for the swine flue shot as told in the NY State Department of Health's emergency regulation issued in August. So, nurses are protesting this process of mandatory vaccination. These vaccine have the dangerous chemicals of mercury, squalene, and other destructive additives. Merucy is tied to autism and other neurological disorders. Squalene have been directly linked with cases of the Gulf War Syndrome and other debilitating diseases. “This vaccine has not been clinically tested to the same degree as the regular flu vaccine,” said Tara Accavallo, a registered nurse in Stony Brook’s neonatal intensive care unit, the division that has produced a number of protesters. “If something happens to me, if I get seriously injured from this vaccine, who’s going to help me?” Accavallo is determined to loe her job if necessary after her protests. The H1N1 vaccine have caused the Guillain -Barre syndrome and death upon many people back in 1976. It was also recently reported that the UK government sent a confidential letter to senior neurologists telling them to be on the alert for cases of a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine. The CDC in America replicated this warning weeks later. Even the U.S. government immorally create blanket immunity from lawsuits among those who sent the vaccine to people (who may be injured or die from it). Some expects thousands of adverse relations from the H1N1 vaccine.
Terrorism have been hyped up. There is a group of people arrested in Colorado and New York City. The federal government believe that these people wanted to plot terror inside of America. When you inspect the story further, it proves that the federal authorities have charged them with lying with the federal government. Typically in these incident, anonymous law enforcement sources exagerate alleged ties among some people to al-Qaeda, they identify persons of interest, and they detail dramatic and unspecified plot. These sources, notes CBS’ Alex Sunby, began “clicking off all of the elements of their perennial song-and-dance number in terror-plot cases; this time from New York to Denver to Washington and back. The prejudicial leaks from law enforcement; the prompt (and promptly repeated) links to al Qaeda; the dramatic headlines, the identification of a “person of interest;” the assurances that no particular target had been specified; the intercession of an overwhelmed defense attorney; the denials, the meetings, the breakdown in talks, and, finally, the arrest (late at night, but with the tipped-off news cameras hovering above and about).” The federal government sometimes can't prove the most horrendous allegation against suspected domestic terrorists. Example are that Zacariou Mossaoui wasn't the 20th hijacker, Jose Padilla wasn't the dirty bomber, and John Walker Lindh wan't the American Taliban. Najibullah Zazi, his father Mohammed Wali Zazi, and cleric Ahmad Wais Afzali are accused by the feds of a conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. All of them are from Afghanistan. Time will tell if the evidence against them are strong or weak. These circumstances prove that terrorism is a complex issue and exaggerations in life are common in the world.
ACORN is apparently being funded by the Roman Cahtolic Church. ACORN recieving federal funding existed in the Bush administration as well. Many people don't talk about the Catholic link to ACORN because of fear of being called an anti-Catholic bigot. The Catholic funding of ACORN is in the millions of dollars. President Barack Obama has Catholic links since he was a community organizer in Chicago. Obama's work in the South side of Chicago wa aided by the Catholic Church campaign for human development. U.S. Catholic bishops fund ACORN and other organizations under the guise to fight against poverty. McDonough , a former Senior Fellow at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress (CAP), was the moderator of a May 10, 2006 CAP event that talked about how Catholic progressive viewing the role of faith in governance. CCHD itself acknowledges funding ACORN projects with grants totaling more than $7.3 million during the last 10 years. The Developing Communities Project (which was once lead by Obama) received a $40,000 Catholic Campaign for Human Development grant in 1985 and another $33,000 grant in 1986. Obama was trained by ex-Jesuit Greg Galuzzo, who was the lead organizer of the Gamaliel Foundation (The Catholic CCHD gave this Alinksyan organization grants). These grants were used to create a far left agenda according to Cliff Cincaid. The Alinksyian Catholics now want to view global warming as equivalent to oppose abortion. Some even promote abortion. Alinksy desired the Catholic Church to fund his community organizations including labor unions, businesses, youth committees, etc. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops cut off funding to ACORN, because of allegations of corruption in organization (in last November). It's easily proven that Barack Obama is 100% pro-Catholic and promotes their agenda openly. Jerry Kellman, an apostle of Saul Alinsky and convert to Catholicism is at the CCHD-supported Industrial Areas Foundation. Alinksy supports the Catholic Liberation Theology movement. He wants to have the common good in the world. So, we should not be ignorant of the slick devices of Alinksy's fruits at all.
Secret Societies are real. Some point to a Mormon, Masonry, and the Lost Symbol book connection. The Lost Symbol is Dan Brown's new fictional book that is causing controversy now. Dan Brown visited Salt Lake City in 2005 and had an interest in the Masonic symbols on the Salt Lake Temple. The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake has a star, Pentagrams, moons, stars, etc. Joseph Smith was a Mason in the midst of the anti-Masonic movement (after ex-Mason William Morgan was murdered in 1826 for publishing secrets). Smith published his Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum copied Masonic rituals in May 4, 1842 in order to create the Mormon endowmen ceremony to 9 men. According to Brigham Young, the endowment is a sacred ritual where Mormons receive ordinances "to enable [them] to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels, being enabled to give them the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the holy Priesthood." Other early Mormons would be apart of a Masonic Lodge. The Nauvoo Lodge was suspended of it charter by October 2, 1842. Smith used a Masonic distress sign and wa still murdered. Brigham Young accused the Masons of killing Brigham Young. Ironically, the Lost Book have clue on the dut jacket of the Da Vinci Code contained the phrase "Is there no help for the widow's son." That phrase is a known Masonic term of distress. Mormons and Masons had tensions in the late 1800's. Some Mormons left into Utah with Brigham Young as its leader. Utah's Masonic fraternities banned Mormons from joining the Masons from 1925 until 1984. Yet, Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" only mention Joseph Smith 2 times (in reference to the baptism of the dead and the translation method of the Book of Mormon). The Lost Symbol is certainly a time where the true history of America can come out.
By Timothy