Thursday, May 26, 2011

Establishment Tea Party Diva Palin Announces East Coast Tour


Establishment Tea Party Diva Palin Announces East Coast Tour
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Kurt Nimmo
May 26, 2011
The Washington Post is reporting that former Alaskan governor and former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will embark on a whirlwind tour of the East Coast. The announcement has raised speculation that she will soon enter the political fray for the presidency.
“Starting this weekend, Sarah Palin will embark on a one-nation tour of historical sites that were key to the formation, survival and growth of the United States of America,” according to a statement from her political action committee. “The tour will originate in Washington, D.C., and proceed north up the East Coast. More information will follow.”
Palin’s handlers refused to confirm that the high profile tour represents a precursor to the exploration of a presidential campaign, according to the Post.
“It should be obvious by now that the Republicans plan to run Sarah Palin against Obama in 2012,” I wrote last year. “This will be a disaster for the Republicans because many Americans are not fooled by her sudden Tea Party plumage. Republicans are desperate to regain control of the White House and Congress and give us four or eight more years of Bush and his warmongering statist neocons. It is a shabby and absurdly transparent gimmick.”
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
The original Tea Party was founded by a group of former Libertarian Party members who criticized the party for its “abdication of political responsibilities,” declaring that “Americans deserve and desperately need a pro-freedom party that forcefully advocates libertarian solutions to the issues of today.” The Boston Tea Party opposed statism at all levels. “The Boston Tea Party supports reducing the size scope and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and opposes increasing the size, scope and power of government at any level, for any purpose.”
It didn’t take long for Republicans to subvert the idea. RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Sarah Palin, and Rep. Michele Bachmann from Minnesota have suggested the Tea Party should be rolled into the Republican Borg hive.
Following the accomplishment of this mission, Tea Party supporters were instructed to support the Republican Party platform.
In 2009, one of the founders of the original Tea Party, constitutionalist grass roots activist Chad Peace, said the movement was hijacked by “partisan political perverts” and establishment Republicans.
Following a coup by Glenn Beck and establishment Republicans, the corporate media announced Sarah Palin as the leader of the transformed movement. She will now lead the politically naïve out of the libertarian wilderness into the Republican camp.
In America, the corporate media has almost completely ignored this remarkable – and yet predictable – political transformation.
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Former US Congresswoman explained the process of Iranian television the other day. It is a sad commentary when Americans are obliged to venture outside of their country to get a media venue to speak the truth.
At five minutes into the following video, Ms. McKinney tells the truth about Sarah Palin and presidential politics in America.
For doing so, she has been labeled a traitor.