Friday, May 13, 2011

Liberties, Times, and the Rain

The Deficit hawks and the Tea Party crowd talk about inflation all the time. The deficit hawks believe that the money supply is increasing that is causing the devaluing of currency. Other people believe that we need more money in the economy to stimulate productivity. The FED’s monetary policy turns on it and so does Congressional budget policy. In 2009, inflation fears increased. This was because of the Fed policy of quantitative easing (or effective money printing). The inflationists or the deficit hawks believe that commodity prices shot up. The deflationists (or those who oppose deficit hawk belief systems) point to the housing market, which has collapsed and taken prices down with it. Prices of consumer products other than food and fuel were down. Wages were stagnant, so higher food and gas prices would mean people have less money to spend on consumer goods. The bubble in commodities according to the deflationists has been trigged by their fear of inflation. Commodities attract hot money or investment money racing from one hot investment to another. Money supply figures can deal with this controversy. Although, the FED quite reporting on M3 back in 2006. M3 was the largest measure of the money supply. M3 figures are still abilities. The Shadow Government Statistics or SGS found that the M3 values were stable, increased, decreased rapidly from 2008 to 2010, and from 2010 to now, M3 numbers slightly increased. So, overall U.S. money supply is shrinking even though the FED wants to inflate it with quantitative easing. Japan had doing quantitative easing for a decade and the U.S. is stilling fighting deflation (or the decrease of the value of money in the economy). M3 collapsing in 2008 dealt with the banking system like money market funds and repos. There is the non-bank system where large institutional investors have substantially more to deposit than $250,000 (the FDIC insurance limit) park their money overnight. The financial crisis was dealing with the panic where institutional investors and firms didn’t want to renew sale and repurchase agreements (repo) short term, collateralized agreements that the FED rightly used to count as money. Firms sold assets in the panic. This reduced bond prices and caused losses. So, credit and lending must occur among traditional banks and the local economy in order for the economy to grow or develop. Public debt can fill the void when private debt falls down. Public debt is not the same as household debt, which debtors must pay off or face bankruptcy. The U.S. federal debt has not been paid off since 1835. Indeed, it has grown continuously since then -- and the economy has grown and flourished along with it. Congress not the FED has the policy to issue currency to help the economy. This is why economic populists to have debt free money to prevent the demands of private creditors, including austerity measures and privatization of public assets. Far from inflation being the problem, the money supply has shrunk and we are in a deflationary bind. The money supply needs to be pumped back up to generate jobs and productivity; and in the system we have today, that is done by issuing bonds and using credit to build our nation up.

The government wants to monitor school lunches with cameras. Numerous schools in San Antonio are being provided with government grants in order to install surveillance equipment in cafeterias as part of a government funded project to monitor every morsel of food that children eat. This action is claimed to find ways to reduce obesity and improve eating habits. Small cameras are programmed to take pictures of lunch trays before and after each student get the trays. The child is uniquely identified via a barcode attached to the tray. How many calories and nutrients that each child has consumed are then calculated via a database having 7,500 different varieties of food. The whole project is being funded by an U.S. Department of Agriculture grant to the tune of $2 million. “We’re trying to be as passive as possible. The kids know they’re being monitored,” Dr. Roger Echon told the Associated Press. Echon, who works for the San Antonio-based Social & Health Research Center, is building the food-recognition program. The aim of the study according to researchers wants to study foods that children are likely to choose and how much they’re eating. They want to see what is influencing parents to alter their child’s eating habits at home. The principals of the 5 schools involved described by researchers as “poor minority campuses” told the AP that 90% of the parents agreed to allow their children to be monitored (adding that h3e thinks that those who have resisted don’t understand the project). The principal Mark Davis wants to track human beings. This is another example of the nanny state that violates human civil liberties. It’s wrong to place barcodes on kids like rats in the lab and database everything that they eat in order to promote healthy eating. The school can easily service healthily foods free form additives and preservatives. This isn’t the vision for the control freak society. People don’t need to ration children calorie intake, place fines to parents about their children’s eating habits (that don’t match to a balanced diet). Chicago schools last month have banned parents from giving their children packed lunches. This forced kids to eat in the cafeteria in order to protect students from the potential for “unhealthy homemade lunches.” Long, the government tried to use various means to control students. A Mississippi state judge ordered that state officials father the names of every single child being home schooled in the state in order that they be kept on a watch list. Mayor Bloomberg is forced food manufacturers in New York to reduce salt content in food under the National Salt Reduction Initiative. This occurred when they are spending 25 million dollars on a program to fluoridate the water supply with toxic waste or sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride has been found to lowering human IQ, cancers harming the human teeth, bones, the brain, and the thyroid gland. There are dangerous food additives like aspartame and MSG, which are far deadlier than salt. There huge regulations are done by programs and organizations. Wiffle ball, dodge ball, kick ball, freeze tag, red rover, frisbee tossing and tug of war have all been placed under the new rules. If an organization offers two or more recreational activities, with just one being on the “risky” list, it is deemed to be a summer camp and comes under state regulation which entails fees and the necessity to provide medical staff. “Classics like Capture the Flag, Steal the Bacon and Red Rover are also deemed dangerous in new state regulations for day camps,” reports the New York Daily News. This is all part of the process of the state replacing the parents as guardians of the children and it is designed to ensure that kids become nothing more than drug-addled, dependent people to society. In Philadelphia, a school district found that some use concealed cameras within machines to spy on students and their parents without their knowledge or consent. The UK have surveillance cameras inside the private homes of citizens to make sure that children go to be on time, attend school, and eat proper meals. So, we should reject a nanny state. Google wants to run things in our homes as well. I do believe in real regulations and governmental services to help human beings. I don’t believe that the government should control every aspect of our lives though. We don’t need to be enslaved, we should embrace our individuality, and we ought to always oppose oppression in any shape or form. I like my personal freedom and I will fight to defend it.

There are even new research coming out about the life stories from Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King. Each man was converging in their ideological belief system. Malcolm X was before more progressive and Dr. King was becoming more radical. Malcolm X before he died became more progressive. He disagreed with the current economic system in America. He criticized the Vietnam War as exploitative and evil. He even wanted to work with other civil rights organizations in order to promote some sense of voting rights and human rights for black Americans. Malcolm X was the first mass leader in America to oppose the war in Vietnam and viewed the oppression of African Americans in the USA as the same as the struggles of other oppressed people in the world. Fundamentally, we still have mental colonialism in America. He could have led anti-Vietnam War demonstrations in America. In 1962, Malcolm X supported labor rights for Hospital Workers Local 1199 in NYC during 1962. The Western imperialism against Cuba and Vietnam (along with the West’s attacks in that nation) was about a social struggle for human rights. Malcolm X worked with revolutionaries in order to bring up charges against the U.S. government for its unjust, horrendous treatment against blacks of African descent in America. The CIA wanted to find out about the foreign travels of Malcolm X. This is why the FBI, the CIA, and the New York Police Bureau of Special Services (BOSSI) to monitor Malcolm X. Karl Evanzz wrote his book called “The Judas Factor” to expose this reality. FBI leader William C. Sullivan worked with the directors of BOSSI to infiltrate the Afro-American Organization for Unity organization. The FBI and the CIA didn’t like the success of Malcolm X linking the struggle of African Americans with the national liberation struggles in Africa all over the Third World. Evanzz found out there was a special meeting scheduled for March 3, 1965. Ahmed Ben Bella, the leader of the Algerian Revolution, had invited Malcolm X — along with Che Guevara and other leaders of independence movements—to a special conference in Bandung scheduled to begin on March 3, 1965. Malcolm X had also been able to get Ethiopia and Liberia to include human rights violations against African Americans with their petition on South African human rights violations before the International Court of Justice at The Hague. The petition was scheduled to be heard on March 12, 1965. Evanzz found evidence that Dr. King would support Malcolm X’s efforts to bring the struggle of human rights before the United Nations and identity with the human rights of the peoples of Africa. Malcolm X died before the Bandung conference could take place (a week and a half after February 21, 1965). Evanzz provides circumstantial evidence that John Ali, a former friend of Malcolm X who became a national secretary of the NOI, was more than likely an FBI agent/informer and hence the Judas Factor. In fact, Evanzz provides quotes from Malcolm X to Lomax indicating that Malcolm X blamed John Ali for his expulsion from the Nation. The FBI tried to neutralize King via COINTELPRO and other programs. Dr. King exposed the current economic system as paralyzing the poor in America. The FBI monitored Dr. King all of the time. Dr. King wanted the economic nightmare to end or that poverty should end amidst prosperity among the rich. He opposed the war in Vietnam. In his last letter, requesting support for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1968, he wrote: “It was obdurate government callousness to misery that first stoked the flames of rage and frustration. With unemployment a scourge in Negro ghettos, the government still tinkers with half-hearted measures, refuses still to become an employer of last resort. It asks the business community to solve the problems as though its past failures qualified it for success.” So, Dr. Martin King wanted to have an annual minimum and livable income for every American family. He wanted to end poverty as we know it. Since poverty is big business literally, the corporate power structure didn’t like Dr. King’s new stance for social equality. If the anti-war movement, the labor movement, and the civil rights movement united to make solutions, then we would see a new level of social reform. We should build our ideas based on the authentic principles from Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King in order to fight for real justice.

The Planned Parenthood clinic is opening inside of a L.A. High School campus. Mara Weiner-Macario was the Planned Parenthood LA Community educator. People know about Planned Parenthood before. Its founder Margaret Sanger was in good standing with the racist American Eugenics Society. Sanger had board members in her early PP group that had bigoted writings (Sanger published many of those people’s works in her publications). She wanted parents to have a license to conceive children. In Margaret Sanger’s, “Birth Control and Racial Betterment,” Feb 1919 from the Birth Control Review, Library of Congress Microfilm 131:0099B. Sanger states, “Before eugenics and others who are laboring for racial betterment can succeed, they must first clear the way for Birth Control. Like the advocates of Birth Control, the eugenicists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit. Both are seeking a single end but they lay emphasis upon different methods…” Eugenics is the evil assumption that inferior humans exist, therefore culling or even killing certain human beings is a rational approach to develop a more “genetically strong” human race. Planned Parenthood used contraception and birth control not as altrusitic solution, but slick means to endorse eugenics and population control (against minorities, the poor, Eastern Europeans, and other humans). She wanted national sterilization and hated charity. Sanger spoke in a Klan meeting as well. The eugenics links to Planned Parenthood are extensive. Planned Parenthood invited the Director of the American Eugenics Society to speak at its luncheon. Robert C. Cook was invited to speak at the meeting. Professor Henry P. Fairchild was the former Past President of the American Eugenics Society was also a Vice President of Planned Parenthood. Vice Chairman of the American Birth Control League brags that birth control was accepted by the “most distinguished” of the Eugenics Society. Sanger even in 1947 didn’t even want women to have babies. Margaret Sanger helped Bermuda set up birth control clinics when they discovered there was a huge increase in the Black Population. In 1962, Vice President of the American Eugenics Society at the time, Dr. Alan Guttmacher wants abortion laws patterned after Sweden and other nations. One reason they list to allow abortions is to promote eugenics.  Also Guttmacher at this point says he does NOT BELIEVE that abortion should be left up to the patient or their doctor, rather it should be up to “Special Board” to approve the abortion. (Eugenic Board, perhaps?). Now, Malcolm Potts (or the first medical director of the eugenics founded International Planned Parenthood Federation). Potts was so pro-abortion that he wanted to use abortion as a means to control human fertility. Potts admitted in 2011 that he wants African countries to see a decline in their population in a higher rate. The reality is that just because populations grow, doesn’t mean that disease or negative outcomes will come in a populace.

The Secret Arcana site made an excellent dissertation on the Sirius connection to the occult and the parameters of human history.
Sirius has been called the Dog Star. It has been a part of the occult world for thousands of years. It’s one of the brightest stars in the solar system. The Canis Major constellation is the location of Sirius. Sirius is in high during the summer time. To the Mysteries, Sirius has the light even in some instances beyond the light of the sun. To the Occultists, Sirius is the real light shining in the East (in the spiritual world), whereas the sun lights in the physical world (this belief is found in ancient Egyptians by their own priests). The Dog star to the Egyptians was connected to Anubis. The dog days of summer comes in the days of July and August (or when Sirius is high in the sky just before the annual flooding of the Nile during the summer). The Chinese and Japanese in astronomy view Sirius as the celestial wolf. Even Native American tribes of North America called the star in canine terms. The Native American Seri and Tohono O’odham tribes of the southwest describe the Sirius as a “dog that follows mountain sheep”, while the Blackfoot call it “Dog-face”. The Cherokee paired Sirius with Antares as a dog-star guardian of the “Path of Souls”. The Wolf (Skidi) tribe of Nebraska knew it as the “Wolf Star”, while other branches of knew it as the “Coyote Star”. Further north, the Alaskan Inuit of the Bering Strait called it “Moon Dog.” The Mali Dogon tribe is said to believe in a mystical connection between Sirius and humanity. They knew about Sirius and other scientific information. Occultists back then believe that a being or beings from Sirius traveled into Earth to give humans knowledge and other tidbits about civilization. Even today, secret societies give Sirius great value like Freemasons, The Golden Dawn, the Rosicrucians, etc. Sirius is shown as the star. To Masons, Sirius is the Blazing Star. The Masonic author William Hutchinson wrote about Sirius: “It is the first and most exalted object that demands our attention in the Lodge.” Sirius to Masons is a symbol of the deity that they worship in omnipresence and omniscience.

By Timothy

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