Saturday, October 23, 2010

Juan Williams Firing Has Been Morphed Into A Mass Media Psychological Warfare Operation


Juan Williams Firing Has Been Morphed Into A Mass Media Psychological Warfare Operation
Published on 10-22-2010

Source: - By Lee Rogers
The firing of Juan Williams from National Public Radio due to comments he made pertaining to how he gets nervous when he sees Muslims boarding a plane has been morphed into a ridiculous mass media psychological warfare operation.  On multiple levels the entire situation is completely insane and gives the corporate controlled media yet another staged distraction based news story to argue endlessly over. 

First off, the comments from Williams about his fear of Muslims are based off of the false reality promoted by the corporate media that the 9/11 attacks were pulled off by 19 Arab hi-jackers with box cutters.  When one carefully studies the events of 9/11 it is painfully obvious that this series of events could not have been pulled off by the hi-jackers alone.  There are numerous questions surrounding the inexplicable collapse of both the Twin Towers in New York City that could not have been caused by burning jet fuel following the planes colliding into the building.  There are also questions surrounding the collapse of WTC-7 which appears to have been brought down with pre-planted explosive devices.  There are also questions surrounding the war games that conveniently prevented a legitimate response by military forces to the attacks.  There are also questions pertaining to why officials at the Pentagon after knowing full well that a major terrorist attack using commercial airplanes had just occurred in New York City decided not to deploy counter measures to prevent an airplane crashing into their building.  The Pentagon being one of the most secure buildings in the world should have been on full alert following what transpired in New York City.  There are also many other questions pertaining to the 9/11 attacks and it has become quite clear that the official story is a complete lie.  With this in mind, there is no reason for Juan Williams to be afraid of Muslims.  He should be afraid of the real terrorists which are the clowns in organizations like the CIA, the Mossad and other so called intelligence agencies.  After all, these are the people who stage terror attacks so they have the excuse to invade countries around the world and it is clear that they are the primary suspects in engineering the 9/11 attacks.

With Williams getting fired by NPR for his comments this has allowed the corporate media to step in and argue back and forth about issues of very little significance pertaining to race and religion.  These are two very divisive issues which is exactly why they have jumped all over this story.  Heaven forbid that they talk about issues such as individual freedom that mostly everyone regardless of race or religion could support.  

On top of this, his comments have given more credibility to the false terror war and promotes the notion that we should all be afraid of Muslims.  Just because Williams is afraid of Muslims who board a plane doesn't mean we should be.  The odds of getting killed by an attack from Islamic terrorists is incredibly low.  There is no question that this story is simply meant to help generate a fearful reaction whenever someone sees a person dressed in Muslim garb.  It is really quite ridiculous.

It should be interesting to see how long they keep this story in the corporate media spotlight.  It is funny to see how Williams was immediately given an expanded role on Fox News after he was fired by NPR.  This situation could have very well been staged in advance to give all these clowns in the corporate media another issue of no significance to talk about.  The corporate media really enjoys having people appear on television to argue over issues that don't mean anything and this is obviously another one of those.

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