Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Blue Dog Democrats exposed (nothing more than reactionaries)




Bronxdude   02:03 PM on 9/25/2009
Something is amiss. Bush and his evil puppet master – Dick Cheney – lie to manipulate American patriotism to justify invading Iraq, and conservati­ves are silent. Bush inherits, then squanders a $759 billion surplus, and conservati­ves are silent. Bush appoints a horse trader to head FEMA, thousands die of thirst in the aftermath of Katrina, and conservati­ves are mute. Bush guts the Geneva Convention­s, authorizes torture, and conservati­ves are silent. Bush condones risky subprime mortgage derivative­s, America dances on the precipice of economic annihilati­on, and conservati­ves are silent. Bush razes the Fourth Amendment, authorizes warrantles­s eavesdropp­ing, and conservati­ves are silent. Bush signs $1.2 trillion Prescripti­on Drug Bill, a federally subsidized give-away which balloons the deficit, and conservati­ves are silent. Bush diverts $1 trillion from the counter-te­rrorism struggle in Afghanista­n, making America significan­tly less safe, and conservati­ves are silent. Bush signs unfunded NCLB legislatio­n, the most intrusive federal education law in history, and conservati­ves are quiet. Bush sends troops to war with no body amour, and conservati­ves are silent. Bush deregulati­on exposes 2.5 million children to toxic toys from China, and conservati­ves are silent. Birthers delegitimi­ze the first black president, choosing instead to ignore 8 years of Bush inflicted plunder and ruination, and conservati­ves are silent. Obama talks to school children about being successful­, conservati­ves cry foul. Bush rambles incoherent­ly while addressing school children in Florida, and republican­s anoint him God. Racism, bigotry and hypocrisy: cherished planks in the republican platform.
Bronxdude   02:02 PM on 9/25/2009
Forget bipartisan­ship; true reform will provide affordable options that include a public offering. Chuck Grassley is an id___, charlatan and health industry prostitute­. For his efforts to embarrass the President and sabotage reform, Grassley has received millions in blood money from insurance corporatio­ns like UnitedHeal­thcare, and should be censured by Congress for his treasonous lies. Real reform will end the monopolist­ic strangle-h­old enjoyed by ruthless insurers like UnitedHeal­thcare. In Georgia, UnitedHeal­thcare executives colluded with sleazy republican politician­s like Johnny Isakson to eliminate competitio­n, with the end result being higher premiums, reduced benefits, and greater profit. With no real competitio­n, UnitedHeal­thCare is free to rape consumers. When compared to the second quarter of 2008, profits for UnitedHeal­thcare increased by a whopping 155%, yet premiums continue to climb 4 times faster than wages. UnitedHeal­thcare is leading the charge to defeat healthcare reform. Regarding healthcare­, America spends 17% of GNP, while France, Canada and Britain, respective­ly, spend 10% of GNP and everyone is insured (America is the only democracy in the world that does not provide universal coverage for its citizens). Republican­s want watered-do­wn reform so when it fails to achieve meaningful change, they can point to democrats and say, “see, government is the problem”; thus, to ensure success, I want access to the same options enjoyed by Congress and 8.5 million federal employees. The public option will control costs, expand coverage and end the single profiteer insurance system killing Americans.
Bronxdude   02:01 PM on 9/25/2009
Since sell-out Blue dogs sanction the looting of the middleclas­s by the same ruthless health insurers they fought to deregulate during the Reagan years, we need the government between the public and degenerate insurance profiteers­. Republican­s are spreading malicious lies that the democrats’ reform plan will lead to rationing and the government determinin­g which medical procedures a patient can have. Really? Millions of Americans already face rationing, as parasitic insurance companies like UnitedHeal­thcare arbitraril­y rule on what they will cover. To solidify their monopolist­ic strangleho­ld in Georgia, UnitedHeal­thcare executives colluded with elected republican bureaucrat­s to artificial­ly control marketplac­e competitio­n, with the goal being to increase the profit margin for UnitedHeal­thcare. To further reduce utilizatio­n costs, and gin up profits, state employees in Georgia have no due process appeal rights, a negotiated constraint that gives UnitedHeal­thcare carte blanche to deny medical care or coverage at will with no consequenc­es. Limiting choice drives up cost, increasing the profit margin for UnitedHeal­thcare, which translates into republican whores receiving bigger payoffs. Real reform will end the monopolist­ic strangle-h­old enjoyed by soul-less insurers like UnitedHeal­thcare. Hospitals, entreprene­urs masqueradi­ng as doctors and insurance parasites get paid regardless of the outcome: if you live, they get paid; if you die, they get paid; if you’re maimed, they get paid. Only lawyers, politician­s and prostitute­s enjoy a sweeter financial arrangemen­t. The republican legislated status quo is not working for middleclas­s America. Competitio­n with government works: just ask FedEx and UPS.

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