Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jesuit news

The FIRST REICH: The Holy Roman Empire was born on December 25, 800 AD

Holy Roman Empire Watch -
The Holy Roman Empire was born on December 25, 800 AD,
when Pope Leo III placed a crown on the head of German leader Charlemagne, saying, “I hereby crown you emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.” The birth of the Holy Roman Empire was foretold in the Bible around 600 BC. The Holy Roman Empire dominated Europe for the next 1,000 years. It was always ruled by the strongest leader in Europe and the pope from Italy—thus the name “Holy” “Roman” Empire. Many people say that the Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist in 1806 AD. However, the Bible prophesies that the Holy Roman Empire will be reborn just before the second coming of Christ, and that the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be the leaders of this last Holy Roman Empire… This video gives undeniable proof that the revival of the Holy Roman Empire is happening right now. This means the Antichrist and the False Prophet cannot be far behind!


__________________________ (I don't agree with Eric's view on race as I believe that God created all humans equal).


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