Friday, September 03, 2010

Pro-Life News

Local Urban League and eugenic founded organization whose founder gave Klan speeches host “family event”

Cops called to abortion clinic because of threat by pro-choicer to shoot anti-abortion protesters

Black activist at Sharpton rally “Democrats support black genocide from abortion”

Most of what the sister said is accurate, but both Republicans and Democrats have done their share of dirt. Also, most black Americans aren't on welfare. I do believe in social services to help those suffering in the world (including the minimum wage, banning child labor, and the like). I think the GOP forget the need sometimes to promote the general welfare of the people. Likewise, Democrats omit the nefarious history of Sanger and that life is not only social, but individual. It isn't an one party deal. The Left/Right paradigm is real. Establishment Democrats omit that a person has to have personal responsibility and individual freedom in life. Establishment Republicans omit the need to have safeguards, some regulations, and a social safety net to assist the poor and the disadvantaged in society (i.e. a let them eat cake economic philosophy is cruel and evil especially in our depression today). Republicans in many times forget that life is social not just individual. You can't advocate wage cutting, austerity in a recession, and war mongering then call yourself a cutting edge human being. Abortion is evil of course. I do believe in helping babies out of the womb to in various programs not just helping the baby while they are in the womb. Also, corporate corruption is just as evil as evil done by the State. So, I won't be a Democrat or a Republican. So, the new tactic of Republicans to entreat us blacks to join their fold isn't going to work. Neither are the tactic of Democrats to try to patronize my people aren't going to work either. I am my own man.

By Timothy


2/5/2010 11:33 PM Vanessa wrote:

Holding conservative values does not cause me to compromise my culture and identity. Conservatism and my cultural identity are completely compatible.Black people as a group generally have different political challenges, my overall point is that I am not going to spend most of my energy fighting for mainstream conservative causes (plenty of people doing that) especially when I know that my brothers and sisters in the inner city don't have Conservatives fighting for them. In other words, I'm not going to lose myself, (like I've done in the past) to mainstream conservative rhetoric because.... conservative talking points don't resonate with most Black people.So, it's not the conservatives values, per se, it's the ideological box that I think Conservatives want people be in that I don't think works for me--because this box would have me to forget that racism exists and this box wants me to forget I'm Black. For example, when I talk about the importance of Black consciousness, the typical conservative response is, "Let's forget about color," or "We're all Americans," or "I don't see color". While it's noble to want to live and pretend we live in a color-blind society-we don't.

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