Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Israel, Gaza, etc.

Some want to figure out who benefits from the Korean crisis. The establishment says that North Korea sunk a South Korean boat in March. This has greatly escalated the tensions between North and south Korea. This event have caused a reversal of a planned Japanese government push to close the U.S. military base on Okinawa. This event occurred in March 26. The Cheonan covette was sunk probably by a torpedo. 47 sailors have died when the ship went down near the Northern Limit Line or NLL in the Yellow Sea. This occurred after an explosion. May 26 was the time when a special investigative commission of South Korean military and unnamed experts (from the U.S. Canada, Britain, and Sweden), they issued a report. the report said that the external underwater explosion was created by a North Korean made torpedo. The report believes that a North Korean submarine shot the torpedo. The report has increased tensions among North and South Korea (even going into Japan). The Chinese and the Russians are using caution in trying to defuse the crisis. North Korea denies firing the torpedo. They accuse Washington of provoking the clash. North Korea, angered by the accusations, has declared it is cutting all ties with Seoul and allegedly has ordered its 1.2- million armed forces to get ready for combat. The Pentagon said that it will have joint military drills to practice interception of submarines in the near future. They want to do this as a result of the findings of this recent incident. The Obama administration threaten Pyongyang to face consequences and expressed its unequivocal support to South Korea. Barack Obama wants his military commanders to coordinate with South Korea to ensure readiness and deter future aggression. There is a fragment of a torpedo propeller, which looks similar to a South Korean torpedo. It read No. 1 and matches a North Korean torpedo found 7 years ago in the Yellow Sea according to Alexander Vorontsov. He is the Head of Korea Department of the Institute for Oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Science. He adds, “Considering that the blast was allegedly caused by a torpedo carrying a net explosive weight of 250 kg, investigators must have been remarkably lucky to find the right fragment with the marking implicating North Korea. The marking, which is the sole indication of the country of origin of the torpedo, could of course look exactly the same on a South Korean torpedo.” Of course, the White House believes that North Korea acted in a form of aggression against South Korea. The White House support the Commission report. President Barack Obama told South Korean President Lee Myung-bak by phone that all contacts with North Korea should end until it becomes clear who perpetrated the attack. Japan and America have an agreement on the relocation of the U.S. military base in Okinawa. Japanese Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa and US Defense Secretary Robert Gates met at the Pentagon the same day the Korean commission issued its “findings.” North Korea believes that the evidence was forged. It wants to send its inspectors to assess it. America is under pressure to end its military command in South Korea by 2012 to send it to the South Koreans. The U.S. has 28,000 troops in the peninsula. In this time, North Korea was about to deal with the 6 party talks on North Korea's program (It involves Russia, Japan, China, America, and the 2 Koreas). China believes that the torpedo evidence is inconclusive and wants calm in the region. Even Russia wants restraint on both sides, while needing further verification of South Korea's version of events. This doesn't mean that North Korea is a saint. They have religious liberty and political liberty violations, but even North Korea doesn't need to be invaded by a military force. It once stalled in April of 2009. The reason is that North Korea protested the U.N.'s condemnation of its missile tests. The West gave nuclear technology to North Korea for many years. Who benefits from this incident. It seems not to be North Korea.

There is the controversy over Israeli soldiers and pro-Gaza activists. There are new footage that show some of the incident. The Turkish humanitarian aid ship tried to go into Gaza to send those living in Gaza humanitarian aid. They they were attacked by IDF soldiers result in a number of the humanitarians killed. The activists claim that the Israelis killed some of them without merit and they attacked the Israelis in self defense (since the commandos already fired upon them killing at least 1 passenger before they attempted to seize the ship). The Israelis claim that they acted in self defense. What is true is that the Israelis illegally and aggressively boarded a humanitarian aid ship that was sailing in international waters. This incident also exposes some of the war crimes occurring against the residents of Gaza. The United Nations is calling for an independent probe into the whole event. The actions on the ship are disputed among 2 points of view. Only IDF troops were injured while 20 passengers on the boat were killed. However, there can be no doubt that activists on board the ship immediately set about the soldiers with poles and other weapons as soon as they were lowered on board by rope from helicopters stationed above. On passenger throws a soldier overboard. Violence occurred among both sides. The question whether this violence was self defense on either side or unjustified. Israeli claims that the activists had knives and also tried to wrestle rifles away from troops are not authenticated by any video footage released so far. The video below appears to corroborate the claim that Israeli forces fired upon activists first, before they landed on the vessel, and before the activists started beating them up with poles and other weapons. Raw Story reported that the IDF opened fire on the flotilla even before boarding it The Al Jazeera journalist said that a white flag was raised in surrender to the Israeli troops before they board the vessel. Before the troops board the ship, the journalists report that the passengers are being pelted with tear gas and stun grenades. Booms and cracks echo in the background as the reporter states that one person has been killed. “We are being hit by tear gas, stun grenades, we have navy ships on either side, helicopters overhead,” a Press TV reporter says. “We are being attacked from every single side. This is in international waters, not Israeli waters, not in the 68-mile exclusion zone. We are being attacked in international waters completely illegally.” “The organizers are telling me now, they are raising a white flag — they are raising a white flag to the Israeli army,” the Al Jazeera reporter said. “This is after one person has been killed; a civilian has been killed by munition. That number could be more … Despite the white flag being raised, despite the white flag being raised, the Israeli army is still shooting, still firing live munitions.” So, the activists attacked the Israeli soldiers for revenge over the tear gas thrown to them. Israeli is holding the people in detainment or trying to deport others. The truth is that both sides made errors in this controversy. Still, there is the illegal and inhumane blockade of Gaza. It makes it much more hard to create a better, stable existence in the Middle East. A full and impartial investigation ought to be made to make sure that the truth about the incident occurs. In the Middle East, the West and even Israel fund Muslim radical groups. In 2002, Palestinian security forces arrested a group of Palestinians for collaborating with Israel and posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist network, the Sydney Morning Herald reported (the original article has since found its way to the memory hole). In 2002 Richard Sale, writing for the UPI, revealed how beginning in the late 1970s Israel gave direct and indirect financial aid to its primary adversary, Hamas, over a period of years. Israel “aided Hamas directly — the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),” Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies, told Sale. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu had to go back to Israel (ending his meeting with President Barack Obama) in order to handle the crisis. Israelis claimed that they offered the humanitarian people the Israeli port of Ashdod to come as a depot to supply those people in Gaza humanitarian aid. The blockade of Gaza continues. Today, the Israeli/Palestinian peace talks deal with many issues like terror and settlements in the West Bank. The extremists on both sides will try to do their best to end a real peace settlement in Israel and Palestine. As real people, we should have concern for all people in the Middle East, whether they are Jewish, Arabic, or non-Semitic.

Pro-Life people want a Maryland practitioner disciplined over killing a woman in a botched abortion. A coalition of pro-life advocates in Maryland are asking state officials to hold an aboriton practitioner accountable for killing a woman in a botched abortion. They held a press conference asking the Maryland Board of Physicians to take strong action against Romeo Ferrer. The board will be holding a case resolution conference at their offices tomorrow and the collection of pro-life physicians, attorneys, and pregnancy center officials want Ferrer disciplined. The complaint against Ferrer revolves around a February 2006 abortion he did on a 21-year old African American women at Gynecare Center in Severna Park. The woman sought a second trimester dilation and evacuation abortion procedure, but it claimed her life. Ferrer is accused of failing to properly administer pain medications, failing to monitor the patient's respiration and ventilation (and failing to employ standard methods of care to necessitate the patient). The Board of Physician's Peer Reviewers concluded the woman's death resulted from Ferrer's failure to meet the standard of quality care in violation of state law. Jack Ames is the director of the pro-life Maryland organization called Defend Life. He shared the request for action with “I don't know how you tell the orphaned child of this woman that his mom died because the Governor, the House of Delegates, the State Senate, and the Maryland Board of Physicians failed to adequately regulate Romeo Ferrer and outpatient surgical facilities like his Gynemed facility in Severna Park,” he said. “Since 1987, we have worked diligently to protect the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death. Our efforts have been continually rebuffed by certain elected and appointed officials who are in the back pocket of the NARAL and Planned Parenthood," he added. Ames said that one day these same officials have to look at the innocent young man in the eye and explain how they have decided that veterinary clinics deserved more oversight (and regulation than the facility that killed his mother). The coalition of Maryland pro-life leaders also are calling on State's Attorney for Anne Arundel County, Frank Weathersbee, to review Ferrer's conduct and the tragic death of this innocent young woman to determine if the negligence in this case rises to the level of criminal negligence and merits prosecution. Maryland attorney Matt Paavla told he wants Weathersbee to conduct a probe and highlighted Ferrer's medical and potentially criminal negligence. "As the complaint also states, even when Dr. Ferrer’s surgical assistant noticed that the patient’s fingernail beds were cyanotic, Dr. Ferrer 'attempted to establish an airway, but failed to give [the patient] supplemental oxygen,'" he said. "As a result of the grossly negligent conduct of Dr. Ferrer, a 21 year-old woman is dead, and justice must be served." Other people atteneded the press conference. They include: House Minority Leader Tony O'Donnell of the Maryland House of Delegates, Bishop Harry Jackson of the High Impact Leadership Coalition, Kurt Linnemann of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, and Pam Palumbo of the Bowie CroftonSeverna Park Pregnancy Clinics. The abortionists should be punished for his murderous crime against a woman. Abortion is still murder.

Those in the economic populist movement want financial and election reforms. There should be a ban on bad derivatives that have infected mega banks. A Derivative is essentially a mass of toxic unpayable mortgages or (futures of mortgages) that are worthless. They are "Exotic investment vehicles" That the private banking sector promised tremendous returns on, in today's case a mass of unpayable mortgages. All ill gotten assests of Henry Paulson, Bernard Madoff, and others should be liquidated in order to replenish retirement funds they have raided. There should be a debt free money system to spend at no interest to fund the repair & production of public goods and other services. "Rights vs. Privileges" is a book written by Robert De Fremery that talks about switching from a debt-based money system to a debt-free money system. Robert believed that you can avoid an collapse by having credit expansion using money that is independent of debt (and at the same time take away the banking system's privilege of creating any more credit. This means to according to Robert De Fremery: "...force banks to cofine their lending operations to the leading of existing funds..."). This can work if the money supply is spent and mechanisms are used to prevent hyperinflation. All economists from across the political spectrum view hyperinflation as wrong. Similar proposals have occurred among Richard C. Cook and Ellen Brown. Cook want a National dividend paid directly to the people (plus community saving banks) along with the government spending debt free Greenback-like money to society. Big Money via monopolists were so evil in the Gilded Age that laws were passed to safeguard workers and financial instruments. The robber baron had overt market dominance and trusts (or their power was centralized into a few hands to be manipulated for maximum profits and power). These robber baron back in the late 19th century and the early 20th century go back the names of Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and JP Morgan. Even Morgan hated competition. It would be some of these families that formed the Jekyll Island meeting to set up the Federal Reserve Banking system. President John F. Kennedy according to Donald Gibson's book entitled "Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency," wanted to oppose "free trade," he believed that industry should serve the nation, and America ought to develop cheap energy in order sustain its independence. Gibson believed that the oil/banking cartel raised oil prices to levels in order to trap the world in a web of debt. In fact, on June 4, 1963, he issued Executive Order (EO) 11110 giving the president authority to issue silver certificates absent of the Federal Reserve. This is why JFK followed foreign aid, nation to nation cooperation, low interest loans, he believed in Third world nationalism, and other populist policies. It is therefore the Austrian School, not its critics, that is mindlessly denying "reality" when it blindly insists that printing new money is automatically inflationary. Printing new money doesn't cause inflation if the resultant increase in the money supply does not exceed the increase in economic output. So, our economy is filled with debt-based currency, which of course is a problem. Yet, the oligarchs want another bad prescription of using austerity measures in Greece, America, and worldwide in other praise their god of the "free market." This is why the IMF in many nations force countries in economic turmoil to force the government to shutdown social services, thereby cutting off the lifeline of the lower classes. This is class warfare in its most vicious form. It literally results in starvation just to protect the cashflow of rich financiers who hold the country’s debt. We also see Greece being required to outlaw cash for some transactions. This is a strategic goal the financial powers have for the world. A cashless society makes people completely hostage to electronic debit/credit cards controlled by the banks. Austerity is a bad plan for everyone except the upper class. This is why economic populists want money spent to infrastructure projects that are approved by the people in order to grow the economy.

The USDA is trying to deceive Americans over GM crops. The Obama's administration's Department of Agriculture is trying to downplay the risks of genetically modified alfalfa. This is a crop that was previously banned by numerous federal courts. In 2007, a federal court rejected Bush USDA's approval of alfalfa plants genetically engineered for resistance to the Monsanto herbicide Roundup. The court ruled that the USDA had not properly considered the risks posed by the crop. These risks included the possibility that the genetically modified (or gm) crops could swap genetic material with related species. This can cause a contamination of neighboring fields or producing non-agricultural "super weeds." Monsanto continues to appeal the decision. Even though the Ninth Circuit court of Appeals has ruled against it twice. The case is now pending and the Supreme Court is considering it. Alfalfa is the first perennial crop to be genetically modified. it can't die after a year, so it can regenerate itself from even its roots. The risk of genetic contamination is greater than even from GM annual crops. GM annual crops are documented to spread across beyond the fields that they are planted in. "Widespread [GM] contamination of organic alfalfa is inevitable if the Obama Administration successfully distorts science and ignores public opinion and allows Monsanto's GM Roundup Ready alfalfa to be planted across the U.S.," said Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association. Former Monsanto executive Tom Vilsack was appointed by President Barack Obama to head up the USDA. This is why the USDA released a new draft environmental impact statement (EIS) that continues to play down these risks.Yet even the Monsanto-friendly EIS acknowledges that "acute toxicity ... was observed" in mice that consumed GM alfalfa. It also admits that residues of Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide are toxic."Based on upper estimates of exposure ... infants consuming fruit and all age groups consuming vegetables may be at risk of adverse effects associated with acute exposure to glyphosate residues," the statement reads. The introduction of Round Ready GM crops came up 13 years ago. Since then, herbicide has increased by 383 million pounds.

By Timothy

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