Friday, October 22, 2010

Truths in the World

There is a West Virginia Senate candidate that questions the foreknowledge of the WTC 7 collapse in a Live TV Debate. His name is Jeff Becker from the Constitution Party. It was carried nationally on C-Spain. Even Becker's campaign website announces proudly at the very top of his homepage that he calls for new Senate investigation of 9/11. During the October 18 debate for the special election to replace the deceased Senator Robert Byrd, Jeff Becker responded to a question about the continued build up of troops in Afghanistan by telling the audience that: "...We need to first take a look at what happened on 9/11. There were actually three buildings that collapsed on September 11th.”Becker was an engineer. He believed that the WTC 7 falling by fire alone was impossible. There is a contradiction of the laws of physics and the governmental account. Building Number 7 feel without any debris being rained on it. It was 40 story building. At 5 pm. on 9/11, Jane Standley (who is a reporter from the BBC) was standing right in front at Ground Zero and reported that Building 7 had collapsed. She could see it over her shoulder. 20 minutes later it feel. Becker called this event foreknowledge that must be investigated. Larry Silverstein is the owners of the World Trade Center 7 Complex. He took a multi billion dollar insurance policy to protect his property against a terrorist attack before 9/11. In 2002, a PBS station interview Larry said that he gave the order to "pull it." Pull it is a controlled demolition term. This is more evidence of foreknowledge. There is BBC footage of this. Over 1,000 degreed and licensed Architects and Engineers have looked at the information and there's just too much information that doesn't make sense with the offical story. The only way for the official story to make sense is if the laws of physics had changed on that day. He's mocked by establishement blogs like like FireDogLake and Little Green Footballs for these statements, however he was able to communicate a powerful call to attention regarding the Building 7 issue without interruption. Becker have criticized the Federal Reserve and wants a full audit of it to had the shadowly organizaiton accountable. I have no problem with this. He wants to promote the Senate Bill called S604 or the Federal Reserve Sunshine Act. This will cause a full aduit of the FED for the first time in its history. I advocate a return to hard money and an end to banker bailouts. It is time to hold this shadowy organization accountable. Some call his candidacy a long shot, but anybody has the right to run for office. There is in West Virginia and the Senator Jay Rockefeller. Rockefeller is the candidate for Senate. Becker unlike Rockefeller would speak openly about constitutional issues, the Federal Reserve, and what happened on 9/11. Candidates of any strip should have the courage to speak out on important issues.

Planned Parenthood mouth pieces are trying to ignore the truth from Maafa21. Maafa21 is a documentary that exposes the truth that Planned Parenthood since its inception has been involved in eugenics and population control. Its abortion deals with many minority communities. One mouthpiece supporting Planned Parenthood is Cynthia Tucker, who is an Epoiscopal (believing in myth that some cookie has Jesus' presence. Praising a wafer as God is her forte and that's a shame. They baptize babies when not even the NT sanctions this practice. Now, communion is a remembrance of what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross and to celebrate real communion is fine). She recieved the Planned Parenthood Maggie Award. She wrote an article for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution denying that abortion is a racist plot. It's true that not everybody doing abortions have a racist motive, but some elitists promoting abortions do so for racist reasons. Abortion have been done to promote genocide in some quarters. Michelle Golderg is another journalist being funded by Planned Parenthood and spoke at their events. Maddow accept the Planned Parenthood Maggie Award on her program. Sanger went to the racist Klan meetings to speak. Maddow is known to demonize pro-life people collectively as being responsible for the death of Tiller. She ignores how anti-immigrant groups are funded by Planned Parenthood flunkies. People have been forced sterilized by eugenics board and Planned Parenthood related groups. These mouthpeices can't discredit the truth since God is the truth. The truth is that eugenics, abortion on demand, and genocide against people ought to be thoroughly exposed competely. Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. He was in good standing with the racist American Eugenics Society. She wanted parents to have license to have kids. She supported eugenics in her own words as a means to promote the fit while killing what she called the "unfit." No one is unfit since all humans born in the Earth are fit with value and worth. Sanger also called for those who were poor and what she considered to be “morons and immoral‘ , to be shipped to colonies where they would live in “Farms and Open Spaces” dedicated to brainwashing these so-called “inferior types” into having what Sanger called, “Better moral conduct."

President Barack Obama tells the Pentagon to attack Cyberthreats on American soil. He wants new procedures in using the Defense Department's vast array of cyberwarfare capabilities (in case of an attack on vital computer networks in America). The New York Times reported that they are navigating historic rules delicately that restrict military action in America. The corporate media like from 60 Minutes try to say that the USA is in threat of a cyber attack. Now, President Barack Obama have done policies that contradict the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Posse Comitatus. The military wants to provide cyber expertise to other government agencies and to various private companies to counter attacks on their computer networks, the Pentagon's cyber policy chief named Robert Butler. The Defense News reported that: "...An agreement signed this month with the Department of Homeland Security and an earlier initiative to protect companies in the defense industrial base make it likely that the military will be a key part of any response to a cyber attack.” The Defense Department want to use natural disasters like hurricanes or wildfires as a means to be a model to handle the situation. A Presidential order dispataches the military forces working under the control of FEMA. “FEMA is the Patriot Act on crack,” writes Sheila Samples, a former civilian U.S. Army Public Information Officer. “Once its powers are unleashed, Oliver North’s REX 84 ‘exercise’ will become a reality. The Constitution will be suspended and FEMA will have the right to detain or seize the property of anyone even suspected of engaging in, or who might be thinking of conspiring with others to engage in acts of espionage or sabotage.” Since the days of John F. Kennedy, FEMA was created outside of constitutional law and it wasn't subject to Congressional oversight. It grew and was modified under Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. Clinton, Bush Jr. (he allowed FEMA to be under control of the Department of Homeland Security), and now Obama. Samples said that Henry Kissinger, General Richard Secord, and Lt. Col. Oliver North are laughing about today's FEMA. Henry was a fascist. Under Obama’s rules, the New York Times continues, “the president would approve the use of the military’s expertise in computer-network warfare, and the Department of Homeland Security would direct the work.” Expertise. Breaking things and killing people.The Pentagon's Information Operation Roadmap from 2008 wnat to use electronic and computer network attack capabilities against percieved enemies. DoD is the document explains that this plan will fight the net as it would a weapons systme to achieve dominance in information warfare. These percieved neemies of the state aren't limited to Muslims in Central Asia or the Middle East, but the Net (being attacked with the full force of the military if they are a theat). The Pentagon claims to have drafts that address civil liberty concerns. The Pentagon wasn't concerned about civil liberties issues when it sent the National Guard troops and allowed mercenaries house to house to steal weapons in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The Pentagon created CIFA or the Counterintelligence Field Acfivity, which was used to snoop antiwar demonstrations. Obama, the Pentagon, and the corporate media are exploited the CIA creation of Al-Qaeda or other paties in order to make domestic enemies even. They promote the paranoia that our power grid in the USA in under threat and could lead into more financial diaster. The U.S. power grid isn't susceptiable to terrorist hackers, yet Senator Joe Lieberman (plus ohters) believe that the control grid is linked to the INternet. The Stuxnet computer worm, so sophisticated it was obviously created by a nation-state. “A number of governments with sophisticated computer skills would have the ability to create such a code. They include China, Russia, Israel, Britain, Germany and the United States,” the Associated Press reported after Iran said it was the victim of a Stuxnet attack. So, patsies are being exploited to promote the war on terror. This is new Pentagon powers in cyberwarfare capabilities working with the NSA (that has been spying on Americans for over 60 years). Long term, the elite wanted to control the Internet. President Barack Obama is experiencing the Senate committee supporting a bill that will shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight. The Bill will be on the floor soon. It's called Protecting Cyberspace as a national Asset Act, which is pushed hard by Senator Joe Lieberman. This policy would hand absolute power to the federal government to close down networks. The bill can block inocming Internet traffic from certain countries under a declared national emergency. Some globalists want to shut down the Internet in the event of a contrived national emergency. Hackers would probably not turn off the power grid or attack networks, but because a free and open internet allows people to circumvent government propaganda.

Some believe that cap and trade acts are being supported in 32 states. These carbon reduction policies are U.N. inspired. Some want Governors to be held accountable. It isn't a secret that carbon reduction and population reduction go hand in hand. The United Nations didn't impose their treaties from the top down (like the Kyotoa and Copenhagen Accords). The federal government wasn't successful in its unpopular national cap and trade scheme for now. Now, cap and trade is being promoted in the state level. One region have raised over $700 million in carbon auctions. 32 states have been divided into 3 regions. Regionalism is a trick that uses re-zoning to establish new jurisdictional authority. State compacts and agreements, in addition to state treaties with foreign governments are unconstitutional. These regional programs have avoided mention of the UN Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is the blueprint for depopulation total control, evidence supports that this is an Agenda 21 Sustainable Development program for many reasons. This program is there to promote man-made global warming (which is based on the discredited science from the UN IPCC or the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). California's AB 32 Global Warming Soultions Act is committed to achieved the targets of the UN Kyoto Protocol (a treaty with mandatory rules to limit carbon). The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative of the Northeastern states or the RGGI is similar to the UN Kyoto treaty with mandated regulations and a cap and trade scheme. The man made global warming science has been discredited and refuted. Water vapor or H2O is made up for 97% of all greenhouse gases. Human activity contributes only 1% of all greenhouse emissions. Temperature drives up CO2 levels. Radically reducing human carbon emissions alone won't improve the environment radically when you should clean up the air though. Other gases like methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, etc. are not major greenhouse gases.
According to Dr. Michael Coffman, and over 30,000 other scientists, carbon dioxide (CO2) is essential for life on Earth.  All plants must have it to produce food for themselves.  At the current atmospheric concentrations, CO2 is limiting to plant growth.  Currently, CO2 levels are about 387 ppm, and even if the levels increased by 500%, it would benefit agriculture and the Earth’s atmosphere without any harm to humans or other animal life.  The consensus that CO2 is harmful and that the science is “settled” is false. Water vapor causes most of geenhouse gas. The EPA refuse to list it as a greenhouse gas in its Endangerment Finding. The reason is that most people know that water like carbon is mostly harmless. CO2 that's natural isn't a threat to public health and welfare. There is the EPA's 18,000 page document with carbon reduction codes that include a cap and trade scheme. There are 23 states that work in 3 region. They want to reduce human carbon emissions that they believe will cause economic devastation. There are 9 more states that are observers to these regional alliances. Many governors support these policies. The RGGI or the Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative deals with cap and trade duties. They want to mandatorily reduce CO2 emissions by 10 percent from power sector or electricity by 2018. They want RGGI states to follow the plane. Pennsylvania, a coal rich state, is an “observer” to RGGI, which means that it has taken steps toward joining RGGI.  Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario are also observers.  It is unconstitutionalfor States to make treaties with foreign governments (Article 1, Section 10). Western states have similar carbon cap and trade trade policies too. Some feel that these plans are job killers. Some oppose unconstitutional alliance. Dr. Michael Coffman have researched on this subject in a meticulous fashion. He made his documentary called "Global Warming or Global Governance."

Secret Societies are real. In the occult, they praise Hermes Trismegistus or thric greatest Hermes. He is apart of mythology being about a great mystical teacher of humanity (as it pertains to urban development, astronomy, etc. Hermes is similar to Thoth of the ancient Egyptians. To Freemasonry, he is a patron entity that represents Masonic inspiration in their dogmas. In Hermeticism, occultists believe in as above, so below (which means that what is in the Universe is reflected on Earth). President John Quincy Adams talked about Freemasonry in these terms: "..."Freemasonry is deceptive and fraudulent...Its promise is light — it's performance is darkness."  Pike and other Freemasons view Jesus as a great leader and not a true Messiah. The reason is that Freemasonry embrace Universialism or that you can worship one God in any name or characterstic (and this is fine to embrace within the confines of the Lodge). Pike talked about communion in these terms: "...And thus the bread we eat, and the wine we drink tonight may enter into and form part of us the identical particles of matter that once formed parts of the material bodies called Moses, Confucius, Plato, Socrates, or Jesus of Nazareth. In the truest sense we eat and drink the bodies of the dead...." 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall believed that only students of archaic or esoteric symbolism can decipher the true meaning hidden within the Great Seal's design. President The Great Seal's design also have a Phoenix influence as the early seal prototype of William Barton showing a Phoenix in its nest of flames.The Phoenix is a representation of immorality, resurrection, power, and it existed in ancient Egypt (including Greece, the Native Americans, China, etc.). It's easy to see the occult origin of Halloween. Halloween comes from the old pagan Celtic ceremony called Samhain. October 31 is the time of All Hallows eve in the Catholic calendar. The traditions of Hallowwen comes from the worship of false gods, the claims of contacting the death, and communing with evil spirits. The Old and New Testaments forbids worshipping false gods especially and being involved in the occult. Druids and Wiccans practice Samhain to this very day.

By Timothy


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Larry Silverstein is the owners of the World Trade Center 7 Complex. He took a multi billion dollar insurance policy to protect his property against a terrorist attack before 9/11. In 2002, a PBS station interview Larry said that he gave the order to "pull it." Pull it is a controlled demolition term.

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