Monday, October 25, 2010

One Hero and other News

President Barack Obama is at a crossroads in his Presidency. Many people including myself disagree with him on some issues. Wall Street and Trilateralist interests have exploited the man in order to give imperialism or slick corporate policies a left cover. The elite surrounding Barack Obama operate in duplicity, deception, and deceit. They act in this manner to demonize the real patriot movement and neutralize the base in the Democratic Party. Obama ran as a peace candidate in terms of Iraq. Yet, Barack Obama had more combat troops in the field than Bush. The Iraq War still exists. Barack Obama has begun a new war in Pakistan. Pakistan is subsequently different than Iraq Pakistan has many times more people than the population of Iraq. Pakistan does have nuclear weapons, but is no direct military threat to America at all. There are now U.S. military operations in Yemen, Somalia, and naitons surrounding Iran. This isn't about peace. This is about war. The President allowed the union busting movement to grow. He gave billions of dollars form the United Auto Workers which have been transferred to Wall Street in exchange for dubious Chrysler and GM stock certificates. The UAW has had to accept wages and benefits at the same level as open shops in the so-called right to work states of the South, where there is little union power. Also, the Race to the Top Programs aims at controlling the teacher union of the the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association. As usual, this is done under left cover, in this case under the slogan of reform. That is why Republican Chris Christie from New Jersey and even some Democrats love to see teachers being vilified, fired, denied tenure, and subjected to merit pay. Hundreds of public schools are being shut down too since 2008. Obama’s Secretary of Education, Arnie Duncan, has been leading the charge with the unlamented Michelle Rhee. Their goal is to destroy free, universal, quality, education as we have known it since the Northwest Ordinance and the days of Horace Mann (or make it privatized or promote charter corporoate schools more). Under left covert, President Barack Obama supports the right to assassinate American citizens (without due process or legal protections) if they arre outside America. There are still kidnappings via renditions, black sites, torture, and the Guantanamo concentration camp still existing strongly. Bankers have funded Obama's run for President. The Federal Reserve (headed by Ben Bernanke) is given more power. $24 trillion are given as bailouts to Wall Street too. The White House are given billions and trillions of dollars to help the poor or the middle class. The financial regulation new law has been watered down. Derivatives, foreclosures, adjustable rate mortgages, payday loans, car title loans, too big to fail, and all the other practices that should have been outlawed with bright line prohibition are still in place. Many Democrats legitimately want to stop foreclosures to have people stay in their home, yet the White House won't allow it. Barack Obama is bounded under Wall Street interests for the time being. The President's health care law have many legitimate parts in it and some errors. Some critics see it as enriching the insurance companies. Some populists want Medicare for all Americans instead or a simple public option. Obama has looted $500 billion from Medicare as part of his bail out for bankrupt insurance companies. It's ironic that Social Security can be radically changed when the Deficit commission comes out with its findings. You can't be a hypocrite when dealing with the Constitution. You can't pick and choose parts that you like and ignore the rest. Some liberals and progressives condemned the Bush/Cheney regime for their evil violations of the Constitution. Now, some of them support the President when President Barack Obama has supported the Patriot Act, renditions, etc.

Dr. Mildred Jefferson was a Pro Life hero that few people know about. She recently passed away in October 15, 2010. She was born in April 4, 1926 in Pittsburg, Texas. She was dedicated Christian being a Methodist. She was the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School. Her father was a Methodist minister and her mother was a school teacher. Texas College is the place where she had her master's degree and Texas College was the place where she had her Texas College. Jefferson became prominent as a leader in the Pro-Life Movement. She helped to create the National Right to Life Committee. She passed away in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was in the 1979 documentary called “What­ev­er Hap­pened To The Hu­man Race?” which fea­tures the­olo­gian/ philoso­pher Fran­cis Scha­ef­fer V and C. Ev­erett Koop, M.D., whom lat­er be­came the U.S. Sur­geon Gen­er­al un­der Pres­i­dent Ronald Rea­gan. Dr. Jefferson said in the documentary that her job was to preserve life and not to destroy it. She believed in the Judeo-Christian ethic that personal conduct shouldn't include to harm innocent human life. She opposed Roe V. Wade as given license to give abortion to occur at almost any occurence during the duration of a pregnancy. Dr. Jefferson said that the doctor should act as a role of healer and not in essence to act as an executor. She broke many racial and gender barriers as being the first female surgical interm at Boston City Hospital. Anne Fox was the President of Massachusetts Citizens for Life and was a close friend of Dr. Jefferson. Dr. Jefferson used eloquently to oppose the murderous actions of abortion. Even in the 21st century, Dr. Jefferson worked for the pro-life movement. She wanted to work with young people in an oratory contest.  In a 2003 profile in the antiabortion magazine American Feminist, Dr. Jefferson said the antiabortion movement was “second only to the abolitionist movement’’ in the way it changed American thinking.
“I am at once a physician, a citizen, and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow this concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live,’’ she told the magazine. She said that she opposed abortion back in 1970 since the American Medical Association passed a resolution that wanted doctors to have abortions if the procedure was legal in their states. Dr. Jefferson felt that the Hippocratic oath required her to oppose aboriton. She served as a prosecution witness against Dr. Kenneth Edelin, a Boston doctor charged with manslaughter for performing an abortion on a Roxbury teenager. She skied all of the time. Even some of her Democratic friends came to her funeral since she was good friends with them. She was divorced and had no children. She has cousins that had grandchildren. Her legacy is that even back then, Pro-Life heroes stood out to promote the instrintic principle that unborn human life is not only valuable, but it's human with fundamental worth.

Transhumanism is very real. People have promoted enhanced humans for eons. Leon Kaas was the former chairman of the President's Council on Bioethics. He made a status report on the new technologies that could come up as a product of transhumans. He talked about this issue in the introduction of his book called, "Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenges of Bioethics." He warned that: "...Human nature itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic “enhancement,” for wholesale redesign. In leading laboratories, academic and industrial, new creators are confidently amassing their powers and quietly honing their skills, while on the street their evangelists [transhumanists] are zealously prophesying a posthuman future. For anyone who cares about preserving our humanity, the time has come for paying attention..." The threat of posthumans is real. Some in the UK want people to deal with analyzing crime scenes committed by posthumans. There is memory transference. This is a new field of study. It deals with suggesting that complex behavior patterns and even memories can be transferred from donors of large human organs to their recipients. Some people want human/animal chimeras. How would the memories, behavior patterns, and instincts, for instance, of a wolf affect the mind of a human? That such unprecedented questions will have to be dealt with sooner than later has already been illustrated in animal-to-animal experiments, including those conducted by Evan Balaban at McGill University in Montreal. This is when sections of the brain from embryonic quials were transplanted into the brains of chickens, and the resultant chickens have shown head bobs and vocal trills unique to quail. This field deals with complex behavior patterns  that can be shifted from one species to another. Transhumans will likely bear unintended behavior and appetite disorders that could produce lycanthropes of werewolves. Genetic modification and human transforming technologies could be discussed more in the future. Mark Stencel listened to the hfa committee hearings and wrote in his March 15, 2009, article, “Futurist: Genes without Borders,” that the conference “sounded more like a Hollywood pitch for a sci-fi thriller than a sober discussion of scientific reality…with talk of biotech’s potential for creating supersoldiers, superintelligence, and superanimals [that could become] agents of unprecedented lethal force.” The posthuman is the new proposed human with genetic and new technological developments. The military including the Pentagon want Mankind 2.0 to be used in military procedures. Some want to have performance enhancements among troops.

Globalists target people and other factions of globalists target people in a Hegelian Dialetic fashion. This is apart of mainstream politics in America today. Think Progress is funded by George Soros' crew. Think Progress released a private correspondence sent out by Charles Koch of Koch Industries. The document is called "Understanding and Addressing Threats to American Free enterpise and Prosperity." The memo has the itinierary of a private meeting that it held at an exclusive hotel in Apsen attached. In the memo, Koch says that his group of neocons and RINOs plans to change the balance of power in Congress this November. This is nothing unusual since this is their plan all along. They want the Republican puppets to dominate Congress. This is like a plan of political musical chairs. Koch wants to activate citizens or convince people to vote for Republicans and the trademark Tea Party operatives who accept the neocon philosophy. The event held by the neo cons was based on invitation only. Famous neo con operatives are Charles Krauthammer, Glen Beck, and others. Even broker dealer Peter Schiff accept Austrian economics. Schiff supports bombing small nations like Iran that don't have nuclear weapons. The U.S. have been known to tell lies in order to get the U.S. involved in sort of foreign adventures that even George Washington opposed. Schiff tells us to stop spending money, but refuse to spot spending money that can bomb small backwater countries at the drop of a hat. This is establishment Republican lite to me. There is the cycle of the 2 party system where one party reign and it's replaced by the other party (then vice versa). A RINO could be President in 2012 or not. The neocons love big spending when it deals with the Pentagon spending trillions of dollars. Remember Carroll Quigely’s maxim — throw out one set of insider “rascals” for another set of insiders who follow the same basic policies. George Soros claims to expose Charles Koch as a freedom fighter when Soros aided the Bush family decades ago, he has ties to the CFR plus the Bilderberger Group, he agrees with partial birth abortion, and is radically pro-gun control. Soros doesn't seem to have a problem with neolibs doing fundamentally the same thing as the neo cons are doing. President Barack Obama has troops still in Iraq and Afghanistan. The murder campaign is still going on in Pakistan. Rumors of wars are in Yemen and wars are across Africa. His administration have Goldman Sachs cronies. That is why Congress isn't trying to effectively investigate the criminal international bankers stealing thousands of homes left and right. This isn't liberal or conservative. It's extremist. To the apolostists in Think Progress, this memo is big news. While, it's confirmation that both parties are controlled by the same people and we have to be progressive and independent if we want to have real solutions in America plus the world. In this world, you have no choice, but to have extra food, be armed if you can, have back up plans, get your spirituality in order, and help people out. Corporate interests shouldn't control us.

Many people are talking about Kanye West's short movie called "Runaway." The movie has been controversial and has been given to wide interpretation. The film is about Kanye West falling in love with a female Phoenix being. The being is discriminated against by society so hard that she flies into the heavens to escape the judgmental attitude of society. Kanye runs after her to try to meet up with her, but he runaways to escape the Earth. From Earth into the Heavens is her journey, which is a play on Hermeticism (or the as above, so below philosophy. The Phoenix in mythology travels from the skies into Earth and vice versa when the Phoenix burns up). The Phoenix is a representation of power, resurrection, and rebirth. The Phoenix would burn up and relive in a 500 year cycle. The Phoenix was once considered to be the bird on the Great Seal, but later an eagle was chosen in replacing the Phoenix. The video has tons of other symbolism in it, so Kanye West is a very creative, smart man. He has done his homework (from the table filled with black people in a Round table like setting representing the rising power of blacks in the West to the forest filled with animals). Kanye West talked about his short movie in these terms: "..."It’s the story of a phoenix fallen to Earth, and I make her my girlfriend, and people discriminate against her and eventually she has to burn herself alive and go back to her world. I’ve been feeling the idea of the phoenix. It’s been in my heart for a while. It’s maybe parallel to my career. I threw a Molotov cocktail on my career last year, in a way, and I had to come back as a better person." Some have pointed to the Lucifer link to the Phoenix. In a way, Lucifer is like the Phoenix. Lucifer was the most brilliant angel God created. Lucifer had an ego problem and God wouldn't deal with him like he does with humans living on Earth now. So, Lucifer fell from Heaven into Earth to be Satan according to the Scriptures. Some occultists have written about the Lucifer/ Phoenix link. Ironically, Kanye West talks about Satan in ambigious terms throughout the whole video. One example is how he says that we love Jesus, but we can learn a lot from Satan. There is a triangle hay image next to the deers. There is a tribal dance by the Phoenix. The Phoenix is played by the African American model Selita Ebanks. Kanye West denies that "Runaway" deals with the Illuminati or the occult. You can believe him or not. What is true is that the mainstream music industry is filled with occult symbolism, anti-God lyrics, profane language (not just in one genre, but many genres), and other evils.

By Timothy