Monday, February 28, 2011

The Truth isn't to be Mocked

Charlie Sheen is at it again. He issued a profanity laced tirade once before. He issued another profane tirade in the Alex Jones. Jones supports the man since Jones supports those in that world. Sheen made a subliminal Jewish baiting remark about "Haim." He also mocked those exposing the Jesuits when he talked about Vatican Assassins too. It's easy to see that Martin Sheen have connections to the Jesuits. Sheen claims to be clean in terms of drug usage, but his actions deemed that he still has an eccentric character to say the least. He has made numerous rants. The show that he's on is called Two and a Half Men. It got shut down for the rest of the season. CBS and Warner Brothers think that his actions were extreme. On the porn stars he lives with now: "What we all have is a marriage of the hearts. And to sully, contaminate, or radically disrespect this unit with a shameful contract is something I'll leave to the amateurs and bible grippers." This is shot at the Bible and people that respect marriage. This is typical of him since the mentality of many people in the hypocritical unHolywood have an anti-God, anti-moral values mentality. In his interview, he makes stereotypes about his critics and other gibberish. He claims to be for 9/11 Truth and opposes the policies of the President Barack Obama. Yet, his actions see that he needs real help to better his own life. He calls the 2 women that he's with as Goddesses. On his own magical powers: "I'm sorry, man, but I've got magic. I've got poetry in my fingertips. Most of the time--and this includes naps --I'm an F-18, bro. And I will destroy you in the air. I will deploy my ordinance to the ground." He calls himself a Vatican assassin and a warlock. This person Sheen is obviously mentally disturbed. His words are a slick shot at Eric Jon Phelps since he wrote the book "Vatican Assassins." Alex Jones (who is an Ecumenical, loves the CNP, and loves the Vatican-funded JBS like a good servant of the John Birch Society. He follows Ron Paul and Paul supports criminal attacks in Afghanistan. Well, that's another story. This is for William Cooper Jones that you slandered in the past. Cooper's excellent legacy still lives on after his death in 2001) talked about the book with him. Alex Jones refuses to expose the Knights of Malta and the CNP in real terms.  I don't agree with Eric on every issue, but if you want to disagree with the man, say his name like a man. A real man don't use subliminal shots or slick terminology in order to criticize another man. Now, the lesson is that for us who are real Anti-Vatican truth sayers is for us to continue to show the truth without fear. You can't claim that a religion is true when they were directly involved in the Inquisition, believe a cookie is God, and uses blatantly pagan components (while hypocritically claiming to be pro-Christian & anti-pagan). Even Frederick Copleston SJ invented a lot of paranoia in the conspiracy world. A hedonist like Charlie Sheen isn't a role model.

The government wants to cut Social Security. National austerity measures are here in America. This is why Wisconsin  protesters are in the streets to protest potentially losing their rights and workers' benefits. Massive loses in benefits does nothing to end the recession in the world. Now, the elite want to see how much money that they desire to cut from Social Security. Some in Congress threaten perform a government shutdown while Democrats are pushing for compromise (by agreeing with cuts to social security to stop a governmental shutdown). For years, the government raided the surplus in the Social Security trust fund. This was achieved in order to pay for wars, bank bailouts, GM, and other unfunded giveaways. Now, they want to take more from it. Since the days of the Johnson Administration, the Social Security fund was stolen in order to fund wars and the daily operations of the federal government. Johnson said that these surplus funds would be added to the general fund. The funds could be used anything and everything. Some seniors and future generations will pay the price of massive shortfalls in social security and the national debt when they have nothing to do with it. Seniors have already had cost of living increases to their SS checks frozen for the last two years.  This has been especially painful given the double-digit inflation to necessary goods like food and energy, and services like health care. Some people are protesting this reality. We can't support bailouts among the corporate elite, while programs are being cut radically. We have to peacefully end the war on terror, preserve our safety net, and fight for the right to improve our nation without austerity. A system that has a $2.5T surplus like social security is not a problem, but the banksters who created the black hole of a financial crisis and robbed $7T plus from the treasury are a natural resource that must not be protected and not get their regular multi-million dollar bonuses.

Revolutions are spreading worldwide. Some people have a sincere vision to enact real changes in the world.
Others are in fake, shill roles in trying to stir a revolution into a cartel-capitalist regime. For eons of times, the rich elite used murder, theft, and slaughter to kill innocent human beings. Wars, poverty, and homelessness have been the product of imperialist policies including financial looting (plus ecological pollution). We should never support fake revolutions at all. Revolutions can work with independent, intelligent human beings cultivating real solutions while crush fake tactics. Webster Tarpley isn't perfect, but even he is right to expose the color revolutions going on in the world. Violence is exploiting in Cairo, Libya, and places all over the world. These events occur form real grievances like economic and political problems in these nations. The question is whether the U.S. can get rid of governments in the Middle East to replace them with puppet leaders. There was the Rose Revolution in Georgia, but Georgia has a repressive government over there. The leader of Georgia is backed by the USA. NATO/IMF agents have worked in color Revolutions for various years as well. I don't believe that every demonstration in the world is a part of a CIA funded agenda though. Some protests in the Middle East have been independent, leaderless, and spontaneous. Anwar Sadat kicked out the Soviet advisers and was murdered by the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt have a dam there and some want to use the Suez Canal and the Nile to be develop to promote more resources to be developed in that region. Some want more subsidies on food to bring down the prices of food and increase wages there. Agriculture in Egypt should be modernized in order to enhance its effectiveness.

The events in Wisconsin have existed in a controversial fashion. There are 2 incidents connected to the ongoing mass protests in Wisconsin underscore the utter ruthlessness of the ruling class in its determination to drive down the living conditions of workers. This is occurring all over America. Jeff Cox is the Republican deputy attorney general of Indiana. He recently told the liberal magazine Mother Jones something. He favored giving live ammunition. as the response to the protests in Wisconsin. He called the workers legitimately protests against benefit cuts and attacks on legal rights as political enemies and thugs. He's a lying coward. He declared that he wants deadly force. Cox, a state attorney for eight years, was fired last Wednesday, after the magazine published the exchange. There was a recent pro-union person who contacted Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. The blogger is from Buffalo, New York. He posed as the billionaire David Koch. Koch is one of the leading backers of the corporate union-busting and the Tea party Movement. His name is Ian Murphy. He recorded the call and published the transcript. This conversation lasted for 20 minutes. Walker suggested to have felony charges could be trumped up against Democratic state senators who had blocked passage of his anti-union legislation by fleeing the state (he wanted to negotiate with his opponents using a baseball bat and discussed the pros and cons of planting some troublemakers in the crowds demonstrating outside the state capitol). Walker is in the discussion said that he respected Ronald Reagan fired the air traffic controllers. He wanted to use the Wisconsin controversy to be a time to change the course of history. We live after the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan. Cox and Walker embrace the mentality of the elite class. It isn't a secret that Walker and his crew are apart of other episodes that desire to crush the working class and turn the clock on workers' social rights. This attack have been performed by both the Republican and Democratic parties. The American trade union wish to support cuts made by Walker as along as the collective bargaining will remain. Union is one bulwark that is preventing a total corporate takeover of our nation's resources. Even the Obama administration is one the agents of the financial aristocracy that pours trillions of dollars into bank bailouts, bonuses for Wall Street executives, etc. The White House refuse to help that much bankrupt state and local governments. Barack Obama wants wage freezes on federal workers and cuts in programs. The Democrats and Republicans rescue billionaires and corporations, while demonizing schoolteachers and street sweepers as “overpaid” and “privileged.” Some see the events in Wisconsin as a wake up call. New groups and new political insight must be made to struggle for liberty and justice. Wealth can be found to have basic social needs like education, housing, and health care by printing debt free money, ending the war on terror, and other populist economic policies.

Libya is having a Revolution. Some believe that an US/NATO military intervention could be a possibility in Libya. Libya is approaching a possible civil war. Libya is an oil rich nation. It's easy to witness that Colonel Muammar Al-Qaddafi (Al-Qaddafi) is a dictator. He's been the qaid or dictator of Libya for about 42 years. Libya is different from Ben Ali's Tunisia and Mubarak's Egypt. Libya is not very submissive to the United States and the European Union. Qaddafi is a dictator that acts independent. Some fear that Egypt and Tunisia will have the military machine and neo-liberalism to remain in those respective countries if puppet new regimes exist. The EU and the US wish that Libya is more controlled by them, so they can gain their resources and be a gateway to get more resources from West Africa too. From the south, weapons are coming into Libya that are promoting revolt. Qaddafi ruled Libya after the 1969 coup against the King Idris Al-Sanusi. THe King acquiescence to Western interests. Qaddafi used the cult of personality, cronyism, and corruption in order maintain his power base in Libya. The enemy Qaddafi immorally invaded Chad to carve it up. He's an eccentric. He has an entourage of female bodyguards. He allowed many innocent people to die or go missing (including people from his own nation). case of Lebanon’s Musa Al-Sadr, the founder of the Amal Movement, is one of the most famous of these cases and has always been a hindrance to Lebanese-Libyan relations. There has been rivals in Qaddafi's regime. Opposition to him has been crushed and Lebanon's Musa Al-Sadr had been killed too. He was the founder of the Amal Movement. Qaddafi has had a very negative effect in creating and conditioning an entire hierarchy of corrupt officials in Tripoli. Each one looks out for their own interests at the expense of the Libyan people. Aref Sharif, the head of the Libyan Air Force, has renounced Qaddafi. Interior Minister Abdul Fatah Al-Yunis (Al-Younis), who is from Benghazi (Bengasi) and oversees a branch of the special operations work in Libya, has resigned. Yunis is reported to be Qaddafi’s “number two” or second in charge, but this is incorrect. Abdullah Sanusi, the head of Libyan Internal Intelligence and Qaddafi’s relative through marriage, is the closest thing to a “number two” within the structure of power in Tripoli. The opposition in Libya isn't monolithic. Some social media networks, international news stations, etc. have promoted regime change in Libya. Silvio Berlisconi and the Italian government has supported Qaddafi's regime. Civil war and democracy are used as pretext for the West to attempt to stir the revolution in Libya into their direction.

By Timothy

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