Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summer 2010

Summer 2010
Living in a crossroads period of my life is valid definition in my time. There are those who seek cultural upliftment and they are not being ashamed of their race or heritage. I can sincerely and deeply respect that. Yet, others use the legitimate call for unity as a convenient excuse to express or harbor hatred of their fellowman for whatever reason imaginable. This route is illegitimate. In other words, you don't fight evil with hatred against any person of any background. You fight hate with love for what you are, showing respect toward others, rejecting obscene stereotypes, and carrying forth that pristine vision of personal equality for all people. If we do the right thing, then surely God's glory can preciously spread among our lives. On the other side of the coin, the mainstream media and other instruments promote that self hate against one's race more covertly than decades ago. I deplore that, because your physical features that you are endowed with are God's blessing from him. It's not a curse at all. It's great to love yourself and the natural features that God has given you. Now, America is a place that is regularly exploited in order to carry out this globalization agenda. Yet, the headquarters of the new world order system in the modern age is from Europe not America. Therefore, we should make a distinction between regular Americans wanting to fight for freedom, and the corrupt leadership of the American/European axis. This axis wants imperialism and economic/political exploitation of the whole world.
Secret Societies like Freemasonry have links to Gnosticism. That's easy to prove. Freemason Timothy Hogan (or the district lecturer for the Grand Lodge of Colorado) wrote about these links in his article called "Gnostic Reflections in Freemasonry." This was created in July 9, 2009. Timothy Hogan mentioned that: "...Gnosticism and Gnostic thought are mentioned several times in the Scottish Rite degrees..." Regarding the term “points of light,” in a September 1788 letter from Freemason Alexander Hamilton to Freemason George Washington encouraging the latter to run for the Presidency of the U.S., Hamilton wrote: “…the point of light in which you stand at home and abroad will make an infinite difference in the respectability with which the government will begin its operations….” And on October 3, 1788 Washington replied: “In taking a survey of the subject in whatever point of light I have been able to place it….” Thomas Jefferson was once the Secretary of State under Washington. Jefferson supported the French Revolution back in 1789. Edmond Charles (or Citizen) Genet was the French envoy to America back in 1793. George Washington didn't agree with Genet forming Democratic Societies in western Pennsylvania. There was the Mingo Creek Democratic Society in Western Pennsylvania. These societies influenced the creation of the Whiskey Rebellion of July 1794. Before Jefferson resigned as the Secretary of State effective December 31, 1793, George Washington asked him to request to make Genet leave the U.S. Genet was surprised at Jefferson's request to him since he said that Jefferson had “initiated me [Genet] in the mysteries” that influenced his hatred of those seeking absolute power. This isn't unusual since Thomas Jefferson supported the Illuminati and its founder Adam Weishaupt. Genet was an Illuminist. He first went into Russia as French Charge d'Affaires in the late 1780's and worked there with the Illuminist Prince Pavel Dolgorukii. Pavel Dolgorukii was the maternal grandfather of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Since the Jacobin threat was in France, Genet stayed in America. He married the daughter of Governor George Clinton. Clinton was President Thomas Jefferson's vice-President. Genet created "democratic" rebellion plans there. In 1802, John Wood authored A Full Exposition of the Clintonian Faction and the Society of the Columbian Illuminati in New York, etc., referring to "the mutual affection and sympathy which exist between Mr. (DeWitt) Clinton and the Columbian Illuminati." DeWitt Clinton was Masonic Grand Master of New York and Gov. George Clinton's nephew. The Freemason and French Revolution participant Marquis de Lafayette brought to the U.S. in the early 1800's Madame Francoise d'Arusmont. She is known as Fanny Wright. She worked with Robert Dale Owen in his New Harmony, Indian commune. This was the first of its kind in America. By 1828, they joined Orsetes Brownson to create the Working-Men’s Party in New York. Brownson in The Works of Orestes Brownson revealed their plan as follows: “The great object was to get rid of Christianity. The plan was… to establish a system of state—we said national—schools, from which all religion was to be excluded,… and to which all parents were to be compelled by law to send their children…. We were to have godless schools for all the children of the country…. The plan has been successfully pursued….” This represented the values of the French Revolution infecting America. The French Revolution immorally used unjustifiable violence in attempting to achieve social reforms. The Carbonari revolutionary group of Italy promoted similar tenets of the French Revolution. Madame Blavatasy joined the group. She was wounded at the Battle of Montana near Rome on November 3, 1867. The leader of the Carbonari was Giuseppe Mazzini, who was referred to as an “established point of light when rays traversed the world.” Occultists view the concepts of rays and the points of light as hermaphroditic. In Luciferian Alice Bailey’s The Rays and the Initiations (Volume 5 of A Treatise on the Seven Rays), she explains that after the 4th initiation,

All that remains is a point of light. This point is conscious, immutable and aware of the two extremes of the divine expression… [which] are fused and blended into the One. Of this One the divine Hermaphrodite is the concrete symbol—the union in one of the pairs of opposites, negative and positive, male and female.”

It's interesting to note that there is on page 36 of a special edition of U.S. News and World Report titled "Secrets of the Lost Symbol" an ancient stone depiction of the Persian/Roman sun god of light, Mithras, with 7 pointed rays of light coming from his head. Semiramis has 7 pointed rays of life. Even the Statue of Liberty does look kind of hermaphroditic. The androgynous agenda is easily promoted in popular culture and the New Age Movement. Theosophist Shirley McCune in her co-authored The Light Shall Set You Free, where she claims: "The goal of all humanity... is to become androgynous." Shirley wants the Age of Aquarius. Much of the information in her book McCune says was "channeled" to her from Master Morya, the same "Ascended Master" mentioned by Luciferian Alice Bailey and by the Arlington, Texas headquartered Robert Muller Schools around the world (Muller was U.N. Assistant Secretary-General for decades). Alice Bailey was anti-Semitic and views the Jewish people as standing in the way of world peace. He viewed Hitler as bad, but called all of the Zionist movement in America as apart of forces of evil. Some Zionists are indeed trying to do evil in the world while other Zionists just want peace. All Zionists aren't monolithic. This hatred of Jewish heritage is similar to the view of the anti-Semitic Albert Pike in Lectures on the Arya (published in 1873, with copyright 1930 by the Scottish Rite Freemasons’ Supreme Council, Washington, D.C.), wherein he declared
, “The single fact that we owe not one single truth, not one idea in philosophy or religion to the Semitic race is, of itself, ample reward for years of study, and it is a fact indisputable, if I read the Veda and Zend Avesta aright.” Alice Bailey admitted that threats to promoting the new world order is Sovereignity and Nationalism. That's true since the nationalist movement is one bulwark preventing the globalists' real plans from coming into fruition. The mainstream media even in 2010 demonized unfairly anyone promoting real Nationalism in the world. Some extreme Libertarians view nationalism as a curse word, yet havin the love of a nation-state isn't a sin at all. In 1891, Cecil Rhodes formed the secret Society of the Elect “to take the government of the whole world,” in his own words. Toward that end, a member of Rhodes’ Association of Helpers was noted world historian Arnold J. Toynbee who, in Copenhagen in June 1931, delivered a speech stating: “We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands.” Of course, the Rhodes Scholar was the imperialist Cecil Rhodes' brainchild. Rhoes Scholar Strobe Talbot in writing in TIME during July 20, 1992 bashes national sovereignity and wants a global governmental system. Rhodes Scholar Richard Gardner wrote similarly in 1974. In the Council on Foreign Relations’ Foreign Affairs (April 1974), Gardner opined: “An end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.” What more proof do these skeptics need pertaining to the fact that some elitists want to eliminate national sovereignity in order to form a world government system.
President Barack Obama made the historic announcement of sending Elana Kagan into the Supreme Court. If she is confirmed by the Senate, she will apart of 3 women in the Court (including herself). Kagan's legal temperment and views on controversial issues isn't known. What is true is that Kagan is a Democratic person. She worked in the Clinton and Obama adminstrations for numerous years. She was the Solicitor General. She was a lawyer, but not a judge. She is set to replace John Paul Stevens. John Paul Stevens was the center-left Supreme Court Justice who is about to retire from the Court. Kagan is from New York City and went into Harvard Law School. She argued 6 cases since 2009. Kagan sat on a Goldman Sachs advisory council between 2005 and 2008. She did analysis and advice to Goldman Sachs and its clients. Goldman Sachs has been accused of financial corruption. She is linked to Larry Summers, who worked in the derivatives film called D.E. Shaw and was paid around 5 million dolars. Summers, Robert Rubin, etc. facilitated the destruction of the Glass-Steagall Act that existed during the last Great Depression to preven the commerical and investment banking system from merging together. Kagan was once in support of radical socialism back then. In her undergraduate thesis at Princeton entitled “To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933,” Kagan wrote: “In our own times, a coherent socialist movement is nowhere to be found in the United States. Americans are more likely to speak of a golden past than of a golden future, of capitalism’s glories than of socialism’s greatness.” As history proves socialism and cartel capitalism doesn't work fully to help all people since each either prevent safeguards to help people & ban nearly all public services (or restrict any form of private business actions or any form of free enterpise to exist). This doesn't mean that the free enterpise entities can do whatever they want as Austrian economic extremists desire though. There should be legitimate regulations in the market. Once again, the words of the late Gary Allen come to mind: “If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of superrich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.” Communism is much worse than socialism since communism just restricts totally any individual liberties and freedoms. At least in socialism, you have some political liberties. Communism is straight up apart of totalitarianism. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said that Kagan will serve the interests of average Americans. Kagan supports the unitary executive concept of the President acting almost like a dictator in executing their political policies. She supported the Bush adminstration's policies on how to treat detainees. Her supporters claim that Kagan is fair, smart, and teach strongly from the Socratic method.
The Prison Industrial Complex
For eons, the prison system is a stark reminder that the dehumanization of any man is a threat among all mankind. Prisons today from the Third World into the Western world (especially in America) has undoubtely deteriorated into massive complications. These problems are enacted against numerous prisoners in the form of economic exploitation (or getting low wages for work), rape, and ohers forms of sexual abuse among both genders. Other problems in prisons include violence, innocent people being framed, overcrowding, etc. America unfortunately imprisons more human beings than any other nation on Earth. Numerous activists form across the political spectrum propose an end to the corruption in prisons. The private for profit corporate prison system doesn't work. The tough on crime mantra ought to be rapidly replaced with the humble philosophy of being fair and compassionate when dealing with crime.
The Prison Industrial complex is a serious problem in the world not only in America. This system is very similar to a new form of slavery. Many people, especially minorities are incarcerated. Some of them are guilty of no crime or had inexpensive lawyers that allow the judge to throw the book at people. It happens all of the time. Big money is utilized to keep people locked up in various cheap labor and for profit prisons. There are excessive charges placed on inmates and families may pay for things like tube shocks, phone calls, and cross country shipping. The 13th Amendment of the Constitution was ratified in 1865 and it abolished slavery in the United States. The one exception was that in cases where persons have been “duly convicted” in the United States and territory it controls. The exception reads in the following words: "... except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction..." This means that if you're convicted of a crime and placed in prison, potentially you can be treated like a slave or in existence of involuntary servitude (according to some people). I do respect the 13th Amendment banning slavery though. The Californian Three Strikes Law of course places more people in prison and it's anti-liberty. Atty. Barbara Ratliff, a L.A.-based reparations activist, said the prison industrial complex’s extension of the slave plantation plays out in a pattern of behavior that Black people must study in order to survive.“I’m not talking about behavior of the individual incarcerate, but the pattern of treatment that digs into institutional racism. Corporate profit from prisons is no different than how slave owners received benefit from their labor, and that impact remained even after slavery. For instance, freed Blacks were arrested and put on chain gangs for their labor which continued to benefit slave owners, so this is no accident,” she said. Prisoners in prison are paid cents or almost 2 dollars for creating items or do services. They include sewing clothes, making furniture, fight fires, etc. Some of the high costs are prisons are consuming state budgets. Instead of obsession with tough on crime rhetoric, funds should be more available for crime prevention, education, and give youth confident to harm anger into something more constructive in their own livelihoods. Billions of dollars are spend on prisons. Years ago, For every dollar spent on higher education, Alaska spent 77 cents on corrections. For every dollar spent on higher education, Georgia spent 50 cents on corrections. Prison watch groups note corporate-owned prisons feed job-starved communities where businesses have disappeared. By incarcerating so many people, America deals with warehousing them and not finding out why they are incarcerated in the first place, advocates said.“The fact is, it’s a business and a readily accessible,‘free’ workforce removes prisons’ incentive to rehabilitate, especially those that are owned by corporations,” Atty. Ratliff said. After the 1960's, the elite in the government advanced the mass building of prisons and jails to control society in a higher level (also the unfair sentencing guidelines of crack offenders and cocaine offenders, 3 strikes, etc.). Drug running and other evils in communities across backgrounds contributed to the growth of the prison population too. This facts and more are exposed in Michelle Alexander's new book entitled, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness." She is a strong African American woman with 3 young children. She said that:
"...As an African American woman, with three young children who will never know a world in which a black man could not be president of the United States, I was beyond thrilled on election night. Yet when I walked out of the election night party, full of hope and enthusiasm, I was immediately reminded of the harsh realities of the New Jim Crow. A black man was on his knees in the gutter, hands cuffed behind his back, as several polices officers stood around talking, joking, and ignoring his human existence. People poured out of the building: many stared for a moment at the black man cowering in the street, and then averted their gaze. What did the election of Barack Obama means for him?”
Society isn't colorblind as we have issues to deal. In a way, we shouldn't be colorblind. The reason is that the appreciation and the knowledge of human beings with different colors isn't bigotry. Yet, it deals with the great loving tenet of tolerance for your fellow human beings. Colorblind philosophies target nationalism and black unity. For if you ignore what you are, then you'll fall for anything even nefarious ideologies. If we are blind to the truth, then evil can flow more readily. We shouldn't keep our eyes blind. We should keep our hearts, eyes, and mind wide open to embrace the truth (and leave up the real creed of justice, compassion, excellence, and equality for all people). Now, more than 2 million people are in jails and prisons up from just 300,000 in 1980. Even in 2007, more than 7 million Americans (or 1 in 31 adults) were under the supervision of the criminal justice system (this includes behind bars, on probation, or on parole). Tons of people behind bars are for non-violent offenses. Illegal drug use is the single leading offense for which U.S. prisoners are doing time. The disproportionate amount of people in prisons are minorities and males. Today, people use the term felon to deprive even felons who turn their lives around basic human rights after they have served their time. Many felons (who finished their time) are subjected to various forms of discrimination. This discrimination deals with employment, the right to vote, denial of educational opportunities, denial of foods stamps & other public benefits, and exlcusion from jury service. This is very similar to Jim Crow. No wonder Michelle Alexander called the discrimination against felons the New Jim Crow. You can't discriminate legally on the basis of race or sex. Yet, you can still discriminate on the basis of your criminal record. Old Jim Crow ruled deprived the Second Amendment and other human rights among black Americans. This new Jim Crow covertly dnn't use racist tactics, but overtly hinders the rights of felons (even if they are out of parole) basic opportunities to live our their own lives. The new and old Jim Crow do function in discrimination against human beings. This system promotes a forced oppression against human beings. Many people are in jail not because of they are guilty. Some are innocent. People know that the Drug War has been exploited to target minority communities in unequal acts of surveillance, policing, arrest, and sentencing. The Drug War attacks all communities not just one community too. It isn't just the Republicans doing this. According to Michelle Alexander: "...Democrats have actually been much worse than Republicans when it comes to the drug war. It was Bill Clinton who escalated the drug war far beyond what his Republican predecessor ever dreamed possible. And it was Bill Clinton and the so-called ‘new Democrats’ who pushed through laws barring drug felons from public housing (no matter how minor the offense) and barring drug felons from food stamps for the rest of their lives. Pregnant women, people with HIV and AIDS are barred even from receiving food stamps if they were caught with drugs and charged with a felony. Clinton, in his zeal to win over those so-called ‘white swing voters,’ ramped up the drug war and ‘ended welfare as we knew it.’..." (“Firedog Lake Welcomes Michelle Alexander;” Alexander, The New Jim Crow, 54-56, 76). With a reactionary or a neo con Republican, we know what they stand in trying to harm our standard of living. With some establishment liberals, they may smile in your face. Although, some of them, just like the Republicans, promote nefarious intensions to.
The private prison in Angloa, Louisiana is another example of a 21st century slavery-like prison system ( in America in action). The slavery rings still exist in Europe, Africa, Asia, etc. The prisoners work long hours as well. The prison system have links to Wall Street. Many prisoners are guilty of their crimes and deserve to be locked up. Others are innocent. A 52-year-old man name Towler who had more than half his life taken away by a wrongful conviction for rape, served 29 years for a rape he did not commit. Recent DNA testing proved his innocence. The prison industrial complex is certainly apart of Big Business. This is why activists keep on promoting solutions to this problems. They include teaching prisoners job skills and career opportunities, so they are not left in the streets without any opportunity. There are those that are trying their best to allow felons to have voting rights. Tons of people across the political spectrum seek to improve the disposition of prisoners, so when they come out, they can lead a more stable life. Michelle Alexander is right that a radical transformation of society is needed to get reforms going. A piece approach never worked effectively to solve problems in human history. There is still a long way to go to oppose this prison industrial complex.
China's One Child Policy
What a wonderful land that China is consisted of. What a rich history, culture, great people, and society part of God's wonderful creation. Before listing the many problems existing within China. It's time to show background for you can't know the foreground without background. China existed with species of animals and humans for many years in prehistoric time. The first dynasty after the Flood was Xia which was created in 2284 B.C. Later many other dynasties came after it like Shang, Liu, etc. Now in the 1800's, China was colonized by many European nations who wanted opium, trade, and the exploitation of their natural resources (for lust and gain). Godless philiosophies like Communism reigned in China by the 1940's. During WWII, the Japanese made China its colony. They ruled China for years and when the Allies won, a democracy was established for a temporary time by the suspected 33rd Freemason Chiang Kaishek. Chiang was a Nationalist and FDR promised him that Hong Kong would be controlled by China not the Britain. FDR's agent Hurley couldn't get the British to support the idea of China to become more Nationalist & Independent. Ironically, Stalin agreed with this plan. FDR couldn't do more to make China more nationalist, because he died in 1945. Truman was pro-British elite and he supported the dictator Mao over Chiang Ka-Shek. Situations were going good until we betrayed Chiang in 1948 by instilling a Communist revolution there. The USA used American tanks in January 31, 1949 to Peking to install the mass murderer Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong supported gun control, population control, restrictions of God-given civil liberties & human rights, the killing of dissidents and other fascist precepts.

One CNN segment made the error that Communism is good for China. This is despite China's history dealing with Communism resulting in a legacy of violation and suppression of basic fundamental liberties in that nation. Communism is an ineffective philosophy that reduces the individual and elevate the state in bad means. There is nothing wrong with the existence of the state, but the state like corporations can't do what they want whenever they want. For years, China has been criticized for its human rights abuses against women and religious minorities. There is the one child policy that created outrage, backlash, and a deficit in the number of women compared to men. The state control over the contitions of reproduction, marriage, and equal access to labor have been seen as a negative not positive talking point. CNN praised Chen Zhili, who is the President of the all-China women's federation. She is one of the top ranking women in the Chinese government. She claimed that Mao was a great leader by banning foot binding, bride selling, dowries, polygamy and concubines. Women were invited to leave the home and join the labor force. Mao spoke those famous words: ‘women hold up half the sky.’ She is the vice chair of the Standing Committe of the National People's Congress. Chen claims that Mao made revolutionary changes to help the condition of women, which is a lie. China is still a repressive state that use women to be apart of the Family Planning Program in China. This policy and the one child policy regulate women's reproductive rights and degrade women with forced abortions, etc. China is anti-women whose cultural system favor males over females. That is why males outnumber females by 30 million human beings. Girls have an unequal status in China according to Kat Harding from Salon. Women go missing or sold to the sex trade. Promoting the “Half the Sky” concept and a book with the same name, United Nations head Ban Ki Moon decried abuse of women. The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used Mao's phrase of "women hold up half the sky" to speak in a Women's Right trip to China. Mao Zedong said that in 1968 talked about this issues. Confucius might of wrote the words before Mao. Why is Hillary speaking words from a Communist dictator unless she supports the centralized state with authority over the family. The One child policy existed by Deng by ca. 1978 via the Family Planning Commission in China. It was authoritarian utilizing coercive population control. Some of these policies existed in India and the Third World. This is documented in a RAND Corp. study, entitled “The Origins and Evolution of Family Planning Programs in Developing Countries” [pdf] evaluates that the countries with the most centralized, authoritarian governments were “matched up” with the most harsh family planning policies, as they were most likely to adopt policies restricting individual liberties. Authoritarian police states trying to forcibly control poopulations don't work effectively at all. There is nothing wrong with women working in the workplace. Yet, the Family Planning Program in China utilized that policy to promote population control, birth control pills, contraceptives, etc. to lower Chinese population (not for equality of the sexes). The RAND Corp. study found that the Family Planning emphasis its long declared its validation of Women and Human Rights as found in the UN charter. The Planning center use quality of care as an excuse to promote Western philanthropies like the Rockefeller's Population Council (pushing this brainwashing system in Third World governments). There was coercive sterilization even without informing the patient exists in China and India. An United Nations study forUNESCO titled “Mass Media, Family Planning and Development” from 1973 outlines specific strategies designed to sell their policies, matching up budget and population with the degree of cultural acceptance of birth control and the types of media to be used. The study further notes the “Government Attitude with regard to family planning” and noting when there is the presence of a ’strong central government’ who could implement reproduction policies from the top-down. Mao wanted China to have population restriction as early as 1957. China wanted married to be 25 for women and 27 or 28 for women. The state regulating sexual behavior of adults is common in China. Mao's eugenics programs killed as high as 40-70 million people. It's easily proven that Communism was funded by Wall Street bankers even during the Bolshevik Revolution. Anthony Sutton proves how manganese, oil and steel production was facilitated in the Soviet Union via Wall Street money and personnel. He has traced and meticulously detailed the deep ties of finance families’ influence in Soviet Russia. Isaacson & Thomas’ The Wise Men details how Skull & Bones financier Averell Harriman was not only involved bankrolling the regime, but as U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, influenced our relations during and after WWII. Harriman is credited with spending more time with Joseph Stalin than any other non-Russian. Harriman traded and negotiated with Stalin with sanction from Washington. The Rockefeller had business ventures with the Soviet Union along with members of the Pilgrim Society. This came when the market was heavily closed to U.S. business. Nixon and Kissinger opened up China greatly to America and then David Rockefeller openly praised China's Revolution (in an article he wrote to the New York Times on August 10, 1973). The Rockefellers has monopolized the oil industry in the late 19th century. Then, they fund eugenics and population control mvoements. Margaret Sanger was aided by the Rockefellers as well to promote eugenics under the guise of birth control. In 1927, the Rockefellers funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. This is the core institute in the promotion of Nazi eugenics. In 1952, John D. III created the Population Council. This group promoted depopulation worldwide, even in CHina. Aaron Russo said that Nicholas Rockefeller financed the women's liberation mvoement to break up the family, put women in the work force, and make women subject to taxes. What is true is that there is nothing wrong iwth promoting the equality of both genders. Yet, there is an establishment, corporate version of feminism that was funded by the CIA as even Gloria Steinem admitted that CIA money funded her Ms. Magazine. So, we don't need Edward Bernays' propaganda or authoritarian control in our lives. We should have real freedom as a representation of fundamental human rights.
This is nothing new. In the 1700’s, people have promoted population control actions. Some of the elite bloodlines intermarried with each other in a sick way. Charles Darwin's family only interbred with one other family for generations and that was the Wedgwood family, the famous pottery Wedgwood’s of England, and his grandfather married one. This father married one. Charles married one and then when his wife died, he married his mother's sister, another Wedgwood. They're all Wedgwood’s and Darwin's all mixed together, you see, until they bring some other outside blood—to Galton's, another sweet bunch who believed in population reduction. They end up with, or Charles did, anyway, had ten children from his first wife and even died in childbirth or two died in insane asylums very young. This is why interbreding with close relatives is immoral and wrong.
A Congressional hearing in early June 2010 had a panel of experts. These experts unveiled information that said that Chinese women are victimized by forced abortions every 2.4 seconds. Pro-Leader House member Rep. Chris Smith called the panel the "No Choice Allowed." The experts said that as many as 35,000 abortions are done daily on women who don't want one, but must be subjected to one (because of the strict one-child policy). These numbers exclude the men and woman who are victims of forced sterilizations, who are imprisoned or sentenced to home detention, lose their jobs or face stiff fines, etc. The stats don't include the number of families who face similar abuses from the Chinese government either. Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women's Rights Without Borders, told the hearing, "Over 400 million children are not living in China because of the one-child policy. That's more than the population of the United States." She said that many people in America know about the one-child policy, but don't know that it leads into forced abortions. A Washington Times reports says that women are forcibly taken to hospitals and strapped to beds. This is where these innocent women are forced to endure an abortion of their child. Reggie Littlejohn provided legal support for women victims of forced abortions after she used to serve as an attorney for Chinese refugees seeking asylum in the usa. She told the Times that she wanted to devote her time on this issue since it breaks her heart. Mostly girls have been murdered in forced abortion in the range over over 400 million babies in the last 30 years. Chai Ling, co-founder of Jenzabar Foundation and All Girls Allowed; Captain Xiong Yan, U.S. Army Chaplain; Bob Fu, President of ChinaAid also attended the hearing.
We must support all Chinese dissidents for promoting liberty and hope they will find liberty and freedom in the future. We must also support Chinese people coming to America to fully there dreams and aspiration like artists, muscians, even althetes like Yao Ming. We must not support a bad government by giving them trade status in a major organization like the WTO, but we must never restrict innocent people or civilans within a country to not live on with their life or Livelihood. We should oppose the evil in America too.

By Timothy

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