Please remember that Ronald Reagan became a Knight of Malta. -Craig
Secret Service Agent Jerry Parr:
Attempted Assassin of Reagan, 1981
Posted by EJP on Dec 15th, 2009
Without question, the Ten Jesuit Provincials orchestrating the Order and its Federal Intelligence Agencies in America sought to remove Ronald Reagan from the presidency. Throughout the campaign his speeches reflected the philosophy of a genuinely conservative American patriot. Therefore it was decided in the corridors of power deep within the walls of Georgetown University—prior to the empire’s CFR-controlled “election”—that Reagan had to go, and this time the assassination would be “clean.” With CFR-member, Trilateral Commission kingpin and former CIA Director having proven his “loyalty” to the Vatican during the JFK assassination, apostate Protestant and Freemasonic George H. W. Bush was ready to openly assume the reigns of government. There was only one hitch: Secret Service Agent Jerry Parr failed to kill Reagan after he shot the Commander-in-Chief inside the limousine! For as Secret Service Agent William Greer shot JFK inside the limousine in 1963, even so Secret Service Agent Jerry Parr shot Reagan inside the limousine in 1981. Both “executive actions” were nothing more than Rome’s Jesuit-controlled, American Secret Service fulfilling its secret-but-true mission of protecting or removing presidents depending on their obedience or disobedience to the “Vicar of Christ.”
The attempted assassination occurred on March 30, 1981, only 70 days into Reagan’s presidency. Knowing that the former governor of California was acting like an “accursed liberal” opposing Jesuit-directed, federal absolutism, “the Gipper” was forced to choose arch-conspirator George H. W. Bush as his vice presidential running mate at the Republican National Convention. With Skull and Bonesman Bush waiting in the wings, it was now a “go” for another “executive action:” first Kennedy the “tyrant,” and now Reagan.
In commencing our recital of events, let’s review the writing of author and ex-Green Beret commander, Colonel James “Bo” Gritz. Although still in contact with the CIA (as admitted at the 2002 Conspiracy Conference in Santa Clara, California), Gritz’s massive work Called to Serve—which ends with Constantine’s declaration “Nin Hoc Signo Vinces” (“In this Sign You Shall Conquer”) later utilized by the Knights Templars—contains a striking analysis of events that occurred on that fateful day, that day when true resistance to the Pope’s Universal Temporal Power was crushed once again. The sign which Constantine supposedly saw in the sky was the Chi Rho Cross (left), later to serve as the occult symbol for the Pope’s Universal Temporal Power by which blasphemous claim and usurpation Rome seeks to reduce and consolidate all nations into a world empire overseen by the “Vicar of Christ.”
After stating that Reagan had been shot by a “razor-edged-flechette disc;” that the trajectory could not be found after three X-rays; that Secret Service Agent Parr stated they got “lost” on the way to a Washington hospital; and that when the flechette disc was found the (Jewish) doctor described it as “round and flat as a dime;” Gritz declares on pages 549-550:
“A month after his release from the hospital, President Reagan held a press conference and answered questions about the attempted assassination. The President indicated that he had not actually been aware that he was hit until after he was inside the car with Secret Service agent Jerry Parr fully on top of him:
‘. . . I knew I’d been hurt, but I thought that I’d been hurt by the Secret Service man landing on me in the car, and it was, I must say, it was the most paralyzing pain. I’ve described it as if someone had hit you with a hammer, but that sensation, it seemed to me, came after I was in the car, and so I thought that maybe his gun or something . . . had broken a rib . . . I sat up on the seat and the pain wouldn’t go away, and suddenly I found I was coughing up blood . . .’ . . .
“On 21 October 1981, the New York Times reported that, ‘John W. Hinckley, Jr., had written in papers confiscated from his cell in July that he was part of a conspiracy when he shot President Reagan . . . ‘ Hinkley remains incommunicado in a mental institution near Washington, D.C.”
[Bold Emphasis added]
Subsequently, Ronald Reagan became the open-but-false, “acting” president while George H. W. Bush was the secret-but-true, “ruling” president. Reagan would appoint several Knights of Malta to his administration, including William J. Casey, Alexander Haig, Jr., Vernon Jordan and Richard Allen. Reagan would also be as putty in the hands of his Jesuit masters, including Boston University President J. Donald Monan, S.J. (left). In 1984 Reagan would prove to be the most despicable American president ever to sit in the White House: he, with the consent of the Senate, would formally recognize the pope’s Sovereign State of Vatican City thereby resuming times with that damnable “King of Rome” for the first time in 117 years! Reagan’s act of High Treason set the stage for the coming Concordat between the United States and the Vatican!
Meanwhile, Secret Service Agent Jerry Parr went on from being the Agent-in-Charge of presidential protection to administering seven divisions with a staff of 600! A job faithfully attempted accompanied with sealed lips deserves a promotion, wouldn’t you say? Upon Parr’s resignation in 1985 after 23 years of “service,” he obtained a Master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling at Loyola College in Maryland. Yep! He was trained by his old masters overseeing the Secret Service to be a “Christian” pastor! A few years later was awarded an honorary doctorate from Eureka College, the alma mater of the very man he sought to kill, Ronald Reagan!
Doesn’t it just warm your heart to know assassin Parr could be a noted assistant pastor of an ecumenical, Protestant “Disciples of Christ” Church in Washington? (LBJ, another co-conspirator in the murder of Jack Kennedy, was also a member of the “Disciples of Christ!”) Well, that’s the case, and he, like another pope-serving coward—Watergate conspirator Chuck Colson—, gives the appearance that he is a righteous and honorable man. God Forbid! The reality is Jerry Parr is going to stand before the risen Lord Jesus Christ in Whom he does not believe; will give an account to the Son of God of every deed he ever committed—including the conspiracy to murder President Reagan; that after his judgment is finalized at the Great White Throne, will be cast into the Lake of Fire of which existence he denies, to spend an eternity of suffering and anguish remembering his sin of High Treason—unless he repents!
You'll notice that this Labarum is a form of the Nimrodian, Fleur-de-lis. The Fleur-de-lis is the symbolism of Nimrod's Generative masculine Force (Saturn). In fact its also the Generative Principle, the act of sex as Nimrod's phallic enters the feminine. Now notice the 'P' at the top of the Phallic. Notice the 'X' being penetrated at the center. The center of the transformation 'X' is where Osiris enters his feminine Isis to produce baby Horus. As the Solar orb just starts to fall to Set and below into the waters of Isis for which baby Horus is born of this water. XPiotog is the name of the Christos. Ever wondered why Teutonic Knight, Bill Gates used the name 'XP' for his older Windows operating system? In fact this ties in with the God of War being the Planet Mars typically symbolised by the colour red. Once again we see the anti-Christos, Papacy flying the symbolism of Satan who is Kronos symbolised as the 'X' which in fact in Greek means Khi. In the Pythagorean system you'll note the 'X' is the number 6 therefore when fools put 'XXX' in cards and messages they are signaling Satan, reminds me of that 3x60degree equilateral triangle surrounding Satan. His Kingdom 'X'. Remember the roots of the Pagan Catholism false Christianity stems from Egypt via the Alexandrian Greek Text. Remember the roots of the Jesuit Order (Knights Templar) and their shadow Arcana Arcanorum Rite of Atlantis, Papal Nobility leadership like the Aldobrandini family. The Bible of true-christianity is not based on the false teachings of Rome. The AV1611 Bible is the only true Bible which is translated from the Textus Receptus and the Ben Chayyim Hebrew Text. This is why the Egyptian Jesuits detest this document which forbids everything the Jesuit stand for. The Jesuits worship the planets namely Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Mars. Of course they worship the great Satellite known as the Moon. -Craig
Secret Service Agent Jerry Parr:
Attempted Assassin of Reagan, 1981
Posted by EJP on Dec 15th, 2009
Without question, the Ten Jesuit Provincials orchestrating the Order and its Federal Intelligence Agencies in America sought to remove Ronald Reagan from the presidency. Throughout the campaign his speeches reflected the philosophy of a genuinely conservative American patriot. Therefore it was decided in the corridors of power deep within the walls of Georgetown University—prior to the empire’s CFR-controlled “election”—that Reagan had to go, and this time the assassination would be “clean.” With CFR-member, Trilateral Commission kingpin and former CIA Director having proven his “loyalty” to the Vatican during the JFK assassination, apostate Protestant and Freemasonic George H. W. Bush was ready to openly assume the reigns of government. There was only one hitch: Secret Service Agent Jerry Parr failed to kill Reagan after he shot the Commander-in-Chief inside the limousine! For as Secret Service Agent William Greer shot JFK inside the limousine in 1963, even so Secret Service Agent Jerry Parr shot Reagan inside the limousine in 1981. Both “executive actions” were nothing more than Rome’s Jesuit-controlled, American Secret Service fulfilling its secret-but-true mission of protecting or removing presidents depending on their obedience or disobedience to the “Vicar of Christ.”
The attempted assassination occurred on March 30, 1981, only 70 days into Reagan’s presidency. Knowing that the former governor of California was acting like an “accursed liberal” opposing Jesuit-directed, federal absolutism, “the Gipper” was forced to choose arch-conspirator George H. W. Bush as his vice presidential running mate at the Republican National Convention. With Skull and Bonesman Bush waiting in the wings, it was now a “go” for another “executive action:” first Kennedy the “tyrant,” and now Reagan.
In commencing our recital of events, let’s review the writing of author and ex-Green Beret commander, Colonel James “Bo” Gritz. Although still in contact with the CIA (as admitted at the 2002 Conspiracy Conference in Santa Clara, California), Gritz’s massive work Called to Serve—which ends with Constantine’s declaration “Nin Hoc Signo Vinces” (“In this Sign You Shall Conquer”) later utilized by the Knights Templars—contains a striking analysis of events that occurred on that fateful day, that day when true resistance to the Pope’s Universal Temporal Power was crushed once again. The sign which Constantine supposedly saw in the sky was the Chi Rho Cross (left), later to serve as the occult symbol for the Pope’s Universal Temporal Power by which blasphemous claim and usurpation Rome seeks to reduce and consolidate all nations into a world empire overseen by the “Vicar of Christ.”
After stating that Reagan had been shot by a “razor-edged-flechette disc;” that the trajectory could not be found after three X-rays; that Secret Service Agent Parr stated they got “lost” on the way to a Washington hospital; and that when the flechette disc was found the (Jewish) doctor described it as “round and flat as a dime;” Gritz declares on pages 549-550:
“A month after his release from the hospital, President Reagan held a press conference and answered questions about the attempted assassination. The President indicated that he had not actually been aware that he was hit until after he was inside the car with Secret Service agent Jerry Parr fully on top of him:
‘. . . I knew I’d been hurt, but I thought that I’d been hurt by the Secret Service man landing on me in the car, and it was, I must say, it was the most paralyzing pain. I’ve described it as if someone had hit you with a hammer, but that sensation, it seemed to me, came after I was in the car, and so I thought that maybe his gun or something . . . had broken a rib . . . I sat up on the seat and the pain wouldn’t go away, and suddenly I found I was coughing up blood . . .’ . . .
“On 21 October 1981, the New York Times reported that, ‘John W. Hinckley, Jr., had written in papers confiscated from his cell in July that he was part of a conspiracy when he shot President Reagan . . . ‘ Hinkley remains incommunicado in a mental institution near Washington, D.C.”
[Bold Emphasis added]
Subsequently, Ronald Reagan became the open-but-false, “acting” president while George H. W. Bush was the secret-but-true, “ruling” president. Reagan would appoint several Knights of Malta to his administration, including William J. Casey, Alexander Haig, Jr., Vernon Jordan and Richard Allen. Reagan would also be as putty in the hands of his Jesuit masters, including Boston University President J. Donald Monan, S.J. (left). In 1984 Reagan would prove to be the most despicable American president ever to sit in the White House: he, with the consent of the Senate, would formally recognize the pope’s Sovereign State of Vatican City thereby resuming times with that damnable “King of Rome” for the first time in 117 years! Reagan’s act of High Treason set the stage for the coming Concordat between the United States and the Vatican!
Meanwhile, Secret Service Agent Jerry Parr went on from being the Agent-in-Charge of presidential protection to administering seven divisions with a staff of 600! A job faithfully attempted accompanied with sealed lips deserves a promotion, wouldn’t you say? Upon Parr’s resignation in 1985 after 23 years of “service,” he obtained a Master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling at Loyola College in Maryland. Yep! He was trained by his old masters overseeing the Secret Service to be a “Christian” pastor! A few years later was awarded an honorary doctorate from Eureka College, the alma mater of the very man he sought to kill, Ronald Reagan!
Doesn’t it just warm your heart to know assassin Parr could be a noted assistant pastor of an ecumenical, Protestant “Disciples of Christ” Church in Washington? (LBJ, another co-conspirator in the murder of Jack Kennedy, was also a member of the “Disciples of Christ!”) Well, that’s the case, and he, like another pope-serving coward—Watergate conspirator Chuck Colson—, gives the appearance that he is a righteous and honorable man. God Forbid! The reality is Jerry Parr is going to stand before the risen Lord Jesus Christ in Whom he does not believe; will give an account to the Son of God of every deed he ever committed—including the conspiracy to murder President Reagan; that after his judgment is finalized at the Great White Throne, will be cast into the Lake of Fire of which existence he denies, to spend an eternity of suffering and anguish remembering his sin of High Treason—unless he repents!
You'll notice that this Labarum is a form of the Nimrodian, Fleur-de-lis. The Fleur-de-lis is the symbolism of Nimrod's Generative masculine Force (Saturn). In fact its also the Generative Principle, the act of sex as Nimrod's phallic enters the feminine. Now notice the 'P' at the top of the Phallic. Notice the 'X' being penetrated at the center. The center of the transformation 'X' is where Osiris enters his feminine Isis to produce baby Horus. As the Solar orb just starts to fall to Set and below into the waters of Isis for which baby Horus is born of this water. XPiotog is the name of the Christos. Ever wondered why Teutonic Knight, Bill Gates used the name 'XP' for his older Windows operating system? In fact this ties in with the God of War being the Planet Mars typically symbolised by the colour red. Once again we see the anti-Christos, Papacy flying the symbolism of Satan who is Kronos symbolised as the 'X' which in fact in Greek means Khi. In the Pythagorean system you'll note the 'X' is the number 6 therefore when fools put 'XXX' in cards and messages they are signaling Satan, reminds me of that 3x60degree equilateral triangle surrounding Satan. His Kingdom 'X'. Remember the roots of the Pagan Catholism false Christianity stems from Egypt via the Alexandrian Greek Text. Remember the roots of the Jesuit Order (Knights Templar) and their shadow Arcana Arcanorum Rite of Atlantis, Papal Nobility leadership like the Aldobrandini family. The Bible of true-christianity is not based on the false teachings of Rome. The AV1611 Bible is the only true Bible which is translated from the Textus Receptus and the Ben Chayyim Hebrew Text. This is why the Egyptian Jesuits detest this document which forbids everything the Jesuit stand for. The Jesuits worship the planets namely Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Mars. Of course they worship the great Satellite known as the Moon. -Craig
According to Alberto Rivera, that's supposed to stand for Pax Christi, or Peace of Christ.
Just another instance of them slapping a Christian-sounding label onto something.
Just another instance of them slapping a Christian-sounding label onto something.
We can't afford to be innocent
Stand up and face the enemy
It's a do-or-die situation
We will be invincible
--Pat Benatar, "Invincible"
I do recall walter veith quoting from the REAL morals and dogma freemason bible by albert pike that the px symbol is listed as the "staff of osiris" in the book.
nice breakdown craig... i didn't note the fleur til now that you mentioned.
it's interesting how all this pagan crap is always SEXUAL!
Sex, as I understand it, is a part of pagan worship.
the thought of KNOWINGLY worshipping a phallic just saddens me, ESPECIALLY after having the true God in the flesh (i.e. Jesus) reveal himself to the world.
Stand up and face the enemy
It's a do-or-die situation
We will be invincible
--Pat Benatar, "Invincible"
I do recall walter veith quoting from the REAL morals and dogma freemason bible by albert pike that the px symbol is listed as the "staff of osiris" in the book.
nice breakdown craig... i didn't note the fleur til now that you mentioned.
it's interesting how all this pagan crap is always SEXUAL!
Sex, as I understand it, is a part of pagan worship.
the thought of KNOWINGLY worshipping a phallic just saddens me, ESPECIALLY after having the true God in the flesh (i.e. Jesus) reveal himself to the world.