Friday, November 20, 2009

The Church

After I was born again & experienced the surpassing love of God, I "went to church" only to find that many of its members are full of hate. No matter how kind & friendly I was to them, they still hated me & didn't really want to spend any time with me outside of church. Has that been your experience as well? What is up with all of these church ppl who constantly talk about "love" but they show hatred towards Jesus & His followers? They show you false love when you first join their churches, but once they notice that you're truly born again & walking with Jesus, they begin to pull away from you or they try to oppress you & defile you to bring you down to their dark level, because they hate holiness & light. These ppl are not members of the body of Christ & the Kingdom of God. They're children of the devil & members of the kingdom of churches.

Sorry that the audio is peaking on this video!~

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