Note by Me: Whether you agree or disagree with the information, this is great historical data.
By Timothy
Listening that demagogic Sharpton today
Fanon - 05/23/2011 - 14:35
He had Mellissa Perry on it. She supposedly wrote an article in the 'Nation' (the Nation counts for liberal only in to discredit Cornell West. When one Dr Watkins was on arguing that she atttempted to portray West as insufficient intellectually, Sharpton was on Dr Watkins saying West also attacked Obama personally so it is disingenuous for Watkins to defend West on Perry's diatribe against West. You see how stupid and devious Al-Sharpton is? It is Obama who got personal with West by confronting him at the Urban league. Obama snubbed West because he did not like the West's critique of his policies. Obama elevated this to a whole personal dimension. Did Obama ever respond to the load of crap about him from Glen Beck or Limbaugh? Obama actually said the Tea Party criticisms were healthful. But when it comes to West, I guess, it is not.
Bro Fanon Your Point is Well Taken...
Nixakliel - 05/23/2011 - 21:35
Obama feels free to chide & openly embarrass Cornell West [who apparently was personally hurt - which may explain his 'Come to Jesus' moment] & tell Harry Belafonte to 'Cut him Some Slack' while keeping them at arms length... as well as have that Rahm-bo guy call Obama's Progressive critics 'F--king Retards' & his Ex-Press Sec Gibbs call them 'Crazies who need to be drug tested'... But then Obama can go on FOX Noise after all that FOX hyped-up: Birther nonsense & calling him all kinds of ridiculous crap including borderline or out-right racist stuff [not just toward him but his wife & family too]... Glen{what the Heck}Beck calling him a 'Racist w a Deep Seated Hatred for white people' ... To which Obama responds by throwing Rev Wright & their Church, Van Jones, ACORN, & initially Shirley Sherrod to the FOXes & then goes on Bill OReily's show twice & slap-five & yuk it up like its all some damn joke... Now That's F-CKING DISGUSTING...
To the fellow who said 'Blame the White Power Structure [our real enemy] not Obama'. Guys w white-mind sets in black-face [IE: Obama, Sue & Condi Rice, Uncle Judge Thomas, AG Holder, Gen Powell, etc] ARE part of the white-power structure & have bought into it 'Hook Line & Stinker'... They aren't even trying to reform it or use their positions to truly do something for their people [or even working class / working poor people in general] - Let Alone Challenging that system... It is an apt comparison of Mr CIA [Skull duggery}& Bones Bush Sr's cynical pick of Uncle Judge Thomas to replace the late Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme court as equivalent to the Dims [an inherent part of the white-power structure poly-trickal system] clever pick of Obama for Pres - just more Subtle & Beguiling -&- thus more potentially DANGEROUS for US a PEOPLE. And we don't have to resort to indiscriminately hating on all white folks to critique the racist history of the white power-structure / white-might makes right mind-set. Even Malcolm X evolved past the 'All white folks all the Devil' [implying there are NO Black devils too] mindset once he left the NOI.
I second that
Brutal Truth - 05/24/2011 - 19:02
I second that, and I'll add to it that in addition to a march on Washington by some real African-American folks we also need to bring in poor and working class whites and latinos. Remember, Dr. King made the bourgeois power structure nervous when he was a civil rights leader for African-Americans. But he really scared the p___ out of them when he started talking about poverty regardless of race and bringing up the glaring problems with the underlying capitalist wage slavery social order, threatening to be a cross-cultural icon bringing along everybody in this country who isn't wealthy and has a conscience. His Poor Peoples Campaign he was planning for the summer of '68 was to be his crowning achievement. It's high time we picked up where the good doctor left off.
Can You Say Amen!!!
Afroseer - 05/20/2011 - 13:06
As usual, Bev, you have cut to the heart of the matter. NPR and PBS are the slickest propagandists on the block. Fox is like the KKK, you can see them coming and prepare for the onslaught of lies. NPR is like the current Admistration: master manipulators. Their audiences don't even know they have been bamboozled day in and day out.
I grew weary of NPR's manipulation in the early nineties, when I noticed a pattern of Euro-Americans speaking for themselves and everyone else being spoken for by Euro-Americans. I also detest their overreliance on Right Wing and Establishment think tank operatives for news and analysis. These are the groups that are the intellectual authors of the feudalisation of this country. Truth is, there is no news outlet that is consistently and adequately putting a human face and a human voice on the suffering, rage and bewilderment among ordinary people in this country and globally. There is a lot of theorizing, editorial commenting and speaking of the plight of ordinary people in the abstract. Their/our pain is reduced to statistics and sermonizing.
I and millions like me are waiting for a news outlet that integrates the voices of ordinary people into the news stream. That means we would have to listen to the voices of some dullards and shysters, but we would also hear the voices of the wise, the inspired and the brilliant.
Finally, I would like to turn to a news outlet that articulates a broad and positive vision for the future. It is not enough to criticize conditions as they exist, there must also be a set of suggestions, a roadmap that helps lead us to where we want to go.
This would be in the proud traditions of the Chicago Defender and the Pittsburgh Courier that spoke out forcefully against Euro-American mob violence and launched the precursor to the Civil Rights Movement with the Double V campaign during World War II (Victory at Home and Victory Abroad).
I think the sad truth is that
Brutal Truth - 05/25/2011 - 17:42
I think the sad truth is that most African-Americans don't want to figure out Obama. Or more accurately, they subconsciously know the truth about him, that he's just the friendly new face on the same old American class exploitation and imperialism, but they make a conscious effort to ignore this reality and instead try to pretend that he's just being hated on by the haters who are jealous and don't want to see the brother succeed. Because admitting the truth, that he's just another American president and not even a particularly well-disguised conservative at that, is just too d___ painful for many.