Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Social Engineers and other issues

Social Engineers have existed in history in trying to ruin society. Even Sir Julian Huxley from UNESCO admitted that the purpose and philosophy of UNESCO is to promote world government, have eugenics policies, and go out and create what is unthinkable to be thinkable. It's apparent to what eugenicists want. Lord Christopher Monckton exposed how the Copenhagen conference (occuring next month) wanted to eliminate national sovereignity in favor of a world government to replace it. With a stroke of the pen all UN member states will by doing so can redistribute wealth in bad ways and promote the needs of the transnational global elite. The Club of Rome of course even in the early 1970's outlined its major premise that world population must decrease if the earth is to survive. This is a lie of course. They used more subtle propaganda in the 1970's and the 1980's. Some even want to put a halt to new life completely beyond just shrinking the size of the world's population into the size of a middle sized country. Books like "Ecoscience: Population, Resoucres, Environment" written by Paul R. Ehrlich (including Anne H. Ehrlich, and John P. Holdren) are upfront with promoting eugenics policies. People are exposing these social engineers greatly now, so they are going underground in attempting to advance their agenda. UNESCO showed their views in the 1990's and the early part of the 21st century. The United Nations Population Fund even use clever words game and linguistic trickery to promote population control, etc. Even in 1999, UNFPA admitted that the old grammar must cease when it comes to describing population control issues: "...The term (“Population control”) is now out of favor with experts in the field, because it implies force- a negative thing to most. (…). To stress the voluntary nature of the actions sought, experts use terms like “stemming”, “stabilizing” or “slowing” population growth. Similarly, “family planning” is preferred to “birth control” a term that dates back to the time of Margaret Sanger’s crusade for women’s rights to use contraceptives..." Margaret Sanger herself didn't really promote women's rights. She was an eugenicst who wanted licenses for pregnant women. She believed in segregation of those disabled from the rest of society. She was an evil woman. UNFPA and others now use words like birth spacing, reproductive health, sustainable development, carrying capacity, quality of life, etc. as a way to cover up their real goals. Reproductive health is about promoting abortions globally like in China it has forced abortions. UNFPA even promotes the lie that climate change is a women's rights issue alone. They try to link population growth to climate chagne. They can use all of the euphenism that they want. They still desire population control. UNESCO teaches this propaganda in schools globally as well. “Sustainable world” means a world with just as much people the earth can carry. In 1972, another UNESCO document circulated within transnational circles with the creepy titleLearning to be: the world of education today and tomorrow‘. In this publication, promoting the emergence of a “new man for a new world”, the authors state their purpose: “The new man must be capable of understanding the global consequences of individual behaviour, of conceiving of priorities and shouldering his share of the joint responsibility involved in the destiny of the human race.” The EuroNGO's annual conference in 2008 is glad that population is discussed again in Malthusian terms. The good news is that the Internet, books, and other mediums have exposed the Malthusians' lies before and now.

The overpopulation/population control movement struggles to stay revelant. Paranoid people from the OPT or the Optimum Population Trust still promotes fear mongering about overpopulation. The world has moved on from the lies from OPT even if OPT hasn't. This British group is now trying to push contraception as a solution to global warming. It has recieved a less than warm welcome from the global community. Many view the OPT campaign as self serving. Perhaps it was that it hailed contraception as, of all things, “the latest in green technology.” Or perhaps it was the OPT funded the very study by the London School of Economics that it later hyped in its press release. Then there was the study itself, which made the rather strange claim that, “considered purely as a method of reducing future CO2 emissions, family planning is more cost-effective than leading low-carbon technologies.” The report claimed that the population issue must be added into the negotiations for the Copenhagen climate change summit in December. They came close to promote the lie that babies cause global warming. They promote the deception that fewer breathing humans equal a greener, healthier planet. The OPT ignores the fact that Europe is having an underpopulation crisis when they want to promote population reduction. Austen Ivereigh of America Magazine, for instance, encountered OPT at London's “Battle of Ideas” festival in early November. Ivereigh reminds us that “doom-mongers always ignore the elasticity of economic productivity,” and contends that “the ecological crisis will be solved by meeting the needs of the poor, not chasing them off the planet.” Even pro-abortion Ellie Lee disagrees with the OPT's view of trying to tell when people can have children. People shouldn't fret overpopulation when it doesn't exist. Population obsession is alive and well in men like John P. Holdren, President Obama's “Science Czar.” PRI has reported on Holdren's extremism in the past, and suffice it to say he has shown evidence of being yet another of these “well-to-do worriers.” Unfortunately, he now has the President's ear, as well. The OPT demonize population growth in Africa, Asia, Europe, America, etc. as causing overcrowding, congestion, etc. The population growth of the Earth by many sources will grow and fall by the mid of this century. So, population growth is fine, but we shouldn't embrace lies about overpopulation at all.

2012 paranoia have reach overload. The History and movies have talked about the 2012. The deal is that many people believe that 2012 will mark the end of the world, the arrival of the Antichrist, and other terrible warning. There is nothing wrong with prophecy research and learning about the end times. We live in the end times, because of Israel being established again, technology increasing, and other things transpiring. Yet, we shouldn't date set since only God know the exact date and year of the end of this age of time. Even Mayann researchers don't believe that December 21, 2012 is the arrival of the Apocalypse. Many people in the New Age movement promote this, because they believe that 2012 is about the the new consciousness of humans into godhood. "For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in." Astronomers generally agree that "it would be impossible the Maya themselves would have known that," says Susan Milbrath, a Maya archaeoastronomer and a curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History. What's more, she says, "we have no record or knowledge that they would think the world would come to an end at that point." The media and occultists exploit 2012 as a means to promote their own agenda. Jose Arguelles is the person who made the view of the Mesoamerican Long COunt calendar. Mayan scholars reject his work. Thomas Horn wrote about about 2012 claiming that the Great Seal shows a cipher describing the end times in 2012 to herald the coming of the Masonic Christ or the Antichrist. Horn tells the truth on the esoteric nature of Secret Soceities and their plans of trying to create an Avatar being (or the Antichrist to us Christians) into existence. Horn has some VERY convincing arguments, and he has some rarely exposed research information. This is highly seductive to the Bible believer who is interested in prophecy. His errors is that he accepts the Apocrypha as equivalent to the Bible and refuses to expose the Vatican as a heretical church system. The Vatican was wicked before 1962 regardless of what Horn says. Also, Horn date sets the Tribulation and even the Rapture when he was false on many occasions on those dates. The 2012 prophecy heresy is used as a distraction from the real issues about the new world order, our economic problems, our civil liberties, and numerous real things that ought to be made known. It certainly distracts people from spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone (which is a command from Jesus Christ directly before he ascended into Heaven for the First time).

Copenhagen is the new meeting of the global warming issue. President Barack Obama supports an U.N. treaty proposal. Critics of it say that it can lead into a world government. In the video, Lord Christopher Monckton (who is a former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher) believes that the real reason for the UN Climate Change Coference in Copenhagen December 7-18 is to use concern of "global warming" as a pretext to form a world government. At the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen "this December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed," Lord Christopher Monckton told a Minnesota Free Market Institute audience at Bethel University in St. Paul. The Minnesota Free Market Institute showed a video about Monckton's comments. It recieved millions of views. The video was influential of a national petition drive opposing the Copenhagen treaty at It has more than 135,000 messages to Congress opposing the plan. It's been discussed by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham and Michelle Malkin, among others. Further, Michael Froman, deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs, said in a Bloomberg report today the latest word on Copenhagen is an "assessment by the leaders that it was unrealistic to expect a full, internationally legally binding agreement to be negotiated between now and when Copenhagen starts." Barack Obama has hope to pass a cap and trade taxation plan before the Copenhagen conference. Yet, that will not occur. Key U.S. Senate Democrats confirmed that it was unlikely that there will be any additional action on climate change legislation this year. The Kyoto plan of 1997 failed to have restrictions of energy resources a reality in agreements. At the Examiner, a blogger concluded, "The credibility of global warming theories (and sanctimonious theorists) and any international climate controls are fading with each passing day." Monckton warned that President Barack Obama supports the radical Copenhagen meeting, he will sign an agreement, and the EU will rubber stamp it. The green extremists have promote cap and trade legislation domestically and the international climate treaty that will rob us of our liberties and grant government more control over citizens' lives.

Violence have occured against people which whom they disagree with politically or otherwise. Lou Dobbs and others who disagree with illegal immigration have been demonized. Some Tea Party protesters have been assaulted by people in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on Saturdya of November 15, 2009. ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration) reported on the story.Yet, Chris Matthews haven't reported on this story for obvious reasons. This is similar to Kenneth Gladney getting beat up by SEIU (or the Service Employees International Union) cowards at an anti-Obamacare demonstration. This occured in Mhville, Missouri. Kenneth was just handing out Gadsen flags in the event near U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan. He was beaten by a male SEIU member and an unidentified woman. He had multiple injuries from the hospitals. The attack came after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi characterized anti-Obamacare demonstrators as “astroturfers” and Nazis. Carnahan characterized the opposition as “disrupters” and said they were “mobilized” by “special interests in Washington who have lined their pockets by overcharging Americans for a broken health care system.” In fact, as Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich and others have noted, Obamacare is a bailout for the insurance industry. Special interests control Obama and the Democrats, not members of the Tea Party movement. Pro-Obama operatives and pundits at MSNBC and the SPLC plus the ADL use incendiary language to demonize people with whom they disagree with. A La Raza supporter attacked attendees at a town hall meeting held by Texas Democrat Gene Green. The man was arrested by the police. CNN called the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia as a threat to the government, which is false. Chris Matthews on October 21 called Stewart Rhodes on the Oath Keeprs as a gun toting maniac, which is false and unbalanced reported. ANSWER is a Marxist-Leninist organization (Marx and Lenin were ironically funded by the international bankers) want and the Soviet connected Workers World Party violence against Tea Party protested (using degatory names like hypocrites). Sources in CNN believe that Lou Dobbs was forced out for his coverage on illegal immigration, the North American Union agenda, the new world order, martial law, the erosion of Posse Comitatus, etc. According to comments by Robert Dilenschneider, a spokesman for the anchorman, CNN was so determined to remove Dobbs, it gave him an $8 million severance package to leave. According to him, Klein wanted CNN to be pacified in their coverage of the news, Dobbs wanted 18 months left in his 12 million dollar contract. Dobbs wasn't a conservative or liberal, but an independent. The left establishment groups of Media Matters,, and the SPLC agitated Lou Dobbs to be removed. Dobbs have been threatened with phone calls and gunfire reached his home near in a few feet of his Hispanic wife. Dobbs said that the departure from CNN was "amicalbe." “I spent 29 years there building that company, and I wish everyone there nothing but the best, and they have reciprocated with me.” Dobbs added. On his radio show he went into further detail over the departure form CNN: “What they do is their business and I tried to accommodate them as best I could, but I’ve said for many years now that neutrality is not part of my being,” Dobbs said. “I have strong views about a lot of issues that are important to the country and I think are important to my audience.” Speculation continues to mount that Dobbs may take a job at another network, but the anchor said it will be “weeks, probably months” before he decides where his future lies. He has also indicated that running for public office may be an option. “I’ve aligned myself with no group, no organization,” Dobbs commented on his radio show. “I am truly an independent. I carry no one’s water. I’m aligned with no interest group, no organized political party, nor do I intend to be. I relish being an independent and having my freedom.”

By Timothy

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