Monday, February 15, 2010

Medina, the Congo, and other News

The unfair attacks on Medina have backfired. The vast majority of people back her and criticize the neo con Glen Beck. Medina has a right to express her views that most Americans subscribe to. The corporate media doesn't like the spread of the 9/11 Truth Movement or even legitimate questions about 9/11 shown publicly. Glen Beck is trying to smear Debra Medina in an attempt to make her lose the Texas gubernational race. Beck works for FOX News and tried to set up Medina on her radio show yesterday by asking her if she believed that the U.S. government was involved in 9/11. “I think some very good questions have been raised in that regard,” Medina said. “There are some very good arguments, and I think the American people have not seen all the evidence there, so I have not taken a position on that.” Medina's response was measure and less vehement than 6 of the 9/11 commissioners when they went on record to discuss how the government lied about the official story. Medina stands firmly with the majority of Americans. An October 2006 CBS/New York Times poll found that only 16% of Americans thought the government told the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks. Medina is in agreement with no less than 84% of Americans who do not readily accept the official story as true. Callers to 570 KLIF were unanimous in their response to the non-issue. They've agreed that Medina's answer was perfectly acceptable, accurate, and that they wouldn't change their vote for her. The establishment have tried, but failed to view Medina's campaign as over. The vast majority of Texans agree with her position on 9/11. The establishment wants to derail her campaign, because her poll numbers are accelerating (representing a threat to globalist puppets of Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson). Now, every viewpoint and every opinion of every individual Medina has talked has been atrributed to her. This is doen to shift the debate away from real issues to try to tear her down. Beck expressed a desire to metaphorically "french kiss" Rick Perry, so Beck is an agent of the establishment. Medina has never talked about 9/11 as apart of her platform. This hasn't ended Hutchinson and Perry operatives from flooding Twitter with hoax controversies (dealing with lies questioning her mental instability for daring to say that Americans have the right to question their own government). Within an hour of her appearance on Beck’s show, robo-calls from the Perry and Hutchinson campaigns went out attacking Medina as a “9/11 truther." This fake controversy was promoted by Beck and others (including those from the Perry and Hutchinston camp) to prop up their own campaigns at the expense of trying to discredit Medina's campaign. People aren't buying the hoax controversy. The vast majority of the respondents to the Statesman story expressed their support for Medina and denounced the cheap shots made by Glen Beck. “Medina raised more than $50,000 yesterday. I doubt that she has “nullified herself”. Her popularity is actually soaring and Beck is receiving thousands of angry emails,” wrote one One person donated $350 to her campaign. Medina has not compromised her stances on states' rights, securing the border, gun owners' rights, and replacing the unconstitutional property tax. These issues which Perry and Hutchinson have abandoned completely in favor or having favor to the political elite that financially aid them. Medina can be a threat to both Democrats and Republicans. The corporate owned media's hatchet job hasn't worked. Glen Beck shills for the 2 party monopoloy. Medina's stance on 9/11 is no different than the views of 6 of the 10 Commissioners (who publicly stated that the official story surrounding the attacks is impossible), yet she's being witch hunted in a McCarthyesque like purge. The establishment want Medina to lose. Glen Beck is really a neo con who poses as a libertarian. He supported the Bush bailout, calls more more taxes on the American people while posing as a leader of the Tea Party Movement. Rick Perry and John Cornyn were booed at Tea Party events. Perry fakes populism, while trying to selll out Texas'' own infrastructure to foreign companies that Texans will pay tolls to. The Tea Party movement has been hijacked by phony neo-cons like Sarah Palin who endorse Perry while the only real Constitutionalist in the race, Debra Medina, is the victim of an organized smear campaign. The Bilderberger Republican Perry is an establishment figure. True conservatives, true constitutionalists, and true patriots will continue to support Medina in Texas. Glen Beck fake crying on demand for photo shoots. He claims to lvoe America, while bashing people who express the right to dissent, the right to question, and the right to exercise the liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Debra Medina is certainly a better candidate than Perry and Hutchinson.

Congo in 1960 is one of most important times in world history. It deals with imperialism. It is the third largest nation in Africa and in that time was the richest in natural resources. It gained independence from Belgium on June 30, 1960. Elections have been held a week before. A young, articulate nationalist by the name of Patrice Lumumba went into power. This democracy only last for 2 months in the Congo. This was when Belgium, Britian, and even the United States united to end Lumumba's government. Lumumba tried his best to write letters to President Eisnehower for help. According to D'Lynn Waldron, "It was America to which Lumumba looked as the dream of what the Congo could be." The deal was that the establishment wanted to control the fortune in Congo's resources overriding the concerns made by Prime Minister Lumumba. Union Miniere (ruled by Belgian, French, and British interests) and Foriniere (controlled by American interests) desired to control the material resources (like urnaium, cobalt, rubbet, etc.) of the Congo according to Osei Boateng's excellent article from the New African magazine. in 1950, the Rockefeller Group became a major shareholder of Union Miniere by buying into one of Miniere's subsidiaries, Tanganyika Concessions. This opened the door for American interests in Union Miniere. As many know, King Leopold II of Belgium was complict in the deaths of millions of Congolese. I even learned of this in college (despite the santitation of this fact made by King Baudouin and moderate President of the Congo Joseph Kasavubu). Lumumba of course was appaled by the King Baudouin's speech and stormed into the stadium to give his rebuttal. He exposed the evil colonial history of Belgium against his people and want Congo to be a focal point of Africa. Prime Minister Lumumba wanted political and economic liberation of his country by using the resources of the Republic of the Congo to improve the general welfare of his own people. The establishment wanted to control Congo's resources at first. Later, Tshombe proclaimed Katanga (a region in the Congo) as independent from the Congo. Belgian, British, Rhodesian and South African troops moved into Katanga to support him. After a UN condemnation of the secession the Eisenhower administration (itself under a great deal of Establishment pressure to back Katanga) decided to back a UN proposal to end the secession and to replace the Belgian and foreign troops with UN troops. Lumumba then appealed to the US for help to transport his own troops to regain control of his rebel province. Lumumba asked for Soviet help and then the elite called Lumumba a Communist, which some believed was a false characterization of the man. D'Lynn Waldron's writings rebut the charge that Lumumba was a Communist. In September 5, CIA paid agent President Kasavubu illegally dismissed Prime Minister Lumumba from the government. Lumumba took his case to the Congolese legislature where both houses of Parliament voted to reinstate him as Prime Minister. This was too late since the pro-Pentagon figure used Joseph Mobutu to conquer conquer. Kasavubu was a partner in the government while Lumumba was a fugitive. The CIA viewed him as a threat since he had great oratory ability, organizing power, and they plained for his assassiantion. Allen Dulles according to the 1975 Church Committee ordered Lumumba's assassination in what Dulles said was "an urgent and prime objective." American journalist D'Lynn Waldron, a supporter of Lumumba and one of his primary voices to the West, describes how her stories for Scripps-Howard were edited, and offers a clue that may explain how the CIA tracked him down. Frank Carlucci of all people was Lumumba's confidant, but Congressional investigation see Carlcucci as an intelligence officer (being presumably part of Operation Zaire Rifle or the plot to assassiante Lumumba). CIA troops and Mobutu's forced arrested Lumumba in December 1, 1960. He was then handed over to his worst enemy, Moise Tshombe of Katanga province on January 17, 1961 and assassinated the very same day. Some people believe that his body was dismembered and dissolved in sulphuric aid by a Belgian police commissioner in Katanga. This bigotry and injustrice is wrong. This occured 3 days before John F. Kennedy was sworn in as America's 34th President. This is no coincidence since Allen Dulles did the deed fast since Kennedy would of oppose such an act. JFK back in 1956 believed that the Afro-Asian revolution of nationalism is needed to control their own destinies and that America should have a real foreign policy to handle this new reality. He didn't want extreme slogans like for us or against (made by John Foster Dulles and Nixon) us since that played in the Communists' hands to exploit the Third World. Kennedy wanted to negiotate a truce with Russia about the Congo. JFK wanted all political prisoners freed i nthe Congo and all opposing armies like the Belgians under control (which is the opposite of Eisenhower's policies). He wanted Tshombe removed from power and even work with the U.N. to make sure that the Katanga province remained in the Congo Republic. The dictator Mobutu brought the hated Tshombe into power. By 1965, Mobutu got ride of the "moderate" President Kasavubu. In 1966, General Mobutu began the military dictator of the Congo at the urging of his pwoerful American friends. Under his rule he changed the name of his nation to Zaire, and his own to Mobutu Sese Seko. He harmed his people living in great luxury until he was deposed by Laurent Kabila in 1997. President John F. Kennedy was against the Establishment by his own policies. "Battling Wall Street" is a book made by Professor Donald Gibson. This book proved that Kennedy sparred with David Rockefeller on economic policy and he disagreed with John J. McCloy (CFR chieft) in terms of foreign policy. He fired CIA head Allen Dulles. He wanted nationalism to flourish in Algeria (which was the desire of DeGaulle) and throughout the Third World, he admired Egypt's Nasser, and India's Nehru. He began programs like the Peace Corps and Alliance for Progress to help the Third World to be economically sufficent. The establishment being threaten of their control of the economies of the Third World caused them to oppose JFK's policies simply. JFK's idealism opposed the elite wanting the riches of South America, Africa, and Asia. That is why some believe that he was assassinated. President John F. Kennedy was much more pro-American and pro-Third World than establishment liberals and establishment conservatives give him credit for.

A new study refutes the claim that abortion reduces maternal mortality numbers. Preliminary findings by a well known biomedical researcher examined the dramatic decrease in maternal mortality over the past 50 years in the Latin American nation of Chile. It appears to undecut claims made by global abortion lobbyists that liberal abortion laws are necessary to reduce maternal mortality rates. According to epidemiologist Dr. Elard Koch (who is on the faculty of medicine at the University of Chile), Chile's promotion of "safe pregnancy" measure like "prenatal detection" and accessibility to professional birth attendants in a hospital setting are primarily responsible for the decrease in maternal mortality. The maternal mortality rate decline from 275 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in 1960 to 18.7 deaths in 200. This is the largest reduction in any Latin country. Chile is a nation that protects unborn life in its penal laws and constitution. The decline therefore can't be attributable to access to legal abortion. In fact, the preliminary study shows, maternal mortality in Chile decline over the last century regardless of whether abortion was legal or illegal. Chile tightened its restrictions on abortion in the late 1980's. According to Dr. Koch, "From 1960 onwards, there has been a breakthrough in the public health system and primary care" in Chile, with resources devoted to the development of "highly trained personnel, the construction of many primary health centers and the increase of schooling of the population.” Education is one primary factor in the country's improved maternal health. Chile today touts its maternal record comparable to those of developed nations. Stats released from the WHO or the World Health Organization support such conclusions. In South America, according to the WHO, Chile boasts of the lowest rate of maternal mortality (whereas Guyana which significantly liberalized in its laws in the mid 1990's citing concern over maternal deaths has the highest). The most comprehensive perharps analysis of the decline of maternal death rates in the developed world was a peer-reviewed article by Irvine loudon. It appeared in the Ameircan Jouranl of Colinical Nutrition in 2000. This confirmed that "suddden and dramatic decline in maternal mortality rates, which occurred after 1937, took place in all developed countries and eliminated the previously wide country-level differences in national mortality rates. The main factors that led to this decline seem to have been successive improvements in maternal care.” Chile made strides before access to abortion had been liberalized. So, it appears that improving access to quality maternal health care, rather than permissive abortion laws, is what drives reductions in maternal death during pregnancy and delivery. Maternal health experts like noted obstetrician Donna Harrison, MB point out that introducing abortion in a developing world setting without first improving basic materanal health care increases the risk of maternal death (since health system can't adequately respond to complications form invasive surgical procedures such as abortion). Nations like South Africa have oen of the continent's most liberal abortion nations. It has seen an increase in maternal death attributable in part to complications arising from legal abortion. Dr. Koch presented his initial finidngs at the inaugural meeting of the International Working Group for Global Women's Health Research last month in Washington, D.C.

Utah delivers a vote of no confiedence for "climate alarmists." Utah is called the most Republican state i nthe nation. People there dispute the science of man-made climate change and calls emissions as essentially harmless. Carbon dioxide that's naturally is benefial for plant life, etc. Utah's House of Representatives did this policy. They made a resolution condemning climate alarmists and disputing any scientific basis for global warming. The measure was passed by 56 to 17 and has no legal force. It was predictably claimed by climate change skeptics as a great victory in the wake of the controversy caused by a mistake over Himalayan glaciers in the U.N.'s landmark report on global warming. It does offer a view of state politicans' concerns in Utah which is a major oil and coal producing state. The original version of the bill dismissed climate science as a "well organised and ongoing effort to manipulate and incorporate "tricks" related to global temperature data in order to produce a global warming outcome." The representative Mike Noel said that environmentalists are apart of vast conspiracy to destroy the American way of life control world population via forced sterilization plus abortion. When the final version of the bill came to a vote, cooler heats apparently prevailed. The bill dropped the word "conspiracy" and described climate science as "questionable" rather than "flawed." It insisted that the hockey stick graph of changing temperatures was discredited. It also called on the federal government's Environmental Protection Agency to order an immediate halt in its moves to regulate greenhouse gas emissions "until a full and independent investigation of climate data and global warming science can be substantiated." As Noel explained: "Sometimes ... we need to have the courage to do nothing." I agree with Neol that environmental extremism is wrong and man-made climate change is a myth. I disagree with Noel that there is no climate change whatsoever since the climate changes all of the time in Earth's history. Also, we don't do anything to solve real environmental problems. Real environmental problems exist in the planet like endangered species, GM foods, ocean pollution, smog, toxic waste dumping, flouride, chimeras, etc. Those issues ought to be solved completely by us humans.

Lotteries are common in America and the world. There is an epidemic of lottery winners having tradegies. Edward Ugle wrote a book about it. It's called "Money for Nothing: One Man's Journey through the Dark Side of Lottery Millions." Some people suffer more than financial trouble after winning the lottery. Abraham Shakespeare is a professing Christian who claims to know about the Bible. He purchased a winning lottery ticket in November of 2006 and recieved a $17 million payout after taxes. In a little over 2 years, he had spent most of the money and he was murdered by someone who was probably one of his newfound "friends." He relative proclaimed that he was “miserable early on from his newfound fortune” (“Trust was costly for Shakespeare,” The Tampa Tribune, Feb. 4, 2010). In January 2007 he purchased a million-dollar home and then sold it for a loss of $350,000 two years later to a woman who said that she wanted to write the story of his life. On January 28, 2010, Shakespeare’s body was found buried under a slab of concrete on that property. It's better not to gamble and the lottery system is a form of gambling. The Bible rejects covetousness, but the lottery endorses it. The lottery mocks contentment and the Bible supports contentment in the following words: "... Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven” (Proverbs 23:5). It is a poor testimony for a Christian to trust in “Lady Luck.” “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me” (Hebrews 13:5-6). You don't trust in various, uncertain luck, but on the grace of God.

By Timothy

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